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Fandom A Leaky_Faucet's Search


Drip Drop
Hello all. New guy, Leaky_Faucet here. I'm new to the site and RP but I'm not new to writing. I'm looking to expand my writing pallet while here. For now I'm going to stick to 2, maybe 3, 1x1 projects. I'm not really used to writing with other people so I'm going to keep it small so I don't get overwhelmed by a large group of writers all going at it at once. I looked through a lot of the 1x1 threads and there seem to be a general pattern to it all. So without anymore fuss, here we go...

Rules and all that boring stuff
- Nobody under 18. Why? I'm in my late 20's and I just prefer it that way.
- Be patient, I had a brief stint it RP many years ago and I'm giving it another try now. Don't be afraid to call me out on some things. I'm just too used to writing by myself.
- I'm fine with romance in an RP. It seems to be a major thing around here. But please don't make it be the only thing the RP is about. Give me some action and adventure.
- Also on that note, if there are any romances in the RP, I'd prefer it to be MxF. I have no desire to write MxM or FxF. It's just not my Forte.
- I'd prefer to keep all RPs on this site. Whether through a PM or a thread. Doesn't matter to me.

Writing Preferences

- Harry Potter
- Lord of The Rings
- Game of Thrones
- Eragon
- The Elder Scrolls
- WarCraft

- DC Cinematic Universe
- Batman Animated Series
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- X-Men Universe
- The Incredibles

- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Battlestar Galactica
- The Expanse
- Dune
- Firefly
- Avatar (Big Blue People Pocahontas)
- StarCraft

- Dragon Ball Z
- Gundam Series
- Bleach
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Avatar: The Last Air Bender

- Modern (Anything with Military/Paramilitary)
- Law Enforcement
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction

- Slice of Life (convince me on this one)

If you see anything you like please shoot me a PM. As I currently don't have 10+ posts on the forums, I can't start PM threads yet. Thank you!
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Hello, Leaky_Faucet.

I stumbled across your search and wanted to see if maybe we could be a match. I can't send PMs right now (still new to the website), but for the time being, I'll link you to my search thread. Let me know if you think we might be compatible! :)
Thought I'd throw myself into your ring!
I love long term detailed stories.
I'd love to write something with you, maybe between a soldier and my oc?
I love romance, drama, heartbreak all of the good ol' stuff.
Let me know if maybe you'd be interested!!(:

I'm back to writing again. I apologize to partners I disappeared on several months ago. After I got back from my work deployment things were so busy I honestly forgot about this website and writing went on the back burner for a little bit. Sorry once again.

If you'll all forgive me, I'm looking for 2 or 3 new partners. My interests haven't changed much. I added some to the list above.


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