A league of nations.

Hurray for dwarves! The awkward nation that stays in the corner hoarding all the power. Whilst everyone else fights over it, or shares it! xD (Although Wyer is prepared to share with the world...)
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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]
Name: King Wyer, The Sacred Hammer.

Age: 29

Height: 4'8

Weight: 172 lbs (Mostly muscle)



Magic: None.

Wyer has a large golden warhammer, which emits a a faint blue glow, dwarves themselves aren't magic. But they are great smiths, and Wyer's weapon was forged and enchanted by all the smiths in Orezmoth over the course of three years, the warhammer is extremely light despite appearing heavy, and hits with far more force than people would believe possible. Being able to knock fully grown men across incredible distances(and kill them of course). Wyer received his nickname when he fought a dragon head on, and wielding the warhammer with great strength he shattered the dragons maw as it prepared to spew out it's flames, he then crushed it's skull with a mighty final blow. Wyer also has a basic fire arm, a blunderbuss, which acts as a close range shotgun, however being basic it can only be fired once every few minutes, and has very little range, although it is still incredibly lethal up close.

Relationship status:
Although Wyer has no wife, he does have two bastard children. Despite this, he still loves them both dearly, one lives with his mother, a wealthy noble woman. And the other lives with Wyer, as the mother was a neglective alcoholic. He treats both boys with the same love and wishes for the eldest to be his heir.

Anything else you would like to include: Unlike many places, the woman of Orezmoth are just as fearsome as the men, being able to do any job that a man can do.


Name: Orezmoth.


View attachment 111208

Mount Hyessi.



Population: 55,000 dwarves. They have never experienced a costly war, or harsh conditions. Making the dwarves reach incredible numbers also aided by the large families of up to 7 children many dwarves have. Other races do live in Orezmoth but are not counted as they do not live in the cities (mountains). Although if they are counted, the number would be closer to 70,000 residents. 35,000 of which would be trained dwarven warriors.

Education: 1

Magic: 0

Military: 5

Wealth: 5

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 5

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:
Orzemoth is a moderately sized nation, with a vast and rich land, which means they have a respectablenumber of natural resourses. However, the dwarves who live their have very strict professions, and traditions, and take great pride in their own creations, one such creation is an ore they call Nature's gift'-it is a special type of stone, combined with another type of stone, the result is an incredibly sturdy and strong type of rock which currently makes up the walls of all the dwarven major cities. Being some of the most gifted craftsmen, the dwarves of Orezmoth have some of the finest crafted armor and weapons known to the world, and whilst they wear such attire to battle, they also sell it occasionally, but the sale of their natural recourses results in storms of gold for the dwarves. But they usually spend much of the gold further reinforcing their kingdom.

However, as dwarves, they have no magic, seeing this as a huge military disdvantage, for decades, they have worked on the worlds first firearm type weapons. Although they are very basic firearms, they are far more effective than those used by pirates and other kingdoms. they are just enough to combat magic. Large fireballs are answered with cannons, raining shards of shadow are answered with rains of bullets, and iced over floors are answered with oiled over floors. The craftsmanship and the technological headstart the dwarves possess give them incredible military might, but this might is mainly restricted to within the kingdom due to the difficulty in moving technology around, and the lack of a navy. However, the education system is good for the dwarves traditions, but it never teaches of much beyond the Kingdom, resulting in many narrow-minded children and adults. As well as this, the education is actually inaccurate in many asspects, even teaching some things wrongly. The kingdom itself is large enough to house a great many people, offering lot of room room for the local population within the mountains themselves, where large undeground passages have been formed connecting each mountain. Many dwarves live outside the mountain cities as well. Some in simple towns and villages, others in large outdoor cities like Veases.

The dwarf nation is the most heavily fortified nation currently known, Orezmoth is littered with military forts. Particularly, The Sea Wall. The Sea Wall is a huge stone wall made from 'Natures Gift' which is lined with huge steel cannons. And although from the outside the dwarves appear invulnerable, this wall is a result of a great weakness. The dwarves lack any sort of navy, and no matter how strong their defense is. They have a considerably weaker offense because of it, this is further handicapped with the lack of magic, since technology is much less reliable when on the move in an invasion. Hoping to fix this problem, the dwarves are currently looking for a way to bring inanimate hunks of formed 'Natures gift' rock, and impervious dwarven steel to life in the shape of golems-in order to act as walking fortresses, ready to make the already immensse might of the dwarven military even mightier.

A song that represents your nation:


Name: Diel Arginth

Age: ?( Seems to be 21)

Height: 5'3

Weight: 125

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: Her magic allows her to terraform a large area into any around her and manipulate the terraformed area.


Relationship status: Single, ready to mingle.

Anything else you would like to include: Princess and diplomat


Name: Hilvayn

Flag: A light green flag with a dark green tree and thrashing vines at the center.

Capital: Rolav

Government: Matriarchy

Population: 10,000

Education: 3

Magic: 5

Military: 1

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 2

Natural resources: 4

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation: A magically abundant nation contained in a mystical benevolent living forest that follows the queen.

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem): O Fortuna

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-5_16-59-7.jpeg.97c2fb5ed9900c63caf047c039e5e70d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-5_16-59-7.jpeg.97c2fb5ed9900c63caf047c039e5e70d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2015-4-5_16-59-7.jpeg
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Metaphysics said:
Name: Diel Arginth

Age: ?( Seems to be 21)

Height: 5'3

Weight: 125

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: Her magic allows her to terraform a large area into any around her and manipulate the terraformed area.


Relationship status: Single, ready to mingle.

Anything else you would like to include: Princess and diplomat


Name: Hilvayn

Flag: A light green flag with a dark green tree and thrashing vines at the center.

Capital: Rolav

Government: Matriarchy

Population: 10,000

Education: 3

Magic: 5

Military: 1 (4 during war)

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 2

Natural resources: 4 (1 during war)

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation: A magically abundant nation contained in a mystical benevolent living forest that follows the queen.

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem): O Fortuna
Your military can't magically increase during war. And your natural resources don't increase or decrease unless a new Natural resource is introduced/wiped out. Also where would you like your nation to be? there are currently two nation spots let, you can refer to the map tab.
Cani still join? If there is a nation spot ill do a nation if not ill just do a character and pick one of the nations u guys created @Branden2396


Name: Lanaya (Empress of Vash Alanour)

Age: 121

Height: 5'3

Weight: 145lbs


Lanaya,also known as the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers. Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners. As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed. Lanaya has mastered bending the violet archives enabling her self to use psi blades: not able to be touched, if in the right hands it can be bent to be the most dangerous magical weapon. The Templar Assassin is able to coat herself with an armor called "Refraction" that weakens the motives of nearby enemies.

Weapons: PsiBlades

Relationship status: Lanaya was once married, but never dedicated her timefor her own family trying to unlock the door to the hidden temple. Entering politics her family was threatened and slaughtered in their own beds, Lanaya was able to run away from the hitmen.

Anything else you would like to include: Lanaya is able to make illusions of her self, if kept with no movement she can turn invisible and untouchable using a passively activated spell she calls "Meld".

Nation: 1(3)

Name: Vash Alanour (translation: keeper of the violet archives)


Aladure (pronounced Aladur)


Vash Alanour has lost all of its villages, as Night Elves they are likely to hunt or travel atnight where their vision and motivation and spells are stronger. Only left as a capital containing 25,000 Adult elven, Lanaya accessed the violet archives becoming immortal while normal NightElves arent immortal. Losing all male nightelves Vash Alanour is only left with females, other nations might underestimate them as women but they are quite powerful.
(The general apperance of Night Elves.)

4, due to accessing the violet archives the night elves had unlocked many of the worlds secrets, other nations do not know. Lanaya has shared it to her citizens and have sworn to not speak of it to citizens of other nations.

5, bending every element in nature and unlocking the Violet Archives there magic is unbeatable. They might compete The High-Elves they have mastered the magic of Psiblades and the magic of refraction breaking the wills of their opponents, which helped them win many wars.

Military: 3, although nightelves having devestating Psi Blades. NightElves have fragile bodies, and that is why they have mastered the the art of Elusivness. Armors made of pure MoonStone, help reflect damage done by enemies and increases their magic resistance.
The night elves have a low population, but each soldier is able to create illusions slightly damaging enemies and very fragile, while the soldiers deal devestating damage and still fragile but not that fragile.

1, the loss of their villages made them very unwealthy but incredibly knowledgable.

Land (size):
3, their land not visible to others, since they actually live underground and have been prote ted by the Violet Archives.

Natural resources:
3 , living underground helped them have a wide range of the rare MoonStone only found in their nation.

Description of your nation: The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in this World . These shadowy, mortal beings were the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years.

They have lost their nation due to their reckless use of magic, and now suffer the consequences of their devestating magic.

Their Empress Layana was once able to create more than 100,000 illusions with the use of her rage. That will never happen again, now each Night Elf can create up to 2 to 5 illusions.

Theirs is a most ancient heritage, which has shaped them into a very self-sufficient and self-conscious people that often display strong streaks of isolationism. With the Well of Eternity once located at the very center of their civilization, the night elves were the first and the greatest wielders of magic, putting the craft to use with unmatched brilliance and inspiration.

song that represents your nation: [media]

[/media] @Robertaka123
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steevenajj said:
Cani still join? If there is a nation spot ill do a nation if not ill just do a character and pick one of the nations u guys created @Branden2396

Name: Lanaya (Empress of Vash Alanour)

Age: 121

Height: 5'3

Weight: 145lbs


Lanaya,also known as the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers. Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners. As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed. Lanaya has mastered bending the violet archives enabling her self to use psi blades: not able to be touched, if in the right hands it can be bent to be the most dangerous magical weapon. The Templar Assassin is able to coat herself with an armor called "Refraction" that weakens the motives of nearby enemies.

Weapons: PsiBlades

Relationship status: Lanaya was once married, but never dedicated her timefor her own family trying to unlock the door to the hidden temple. Entering politics her family was threatened and slaughtered in their own beds, Lanaya was able to run away from the hitmen.

Anything else you would like to include: Lanaya is able to make illusions of her self, if kept with no movement she can turn invisible and untouchable using a passively activated spell she calls "Meld".

Nation: 1(3)

Name: Vash Alanour (translation: keeper of the violet archives)


Aladure (pronounced Aladur)


Vash Alanour has lost all of its villages, as Night Elves they are likely to hunt or travel atnight where their vision and motivation and spells are stronger. Only left as a capital containing 25,000 Adult elven, Lanaya accessed the violet archives becoming immortal while normal NightElves arent immortal. Losing all male nightelves Vash Alanour is only left with females, other nations might underestimate them as women but they are quite powerful.
(The general apperance of Night Elves.)

4, due to accessing the violet archives the night elves had unlocked many of the worlds secrets, other nations do not know. Lanaya has shared it to her citizens and have sworn to not speak of it to citizens of other nations.

5, bending every element in nature and unlocking the Violet Archives there magic is unbeatable. They might compete The High-Elves they have mastered the magic of Psiblades and the magic of refraction breaking the wills of their opponents, which helped them win many wars.

Military: 3, although nightelves having devestating Psi Blades. NightElves have fragile bodies, and that is why they have mastered the the art of Elusivness. Armors made of pure MoonStone, help reflect damage done by enemies and increases their magic resistance.
The night elves have a low population, but each soldier is able to create illusions slightly damaging enemies and very fragile, while the soldiers deal devestating damage and still fragile but not that fragile.

1, the loss of their villages made them very unwealthy but incredibly knowledgable.

Land (size):
3, their land not visible to others, since they actually live underground and have been prote ted by the Violet Archives.

Natural resources:
3 , living underground helped them have a wide range of the rare MoonStone only found in their nation.

Description of your nation: The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in this World . These shadowy, mortal beings were the first to study magic and let it loose throughout the world nearly ten thousand years.

They have lost their nation due to their reckless use of magic, and now suffer the consequences of their devestating magic.

Their Empress Layana was once able to create more than 100,000 illusions with the use of her rage. That will never happen again, now each Night Elf can create up to 2 to 5 illusions.

Theirs is a most ancient heritage, which has shaped them into a very self-sufficient and self-conscious people that often display strong streaks of isolationism. With the Well of Eternity once located at the very center of their civilization, the night elves were the first and the greatest wielders of magic, putting the craft to use with unmatched brilliance and inspiration.

song that represents your nation: [media]

[/media] @Robertaka123

  • Name: Morrowind



    Capital: Blacklight

    Government: Monarchy under the Tribunal(see characters)

    Population: around 20,000

    Education: 3

    Magic: 4

    Military: 5(Made up of 3,000 soldiers, 2,000 archers and mages, and the Tribunal)

    Wealth: 3

    Land (size): 3

    Natural resources: 1

    Description of your nation:

    Morrowind is one of the many freer provinces of Andor, acting as more of an allied nation rather than a nation under military control. While they would prefer total freedom from the easter npowerhouse, they see Andor as a way to protect their own nation, gain much money through trading, and soon, a nation to trust during times of war.

    During the many years of friendly cooperation, Andor and Morrowind have formed one of the first multi-nation Empires, and consider themselve both seperate and together in all matters of importance. Angmon was part of this Empire before the invasion of Mannimarco, but its loss has had little effect on the Empire as a whole.

    Morrowind is Centered around Red Mountain, the huge volcano that dominates much of the land. Ash covers most exposed ground near the volcano, as well as the sky. It is known for its diverse clans, each preferring different methods of life. They often go to war with each other, but are wise enough to recognize bigger threats than arguments over their own borders. The houses consist of:

    House Redoran- House Redoran prizes the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living.

    House Telvanni- The wizard-lords of House Telvanni have traditionally isolated themselves, pursuing wisdom and mastery in solitude. But certain ambitious wizard-lords, their retainers, and clients have entered wholeheartedly into the competition to control and exploit Morrowind's land and resources, building towers and bases all along the eastern coast. According to Telvanni principles, the powerful define the standards of virtue

    House Hlaalu- As a result of its close relationship with the Imperial administration, House Hlaalu has emerged as politically and economically dominant among the Great Houses of Morrowind. Hlaalu welcomes Imperial culture and law, Imperial Legions and bureaucracy, and Imperial freedom of trade and religion. Hlaalu still honors the old Dunmer ways -- the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses -- but has readily adapted to the rapid pace of change and progress in the Imperial provinces.

    House Indoril- The Indoril are orthodox and conservative supporters of the Temple and Temple authority. House Indoril is openly hostile to Imperial culture and religion, and preserves many traditional Dunmer customs and practices in defiance of Imperial law.

    House Dres- House Dres is an agrarian agricultural society, and its large saltrice plantations rely completely on slave labor for their economic viability. Always firm Temple supporters, House Dres is hostile to Imperial law and culture, and in particular opposed to any attempts to limit the institution of slavery.

    Morrowind is led by the Tribunal- a trio of practically God-like elves, who gained their power from an artifact- the Heart of Red Mountain. When they unlocked the potential of the Heart, they were granted immortality, incredible power, and the right to rule. The ancient gods of the Chimer were angry, and cursed the once golden skinned Chimer, making them the grey skinned Dunmer.

    A song that represents your nation:



Crap, all the pics didnt go through

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