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A List Of Plots | Finding Long Term Partners


(I made another thread because my first thread is full of messy BBcodes. I used my Ipad and I'm too lazy to attach fonts and other minor codes here so it's quite plain.)

Hello everyone! Before I proceed, I do not want to waste anyone's time so if you're a person who is too busy and usually tends to reply for months or leaves a player hanging without any message or warning, then please don't read this long thread. I am finding long term partners who can reply at least once per week and a person who would not leave me hanging on the air and is interested on finishing the roleplay. Speaking of roleplay, the following are my plots on the four genres:



A Princess' Tale
A world before Earth existed exists. It was a world very different from ours, but it was broken unlike ours. Chrysalis is a world hidden from humans. It is the home of the people with extraordinary abilities and the home of extraordinary creatures. The citizens of Chrysalis are grouped into four based on their abilities: Kaia (water), Aura (wind), Ember (fire), and Terra (earth). Chrysalis is ruled by a monarchy with a unique bloodline; the Celest. They can control the four main ability and a new element: Light. Though the ability to control Light is only inherited by one person in the bloodline and that person usually becomes the next King or Queen of the kingdom. Their origin is unknown but the citizens of Chrysalis learned to adore and respect the family. Together, they lived in harmony, peace and helped each other protect their land from threats and make it prosper.

But the peace of Chrysalis didn't last long. A young girl, Agana, from the Celest bloodline, had always wanted power. She wanted to be look upon to. She thought she would inherit the Celest ability since her mother inherited it but instead of her, her cousin instead inherited it. Blinded by power, the darkness claimed her. It made her stronger, immortal, very powerful, but it didn't make the citizens of Chrysalis love her but hate her. Agana became heartless and merciless. She destroyed Chrysalis; the kingdom that was once filled with color and happiness was now a heap of black ashes.

Agana thought it was done, that she will finally have Chrysalis, and soon the ignorant world of magic. But it was not. At least not yet. The last Celest Queen bore her last child in the middle of the war. Prophesied to reign and bring greatness to the world-- both Chrysalis and Earth. Along her was four destined child, each representing their elemental group to help the Queen. To protect her, she was sent to Earth, and there, lived a normal human life for 18 years.

1534, England

Adeline lived as a servant; orphan and alone. But not until Stephan, her older brother, found her, along with the other destined children: Isabelle (wind), Charles (water), Katerina (fire) and Oliver (earth), whom she loved and cherished dearly. They all helped each other and returned to Chrysalis to finally fulfill their mission. Adeline was a very intelligent young lady despite the lack of her (human) education. She was very different from the other queens; she was able to see the future. And she knew she wouldn't able to kill Agana. She indeed reigned and brought greatness to the world but not kill Agana. It was not her mission. Though she kept it a secret from all of them but Stephan. Before the Great War, she wrote a prophecy of what will happen in the next 481 years. She let Stephan keep the book and entrusted him with a great mission in exchange for immortality. Stephan gratefully accepted the mission. The next day, Adeline along with the four others battled with Agana. Like what she envisioned, they failed on killing her and died. Though it was painful, she knew it was not the time yet because she will come back--- they will come back.

2015, Florida

Five different schools had a field trip on a zoo in the outskirts of Florida. As dusk approached, one student from each school found themselves lost in the forest. As the night fell, they found each other and discovered a huge, old mansion in the middle of the forest. Curious and desperate for help, the five enters the house. Little did they know, their little, peaceful human life is about to change.


After 481 years, Adeline, Isabelle, Charles, Katerina and Oliver comes back with new identity, new names, new life but as humans, after failing to kill Agana. They don't recognize each other or know anything about their past life or even magic. As they enter the odd house, their mission begins.

Will they make the same mistake? Or will they finally accomplish their mission and bring back Chrysalis?
A Vampire's Love
These have the same motives and characters (both are vampires) but different plots.

He is a vampire that has lived since the Vikings. Around the 1500s, he fell in love to a human. Unfortunately, the human he loved died as she sacrificed herself to the vampire hunters who hunted him, along with the momarch. Since then, he laid low and lived faraway from humans. He vowed not to fell in love again as he was still very traumatize about what happened.


One day, a young lady gets lost in a forest and discovers a house in the middle of the said forest. At first, he, the vampire and the owner of the house, thought she was the human he loved back then as both girls holds an uncanny resemblance but he realized they were both different, especially their personalities. Later on, he decided it's nothing until he finds out that he is drawn to her and so did she.


She have been alive around the 1200s. A young, human, innocent Isabelle deeply loved a human boy. She cherished him so much more than her life and so did he. Unfortunately, a vampire killed the human boy. Isabelle was devastated and furious. But what can she do against a vampire? She seduced the vampire that killed the human boy, she made him turn her into a vampire. And then she killed him, it almost cost her life, but it was worth it.

Isabelle then went across the world to find a witch and she successfully did. She let the witch perform a spell on the human boy's body where he would be reincarnated. However, as a consequence, he would forget her and everything that happened on his past life and would live a very different life. It will also take a lot of years or even centuries for him to live in this world again. Despite these, Isabelle still agreed. After all, she have forever to wait.


After centuries, the boy has been reincarnated. Isabelle successfully found the boy, and coincidentally, he lives on the town where she grew up. Isabelle visits him, and as expected, he doesn't remember anything and is very different from the boy she fell in love with. The boy hates her but Isabelle won't let her hardwork go to nothing and she will do anything to make him hers again.
Destined Ones
The Hale bloodline is a bloodline of witches. Centuries ago, two witches fell in love on a mere human boy. A Hale witch and a Sermont witch. The two covens were very close back then but became rivals, until now.

The girls tried to win his heart, but as they said, there is only one winner. The human boy chose the Hale witch. They both loved and cherished each other while the Sermont witch was left alone. She was jealous, furious and heart-broken. She promised for vengeance.

The Sermont witch laid low for a couple of years and made herself stronger. When she was strong enough, she put a curse on the three of them, her, the Hale witch and the human boy. She cursed that once they all die, an exact copy of them from each of their bloodlines (the Hale bloodline, the Sermont bloodline and the human boy's bloodline) would be born. The three would find themselves, the story repeats and in the end, the Sermont witch would be powerful and kill all of them (including her to repeat the curse.) And then it repeats and repeats until the cursed Hale witch would be able to kill the Sermont witch.

To start the curse, the Sermont witch killed the Hale witch and the human boy on their wedding day, and in the end, also killed herself. It may sound very childish but it is not. This curse breaks every Hale witch's heart destined to love the human boy again and again, letting them feel how heart-broken the Sermont witch was.

No Hale witch ever killed the Sermont and thus, the curse still continues until today.


Mary, the destined Hale witch, enters this school that they are suspecting where one of the destined ones is studying; she and her coven have been finding the destined Sermont witch and the destined human boy. Mary meets the two of them. She promises not to fall in love on the destined boy and to kill the Sermont witch to end the curse once and for all.

But as they said, never promise a promise that you can’t keep.
A Mermaid's Tail
Mermaids may have beautiful appearance and compelling voices but they are not the only one who can be compelled. Humans may easy to compel but they are not the only one who can be fooled.

After she went to the surface and save a human boy, the King of Oceania banished her onto the land as punishment for breaking the law. She needs to survive as a human for a month. With the help of the magical necklace given to her, she becomes a human and lives like a human. As what humans in her age do, she attends this school, not far-away from sea that was once her home. But she meets the boy she saved. She tries to stay away from him but this only sparks curiosity from the boy and as genius as he is, he tries to find out her secret.
Kryptose Academy: Fallen Angels
Why would a mere human get accepted on a school available for people with special abilities?

Thalia have gotten interest after being enrolled in Kryptose Academy. Yes, it was normal being enrolled on a school but not when you're human and the school you are enrolled in is a school for people with special abilities. Thalia has been the topic of the school's gossips but she seems unaffected. None is really known about her and is a very mysterious student.

As she continues to attend Kryptose Academy, she meets the famous Cassiel twins, the black and white winged twin angels. The twins are fraternal and doesn't get along. Thalia befriends them and tries to put the brothers close. But as the three spends more time with each other, they found themselves falling in love with each other. The brothers starts to fall in love on Thalia which makes their bickering worse as they try to make their way in her heart while Thalia is confused as she falls in love on the both of them.

Who would Thalia choose? And who really is Thalia?
Immortals: Havensworth
Karolina had a traumatic childhood. She never knew her real parents but there were kind hearted couples that adopted her. But every time she gets adopted, her foster parents always die on their sleep. She have been transferring to different families and they always end up dead in their sleep. Of course this information was hidden by the foster care so that she can still be adopted, putting the fact aside that the foster care also gets paid every time she gets adopted. This went on and on until she grew up. No one ever knew what's the exact reason why it always happen.

When she reached eighteen, she left the foster care and decided to live by her own. She wanted to live a new life in a new place so she went to Havensworth, an unpopular, simple town. She enrolls herself on the town's school. But when she stepped foot on the school, her life changed, and the new life she expected was very far from it.


Karolina meets a girl that looks like her, her alleged twin, Katerina. Along with their friends, Claire, Uriel and Ryss, they all go to a rollercoaster adventure to find out the secrets buried and deeply forgotten
Escapade of Love
SHE is the soon-to-be queen of an extraordinary world where magic exists. But in her world, everyone hates the humans for no exact reason. No humans have visited their world; no humans have ever known they existed; no humans did something harmful to them but for some reason, they hate humans. No, it was not superiority but hate. But she is one of the exceptions-- she doesn't hate them but is rather intrigued and interested. She loves reading and studying about humans and learning about their world. They are interesting for her, and she never understood why her subjects hates them.

One night, on her coronation day, a trusted, close wizard of hers gave her a boon. She used it to grant her long time wish, to finally visit the human world. The wizard granted her wish but there were quite few limitations:

First, she needs to hide her magic. If she wouldn't and the humans discover it, it may lead to a war and worse case scenario, both worlds would cease to exist.

Second, she only have one month to explore the interesting world of the humans. After one month, the sun and the moon would merge together in the sky, it will be a very special day for the humans and so will be for the people like her. A portal will be opened leading to both worlds, if she wouldn't get in time, the portal will be closed and she would be stuck forever in the human world. And there might be a case that everyone in the kingdom might know her sudden disappearance and use this event to go into the human world which may cause war between the two worlds.

Three, be careful; guard your heart.

As she started her adventure, she meets a gangster, a celebrity and the crowned Prince of England. She starts getting close to the three boys. The three boys found themselves falling in love to her, and so did she. But she needs to stop herself, her world and the human world and everyone's lives depends on her.

What will she choose? Her own happiness and wish? Or others' happiness and lives?
Engaged to a Devil
Our 18th birthdays are one of the memories that always sticks to us wherever, whenever we go. But for her? She wished she can forget that horrible memory.

At a young age, she lost her mother in a sudden attack. Her mother was killed in front of her by an unknown killer but, it was not an ordinary killer. It was something big, powerful, something inhumane. But no one believed her and she didn't believe herself either. Her father sent her to different psychologists to move on and forget the bad memory. As the years passed by, she forgot and moved on from her mother's death, and so did his father as he married a new woman.

She had a new mother and a new sister - stepsister. At the first year after her father's marriage, her stepmother was kind and good to her but as the years passed, that kindness was replaced by ruthlessness and cruelty. And like they said, mother like daughter, her daughter was also the same. They treated her as a maid in her own home when her father's not present. She endured every word they threw at her, every command they ordered, every lie they said to her father until her 18th birthday.

But what she thought would her be long awaited freedom was instead a long awaited prison.


Her mother, Clarissa, was the daughter of Lucifer, the heir of Hell, or what they prefer to be called, Underworld. Clarissa is the heir to reign in the Underworld and soon, the Mortal world after they destroy it. However, she was tainted with the light on her stay in the Mortal world. She did not come back to the Underworld and hid in the mortal world for a lot of years until she met and fell in love with a human boy (her father). They both loved each other. They decided to get married and eventually, SHE was born. Clarissa knew the risk of her being killed for running away and her daughter being stolen or, worse case scenario, being killed. That's why they lived away from the city and on the mountains and protected HER. But unfortunately, the day came and she Clarissa got killed.

SHE is a very unique combination; dark blood runs in her veins and so did light blood, making her a threat and also at the same time, makes her very useful to take down the Mortal world as she possess a very powerful power. As SHE became eighteen, a portal leading to the Mortal world appeared in the Underworld as the next heir lives in the Mortal world. Devils and other nasty creatures started to escape and attack the Mortal world. The Prince of the Underworld went to the Mortal world. He is betrothed to the next heir of the Underworld like his father who was supposed to be betrothed to Clarissa if she have stayed in the Underworld. He searches for HER and does everything to make her his and conquer and destroy the Mortal world.
A prophecy said that once the lightness and the darkness merge, it would cause the end of the world.

One day, twin girls was born into the world in the kingdom of Dara. One represents the light and one represents the darkness. Due to the prophecy, the King and Queen decided to seperate them. The girl who represented the lightness stayed with her parents and became the kingdom's Princess while the girl who represented the darkness was sent to live on the forest, away from her sister. Both girls grew up with the same kind heart and ignorance of their fate and ability.

The prince, who was bethrothed to the princess, went to a province to provide service to the citizens. One night, he saw the girl who represented the darkness and mistook her as the princess. He told this encounter to the princess when he came back at the court. The princess told him the girl was not her and was probably imagining it. The prince, to prove what he said, persuaded the princess to come with him and go to the province again. The princess was never allowed to go outside the court nor to meet strangers, even their closest allies and nobles, so her identity was a very deep secret to the others. The prince succeeded on persuading her and that night, they sneaked out.

The prince guided the princess to where he saw the other girl. They found themselves on the forest and saw a cottage, where the other girl lives. The two girls meet, however, they both fell into a deep slumber. As the prophecy predicted, it will cause the end of the world as once they fell into their deep slumber, it awakened a powerful witch that was also in a deep slumber. A powerful witch who wears the same face as theirs since they descended from her. A powerful witch who would cause destruction and end of the humans, fey and witches, who co-exist with them with their identities hidden from the humans.

(This roleplay is very heavy plotted and the background story impacts the roleplay so if you're interested in this roleplay, message me and I'll tell you the whole plot and background story you need to know.)


The First Original: Freya Mikaelson
- This plot was made before Julie Plec announced Freya Mikaelson's appearance on the show. This plot is not connected or related to anything currently happening on the show.

They all thought she was dead but they are wrong. The first original, the first Mikaelson, is coming back.

Little Freya was a payment to Aunt Dahlia so that her mother, Esther, can conceive. Little Freya was very young when Aunt Dahlia took her away. But when their youngest, step-sister Sonya who grew up very distant to the other two sisters, knew about Freya, she just couldn't let it pass. She knew Dahlia practiced witchcraft, which she was against at. And the thought of Dahlia using witchcraft on dear little Freya already haunts her. So, she decided to save Freya on such faith. She stealthily stole Freya one night and adopted her as her own.

Since then, she became Freya's mother and father. Sonya took care of her like she was her own daughter but as Freya grew up, her witch side started to surface. Freya cannot control it due to her lack of knowledge about witchcraft. Sonya taught her the basics she knew but it didn't help Freya and instead, Freya only got powerful and out of hand as the day passed. Sonya asked help to her friend that is also a witch, a witch who uses her ability for the good side unlike Dahlia. Sonya's witch friend gladly helped Freya control her ability and how to use her ability in a good way.

When Freya reached at the age of 15, Sonya told her the truth - her original family, her mother, Aunt Dahlia, everything. At the age of 16, Sonya let Freya go and find her family. Freya found them in what is now the town of Mystic Falls. However, she just didn’t barge in but stayed under the shadows and watched them. She saw everything, how her dear little brother Henry died, how her father was on rage after hearing his son just died, how her mother made the potions that would turn them into vampires.

Esther made 7 potions for them to drink. Stealthily, Freya stole one, stealing Esther’s potion and leaving her still a witch. Freya became a vampire like the others but her witch ability still stayed with her. This was because Esther’s bloodline has a strong influence of witchcraft. And as the first daughter, she have much more influence unlike her siblings, and she already used her magic that’s why the potion failed to fight the magic in her blood and instead merged with it, making her both vampire and a witch - a hybrid.

She silently watched them from far away as they became monsters and as they slowly crumpled. When the siblings made their journey, she followed them closely. She watched as Niklaus tried to make himself a hybrid. She watched as they found Katherine. She watched as Elijah slowly fell in love with Katherine. She watched as they tried to kill Katherine. When Katherine became a vampire, Freya offered to help her which Katherine gladly took. Freya kept Katherine under the radar from her siblings and still continued to watch them, everywhere they go.

Now, she decided to come out from the shadows she have been hiding for centuries, to finally meet her siblings, to be finally acknowledged. What would be her sibling’s reaction?
She's Back
- This plot was made after Liz's death. This plot is not connected to any happenings currently going on on the show. This is a The Vampire Diaries and The Originals crossover. But anyone that have watched TVD S2-S4 can roleplay this since it's Klaroline related.

After her mother's death and Stefan's rejection, Caroline decided to take a break. And by what she mean take a break, going away from Mystic Falls. She wants time alone to get over the things that had happened to her since she became a vampire and move on and live at least a couple of months of happy and free life without any vampire, magical problems following her and worrying her everyday and night.

Everyone was disheartened by Caroline's decision but they respected it anyway. As she waved goodbye to her friends who helped her and comforted her she wondered where she would go. Wondered where could she go and have a free, happy life without any vampire problems. Well she had an idea - New Orleans. She knew Klaus loves her and that he's a vampire -- a hybrid exactly. She doesn't really felt anything for him. Well, only a little, a teeny, tiny bit but maybe she can work on that. And she doesn't care if he's a vampire, she was sure he'll get her to forget everything she experienced and give her a normal, love-life related problems.

As she step foot in New Orleans, she realized that nothing can ever keep her away from vampires and magic.
The Descendants
- This roleplay is based on Silas and Amara's love story. It lacks a lot so I'm expecting help!

A long time ago in ancient Rome, one girl and one boy who was both born with an ability that is superior than the others fell in love and belonged to each other. But everyone opposed them-- hunted them because they are different -- because they are a threat. What would happen to them?
The Petrova Triplets
- This plot is no way connected to the current happenings on the show.

300 B.C ago, three sisters lived happily in a simple hut, Amara, Katerina and Elena. But unfortunately, a fire started and crumpled their house, along with Amara's two little twin sisters, Katerina and Elena. Heart-broken and desperate, Amara asked a witch to bring back her sisters, even though necromancy is not allowed. The witch, Qetsiyah, agreed however, she can't just reincarnate Amara's sisters but, Amara needs to go by herself to the future where her sisters are and bring them back. Amara agrees as she'll do anything just for the three of them to be together again. With the help of Qetsiyah, she travels to the future for a limited time. Amara doesn't know exactly but Qetsiyah's warning is that she needs to go back, with or without her sisters once a portal opens. When she does not, she will be killed.

2012, Mystic Falls.

Amara meets Katherine (Katerina) and Elena, but they were different. Katherine was no longer that intelligent, caring, sweet child. She was intelligent, yes but a vampire. She loves violence and is hungry for blood shed (Pun intended). Elena was no longer that clumsy, innocent child. She was intimidating, and strong and fights for anything she wants.

What would happen to Amara? Will she succeed in bringing her sisters back? Or will she get killed?
The Bloodlines
Years have passed. Elena has just woken up from her deep sleep as Bonnie just died, Damon is still alive, Stefan and Caroline are lovey dovey and of course, happy. As they started to live a peaceful life, a new problem comes again. They discover that a new doppelganger of Elena and Stefan was born again. Elena actually have a stepsister from Isobel and Alaric and Sarah left children. The granddaughter of Elena's step sister and Sarah's grandson is the new doppelgangers and the both of them are currently on their way on meeting each other. Meanwhile, witches, werewolves and vampires are also on the way to kill the two doppelgangers and exploit them. Elena, Caroline, Damon and Stefan are confused whether to kill the new doppelgangers or help them but what they are sure of is, they'll definitely want to meet with these doppelgangers.


The Hybrid
Year 2368, the three powerful creatures in this world: the vampires, the werewolves and the witches, have risen and reigned the world. All clans, packs and covens have gathered, helped each other and have wiped out almost all humans, leaving more than 300,000 alive but less than 500,000.

After the World Invasion, the three creatures separated their ways and captured continents to make their own kingdom. The witches captured North America and South America, the werewolves captured Africa and Europe and the vampires captured Asia, leaving Australia the home of the humans who survived. They cannot really kill all the humans for they are the only source of food (blood) for the vampires (they can't drink a werewolf's or a witch's blood though they can always drink blood from animals but it doesn't really make them stronger like the human's blood did, the animal's blood just prevents them from getting hungry for a day), the werewolves' slaves and the witches' source of spices for their spells.

However, conquering continents are not their only goal, but to rule the whole world, defeat the other creatures. After years of rebuilding and training, they hated each other again, as if they didn't help each other oust the humans-- but it was always like that, since they started to lived in this world years ago. It was clear that a war between them is already starting.

Even though the three creatures had already started the war, it didn't do anything to prevent of the love that grew between a royal vampire woman, the heiress and the only daughter of the King of the vampires, and a werewolf who trained his whole life to kill vampires and witches.

It is very, very prohibited for a vampire, a werewolf or a witch to have a relationship with another creature. It can be punishable by death. But nevertheless, they still loved each other. They always see each other secretly, they also hid their relationship from everyone; they were happy until the woman got pregnant. Having a relationship with another creature is punishable by death but being pregnant with another creature? There is no law about it for hybrids of two different kinds cannot survive and the mother and the child will die, in a span of a month.

Because of this, the woman left the vampire kingdom secretly and went to New Zealand with her werewolf lover. They spent weeks there, spending the last moments of her life.The last week came but suddenly, dozens of witches invaded their house and captured the woman-- they have found out.With the magic of the witches, they prevented the woman and the child to die; the child was successfully delivered in the world, a girl. The witches actually already knew their relationship and when the woman became pregnant, they made a plan.

Ever since then, the witches were the calmest, the wisest and the peacemakers among the three kinds so there is no doubt that the witches are finding a way to make peace with the other kinds and stop the war. To do this, they need a powerful weapon and when they found out that the woman got pregnant, they exactly have founded the right weapon. Using their magic, they protected the mother and the child; because of the magic, the child inherited their magic and became a witch, not only a witch but also a vampire and a werewolf-- a hybrid. They have made a very powerful creature, powerful than any other creature in the world,and a weapon, a weapon that can be an instrument to make everyone one, and also a weapon that can destroy everyone.

After two weeks, the two other kinds found out about the baby. It was a very big revelation and everyone broke out and started finding them, the couple and the baby. Because of this, the couple was forced to flee from one place to another to protect the baby from the threats. Of course the witches knew this would happen so they secretly marked the baby when she was born, a mark that when someone tries to lay a hand on her, they will die instead. It was like the Mark of Cain but there was no curse and she was no wanderer.

After years of protecting her, her parents got killed, leaving her in her own in the age of 15. She started practicing to become a skilled vampire, werewolf and a witch. She became powerful and powerful as the days pass by.


As each of the kingdom is still hunting her, she's always on the run. One night, she encounters a vampire who was in exile for betraying his clan. At first, she was reluctant to trust him. Meanwhile, he shows her she can trust him by helping her. Together, they both go to an adventure to discover the secrets of her parents' identity and to put an end on the war.
Past, Present, Future
England, 1634

In a fictional kingdom in England, there was a princess whom he loved so much. The princess also loved him so much. But the laws prevents them from loving each other unless he wants to be decapitated. She was betrothed to the throne and to a future king of another kingdom meanwhile he was just a mere servant in the castle whose Father is a scientist (that the kingdom doesn't know). But their love to each other was so deep that they are willing to risk their lives. They decided to see in secret in the forest every night.

They went like that for one year until one night, the prince that the princess was suppose to marry found them. The kingdom, especially the King, was in uproar. They tried to run away but the castle guards hunted him - them. When she saw a castle guard let an arrow fly towards him, she used herself to block it, ending on her death on his arms. He was very devastated. The King ordered him to leave the kingdom instead of killing him in respect of her daughter's death. But instead of going away, he asked for his Father's help to see her. Luckily, his father was experimenting on a time machine that can visit the future but only a limited time. He suggests to try it and his Father approves after a lot of persuasion.

New York, 2015

He can only stay in the future for 1 month to find her. Though he can't bring her with him when he goes back as it will destroy history. As he tries to live in the foreign world and at the same time find her, he meets a geeky, nerdy girl who helps him find her.


Tangled Romance
Who would have thought the boy she hated so much would be the reason her life would become a spiral of problems?

Character A was just a plain, boring teenager until Character B came. They both hated each other but they always get paired on everything, group projects, assignments, pairings. They quarreled like cats and dogs until Character A find out she was slowly falling in love. But her ego was too big so she continued to act as if she was not drooling and melting into a puddle when Character B talks to her. When Character A decided to tell her feelings, it was already too late.

Character C enrolls at the school, Character B’s childhood best friend and his long time crush. She was beautiful and intimidating, she’s the girl everyone loves. And unfortunately, that includes Character B. When Character C found out that Character A have feelings for Character B, Character C decided to seduce Character B, letting him think Character C have feelings for him when in reality, Character C is just playing with him. Character B and Character C starts to date. Character A is heart-broken and decides to avoid Character B.

Christmas break came, Character A is still very heart-broken and blames herself for being stupid and for letting her ego reign instead of following her heart's desire. As she continued to blame herself, she meets Character D. Character A becomes friends with Character D. They chat and laugh, and eventually Character A forgets Character B.

Classes are now back. Coincidentally, Character D is actually from the same school. Character A is always with Character D and completely forgets about Character B. Character B finds himself jealous and feel nothing about his and Character C's relationship. Eventually, he finds himself in love with Character A and decides to break up with Character C. Character C is furious and found herself she have truly fallen in love with Character B.

Character B ignores this and tries to go to talk and show her true feelings to Character A. Character D falls in love to Character A and gets jealous to Character B but hides it. Character A is confused on who she loves the most. Character C founds out about Character D's feelings about Character A. She gets him to side with her and they both plan to get Character B and A.

Who would end up and win on this war?
Arranged Marriage

They were both heirs of one of the most famous, successful businesses in the world. The owners of these businesses wants to merge and in order for that to happen, their heirs must be married for their business to be strong and sealed. Of course, their parents expected them to be against it.

She is their school's queen. Everyone bows down to her; everyone is scared of her because she's the definition of hell. He's the bad boy, he may be silent but once you'll taste his wrath, your life will change.

Both of them were very against of it, as expected. So, their parents decided to let them stay in one house, a mansion actually, with cameras and speakers everywhere and one maid to monitor them when in case a war erupts. If they both don't agree and get along by the end of the month, they'll cut off the proposal.

Without no choice, both of them agreed to stay in one house. But they just couldn't stand each other, they always bicker on everything even the smallest speck of dust. As the days passed by, they slowly fell in love to each other, but due to their big ego, they didn't admit it.

The last day came. There were no improvement between them so their parents decided to cut off the proposal. They were finally both separated but instead of becoming happy, this made both of them depressed and sad. Her parents left her alone while he and his parents flies to Korea to marry him off to another girl.

What will happen to the them? Will they finally tell each other's feelings?
The Mafia's Empress

She didn't have a pleasant childhood. Born from an infamous, rich, mafia family, her life has always been in danger. At the age of 6, she and her twin brother was already orphans. Their parents have been assassinated by their long time enemy, the ... mafia. Their grandfather, their mother's father, trained them immediately to become the powerful gangsters they are now. But unlike others, they didn't expose themselves to the Underworld but stayed hidden.

When their grandfather was killed, her twin brother descended to inherit the mafia, however, only little know about this information. On the public, they let it show that their mafia crumpled into pieces and for effect, removed their mafia on the rankings. But they only did this to start their mission - kill the only, precious heir of the ... mafia as retribution for destroying their family.

She entered this particular school where he is studying and pretended to be an ugly nerd. She spied on him by forcing to be in his life.

But what would happen if she falls in love? Will she fight for her family? Or for her heart?
The Whisper of Death
Inspired by The Heirs and Who are you? School 2015)

Kryss University is a school for the rich. The heirs of famous, popular businesses, the children of the politicians, the children of popular, worldwide artists and the children of some mafias attends here. They are beautiful and handsome, and rich. You may think they are perfect and lives a very comfortable life, but you are wrong. Every student in this university have a deep secret that would destroy their reputation-- their lives, once discovered. Everything have flaws; nothing, no one is indeed perfect, whether you are rich or poor, beautiful or ugly.

A new school year has started again. Each student is excited to start the new year, have fun and make new memories. Everything that happened last year was buried and forgotten or left as a memory that would stick to them. But not everyone have forgotten.


Our characters have a hidden secret concerning to an accident that happened 2 years ago (will be told on message). It is a secret that they want to forget. The roleplay starts on a fieldtrip. Someone is haunting them and she'll do everything to let the others know their secret.
Beyond Memories

He is the most baddest, coldest, gorgeous, richest, hottest boy in campus. Meanwhile, she's the most normal, boring, plain girl in campus. They hated each other but who would thought they would end up with each other? They love each other, so much, it changed their lives. She taught him how to love, to care and melted the ice around his heart. He taught her to believe on herself, boosted her confidence and cherish and enjoy her life.

When they both reached 18 years old, they decided to get married. And they were both approved by their parents, the school and their classmates who saw how much they love each other. Of course they wouldn't make babies yet since they still need to finish college first.

Unfortunately, on their wedding day, a fire started on the make-up room with her alone on it. Her body was found, charred and burned. Her face was not even recognizable. He was very devastated by this accident. He was so traumatize that he didn't speak to anyone or eat anything or go out of his room for 2 months.

2 years later. He wanted to forget her, he knew it was impossible but he needed to live a life. A new life. So, he let his mother arrange a marriage alliance between companies. He got engaged to Maryse Lou, a heiress of a famous clothing company and whom he has no feelings for. And to add on that, he also decided to study college. He attends Hane University with a ruthless, badder, colder image.

Months passed by until a girl transferred. A girl who looks completely just like her. Her, who he can't forget even how hard he tries.

But she doesn't seem to know him or anything about 'her' and their relationship.
Julianne saved a girl from a car accident. However, she doesn't want to die yet so the gods gave her a mission. Julianne will stay in the world but as a ghost. She will be bound to the girl that she saved. The girl is in depression, alone and wants to kill herself, now Julianne's mission is to make her happy, get her out of depression and prevent her from taking suicide, as a ghost. If she succeeds, she'll come back to the land of the living (her body is currently in coma). If not, id the girl dies, then she also dies.

What would happen to bubbly, positive thinker ghost Julianne and the depressed, lonely girl? Will she succeed?
Maryse was born around the 1800s. She was a naughty child, she grew up ruthless and merciless. She enjoys violence and gore. A group of friends who hated her very much because of what she had done to them decided to have revenge. They threw her on the ocean while she was inside a bodybag. She drowned and died. However, she didn't pass on the other side. She wanted to have her revenge and become human again. She mingled with the humans for a long time as a ghost. Lost and alone on the sea of alive humans.

In 1995, Maryse learned something that can make her become human again-- to have a doppelganger. She stayed near with a pregnant woman. She shaped the baby from her own image, making the baby have her own face. Maryse anticipated as the months passed. And in 1996, a healthy baby girl was born into the world. Maryse stayed by the baby girl's side as she grew up into a child and then into a lady. As expected, the girl looks like her on every angle however, their personalities aren't. If Maryse was ruthless and merciless, then the girl was kind and forgiving. If Maryse loves violence, the girl loves everything good and ladylike; they were polar opposites. Maryse also realized that she just can't be a human again in having a doppelganger but her to completely have her doppelganger's body and remove the soul of her doppelgnager. In order to do this, Maryse bound herself to the girl, making the girl see and talk to her (but the girl can only see and talk to her). And to successfully own the doppelganger's body, Maryse orders and instructs the girl to do exactly what she wants.

What will happen to the girl? Will Maryse succeed on taking over the body? Or will the girl find a way unbound them?

Please keep in mind that these are not all. I have more plots stuck in my head (more on Fantasy and Realistic). Since I'm too lazy to keep typing here and list all of them (I'll probably do someday), feel free to ask about those other plots. If there were no plots that suited your taste and you have a plot, please do also feel free to talk about it with me. I am always open to play other plots!

Before we start talking, I have some rules I'll need to list here as I will be strict on this roleplays.

  • No using each other's characters. Please please please.
  • No time skip unless I say so or when it's decided by the both of us.
  • I am always open to suggestions. When you have something to add, please tell me first before applying it to the roleplay to avoid misunderstandings.
  • One post at least per week.
  • If everything gets uninteresting, please notify me. If you want to quit, please also notify me. That would be so much more better than leaving me hanging. I promise I won't be mad (I would give you a lollipop).
  • I want the roleplays fast paced and interesting, so please, help me also make it interesting.
  • Please make the character react realistically (i.e A put a spell on her where everyone who touches her will be burned. B touches her but is not burned) -> Uh no.
  • Do not, ever, send me one sentence when the roleplay is Casual.

What you can expect from me.

  • I don't really have a life so I reply a lot of times in a day. (GMT+4)
  • English is my 3rd language, I am very clumsy and doesn't proof read my posts so expect some misspellings and grammars. If you are the person who is very in particular with grammar, feel free to correct me.
  • I am very shy and awkward but I do love chitchatting. However, I do not mind if you want OOC or not.
  • I can either play female or male; I only do MxF.
  • There are some plots up there that has a lot of characters. I can play a couple of characters so I expect you to also do so (If the plot you've chosen has a couple of characters)
  • 1 paragraph or so and asap reply when the RP is interesting.
  • It takes me a lot of days to reply when a rp gets uninteresting.

Please feel free to ask me anything! Thank you are checking out my thread!

The first vampire story seems pretty interesting. If you are still looking for a partner do send me a PM as I can't yet.
JaneXJeff said:
I'd love to do Arrainged Marriage
Awesome! Do you mind if you hit me up a message? And then we can discuss.

Danyhamy said:
Hi! I'd be interested in tangled romance or bound.
Do you want to do both? Or what do you like most, between the two?

DanishKreddi said:
The first vampire story seems pretty interesting. If you are still looking for a partner do send me a PM as I can't yet.
Sure! Sent you one!
Obsessed said:
Do you want to do both? Or what do you like most, between the two?
Well tangled romance caught my eye the most so it'd be that one please.

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