A Life In Chains (Closed)


Three Thousand Club
Dante was going into town to buy something when he sees a girl in a cage her head was covered in a bag a sign said "Cheap Slave fights back" he had a money clip in hos pocket he had just enough he could buy her maybe teach her a thing or two and either let her go or let her stay. What ever she wanted to do. He walks up to the man amd starts talking trying to barter the price.

Dante was in his early twenties he was a mercinery but he perfered the term assasin. He was proficient and magic and weapons. He is a nice guy if you get to know him. He was never good at talking to women most of the time he would do something stupid and they would get mad or think he is trying to do something. This girl would probably hate him at first. He would manage though.

(he is 23 he lives in a rather small house but it is on a huge plot of land away from the town. He has a kitten named InFURno and he looks like this http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/277/a/2/muscleup___dante_by_zephleit-d4bsaq0.png [MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION]
Flower couldn't see of course but someone was trying to buy her and she knew it. She jerked hard on her chains and started to make a lot of noise wanting to scare him off. She brely could move and by her bleeding wrists it was seen that the chains were tight. She grunted kicked at the cage extreamly mad now. She had a few scars on her legs and arms, her back which wasn't able to be seen was scared from whip slashes.

The man jerks and looks to make sure she was good and held. He looks at the man. He had a few scratches on his arm that were from Flower and seemed quite afraid of her. "Dude...i may think your crazy but just get her out of here." he said and held out his hand accepting his offer just wanting that slave out of his hair.
Dante grabs the cage and gives it a jerk it was pretty heavy and it was about a mile back to his house. He sighs and looks around he starts dragging the cage "Yeah yeah calm down ill let you out soon. Id rather you not run away you would end up in trouble and not from me. You know what they do to run away slaves." his voice was stern but soft at the same time it was comferting and it makes most people feel safer
Flower didn't care she kept kicking. She didn't care, she didn't want to be sold or be a slave. She didn't belong to anyone. She wasn't paying much attention to his voice. Voices can be deceitful....trickery. She tugged hard at the chains. When that didn't work she started trying to get the bag off her head. She didn't want to talk, she didn't want to listen, she wanted out and to be home again. However her home was gone....it was distroyed and raided. Now it was nothing but an ugly scar on the land.
He finally drags her into a room with a door that can only be unlocked with the key that Dante had he unlocks her cage and takes off all the bindings he pushes her on the bed and tajes the bag off her head the bed was sift and comfterable and warm he grabs a first aid kit. "May i bandage your wrists?" he hands her the key "Also here. If you dont want to talk you can just lock me out." he had another key of course. She needed training in some things maybe how to be on her own and take care of herself but not in that conditon
Flower looks at him and then looks at her wrists. They wer red and cut. She looks at him and then tilts her head confused. She suddenly rushes for the door to get out to run away. She wasn't in the best condition at all but she wasn't going to stick around long enough for this guys aditude to change into one of her keepers.
He pushes her back on the bed he could have healed her with magic but he didnt want to show his power yet "let me rephrase that I AM wrapping your wrists up. This will sting a bit" he puts a creme on the cuts to keep them from being infected then he wraps her wrists in gauze
Flower looks at him and then glares. She pulled her wrists away a few times but once he was finished, she checked them out. She looked at him and then stayed put for now. She didn't know what to expect from him and she felt confused and scared. She looks around the room looking for a way to disract him while she ran out. That was the only thing on her mind, excape.
"youcant leave. Not yet." he looks at her "You are probably really confused. Im acting differently then most of your so called masters. Also if you ever talk to me never call me sir or anything. My name is Dante." he looks at her he was disgusted by being adressed as sir or anything lile that "If you want any food ill be out the door and to the left." he went into the living room and sat down on the couch
Flower blinked and then looked around. She got up and then walked around a bit. She slowly walked to were he was and stood there looking at him. She was hungry, in fact starving but she was stubborn and it took her a while to even walk over here.
Dante stands up the small kitten hanging onto his shirt "Hey what do you want to eat?" he was tryig to coa her into talking hoping it would work though he knew it probably woulnt
Flower shook her head. She walked over, looking at the kitten. She gently grabbed the kitchen from his shirt. She petted it and then looked at Dante. She just frowned as her stomach growled louldy. She petted the kitten loving animals but she was starving. She didn't want to talk to him just yet.
Dante sighs "Fine sorry for trying to be nice there is some fruit and cooked meat on the counter. " he smiles as Infurno rubs against her and purrs Dante looks at her he wa starting to notice she was kind of cute
Flower giggles cutely at the cat and nuzzles the kitten with her nose smiling. She used her nails to make it feel like a comb. (Lol my cat goes crazy when you brush her. She loves it so much it's kind of hard to brush her out.) She looked at Dante and then walks into the kitchen carring the kitten in with her. She really liked the kitten. She looked at the meat and grabbed it eating it down quickly. She was starving and how she was eating it all down showed just how mistreated she was.
Dante looks at her "Eat as much as you want." he smiles lightly then stands up "Ill be down stairs. There is a bathroom down the hall from your room if you need anything come get me." he heads down stairs and wraps his hands up he starts hittig a punching bag loud thumps go through the air

Infurno purrs and claws at her playfully
Flower ate her fill and then looks at the kitten and smiles. She sits down on the couch. She plays with the kitten with her fingures and then blinks. She looks at her hair and then gets up. She pets the kitten and then sets it down. She heads into the bathroom shutting the door. She starts the shower and gets in. Her back had a few scars. Even a few new injuries which she had hid from him. She relaxes in the hot water with a smile.
Dante kept hitting the bag thinking about what he should do. He smiles and keeps hitting the bag not realizing she was getting in the shower he needed to get in soon also
Flower blinked and washed up. Her wounds stung but it still felt good to have a shower. She relaxed standing there for a while and then she got out. She dried off checking her wounds as the towel had a little blood on it. She sighed frustrated.
He opens the door to hop in the shower a towel around his waist "Oh geez i sorry." he covers his eyes and walks out blushing dark red he sits down waiting for her to come out
Flower jerked and quickly got dressed. She ran out her face also red and ran past him to her room and shut the door. She put her back against the door blushing badly. She looked at her wet hair and then swallows hard. She walks and sits on the bed feeling very embarrassed. She stares at the door and then looks away.
He sighs and showers quickly he goes into her room after he put some shorts back on he needed to grab a shirt so he didnt have one on he knocks on the door lightly
Flower blinks and then opens the door. She looks at him and then blushes. She backs up quickly and then looks down at her feet. What did he want? She was still embarrassed and nervous. Her hair covered her face and she backed up some more. She didn't know what to do.
Dante was looking at his feet and eventually spills out the word "S-sorry." he was still dark red "Sorry." he sighs and walks out into the living room and he sits down and looks at his feet

Infurno claws at Flower's pants wanting her to pick him up "Mrow." he meows and purrs rubbing against er leg
Flower looks at Infurno and then picks him up. She smiles and then walks following Dante. She looks at him and then looks down. "I-it's ok...It....was an accident." She said very quietly and then sat down looking down at the kitten which was now on her lap. She hadn't talked in a while but her voice was still sweet sounding.
He smiles her voice was like music to him it reminded him of the days he used to sit outside in a cool breeze and listenin to the singing of the church near by "Im still sorry. It's getting late. You should probably rest." he watches her he didnt tell her but the room she was staying in was his so he was sleeping on the couch

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