A league of nations.


Elder Member
This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.






Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

Magic: (if applicable.)


Relationship status:

Anything else you would like to include:







Education: (1-5)

Magic: (1-5)

Military: (1-5)

Wealth: (1-5)

Land (size): (1-5)

Natural resources: (1-5)

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:

A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)
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Name: High Queen Estre/High King Emric

Age: 36(in human years)/39(in human years)

Height: 6'/6'

Weight: 150/180




Magic: Estre is the vessel of the ancient magics of her people, an incredibly powerful but unstable mage. Her magic is incredibly powerful, but with it comes a price- the more she uses it at once, the more it can pull her into using it for evil. Moderation is literally a life saver.



Emric knows no magic.

Weapons: Estre uses no weapons, while Emric is armed to the teeth with a sword and bow, dozens of daggers, and some smoke bombs he designed himself for quick escapes.


Relationship status: The High Queen and King are married


Anything else you would like to include: When Andor goes to battle, Estre likes to be in the vanguard, leading the charge. She wears a special set of armor made to resemble a lion:



Emric is a human, but has been blessed with long life. He is contantly under attack mentally by Boethia of Angmon, hoping to turn him from his path as a king and into an undead soldier. This is why is sick much of the time.


  • Name: Andor



    Government: Monarchy

    Population: A few thousand per major city. There are 5 major cities including the capitol, plus a handful of small villages, which are populated by a few hundred citizens on average. 50,000 elven adults. Around half of the population are trained to fight, and are on reserve for war. The Eleheim population reaches around 10,000, as well as the average human population.

    Education: 2

    Magic: It varies. many are able to cast magic but it is mostly used for healing, protecting, and rarely used for war.

    Military: 5(excluding the fact that nearly every civilian will rise to the call)

    Wealth: 4

    Land (size): 5

    Natural resources: 2

    Description of your nation: Andor is led by the High King, who leads a moot of less powerful lords that keep the peace. It is based around military conquest and total support from its citizens, thanks to its fair treatment of its citizens and outlaw on slave labor. While there is a difference between the rich and the average classes, poverty seems to not exist within the cities, thanks to strict laws regarding the poor and homeless being given jobs as military soldiers or caravan drivers. When it is forced to go to war, the Andorian troops will attack first, hoping to scare off the invaders with its large force of chariots.

    One of Andor's most well known advantages over nations is its abundance of horses, which it sells to other nations for a high price. Its navy is arguably one of the most powerful to ever see war, thanks to Andor residing on a peninsula surrounded by two very large islands. Each of these segments of land are split up into provinces, and the capitol rests on the larger of the islands. These warships are equipped with rams, and the larger ones have catapults and cannons built onto them.

    Andor is mainly made up of Highborn Elves, such as Estre herself. They are known to age incredibly slowly, some living for hundreds of years. While humans live in Andor as well, and are not discriminated against, their population is very low, making them a minority.

    Andor was once restricted to the small islands, having its mainland cities taken by many different nations. Once Estre and Emric announced that they were going to take back their lands, the Andorians backed them whole-heartedly. "Our Land before Blood" is a common saying in the Andorian military. They spread across the country, burning through enemy nations with ferocity never seen before. Even the supposedly impenetrable cities of their enemies fell to the elves. To this day, the Andorian military is seen as possible the most terrifying in the world.

    A song that represents your nation:


    City of Light, Kalina in Andorian, located on the center island of her kingdom.


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This will be a two part character sheet, one for your character and one for your nation.


Jason Carmichael

Age: 21

Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 160



Magic: No actual magic. All citizens have been known to exhibit advanced speed, dexterity, endurance and agility

Weapons: He prefers most thrown weapons (Knives and Axes) as well as a bow and arrow. He also carries a short sword on him and a whip.

Relationship status: Single, not many gay men in fit his criteria.

Anything else you would like to include: He’s often sarcastic and quick witted. He is loyal and a good ally.



Government: Military Oligarchy.

Population: Many small town-type groups mostly consisting of only a few hundred members, the main city has upwards of 1,500 men, women and children

Education: 4

Magic: 1

Military: 5

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 1

Natural resources: 4

Description of your nation: Wendat is a small nation of dense jungle and fearsome beasts. Those who are born within its dense jungles are known to possess superhuman strength, dexterity, endurance and agility. Wendat are known in battle for their archers, their warriors are experts in ranged weapons, but do not underestimate them in hand-to-hand combat. They are a peaceful people, open to trade and alliances, although you must prove yourself to them first.



This is the common attire of the citizens


And this is the military armor


National Anthem: Arsonist Lullaby by Hoizer


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Age: 31

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 183lbs


Proficient in lightning, sound, and Aether magic. Moderate in most every other kind of elemental control.

Weapons: A custom made cross between a long sword and rapier, crafted specially to act as an instrument for channeling his magic.

Relationship status: Officially, single. But is in a secret relationship with Ja'far that has caused many rumors.

Anything else you would like to include: Believes in having equality for all people, and creating many allies so that together they can subdue those who oppose their ideals.

His eight generals: These are the strongest warriors of the kingdom, although anyone from across the world is welcome to challenge any one of them for their spot, a few have tried and failed. The original eight are still in power, not yet receiving a challenger great enough to defeat them in a battle to the death. All of them have disowned their last names and instead taken on the surname "of Sindria" in honor of their devotion.

Sinbad's right hand man. They met when Sinbad first set out to clear off the island and make the country and Ja'far was disguised as a crew member on the ship but was actually sent as an assassin from Heligdom to kill Sinbad before he could grow in power. After failing the assassination attempt Ja'far could not bear the shame and attempted to kill himself but was stopped by Sinbad who felt bad for him and admired the skill and loyalty of the young boy. Sinbad offered to protect him from any repercussions from Heligdom if he joined Sindria, Ja'far gladly accepted and the two grew very close. As Sindria grew in influence Ja'far rose in power and trust with Sinbad and is now the logistics and counter intelligence head of Sindria for his knowledge of assassination techniques and how Heligdom works.


Masrur: The personal bodyguard to Sinbad, was a slave captured by Somalia where he learned to sail and fight his own battles. Once there was a run in with Sinbad and a pirate ship, where Sinbad and Ja'far were barely able to force the pirates to flee and Masrur used this as his opportunity and sought refugee with Sinbad who took him in with open arms. Using his knowledge of Somalian naval tactics and Sindria's wealth from trading he helped raise Sindria's navy to the status it is now, rivaled only by Andor's navy. Not only is his tactical sense on the seas rivaled only by Ja'far's assassination knowledge but his leg strength is considered the highest in Sindria.


Sharrkan: Was once the royal prince to the nation of Heliohapt, and is now a refugee in Sindrian custody ever since the Cryic rebellion that caused Heliohapt to be taken over by Heligdom. Taught the ways of Helion royal swordsmanship, considered the most lethal and fastest swordsmanship style known to man. Is Sinbad's instructor of swordsplay, however does not have many other students due to the lack of a strong land unit in Sindria. His other brother's were taught in the royal swordsmanship as well, and sought refugee in any nation that would accept them. Lives with the regret of once training the current general of Heligdom, Alibaba, in the ways of this deadly swordsmanship back when Heliohapt was allied with Heligdom.


She is a childhood friend of Sinbad, but they were separated when she went on a quest of her own to study magic in hopes of meeting up with him again and aiding him in his dream of ruling a kingdom. Is now the headmaster of the school of modern magic, Magnostadt, in Sindria. It is with her help and Sinbad's knowledge of practical magic that Sindria is known as the magic center of the world. Also, this school is the cause for Sindria's wealth and rise to power after being created less than twenty years ago.


Pisti was once the daughter of one of Sinbad's teacher's but hid on Sinbad's ship when he sailed to claim Sindria. He was going to force her to go back until she showed him her special gift, and the reason she had to leave her mother behind. Her mother was very avidly against her daughter's affection with animals believing them to be worthless of the time her daughter could be spending studying. However, she spent so much time with animals because they responded to her voice in a special way. She could calm them down, and even call them to her aid if needed. Is currently in charge of pest control in the dangerous waters around Sindria, keeping the beasts from harming the citizens and destroying the ships.


Spartos: The youngest son of a wealthy merchant from Devlin, who wanted to expand his culture of the world and get out of his brother's shadow to make a name of his own. Is known to have a very serious personality, usually not letting himself have fun and keeping his guard up. Self-taught in the ways of a lance, and is now the head of the customs department in Sindria. Spends most days begging Sinbad to buy him an Andorian horse to use in war.


Drakon: Originally, Drakon was one of the average crew members on Sinbad's ship but was promoted when he found an ancient and magical artifact. The Rentou blade was his claim to fame within the crew. The blade has a thirst for blood, and will sap energy from Drakon if it is not quenched. This thirst is very fitting with Drakon who is known to be eccentric and the sight of blood is one of his favorite things in the world. Although on the verge of sadistic he has a very caring and loyal side to him, willing to die for any of the other generals especially Sinbad. Spends most of his days at sea so he can keep the blade quenched on the dangerous beasts of the sea and not on people.


Hinahoho: A member of the Imuchakk, a barbaric tribe of people who used to be the sole inhabitants of the current island of Sindria. The Imuchakk took Sinbad in as their god when he arrived, they were so amazed by his magic and ability to lead his crew. Sinbad accepted their offer to be their leader, and the tribe is still present on the island but they represent a small minority of the population and have adapted to the new ways of life that Sinbad brought to them. Most of the tribe refer to him as 'Kami', meaning god, instead of Sinbad. The Imuchakk are a special race, known to be an average of seven feet tall for females and about six inches more for males. No one in the tribe has any magic, instead they rely on their superior strength and size to overpower their prey.



Name: Sindria


Sindria. The entire nation is one city about the size of New York City, broken into smaller districts.

Government: Monarchy

Population: 2670 (permanent residents) 3180 (including students at Magnostadt)

Education: 3

Magic: 5

Military: 4

Wealth: 5

Land (size): 1

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation:
A monarchy ruled by Sinbad who cleared the island himself and made it suitable for people to live on it with the help of his eight loyal generals that make up almost the entirety of the military. Is a nation that focuses on alliances and negotiations, but has the power in its navy to back it up even though its only land based military is composed of Sinbad himself and his eight generals.

A song that represents your nation: [media]

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in an effort to get this rolling i am going to be posting two more nations, that will act as antagonists until we get more people.


Scotty Freeman

Age: 34

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 195lbs


Very weak fire magic, lots of utility magic like light, healing, navigation.

Weapons: Flint lock pistol, Cutlass

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: Although he is not the technical leader of Somalia he does have the most followers.




Mogadishu, on the largest island of the archipelago.

Government: Plutocracy

Population: 9652

Education: (1-5) 1

Magic: (1-5) 1

Military: (1-5) 5

Wealth: (1-5) 5

Land (size): (1-5) 3

Natural resources: (1-5) 4

Description of your nation: A nation ruled by pirates, made up of several small islands and archipelagos. Known for their surprising amount of unity in battle they boast one of the strongest military's in the world when they get along. A deep iron mine was recently found on a newly conquered islands causing an influx of wealth and power for the nation.

A song that represents your nation: [media]



Age: 67

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 137lbs


Shadow and stealth based magic.

Weapons: Hidden blades, throwing knives, and a crossbow.

Relationship status: Widower

Anything else you would like to include: Although he is the leader of Heligdom, most people know the general Alibaba as the true face of the country.




Tehran, In the north-east corner of the nation.


Population: 10,000

Education: 4

Magic: 3

Military: 4

Wealth: 3

Land (size): 4

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation: An entire nation of assassins, theives, and masters of stealth. They follow the strict laws set forth by their god Cyric.

A song that represents your nation: [media]

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Name: Grand Matriarch Aegis Vermillion

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 113 lbs


Magic: Blood Magic

Weapons: Sword and the occasional scythe

Relationship Status: Single


Name: Akeldma


Government: Monarchy

Population: 4,666

Education: 5

Magic: 4


Wealth: 3

Land (Size): 2

Natural Resources: 2

Description of your nation: Akeldma is ruled entirely Grand Matriarch Aegis but she is not against going out to settle matters herself, even a fight. When she does leave she leaves her advisor, Serenity Evermore, in charge. Though the government is monarchy she often considers herself a Tyrant, ruling her nation with an iron fist. Akeldma is surprisingly peaceful yet very religious. Giving most of their thanks their to Phoenix God, Venix.

A Song That Describes Your Nation: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGg1qRe_mng[/media]

(Hello everyone. I'm really sorry for just signing up and joining in the middle of all this. I'm fairly to RPNation so my sincerest apologies if I screw anything up or don't make the cut. Thank you and I hope to enjoy a fairly nice roleplay.)
NetherLightGod said:
Name: Grand Matriarch Aegis Vermillion
Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 113 lbs


Magic: Blood Magic

Weapons: Sword and the occasional scythe

Relationship Status: Single


Name: Akeldma


Government: Monarchy

Population: 4,666

Education: 5

Magic: 4


Wealth: 3

Land (Size): 2

Natural Resources: 2

Description of your nation: Akeldma is ruled entirely Grand Matriarch Aegis but she is not against going out to settle matters herself, even a fight. When she does leave she leaves her advisor, Serenity Evermore, in charge. Though the government is monarchy she often considers herself a Tyrant, ruling her nation with an iron fist. Akeldma is surprisingly peaceful yet very religious. Giving most of their thanks their to Phoenix God, Venix.

A Song That Describes Your Nation: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGg1qRe_mng[/media]

(Hello everyone. I'm really sorry for just signing up and joining in the middle of all this. I'm fairly to RPNation so my sincerest apologies if I screw anything up or don't make the cut. Thank you and I hope to enjoy a fairly nice roleplay.)
Accepted, and everything seems to be in line. Feel free to join in whenever you see fit. Oh, and one thing that's just for clarification. Is your nation continental, coastal, island or what have you? Also an update for everyone Branden is in the process of making a world map that will be subject to change.

Mannimarco, King of Worms

Age: 48

Height: 6'4

Weight: 190

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: Necromancy

Weapons: His staff allows him to control the raised dead

Relationship status: N/A

Anything else you would like to include:

Name: Angmon



Capital: Chordinhaal

Government: Totalitarianism

Population: A grand total of three(plus the thousands of undead). Mannimarco is the leader of the trio, and his partners are named Boethia and Sacrib







Education: 5

Magic: 5

Military: 1-5, depending on how many undead they raise

Wealth: 1

Land (size): 1

Natural resources: 1

Description of your nation: Angmon was an ancient city of light, filled with temples and fountins and smiling people. But war took it, consumed it, and spat out the horrible dead land that remains. A single, huge tower rises into the clouds, surrounded by a forest of dead trees and rivers of black water. The tower is the only city, but the dead d not inhabit it- they fill the forest around the tower, where only the three kings reside.


An incredibly shaky alliance was formed between Andor and Angmon, each nation fearing the other's military might. They agree to a peaceful coexistence, with any advances being matched by the victim. This has sustained peace, but builds resentment between the opposing leaders.

Angmon is currently in the middle of a one-sided civil war, against a small force that wants to retake the land, and rebuild the holy city. They are the descendants of the ancient Angmonians, who were all but wiped out after Mannimarco invaded. Led by their leader, Aegis Devil's Bane, the Angmonians are currently being hunted down and slaughtered for the amusement of the three kings.

Aegis Devil's-Bane:


A song that represents your nation:


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Alec Devlin

Age: 23

Height: 5”9’

Weight: 162



Alec can control water and its various forms

Weapons: A staff or a Whip depending on his mood, he also carries a pouch of water

Relationship status: Single

Anything else you would like to include: N/A at this moment






Government: Monarchy

Population: 3000

Education: 3

Magic: 2

Military: 1

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 5

Description of your nation: Devlin, situated on the peninsula below Wendat, is a Fishing Nation. Its vast coast line and meandering rivers supply much of the world’s aquatic cuisine. Devlin has had a long standing alliance with Wendat. It has a peaceful agenda. Limiting its own Military, with assistance from Wendat. Devlin is one of the richest nations in terms of Natural resources due to sea metals and and other aquatic treasures.

Warriors Armor:


A song that represents your nation:


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Name: Amber Dinlet

Age: 25

Height: 5"6'

Weight: 124 lbs

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: (if applicable.) Earth magic. There are no limits to what she can do.

Weapons: Staff with a knife-like blade on the end.

Relationship status: None, self ruler.

Anything else you would like to include: Nothing yet!


Izqueath (pronounced is - kweeth)


I made this myself, and I am proud! (
:P )


Capital: Queblon (pronounced Kwee-blun)

Government: Meritocracy

Population: 11,000

Education: (1-5) 4

Magic: (1-5) 4

Military: (1-5) 4

Wealth: (1-5) 2

Land (size): (1-5) 3

Natural resources: (1-5) 2

Wear of citizens:

(Excluding the goggles)


Wear of warriors:


Description of your nation: Raised from the ground up by Queen. Amber, she then recruited thousands of other outsiders into her city and taught them the way of life. Many of these people were homeless and rejected from society and easily fell into her care causing her population to grow by thousands.


A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)


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lbmsRP said:
Name: Amber Dinlet

Age: 25

Height: 5"6'

Weight: 124 lbs

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)


Magic: (if applicable.) Earth magic. There are no limits to what she can do.

Weapons: Staff with a knife-like blade on the end.

Relationship status: None, self ruler.

Anything else you would like to include: Nothing yet!


Izqueath (pronounced is - kweeth)


I made this myself, and I am proud! (
:P )


Capital: Queblon (pronounced Kwee-blun)

Government: Meritocracy

Population: 11,000

Education: (1-5) 4

Magic: (1-5) 4

Military: (1-5) 4

Wealth: (1-5) 3

Land (size): (1-5) 4

Natural resources: (1-5) 0 - Don't need any, Queen Amber can make them herself.

Wear of citizens:

(Excluding the goggles)


Wear of warriors:


Description of your nation: Raised from the ground up by Queen. Amber, she then recruited thousands of other outsiders into her city and taught them the way of life. Many of these people were homeless and rejected from society and easily fell into her care causing her population to grow by thousands.


A song that represents your nation: (this would basically function as your national anthem)


Resources arent just minerals. It means agriculture, plant life, domestic and wild animal as well as minerals. Also if she can make the mineral resources it would most likely count as either a 4 or 5 in the resource column.

  • Name:

    Aedeagus (AKA: The Red Patriarch)

    Age: 186 years old

    Height: 7 feet 4 inches

    Weight: 177 Pounds


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/gow3dlc3-variantchars---savage-kantus---alt-variant.jpg.9a42e6b37aea71b0e2d04c885acf6002.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/gow3dlc3-variantchars---savage-kantus---alt-variant.jpg.9a42e6b37aea71b0e2d04c885acf6002.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Hive Mind


    A set of Crimson blades housed within his attire.

    Relationship status: Single


    Age: 121

    Height: 6 feet

    Weight: 139 pounds


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Gow-3-armoured-kantus.jpg.4450fec14ada1eaf8c04c34405cb0779.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45816" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Gow-3-armoured-kantus.jpg.4450fec14ada1eaf8c04c34405cb0779.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    The Archmage of the Salbarcion Empire. Talented in most forms of Dark magic including: Summoning, Invisibility, enchanting, Short-ranged teleportation and possession. Despite being the most talented magician of the Salbarcion Empire that's still not saying much considered the Salbarcions' track record with magic. He's quite sure most other Archmages could outclass him.

    Weapons: His own claws which have been filed and hardened over the years, added to by enchanted gauntlets he fashioned with his growing knowledge of the arcane.

    Relationship status: Single

    Anything else you would like to include: After aiding the Red Patriarch with creating the current Capital of the Empire, Feasili currently wanders the world in search of magical knowledge that he can bring back to the Hive.


    Age: 88

    Height: 8 feet 4 inches

    Weight: 241 pounds


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kkhuut.jpg.0dcf802497aabcd8cfcf04364072959b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kkhuut.jpg.0dcf802497aabcd8cfcf04364072959b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    A large blade capable of rending metal.

    Relationship status: (N/A)

    Anything else you would like to include: One of the largest Salbarcions known to date, his size and strength were only of the many factors that contributed to his current position as a General in the Salbarcion Military.

    Name: Haycinth

    Age: 51

    Height: 6 feet 3 inches

    Weight: 149


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/cjdjeu.png.ea1f5a8897e8df766b3ce8492c848be3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45819" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/cjdjeu.png.ea1f5a8897e8df766b3ce8492c848be3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    A simple metallic spear and crossbow

    Relationship status: Single

    Anything else you would like to include: One of many scouts on duty throughout the lands. Currently travels the lands outside of Salbarcia to record as much beneficial information as possible for the Hive.



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GrieveWriter said:

  • Name:

    Aedeagus (AKA: The Red Patriarch)

    Age: 186 years old

    Height: 7 feet 4 inches

    Weight: 177 Pounds


    View attachment 107958

    Hive Mind


    A set of Crimson blades housed within his attire.

    Relationship status: Single


    Age: 121

    Height: 6 feet

    Weight: 139 pounds


    View attachment 107973

    The Archmage of the Salbarcion Empire. Talented in most forms of Dark magic including: Summoning, Invisibility, enchanting, Short-ranged teleportation and possession. Despite being the most talented magician of the Salbarcion Empire that's still not saying much considered the Salbarcions' track record with magic. He's quite sure most other Archmages could outclass him.

    Weapons: His own claws which have been filed and hardened over the years, added to by enchanted gauntlets he fashioned with his growing knowledge of the arcane.

    Relationship status: Single

    Anything else you would like to include: After aiding the Red Patriarch with creating the current Capital of the Empire, Feasili currently wanders the world in search of magical knowledge that he can bring back to the Hive.


    Age: 88

    Height: 8 feet 4 inches

    Weight: 241 pounds


    View attachment 107974

    A large blade capable of rending metal.

    Relationship status: (N/A)

    Anything else you would like to include: One of the largest Salbarcions known to date, his size and strength were only of the many factors that contributed to his current position as a General in the Salbarcion Military.

    Name: Haycinth

    Age: 51

    Height: 6 feet 3 inches

    Weight: 149


    View attachment 107984

    A simple metallic spear and crossbow

    Relationship status: Single

    Anything else you would like to include: One of many scouts on duty throughout the lands. Currently travels the lands outside of Salbarcia to record as much beneficial information as possible for the Hive.

Looks good to me, accepted. Join in however you see fit.
Branden2396 said:
Resources arent just minerals. It means agriculture, plant life, domestic and wild animal as well as minerals. Also if she can make the mineral resources it would most likely count as either a 4 or 5 in the resource column.
I see. Edited.



Age: 217

Height: 6 feet 7 inches

Weight: 150 pounds

Appearance: (anime or realistic pictures)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Skorge-961718.jpeg.d85038f5c1ba1f3430cb30ce6f92e45c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Skorge-961718.jpeg.d85038f5c1ba1f3430cb30ce6f92e45c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



A staff with saw blades on each end.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Gears_of_War_Skorge_02_by_jinde.jpg.fa02ac9c9183f97a6f726be3d41e7fb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Gears_of_War_Skorge_02_by_jinde.jpg.fa02ac9c9183f97a6f726be3d41e7fb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship status:

Anything else you would like to include:

Eldan is the High Scholar of the Salbarcian Hive. He's been around since before the current Red Patriarch's reign, though his age never seems apparent. His contribution to the hive is knowledge of all forms. His mind is like a black hole, devouring detail after miniscule detail of everything he sees, making him a living encyclopedia. His demeanor and build usually lead people to underestimate his capabilities battle-wise, in reality his high-speed mental processing power puts him on level with Vaas in terms of lethality.​




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Name: King Wyer, The Sacred Hammer.

Age: 29

Height: 4'8

Weight: 172 lbs (Mostly muscle)



Magic: None.

Wyer has a large golden warhammer, which emits a a faint blue glow, dwarves themselves aren't magic. But they are great smiths, and Wyer's weapon was forged and enchanted by all the smiths in Orezmoth over the course of three years, the warhammer is extremely light despite appearing heavy, and hits with far more force than people would believe possible. Being able to knock fully grown men across incredible distances(and kill them of course). Wyer received his nickname when he fought a dragon head on, and wielding the warhammer with great strength he shattered the dragons maw as it prepared to spew out it's flames, he then crushed it's skull with a mighty final blow. Wyer also has a basic fire arm, a blunderbuss, which acts as a close range shotgun, however being basic it can only be fired once every few minutes, and has very little range, although it is still incredibly lethal up close.

Relationship status:
Although Wyer has no wife, he does have two bastard children. Despite this, he still loves them both dearly, one lives with his mother, a wealthy noble woman. And the other lives with Wyer, as the mother was a neglective alcoholic. He treats both boys with the same love and wishes for the eldest to be his heir.

Anything else you would like to include: Unlike many places, the woman of Orezmoth are just as fearsome as the men, being able to do any job that a man can do.


Name: Orezmoth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-4_22-37-39.jpeg.d32f61889264ec32984cbffce95f44c6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-4_22-37-39.jpeg.d32f61889264ec32984cbffce95f44c6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mount Hyessi.



Population: 55,000 dwarves. They have never experienced a costly war, or harsh conditions. Making the dwarves reach incredible numbers also aided by the large families of up to 7 children many dwarves have. Other races do live in Orezmoth but are not counted as they do not live in the cities (mountains). Although if they are counted, the number would be closer to 70,000 residents. 35,000 of which would be trained dwarven warriors.

Education: 1

Magic: 0

Military: 5

Wealth: 5

Land (size): 3

Natural resources: 5

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:
Orzemoth is a moderately sized nation, with a vast and rich land, which means they have a respectablenumber of natural resourses. However, the dwarves who live their have very strict professions, and traditions, and take great pride in their own creations, one such creation is an ore they call Nature's gift'-it is a special type of stone, combined with another type of stone, the result is an incredibly sturdy and strong type of rock which currently makes up the walls of all the dwarven major cities. Being some of the most gifted craftsmen, the dwarves of Orezmoth have some of the finest crafted armor and weapons known to the world, and whilst they wear such attire to battle, they also sell it occasionally, but the sale of their natural recourses results in storms of gold for the dwarves. But they usually spend much of the gold further reinforcing their kingdom.

However, as dwarves, they have no magic, seeing this as a huge military disdvantage, for decades, they have worked on the worlds first firearm type weapons. Although they are very basic firearms, they are far more effective than those used by pirates and other kingdoms. they are just enough to combat magic. Large fireballs are answered with cannons, raining shards of shadow are answered with rains of bullets, and iced over floors are answered with oiled over floors. The craftsmanship and the technological headstart the dwarves possess give them incredible military might, but this might is mainly restricted to within the kingdom due to the difficulty in moving technology around, and the lack of a navy. However, the education system is good for the dwarves traditions, but it never teaches of much beyond the Kingdom, resulting in many narrow-minded children and adults. As well as this, the education is actually inaccurate in many asspects, even teaching some things wrongly. The kingdom itself is large enough to house a great many people, offering lot of room room for the local population within the mountains themselves, where large undeground passages have been formed connecting each mountain. Many dwarves live outside the mountain cities as well. Some in simple towns and villages, others in large outdoor cities like Veases.

The dwarf nation is the most heavily fortified nation currently known, Orezmoth is littered with military forts. Particularly, The Sea Wall. The Sea Wall is a huge stone wall made from 'Natures Gift' which is lined with huge steel cannons. And although from the outside the dwarves appear invulnerable, this wall is a result of a great weakness. The dwarves lack any sort of navy, and no matter how strong their defense is. They have a considerably weaker offense because of it, this is further handicapped with the lack of magic, since technology is much less reliable when on the move in an invasion. Hoping to fix this problem, the dwarves are currently looking for a way to bring inanimate hunks of formed 'Natures gift' rock, and impervious dwarven steel to life in the shape of golems-in order to act as walking fortresses, ready to make the already immensse might of the dwarven military even mightier.

A song that represents your nation:



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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]
Name: King Wyer, The Sacred Hammer.

Age: 29

Height: 4'8

Weight: 172 lbs (Mostly muscle)



Magic: None.

Wyer has a large golden warhammer, which emits a a faint blue glow, dwarves themselves aren't magic. But they are great smiths, and Wyer's weapon was forged and enchanted by all the smiths in Orezmoth over the course of three years, the warhammer is extremely light despite appearing heavy, and hits with far more force than people would believe possible. Being able to knock fully grown men across incredible distances(and kill them of course). Wyer received his nickname when he fought a dragon head on, and wielding the warhammer with great strength he shattered the dragons maw as it prepared to spew out it's flames, he then crushed it's skull with a mighty final blow. Wyer also has a basic fire arm, a blunderbuss, which acts as a close range shotgun, however being basic it can only be fired once every few minutes, and has very little range, although it is still incredibly lethal up close.

Relationship status:
Although Wyer has no wife, he does have two bastard children. Despite this, he still loves them both dearly, one lives with his mother, a wealthy noble woman. And the other lives with Wyer, as the mother was a neglective alcoholic. He treats both boys with the same love and wishes for the eldest to be his heir.

Anything else you would like to include: Unlike many places, the woman of Orezmoth are just as fear as the men, being able to do any job that a man can do.

4 (2) (Coordinates on map)

Name: Orezmoth.


View attachment 111208

Mount Hyessi.



Population: 55,000 dwarves. Other races do live in Orezmoth but are not counted as they do not live in the cities (mountains).

Education: 1

Magic: 0

Military: 5

Wealth: 4

Land (size): 5

Natural resources: 4

(Maximum of 19 points)

Description of your nation:
Orzemoth is a small nation, with a vast and rich land, which means they have a respectablenumber of natural resourses. However, the dwarves who live their have very strict professions, and traditions, and take great pride in their own creations, one such creation is an ore they call Nature's gift'-it is a special type of stone, combined with another type of ston. As a result, the dwarves of Orezmoth have some of the finest crafted armor and weapons known to the world, and whilst they wear such attire to battle, they also sell it occasionally but the sale of their natural recourses results in storms of gold for the dwarves.

However, as dwarves, they have no magic, seeing this as a huge military disdvantage, for decades they have worked on the worlds first firearm type weapons. Although they are very basic firearms, they are just enough to combat magic. Large fireballs are answered with cannons, raining shards of shadow are answered with rains of bullets, and iced over floors are answered with oiled over floors. The craftsmanship and the technological headstart the dwarves possess give them incredible military might. However, the education system is good for the dwarves traditions, but it never teaches of much beyond the Kingdom, resulting in many narrow-minded children and adults. As well as this, the kingdom itself is very large, offering la lot of room room for the local population, many dwarves live outside the mountain cities as well.

A song that represents your nation:

do you understand the Land category? 1= a small nation, 5= a very large nation. Think in terms of Russia being a 5 and England being a 1. I only ask because you said your nation has a 5 land size and then in the description said it was a small nation. Also as specified with the map the number in parenthasis means the land size so if you choose 4 that means your land size is a 2.
Branden2396 said:
do you understand the Land category? 1= a small nation, 5= a very large nation. Think in terms of Russia being a 5 and England being a 1. I only ask because you said your nation has a 5 land size and then in the description said it was a small nation. Also as specified with the map the number in parenthasis means the land size so if you choose 4 that means your land size is a 2.
I understood it, that was simply an oversight... Sorry, i also added a paragraph at the end to be more specific in the 5/5 out of military. Since the dwarf kingdom is more like 7/5 in it's own kingdom (defense). But only a 3/5 if invading due to the weaknesses I mention.
Branden2396 said:
ahh yes, but the map still states that there is only two 2 land sizes and one 3. and unless @Robertaka123 would like me to change the map those are the options open.
I've corrected some mistakes in the application and edited the size to 3.
Elves, dwarves, terrifying earth-dwellers... this keeps getting more exciting.

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