A Letter From Those Lost to Fantasy... (Prologue)

Koharu smiled and she pulled out her wallet from her jacket pockets and pulled out some money to turn into magical tokens so that she could play games. She got her tokens and immediately went over to the claw machine to begin the long, grueling process of getting a stuffed animal as a souvenir. "Alright claw machine, I want something from you and you are going to give it to me before my curfew, whether you like it or not." Koharu looked around to make sure that no one walked in while she was giving her speech to the claw machine, and to her relief, no one did so she put in her first token and started playing the game that everyone rages on.

@Captain Gensokyo
Kira Kujo

I feel myself sink a bit lower in the water as Fumiki confronts me from across the water. She must have really good ears... or she might've seen my mouth move. Maybe if I sit still, she'll turn away and ignore me. No... her vision probably isn't based on movement. I shouldn't have said anything. It took a lot out of me to ask that first time, in that beyond-quiet voice. And now... she wants me to ask her again? But at an audible level? I think this is all a bit too much from me. How fast could I leap out of the sauna and run away? I'd probably slip and trip and make an embarrassment out of myself.

Should I just stay quiet then? Maybe she'll get bored of waiting for an answer. But that's... rude, isn't it? It's rude to not answer a question someone's shouted at you from across a sauna. I begin fidgeting as I speak up, a bit louder.

"I said... I was wondering if... I could play too..." I say, my face turning a bright red and my eyes darting around nervously, looking at everything that isn't Fumiki.

@Captain Gensokyo
Koharu smiled and she pulled out her wallet from her jacket pockets and pulled out some money to turn into magical tokens so that she could play games. She got her tokens and immediately went over to the claw machine to begin the long, grueling process of getting a stuffed animal as a souvenir. "Alright claw machine, I want something from you and you are going to give it to me before my curfew, whether you like it or not." Koharu looked around to make sure that no one walked in while she was giving her speech to the claw machine, and to her relief, no one did so she put in her first token and started playing the game that everyone rages on.

    Koharu first set her eyes on some kind of pink stuffed...rabbit? Bear? In any case, it was supposed to look like some kind of animal. 



    As one might have expected, the stuffed animal came loose from the grip of the metal claw almost instantly and fell right back into the pile.



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I feel myself sink a bit lower in the water as Fumiki confronts me from across the water. She must have really good ears... or she might've seen my mouth move. Maybe if I sit still, she'll turn away and ignore me. No... her vision probably isn't based on movement. I shouldn't have said anything. It took a lot out of me to ask that first time, in that beyond-quiet voice. And now... she wants me to ask her again? But at an audible level? I think this is all a bit too much from me. How fast could I leap out of the sauna and run away? I'd probably slip and trip and make an embarrassment out of myself.

Should I just stay quiet then? Maybe she'll get bored of waiting for an answer. But that's... rude, isn't it? It's rude to not answer a question someone's shouted at you from across a sauna. I begin fidgeting as I speak up, a bit louder.

"I said... I was wondering if... I could play too..." I say, my face turning a bright red and my eyes darting around nervously, looking at everything that isn't Fumiki.

    Kira wasn't able to see it with his own eyes, but the other girls started talking amongst each other for a while. 

    "Um.....sure, I don't see why not!" Fumiki said. She wasn't dense. There was no doubt that the situation took a turn towards the more awkward side now, especially with how bashful Kira was acting. Thankfully, pretty much everyone else at the sauna wasn't paying any attention to Kira and the group of female students. There had to have been some kind of social convention involved that Kira wasn't entirely sure about, but it seemed like the girls were willing to include him, even if it originally looked like a girls-only thing beforehand.

@Venom Adhamm 
Kira Kujo

What a... a surprise. It's rare for me to talk to girls, it's rarer for girls to act in a positive way towards me. People have always seemed so far away from me. As I try to get closer to them, they always seem to be moving away, always out of reach. It's been that way since I can remember. I take a step towards people, they take a step back. I could never understand why. I can't really be that bad of person... I try my best every day to be nice... But here, here is a light in the darkness. A ray of hope, and a source of motivation to go on. Maybe this world really is worth living in.

Something strange happens to my face, stemming from an unfamiliar feeling and emotion swelling somewhere in me. Nothing like this has happened before to me. It's a bit worrying. I find my eyes looking up into Fumiki's as my face seems to shift and contort against my will. Eventually, my face relaxes into a single expression. It takes me several seconds to realize I'm smiling.

With a genuine and rarely-worn smile on my face, I wade through the sauna's water and towards the group of girls.

@Captain Gensokyo
What a... a surprise. It's rare for me to talk to girls, it's rarer for girls to act in a positive way towards me. People have always seemed so far away from me. As I try to get closer to them, they always seem to be moving away, always out of reach. It's been that way since I can remember. I take a step towards people, they take a step back. I could never understand why. I can't really be that bad of person... I try my best every day to be nice... But here, here is a light in the darkness. A ray of hope, and a source of motivation to go on. Maybe this world really is worth living in.

Something strange happens to my face, stemming from an unfamiliar feeling and emotion swelling somewhere in me. Nothing like this has happened before to me. It's a bit worrying. I find my eyes looking up into Fumiki's as my face seems to shift and contort against my will. Eventually, my face relaxes into a single expression. It takes me several seconds to realize I'm smiling.

With a genuine and rarely-worn smile on my face, I wade through the sauna's water and towards the group of girls.

    One of them shrugged, picking up and spiking the ball to the girl across from her like nothing new was happening. 

    "Yeah, it's not the most original thing to do in a pool, but most of us probably need to unwind in some way or another after that bus ride, right? As for me, I'm not all that tired yet," Fumiki said like she was proud of it as she caught the ball coming her way and passed it over to someone else in the circle. Also, she called the sauna a "pool"...maybe it was best not to think too much about that.

@Venom Adhamm
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    Koharu first set her eyes on some kind of pink stuffed...rabbit? Bear? In any case, it was supposed to look like some kind of animal. 


    As one might have expected, the stuffed animal came loose from the grip of the metal claw almost instantly and fell right back into the pile.




Koharu sighed and she stuck in another token before shaking her head. "I knew that was going to happen, no one can get these claw machines to do what they want." She eyed the animal and then looked around at all of her other choices before looking back at the animal she was trying to get before. "Which one should I try to get now, there are so many options to choose from." She saw someone coming in out of the corner of her eye but she chose to ignore them since they were probably a student in her class and they could talk to her if they really wanted to.

@Captain Gensokyo 
Kira Kujo

I take a place in the circle and keep my arms above the water, watching the ball as I listen to Fumiki speak. Does she think this is a pool? Should I tell her the truth? Well... it doesn't really matter. I should say something though. It's really bad to be awkwardly silent after someone invites you into their group. In fact, it might be worse than saying something stupid.

"Oh... I'm not tired either. But that might just be because I slept on the bus."

@Captain Gensokyo
Koharu sighed and she stuck in another token before shaking her head. "I knew that was going to happen, no one can get these claw machines to do what they want." She eyed the animal and then looked around at all of her other choices before looking back at the animal she was trying to get before. "Which one should I try to get now, there are so many options to choose from." She saw someone coming in out of the corner of her eye but she chose to ignore them since they were probably a student in her class and they could talk to her if they really wanted to.

    "Well? Is it rigged like the rest of those things usually are?" A girl, most likely the one who entered in just recently, asked in a joking manner.

I take a place in the circle and keep my arms above the water, watching the ball as I listen to Fumiki speak. Does she think this is a pool? Should I tell her the truth? Well... it doesn't really matter. I should say something though. It's really bad to be awkwardly silent after someone invites you into their group. In fact, it might be worse than saying something stupid.

"Oh... I'm not tired either. But that might just be because I slept on the bus."

    "Yeah, that's what a lot of people ended up doing anyway," Fumiki said. "I thi---mmph!" She shouted as the ball came suddenly across the water and bounced off her face. She laughed it off, picking the ball back up and tossing it over to Kira.

@Venom Adhamm
    "Well? Is it rigged like the rest of those things usually are?" A girl, most likely the one who entered in just recently, asked in a joking manner.


Koharu smiled and she nodded. "Yep, although I just started so maybe I'll get really lucky and actually win something." Koharu turned to see who she was talking to since she wasn't actually paying that much attention when the other girl walked in.

@Captain Gensokyo
Kira Kujo

I smile a bit wider as Fumiki laughs. I feel like I should be laughing with her, but I feel unable to force a laugh out of myself. I hold up my hands to catch the ball, then toss it to the girl nearest to me, for fear of lacking the minor amounts of strength and ability required to pass it to someone farther away. I continue playing with the girls in the "pool" until they either get bored or it's time for curfew. Strangely, I enjoy myself more and more as time goes on. Maybe this trip won't be as bad or as lonely as I thought it'd be. Though, I have a feeling these girls won't talk to me after we leave the sauna, and I won't have the confidence to approach any of them either. Just makes it more important to enjoy what I'm doing now, I suppose.

@Captain Gensokyo
Koharu smiled and she nodded. "Yep, although I just started so maybe I'll get really lucky and actually win something." Koharu turned to see who she was talking to since she wasn't actually paying that much attention when the other girl walked in.

@Captain Gensokyo



    The person in front of Koharu probably wasn't anyone whom she was expecting to normally see down here. "Hi, Koharu. How's everything going?" Ms. Ebina said with a smile on her face as she put a few yen into the machine.

Kira Kujo

I smile a bit wider as Fumiki laughs. I feel like I should be laughing with her, but I feel unable to force a laugh out of myself. I hold up my hands to catch the ball, then toss it to the girl nearest to me, for fear of lacking the minor amounts of strength and ability required to pass it to someone farther away. I continue playing with the girls in the "pool" until they either get bored or it's time for curfew. Strangely, I enjoy myself more and more as time goes on. Maybe this trip won't be as bad or as lonely as I thought it'd be. Though, I have a feeling these girls won't talk to me after we leave the sauna, and I won't have the confidence to approach any of them either. Just makes it more important to enjoy what I'm doing now, I suppose.

@Captain Gensokyo

    One quick glance at the clock revealed that it was about 9:15. 

    The girls were all too used to the warm temperature now, and some even started complaining about being bored already. 

    "Alright, I don't see why not," Fumiki said in response to an offhand reply by one of the girls about getting out of the water. They all started moving over to the stairs and over to where they'd laid there towels near the dge of the pool. A few of them went ahead and climbed out, some squealing at how outlandishly cold everything felt once they got out of the hot water and wrapping themselves up in their towels like they were blankets, shivering all the while. 

    Fumiki reached over for her towel, and she pulled herself up into a sitting position at the edge of the water with half of her legs submerged. She shuddered some at the sudden temperature change and started rapidly drying herself off.



    "Geez, it's freezing!" Fumiki remarked with a slight shudder. "I can never get used to this sort of stuff, you know?" 

@Venom Adhamm
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    The person in front of Koharu probably wasn't anyone whom she was expecting to normally see down here. "Hi, Koharu. How's everything going?" Ms. Ebina said with a smile on her face as she put a few yen into the machine.


"Oh, Ms. Ebina, I didn't know that that was you." Koharu smiled though and she gave a small laugh before turning her attention towards the claw machine. "So what brings you here Ms. Ebina?" Well obviously she's here to play games Koharu, what else does a person do in the arcade? She thought all of this to herself and once again tried to get an animal since it was probably getting late and there was still a curfew to uphold, as much as she wanted a stuffed animal as a souvenir, but she was still paying attention to what Ms. Ebina was saying. 

@Captain Gensokyo
Kira Kujo

I climb out of the sauna at the same time as the other girls, sitting next to Fumiki as I start to dry myself off with my towel. In doing so, I take several nervous glances towards Fumiki. I should say something to her, but what? I can't think, I'm not good at making conversation, small-talk, or even passing remarks. But I know I have to say something. Maybe if I can just do that, she'll be fine with being around me tomorrow, too.

"Hey..." I say to Fumiki, my voice dropping to a lower and shyer volume when her attention turns to me.

"Thanks for letting me hang out with you."

@Captain Gensokyo
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If you were to ask Taiga what she thought about traveling, particularly within her own country, she'd tell you it was boring. From the supposedly new and exciting experiences to the exasperating struggle that was trying to make sense of an unfamiliar area's layout, she wanted very little to do with any of it, friends and fun aside. Maybe that was why she ended up wandering to the gameroom in search of something to do, tossing half-assed greetings to those she happened to pass along the way. She would spend time with people more properly at another time, she was sure. This moment, however, was hers to waste, and she would relish it. There wasn't a real wealth of time left before curfew, after all.

With her mind largely focused on finding something that looked the most fun to pour her time and money into, Taiga ignored the other students in the room for the most part. This was less to be rude and more that she just didn't register them.
"Oh, Ms. Ebina, I didn't know that that was you." Koharu smiled though and she gave a small laugh before turning her attention towards the claw machine. "So what brings you here Ms. Ebina?" Well obviously she's here to play games Koharu, what else does a person do in the arcade? She thought all of this to herself and once again tried to get an animal since it was probably getting late and there was still a curfew to uphold, as much as she wanted a stuffed animal as a souvenir, but she was still paying attention to what Ms. Ebina was saying. 

@Captain Gensokyo

    A dull rumbling resounded from the vending machine, followed by the clunk of something hitting the floor of the machine's tray. 

    "I brought water with me, but I honestly wanted something a little sweeter than that right now." Ms. Ebina said as she leaned over and scooped up a can of tea that had dropped from the machine.

If you were to ask Taiga what she thought about traveling, particularly within her own country, she'd tell you it was boring. From the supposedly new and exciting experiences to the exasperating struggle that was trying to make sense of an unfamiliar area's layout, she wanted very little to do with any of it, friends and fun aside. Maybe that was why she ended up wandering to the gameroom in search of something to do, tossing half-assed greetings to those she happened to pass along the way. She would spend time with people more properly at another time, she was sure. This moment, however, was hers to waste, and she would relish it. There wasn't a real wealth of time left before curfew, after all.

With her mind largely focused on finding something that looked the most fun to pour her time and money into, Taiga ignored the other students in the room for the most part. This was less to be rude and more that she just didn't register them.

    "You're really going for the prize, aren't you?" She asked as she got a little closer to the machine Koharu was at.

(Interaction: @CrystalYoshi)

(Open to Interaction: @Konpaku Youmu)
    A dull rumbling resounded from the vending machine, followed by the clunk of something hitting the floor of the machine's tray. 

    "I brought water with me, but I honestly wanted something a little sweeter than that right now." Ms. Ebina said as she leaned over and scooped up a can of tea that had dropped from the machine.

    "You're really going for the prize, aren't you?" She asked as she got a little closer to the machine Koharu was at.

(Interaction: @CrystalYoshi)

(Open to Interaction: @Konpaku Youmu)

"Yes, but it isn't looking good for me to get something before curfew which is disappointing, if I'm being completely honest Ms. Ebina." Koharu turned when another girl entered the room and it was someone that Koharu had seen before but didn't know her name. Koharu decided to go the shy route and turned her attention back to the machine and she tried again, not really expecting much once again.
I climb out of the sauna at the same time as the other girls, sitting next to Fumiki as I start to dry myself off with my towel. In doing so, I take several nervous glances towards Fumiki. I should say something to her, but what? I can't think, I'm not good at making conversation, small-talk, or even passing remarks. But I know I have to say something. Maybe if I can just do that, she'll be fine with being around me tomorrow, too.

"Hey..." I say to Fumiki, my voice dropping to a lower and shyer volume when her attention turns to me.

"Thanks for letting me hang out with you."

    "Hm?" Fumiki raised her eyebrows, glancing over to Kira as he spoke dumurely. "Oh, yeah, no problem." She responded simply as she finished making her hair at least semi-dry with the towel. 

    She stood up, wrapping the towel over her shoulder to avoid needing to hold it with her hands. 

    "Well, I've got to head out now. See you!" Fumiki said. 

@Venom Adhamm
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Kira Kujo

"See you..." I say with a solemn nod. In no time at all, I find myself alone again. Maybe tomorrow I'll see Fumiki again. I probably will. Maybe she'll speak to me again. Probably not. There's hope though,  but it's a hope I know won't become anything tangible. It's a hope I'd rather have snuffed out. Slowly, I dry myself off as best as I can, then get up to head to my locker where I kept all my things. I get changed fairly quickly, then take my time walking back to my room. Once back, I look around quickly to see if either of my roommates are in here. If not, I take a moment to stretch, then roll out my futon to go to sleep.

@Captain Gensokyo
Koharu decided to go the shy route and turned her attention back to the machine and she tried again, not really expecting much once again.

    "Well, I'm not going to give you any false hopes here. Sure, it's actually possible on some of these machines, but it's completely up to luck." Ms. Ebina said, frowning.


    Around Taiga was a handful of machines—a vending machine, a claw game that the other homeroom teacher and some other student were talking at, an air hockey table in the middle, and a couple of those big arcade machines that looked like capsules that house players when they play the game. There was a screen full of bright colors on the inside of each of the capsule-like machines, but it wasn't easy to discern what this game was actually about from the outside. The sign on the side of the machine said Tsuyoi Gundham.

@Konpaku Youmu
    "Well, I'm not going to give you any false hopes here. Sure, it's actually possible on some of these machines, but it's completely up to luck." Ms. Ebina said, frowning.


"I know but at least I can say that I tried, even if the machine is rigged ninety-nine percent of the time." Koharu then stared at the stuffed animal she wanted and put in her coin and tried again. I only have two more tokens left, better make them count or else I'm going back to my room empty-handed and that will be no fun. 
I get changed fairly quickly, then take my time walking back to my room. Once back, I look around quickly to see if either of my roommates are in here.

    "Yo." Yutaka said casually after hearing the door opening up. On closer inspection, he was relaxing on a twin-sized bed in the back still with his regular clothes on. He was holding a handheld gaming device above his head—one of those ones with the two screens. 

@Venom Adhamm
Kira Kujo

"Oh... hey," I say, still managing to be a bit surprised this room isn't empty. Though, there's really no good reason for me to be surprised, it's getting closer to curfew after all. It's a bit strange that he's here by himself though. I thought he was close friends with our other roommate, but I could be wrong about that.

"Kiyotaka isn't with you?" I ask as I start to roll out my futon.

@Captain Gensokyo
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