• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Land Called Var


Picked Clean
Current Character Sign up Status: Open

Basic Details

Nation: (Alderford/Lastfair)

Name: (Example: Edrick Warwall)

Occupation: (Example: Engineer/Student of Illusion)

Gender: (Male/Female/Other)

Sexuality: (Optional)

Backstory: (Optional)


Scenario: (This is to see and determine your level of RP skill. Please aim for at least a paragraph here, about 3 lines +. This is mostly to avoid one liners really.)

You are surrounded by enemies on all sides. The rest of the your group has been brought down and you are practically at your opponents mercy. Your companions weapon lies to the side of you, and you are backed up against a wall. Literally.

What will you do?


Subjects of Magic


Soul Crafting

Speaking to the Dead

- Novice Rank



- Adept Rank

Life Force Manipulation


-Master Rank


Natural Processes

Natural Communication


- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

Element Control


- Adept Rank

Lunar and Solar Forces

Fae Magika

- Master Rank


Light Control and Visual Optics

Formation of Illusionary Familiars

- Novice Rank

Emotional and Auditory Creation

Memory Implantation

- Adept Rank

Illusionary Adjustment


Falsely Altering Properties of All Objects

- Master Rank



Crystallization of Arcane Energies

- Novice Rank


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage

- Adept Rank


Sprites/Conjuration/Familiars/Companions/Weapons & Armour

Creation of Incantations


- Master Rank

Spiritual and Faith

Drawing and Controlling Spiritual Energies

Restoration of the Spirit

- Novice Rank


Ritual Sacrifice

- Adept Rank

The Underworld Gods (And summoning their servitors)

The Aether Gods (And summoning their servitors)

- Master Rank

Alchemy (Through Magic)

Mythical creature Biology

The Differences in Elixirs, Potions and Flasks

- Novice Rank

Creation of Elemental Potions

Wildfire, Never Melting Ice, Lightning in a bottle, Dark matter e.g.

Transmutation of Anything and Everything

- Adept Rank

Ex Nilhilo

Magnum opus

- Master Rank

Rules for picking:

You may have a total of 6 sub areas.

To access a higher rank you must have both skills in the previous rank.

Example: Having Sealing +

Crystallization of Arcane Energies

Allows you to pick


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage




Automatons (Mechanical)

Limb Replacement and Modifications

Vehicle Construction

Initiative Creative Creations


Weaponry Production

Advanced Flight

Makeshift design of Gadgets of personal use and Magic countering capabilities


Automatons (Sewn)

Clothes and Armour Design

Material Construction

Medical Stitching

Science & Alchemy (Without magic)

Biology and chemicals of living things

Study of machine works and material reactions

Concoction Creations for all purposes

Anatomy of the Human (Dissection included)

Grave Digging

Unlike the Magics, this is just a list of technological advances within Alderford.

I place this here as a nice starting point and few fields of things some characters might hopefully use.

Example: An engineer in various fields, such as explosives and advanced flight.

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(Im unsure if you're allowing submissions, but....here you go. Let me know what happens!)

Nation: Greyrock.

Name: Kurjack Aleckson

Occupation: Hermit/Wandering Paladin.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Backstory: Kurjack is very touchy about his past. He has revealed very little, but it is enough for most people. He grew up in a small village in the Greyrock Mountains. He lived a quiet life with his parents, where his father, a great warrior of his time, taught him to battle, and his mother, a priestess, taught him the ways of the Balthazar, an old Greyrock God, who was the patron of all Warriors and Champions.. He grew up unlike many of the other children in Greyrock. While they were very violent and rowdy, Kurjack was more poised and calm. He grew up to be a fine man and warrior, making his parents proud. He eventually fell in love with a nice girl and was starting a family of his own. However, just a few days after his second child was born, his entire village was raided by a band of bloodthirsty ghouls. Despite his advanced combat training and the aid of other warriors, their numbers were just too great for him to protect everyone he loved. The battle was long and arduous, with many people in the village dead by its end, Kurjacks parents and family included. Wracked with grief, Kurtjack buried his family and parents and left Greyrock to wander aimlessly, killing any unholy creatures in his path.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-18-10-45-11-191194427.jpeg.d00e032f14e9cd17cf119229163bb4c2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/2016-01-18-10-45-11-191194427.jpeg.d00e032f14e9cd17cf119229163bb4c2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His hair is long, shaggy, and unkempt, with a beard to match, completing the whole 'mountain man' look. His eyes are a dark brown, yet somehow warm, and his face and body are littered with scars. The axe in this picture is one of many.

Scenario: As I stand with my back against the cold stone, the furs attached to my iron armor sinking into the cold rock, I look out to my attackers. There were five of them; inexperienced by the look of them, but cocky as well. I could use this against them. With lightning speed, I bend down and pick up the bloodstained steel axe by my side and let out a savage, barbaric roar. Much to my amusement, three out of the five cringed, a loom of panic on their faces. I use this opening to charge straight at the one nearest to me. He's still frightened from the yell, and barely has time to lift his puny iron sword up in defense. But my strength is greater. With a single swipe, my axe breaks through his sword and finds its mark in his neck. I rip it out quickly and move to the next fellow, who is still staring at his fallen comrade. I guess he's never seen a friend fall before, but no mercy must be shown. I speed to him, my axe chopping wildly into him. By the time I'm finished, he's nothing but a bloody mess. I let out another Savage roar, and turn to the remaining three. Two of them are shaking in their boots, while one still manages to hold onto his pride with a stoic face. I stomp forward, and the two by the stoic ones sides drop their weapons and run the other direction, tails between their legs. I look to the last man and grin. He gulps. I let out another yell, and he responds with a scream of fear as he too drops his weapon and tries to run, but it's too late. I charge past and give one mighty chop. His head rolls to my feet, his eyes bulging out of their sockets, and I hear the definite PLOP of his body against the pavement. I shake the remainder of the Blood off my axe and sigh; and all they wanted was a few gold pieces. A pity, really. But it's their mistake, and they paid for it.

Subjects of Magic: None.



  • 2016-01-18-10-45-11-191194427.jpeg
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Basic Details

Nation: Lastfair

Name: Edward.D.Black (The D does not stand for anything)

Occupation: Full fledged Alchemist and Alchemy Teacher

Gender: Male, or at least he was.

Sexuality: He lost that a long time ago


Edward. D .Black, full fledged alchemist and head of the Apothecary Society. At least, that's his official name, but quite a few have taken to calling him ridiculous names such as "Mr. Skelebones" and "That weird apothecary who died but really didn't die." Did we mention he's a skeleton? Well he's a a skeleton. A living, walking, talking skeleton. It all occurred after a failed, no rigged, experiment went horribly wrong.

While discovering the effects of combing the most revered alchemist techniques, Ex Nilho (Which he discovered and gave name to!) and a possible catalyst to make a philosophers stone. Essentially he tried to make a philosophers stone out of thin air, using air. A recipe for disaster that was doomed from the start. The resulting explosion caused an ear splitting explosion and skin searing flames, concentrated to a small area. Resulting only the bones as the sole remains of the exalted, Edward. D. Black.

Unfortunately during his funeral, he decided to wake up from his afternoon nap and cause a scream from the onlookers rivaling the explosion that caused it in the first place.

Many debates have formed around this anomaly, some arguing the body is merely an illusion and the flames should have incinerated everything, even the bone, others have simply labeled it the 'Philosophers stone effect"

Regardless of the boundless theories and hypothesis', Dr Edward. D. Black has returned, and neither him or his terrible and eccentric ways seem to be leaving any time soon.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/undead_alchemist_by_oxeren-d61t6s3.jpg.335cb9d23830f9a6ea980d6d9bc6b965.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/undead_alchemist_by_oxeren-d61t6s3.jpg.335cb9d23830f9a6ea980d6d9bc6b965.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Back against the wall, enemies surrounding him, and nothing but the sight of his comrades blood surrounding him. Dr. Edward D. Black does what he does best, make a terrible joke. "So, what does a unicorn archer use? A Rain-bow. Ha. Ha ha ha. Ha." With a few emotionless laughs, He tries to laugh at his joke, but his assailants merely shrugging off the weird words and approaching ever closer with heavy steps and weapons aimed towards him. Looking onward with both eye sockets, The Dr hesitates before cracking another weird joke "You know what gets me right in the funny bone? Everything, cause I'm a skeleton." Another agonizing failure for laughs, the professor looks to the bottle in hand, getting the best joke he could imagine; unfortunately botching it up as he drops the bottle and the surrounding area bursting into an emerald flame. "Dam it. Sorry you lot, seems my humors all burned out." He awaits the sure laughs he would receive, but hears only agonizing screams of pain from the wildfires victims, which includes the Dr. "You know, it's a lot funnier if you're alive. Too bad Skeletons don't burn that easily, then I might be able to see your grave sense of comedy." His audience nothing but smolders and flickering flames, he walks out calmly, muttering towards himself "Now... where did I leave my shop?"

Chosen schools of magic:


Mythical creature Biology

The Differences in Elixirs, Potions and Flasks

- Novice Rank

Creation of Elemental Potions

- Wildfire, Never Melting Ice, Lightning in a bottle, Dark matter e.g.

Transmutation of Anything and Everything

- Adept Rank

Ex Nilhilo

Magnum opus

- Master Rank



  • undead_alchemist_by_oxeren-d61t6s3.jpg
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Nation: Lastfair

Name: Isaac Orcus

Occupation: Druid

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Backstory: (I'm just gonna write his personality, and a glimpsed of his past life)

Isaac never want to let someone in to his past. It was quite disastrous, abusive parents and such. That's why he learned to stand by himself. The result of his past, he became quite..sadistic. Although he's like that, he never abuse his own ability. He's sadistic but he's not stupid. His face remains somewhat stoic, emotionless. But once he hates, or pissed off about something, his aura will show it.




Isaac's back was against the wall, looking around, clearly he was surrounded. He look at the bloody mess, which belongs to his fallen comrades. He sighed deeply, thinking how can he get grouped by this weak group of people. He rarely say bad things about others, but today is a rare occasion, seeing that he got surrounded being the cause of his stupidly weak comrades.

But there was no time to regret what had happened, as one of his assailants was already preparing to tackle him down and kill him. Which he does not like.
Seriously... I already forgot how I ended up here.. He thought to himself as his assailant finally decided to attack. He have been waiting for them to attack so he can... explode. And he did, once the crowd got near him, he burst out a lot of flames causing his assailants to scream in agonizing pain.

As soon as the flames slowly died out, he slowly step out, walking over the ashes of his foes. "Ahh...You guys dirtied my shoes." he muttered to himself as he slowly walk away from the scenery, fading flames coming out from his fist, as they completely fade. The flames have done their job very well. Isaac looked at his palms, where the fire had vanish in, then his lips slowly curving to form a small sadistic smile. "Good job."

Subject of Magic:

Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

Element Control

- Fire/Water/Air/Earth

- Adept Rank

Lunar and Solar Forces

Fae Magika

- Master Rank
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Nation: Lastfair

Name: Jack Gervais

Occupation: Druid

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Backstory: Jack Gervais, where to start? Well, he was an orphan. He never met his parents, whom he'd always assumed must be despicable excuses for human beings in order to have abandoned their own child. He'd always been the kind one at his orphanage, sticking up for the bullied kids and giving his portions of food to those who had to go without. Still, when nobody else was around he'd find the bullies and put them through horrific torture so unspeakable that most of the bullies were never seen again. Nobody knows what happened to the bullies that Jack tortured, but their disappearances quickly garnered Jack a reputation as 'The one kid you don't want to mess with ever'. Eventually he left the orphanage when a foster family adopted him. This foster family already had another child, who was being picked on at school by his classmates for being short and weak. After adopting Jack the bullies slowly went missing in mysterious ways. Jack never really liked his foster family, but they were kind people who always treated Jack well. Once Jack hit the age of sixteen he got a job, and then eventually got his own house, leaving his foster family behind. He further advanced his skill in the arts of druidism and becoming well known among his neighbors as a very kind individual who helps whenever necessary. It would be best not to mess with him though, if you value your life. (WIP)



Chosen schools of magic:


Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

Element Control

- Fire/Water/Air/Earth

- Adept Rank

Lunar and Solar Forces

Fae Magika

- Master Rank

Scenario: Jack sighed, standing with his back to the wall. He was surrounded, and of course, things were looking quite bleak. Everyone in his group except him had died, leaving him with nothing but a bunch of useless weapons and corpses. Brilliant, just plain outstanding. Things couldn't get much worse, could they? Still, it wasn't like he was defenseless. His assailants had made a huge mistake, and that was letting him live for this long. He quickly planned out his actions, burning half of them to ash and then encasing the other half in an airtight stone chamber before they had any chance to attack. "And that, is why you never mess with a druid." He says with a smile, leaving the living assailants to slowly suffocate.
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[QUOTE="Satans Spawn]
Nation: Lastfair
Name: Isaac Orcus

Occupation: Student of Druidism ( ? )

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Backstory: (I'm just gonna write his personality, and a glimpsed of his past life)

Isaac never want to let someone in to his past. It was quite disastrous, abusive parents and such. That's why he learned to stand by himself. The result of his past, he became quite..sadistic. Although he's like that, he never abuse his own ability. He's sadistic but he's not stupid. His face remains somewhat stoic, emotionless. But once he hates, or pissed off about something, his aura will show it.




Isaac's back was against the wall, looking around, clearly he was surrounded. He look at the bloody mess, which belongs to his fallen comrades. He sighed deeply, thinking how can he get grouped by this weak group of people. He rarely say bad things about others, but today is a rare occasion, seeing that he got surrounded being the cause of his stupidly weak comrades.

But there was no time to regret what had happened, as one of his assailants was already preparing to tackle him down and kill him. Which he does not like.
Seriously... I already forgot how I ended up here.. He thought to himself as his assailant finally decided to attack. He have been waiting for them to attack so he can... explode. And he did, once the crowd got near him, he burst out a lot of flames causing his assailants to scream in agonizing pain.

As soon as the flames slowly died out, he slowly step out, walking over the ashes of his foes. "Ahh...You guys dirtied my shoes." he muttered to himself as he slowly walk away from the scenery, fading flames coming out from his fist, as they completely fade. The flames have done their job very well. Isaac looked at his palms, where the fire had vanish in, then his lips slowly curving to form a small sadistic smile. "Good job."

Subject of Magic:

Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

Element Control

- Fire/Water/Air/Earth

- Adept Rank

Light Control and Visual Optics

Formation of Illusionary Familiars (I want to know how this two works before I use them)

- Novice Rank

Please tell me if there's something wrong in my character sheet! I wouldn't mind changing it.

Seems all clear to me. You're in (Sorry for the long wait.)
JackOfHearts said:

Nation: Lastfair

Name: Jack Gervais

Occupation: Druid

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Backstory: WIP (Because I'm too lazy to come up with something right now :P I'll add that later.)



Chosen schools of magic:


Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

Element Control

- Fire/Water/Air/Earth

- Adept Rank

Lunar and Solar Forces

Fae Magika

- Master Rank (A little information on what these two entail would be much appreciated)

Scenario: Jack sighed, standing with his back to the wall. He was surrounded, and of course, things were looking quite bleak. Everyone in his group except him had died, leaving him with nothing but a bunch of useless weapons and corpses. Brilliant, just plain outstanding. Things couldn't get much worse, could they? Still, it wasn't like he was defenseless. His assailants had made a huge mistake, and that was letting him live for this long. He quickly planned out his actions, burning half of them to ash and then encasing the other half in an airtight stone chamber before they had any chance to attack. "And that, is why you never mess with a druid." He says with a smile, leaving the living assailants to slowly suffocate. (WIP)
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[QUOTE="Knight Nate](Im unsure if you're allowing submissions, but....here you go. Let me know what happens!)
Nation: Greyrock.

Name: Kurjack Aleckson

Occupation: Hermit/Wandering Paladin.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Backstory: Kurjack is very touchy about his past. He has revealed very little, but it is enough for most people. He grew up in a small village in the Greyrock Mountains. He lived a quiet life with his parents, where his father, a great warrior of his time, taught him to battle, and his mother, a priestess, taught him the ways of the Balthazar, an old Greyrock God, who was the patron of all Warriors and Champions.. He grew up unlike many of the other children in Greyrock. While they were very violent and rowdy, Kurjack was more poised and calm. He grew up to be a fine man and warrior, making his parents proud. He eventually fell in love with a nice girl and was starting a family of his own. However, just a few days after his second child was born, his entire village was raided by a band of bloodthirsty ghouls. Despite his advanced combat training and the aid of other warriors, their numbers were just too great for him to protect everyone he loved. The battle was long and arduous, with many people in the village dead by its end, Kurjacks parents and family included. Wracked with grief, Kurtjack buried his family and parents and left Greyrock to wander aimlessly, killing any unholy creatures in his path.

Appearance:View attachment 221920

His hair is long, shaggy, and unkempt, with a beard to match, completing the whole 'mountain man' look. His eyes are a dark brown, yet somehow warm, and his face and body are littered with scars. The axe in this picture is one of many.

Scenario: As I stand with my back against the cold stone, the furs attached to my iron armor sinking into the cold rock, I look out to my attackers. There were five of them; inexperienced by the look of them, but cocky as well. I could use this against them. With lightning speed, I bend down and pick up the bloodstained steel axe by my side and let out a savage, barbaric roar. Much to my amusement, three out of the five cringed, a loom of panic on their faces. I use this opening to charge straight at the one nearest to me. He's still frightened from the yell, and barely has time to lift his puny iron sword up in defense. But my strength is greater. With a single swipe, my axe breaks through his sword and finds its mark in his neck. I rip it out quickly and move to the next fellow, who is still staring at his fallen comrade. I guess he's never seen a friend fall before, but no mercy must be shown. I speed to him, my axe chopping wildly into him. By the time I'm finished, he's nothing but a bloody mess. I let out another Savage roar, and turn to the remaining three. Two of them are shaking in their boots, while one still manages to hold onto his pride with a stoic face. I stomp forward, and the two by the stoic ones sides drop their weapons and run the other direction, tails between their legs. I look to the last man and grin. He gulps. I let out another yell, and he responds with a scream of fear as he too drops his weapon and tries to run, but it's too late. I charge past and give one mighty chop. His head rolls to my feet, his eyes bulging out of their sockets, and I hear the definite PLOP of his body against the pavement. I shake the remainder of the Blood off my axe and sigh; and all they wanted was a few gold pieces. A pity, really. But it's their mistake, and they paid for it.

Subjects of Magic: None.

Boom, you're in. Welcome, our first official barbarian.
Nation: Lastfair

Name: Griva Oldheart

Occupation: Heir to the Oldheart Family; Adept druid and necromancer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight

Backstory: (Optional)



What a petty thing. Seriously. I looked down, chuckling.

The assassins looked at each other, unsure about what they were seeing. They had just taken out this girl`s guards as strike against her, yet she was laughing.

One of them raised a gun, but a hand grabbed his leg. He looked down.

"Ya bastard, why ya dad yat?" The man complained, lowering the gun and pressing the trigger. Bits of bone flew, blood, and flesh flew in all direction, until the head of the man holding the assassin`s leg looked like a wrecked bird nest painted red...Yet grip was still there, unloosened in any way.

The assassins back way a little. One of them was shacking, and I took a quick note of it. I chuckled.

"It`s useless. That guard`s been dead for a while, you know? I mean, in the sense that he was killed, anyway..."

The assassin holding the gun looked at me in terror.

"If I`m not mistaken, you`re from that peasant country, right? I`d love to hear about it...Do you mind, Stuart, show him his seat."

The guard with his head blown off stood from the ground and pulled out his sword, jabbing it right through the assassin`s chest. Others guards began getting on their feet too, as the assassin screamed in pain in his final moments.

The rest of the gang split: A couple of them ran. The others, rushed at me.

My guards were clumsy and the assassins had learned their lesson, though that didn`t stop a couple from making it through to me. I pulled a dagger out and smiled as I slit his throat, but in turn, he slit mine.

I fell to the floor. The other assassin saw as my guards did too and smirked. He kicked me in the chest.

"Seriously...We`re gonna need a raise for this one." He said, turning around.

"I can provide." I replied. The man only had time to turn back and see me becoming a dark panther, covered in scars and stitches, and a half-open neck. Ironically, it was at his I jumped, and the man fell screaming. I took my time to lick the blood as I waited for my recovery...


Soul Crafting

Speaking to the Dead

- Novice Rank


- Adept Rank


Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

- Adept Rank
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Nation: Lastfair

Name: Herus Elder

Occupation: Wanderer, Storyteller, Philosopher, Master in Arcane, Spell- Inventor.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Backstory: (Optional)


Scenario: (This is to see and determine your level of RP skill. Please aim for at least a paragraph here, about 3 lines +. This is mostly to avoid one liners really.)



Crystallization of Arcane Energies

- Novice Rank


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage

- Adept Rank


- Sprites/Conjuration/Familiars/Companions/Weapons & Armour

Creation of Incantations

- Scrolls/Grimoires/Runes

- Master Rank
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Idea said:
Nation: Lastfair
Name: Griva Oldheart

Occupation: Heir to the Oldheart Family; Adept druid and necromancer

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight

Backstory: (Optional)



What a petty thing. Seriously. I looked down, chuckling.

The assassins looked at each other, unsure about what they were seeing. They had just taken out this girl`s guards as strike against her, yet she was laughing.

One of them raised a gun, but a hand grabbed his leg. He looked down.

"Ya bastard, why ya dad yat?" The man complained, lowering the gun and pressing the trigger. Bits of bone flew, blood, and flesh flew in all direction, until the head of the man holding the assassin`s leg looked like a wrecked bird nest painted red...Yet grip was still there, unloosened in any way.

The assassins back way a little. One of them was shacking, and I took a quick note of it. I chuckled.

"It`s useless. That guard`s been dead for a while, you know? I mean, in the sense that he was killed, anyway..."

The assassin holding the gun looked at me in terror.

"If I`m not mistaken, you`re from that peasant country, right? I`d love to hear about it...Do you mind, Stuart, show him his seat."

The guard with his head blown off stood from the ground and pulled out his sword, jabbing it right through the assassin`s chest. Others guards began getting on their feet too, as the assassin screamed in pain in his final moments.

The rest of the gang split: A couple of them ran. The others, rushed at me.

My guards were clumsy and the assassins had learned their lesson, though that didn`t stop a couple from making it through to me. I pulled a dagger out and smiled as I slit his throat, but in turn, he slit mine.

I fell to the floor. The other assassin saw as my guards did too and smirked. He kicked me in the chest.

"Seriously...We`re gonna need a raise for this one." He said, turning around.

"I can provide." I replied. The man only had time to turn back and see me becoming a dark panther, covered in scars and stitches, and a half-open neck. Ironically, it was at his I jumped, and the man fell screaming. I took my time to lick the blood as I waited for my recovery...


Soul Crafting

Speaking to the Dead

- Novice Rank


- Adept Rank


Natural Processes

Natural Communication

- Animals/Plant-life

- Novice Rank

Shape shifting

- Adept Rank
Idea said:
Nation: Lastfair
Name: Herus Elder

Occupation: Wanderer, Storyteller, Philosopher, Master in Arcane, Spell- Inventor.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Backstory: (Optional)


Scenario: (This is to see and determine your level of RP skill. Please aim for at least a paragraph here, about 3 lines +. This is mostly to avoid one liners really.)



Crystallization of Arcane Energies

- Novice Rank


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage

- Adept Rank


- Sprites/Conjuration/Familiars/Companions/Weapons & Armour

Creation of Incantations

- Scrolls/Grimoires/Runes

- Master Rank
Approval granted
Nation: Alderford

Name: W.A.R W: weaponized A: automaton R: recreation

Occupation: War machine

Gender: Male

Sexuality: none

Backstory: When W.A.R was built the soul purpose was to make a killing machine to help when the war. Getting made with a self awareness by mistake, some thought people thought that it should of been scrapped and melted down but the engineer who crafted him made a proposition that they should at least give him a try in a fight before making any sudden movements? everyone who thought it would be a pain picked a fellow automaton for him to fight. Before the engineer named john cotton sent him out to fight he sat his still new automaton down and said "Boy before i send you out to fight im going to give you a name,is that alright?" the automaton looked at john an breathed "Yes, Mr.cotton" john let out a chuckle of laughter and says "first of all call me john ok?" the automaton looks to john ands says "if that's what you want,John" john smiles. "now for your name..." john ponders in his thoughts about what to name the metal war machine he has created and then it clicks "Right listen up im going to name W.A.R which stands for Weaponized Automaton Recreation,is that good?" the automaton looks to john and nods and asks "John im i going to win this fight,im...im kinda of scared" john looks shocked for a moment forgetting that W.A.R had self awareness and says in a confident tone "I made you right?....SO of course your going to win" with a smirk on his face patts W.A.R on the shoulder. John could tell that W.A.R felt a bit better about the fight ahead. As the fight begun a four armed automaton came out with 4 swords, sword in each hand. One massive red eye gleaming, War didn't flinch, which scared the other automaton which didn't make it not charge directly at W.A.R ,W.A.R simple dodged to the right while swinging his arms out as getting ready to bring them back in with enough force to crush a mountain,in a flash he brings his arms back in connecting directly with the other automatons head crushing it into a pile of remains. W.A.R releasing won the fight swiftly grabs the lifeless body and holds it up as it was a trophy with the oil of the automaton leaking on his armor.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fdfde493fd66a9f4ee38d2304ba355c5.jpg.f46eeb01121845d85c8b554f5c606221.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fdfde493fd66a9f4ee38d2304ba355c5.jpg.f46eeb01121845d85c8b554f5c606221.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scenario: W.A.R was in his warband which consisted of him and two other automatons, W.A.R as the captain. The warband was on a patrol of a local forest which has been reported of a witch sighting. W.A.R and his comrades go into the forest, With steam coming out of the gaps of W.A.R's helmet while whispering "Keep your eyes out for any movement and don't underestimate it because there's only one ok!?!?" the others nod in what seemed like fear of W.A.R. As they kept moving though the forest they get to a flat square patch which has taken out all the trees and grass surrounding it for at least 100 miles with a single stone in the middle,With a small brittle body of what seemed like a child which seemed to be giggling one of W.A.R's comrades shouts out "THIS WILL BE EASY!!!!!" while charging directly at the witch and before W.A.R could jump in an help his friend and comrade was dead in a pile of oil and metal on the spot. The small witch now standing over what she has done looking proud,W.A.R looks at his only comrade left and nods as the comrade goes in first quickly followed by W.A.R but before W.A.R could reach his last comrade...he was dead. This filled W.A.R with a burning rage which made him lunge at the witch, Shocking the witch because of his shear speed of the automaton speed she has never seen. Before the witch could open her moth she saw the gaps in W.A.R's helmet glowing pure red with steam pouring out, This....This will be the the last face she see's for the rest of her life as W.A.R raised his fist up in the air bringing it down with max force making the small witch nothing more than a pile of organs. W.A.R gathered the remains of his fallen comrades to see if john cotton could fix them but the damage was beyond repair.



  • fdfde493fd66a9f4ee38d2304ba355c5.jpg
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ExoHunter said:
Nation: Alderford
Name: W.A.R W: weaponized A: automaton R: recreation

Occupation: War machine

Gender: Male

Sexuality: none

Backstory: When W.A.R was built the soul purpose was to make a killing machine to help when the war. Getting made with a self awareness by mistake, some thought people thought that it should of been scrapped and melted down but the engineer who crafted him made a proposition that they should at least give him a try in a fight before making any sudden movements? everyone who thought it would be a pain picked a fellow automaton for him to fight. Before the engineer named john cotton sent him out to fight he sat his still new automaton down and said "Boy before i send you out to fight im going to give you a name,is that alright?" the automaton looked at john an breathed "Yes, Mr.cotton" john let out a chuckle of laughter and says "first of all call me john ok?" the automaton looks to john ands says "if that's what you want,John" john smiles. "now for your name..." john ponders in his thoughts about what to name the metal war machine he has created and then it clicks "Right listen up im going to name W.A.R which stands for Weaponized Automaton Recreation,is that good?" the automaton looks to john and nods and asks "John im i going to win this fight,im...im kinda of scared" john looks shocked for a moment forgetting that W.A.R had self awareness and says in a confident tone "I made you right?....SO of course your going to win" with a smirk on his face patts W.A.R on the shoulder. John could tell that W.A.R felt a bit better about the fight ahead. As the fight begun a four armed automaton came out with 4 swords, sword in each hand. One massive red eye gleaming, War didn't flinch, which scared the other automaton which didn't make it not charge directly at W.A.R ,W.A.R simple dodged to the right while swinging his arms out as getting ready to bring them back in with enough force to crush a mountain,in a flash he brings his arms back in connecting directly with the other automatons head crushing it into a pile of remains. W.A.R releasing won the fight swiftly grabs the lifeless body and holds it up as it was a trophy with the oil of the automaton leaking on his armor.

Appearance: View attachment 221955

Scenario: W.A.R was in his warband which consisted of him and two other automatons, W.A.R as the captain. The warband was on a patrol of a local forest which has been reported of a witch sighting. W.A.R and his comrades go into the forest, With steam coming out of the gaps of W.A.R's helmet while whispering "Keep your eyes out for any movement and don't underestimate it because there's only one ok!?!?" the others nod in what seemed like fear of W.A.R. As they kept moving though the forest they get to a flat square patch which has taken out all the trees and grass surrounding it for at least 100 miles with a single stone in the middle,With a small brittle body of what seemed like a child which seemed to be giggling one of W.A.R's comrades shouts out "THIS WILL BE EASY!!!!!" while charging directly at the witch and before W.A.R could jump in an help his friend and comrade was dead in a pile of oil and metal on the spot. The small witch now standing over what she has done looking proud,W.A.R looks at his only comrade left and nods as the comrade goes in first quickly followed by W.A.R but before W.A.R could reach his last comrade...he was dead. This filled W.A.R with a burning rage which made him lunge at the witch, Shocking the witch because of his shear speed of the automaton speed she has never seen. Before the witch could open her moth she saw the gaps in W.A.R's helmet glowing pure red with steam pouring out, This....This will be the the last face she see's for the rest of her life as W.A.R raised his fist up in the air bringing it down with max force making the small witch nothing more than a pile of organs. W.A.R gathered the remains of his fallen comrades to see if john cotton could fix them but the damage was beyond repair.
You're in. Start when you feel like it.
Nation: Roguebreach (Currently working for Alderford)

Name: Silar Alwick

Age: 32

Occupation: Mercenary

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Backstory: Born in anguish, Silar is a man who understands that adversity and existence... are one in the same. His mother and father are unknown merely that Silar was left on the Guild's doorstep with a small note describing his name and a short prophecy. Whoever left him there seemed to believe he would play a part in a coming war, turn the tides of battle for the Alderford and allow technology and cultural advancement to overtake superstition and fantastical tails of magic.

It was a prophecy he himself took very seriously, even as young boy he claimed to be aware of such a prophecy. Claiming to the be reincarnated souls of several heroes of the past. Combined into a single body to become a paragon of warriors, the perfect tool for sending those deemed unworthy back to oblivion. His whole life, Silar trained to become a warrior and while he trained hard everyday Silar was no robot, no automaton that could be commanded and forced to obey. Silar was a sociable boy and managed a large circle of friends during his training. Any who dared to claim his prophecy as false he would violently attack until they took it back which earned him much infamy among the Guilds of Roguebreach.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Mercenary.jpg.c24f77002ac42b7d597a18b9800405b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Mercenary.jpg.c24f77002ac42b7d597a18b9800405b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eventually, his training complete and he become a full fledged Mercenary for the guild. Though he never stopped practicing, he took on any job no matter the cost or the danger and emerged victorious time after time. A very small amount of his jobs failed, but he failed more often than he'd like to admit. This myriad of failures accumulated as scars on his body, of which he is not short on.

Appearance: Underneath his armor, Silar has a trio of deep scars that leave a jagged cornrow of fissures on his face. They go from the top of his scalp down to his lips, partially his lips have been removed but they're still mostly there. He is also missing a portion of his right ear and yet another fissure trails from the right side of his face down into his cheek.

Silar has strikingly beautiful cold blue eyes, they are enchanting and easy to find oneself lost in them. Though his his completely bald, black stubble grows on to the top of his head as well as across his face showing that he deliberately shaves his face.

Scenario: Surrounded on all sides, not the first time he'd been in this scenario however it was the first time he had no way out. Silar slowly backed away from the encroaching enemies, keeping his eyes forward with his left hand stretched out behind him until his fingers hit the cold stone of the wall. It didn't seem like any of his cohorts were still alive and it was a somber feeling to know that he would die alone.

But perhaps not today.

On the ground nearby the corpse of his old friend Aeder Kaljor, was the man's magnificent sword. A thin blade with a sharped crossguard to add to the weapon's capability. Swiftly, Silar grabbed the blade and trailed his fingers along the fuller of the blade. His eyes returned to the hoard just as the first of the vermin lunged at him with a spear. Easily dodged by jerking his body to left, the soldier's spear met nothing but brick and as the angry scowl of the spearman changed to surprise; Silar thrust Aeder's blade deep into collar, the blade sinking into the man's flesh and ending his life quite abruptly. There was no time to dabble however, the thin blade easily slide from the dead man's body and Silar recovered just in time to fend off an incoming attack from a fellow swordsmen- if you could call him that. The haphazard downward swing of the man's weapon was met with quick deflection and the ring of metal on metal. Rather than halting his force, Silar rode the momentum full circle, turning three-hundred and sixty degrees before the blade came slashing down upon the enemy's neck and swiftly decapitated him. Multiple enemies charged him now, and Silar merely kicked over the dead corpse of his latest victim and raised his blade in a guarded stance.

There were many more vermin to cull.




  • Mercenary.jpg
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Vera S. Oxberg



Vera S. Oxberg


"You dont ask a lady that"









Born and raised in one of the windiest city in the continent, Zerepath. When she was just a child, exactly 6 years old, Vera experienced her first aerial show conducted by her father. That man was the number one role model in her life because her daddy was the coolest person in the world. Though her mother’s internal fear was great, refusing the idea of Vera becoming like her father. It was a very dangerous job and even if it was beautiful for the eyes of entertainment, there was always the possibility of everything going wrong.

But Vera wasn’t afraid, the girl’s mind was set on becoming a pilot. She didn’t want to be a nurse, or a secretary, or a guard, or an engineer, or…anything else. She wanted to have that smile and feel the same excitement that her father felt when he spun around in the air and pierced the clouds. So she ignored her mother’s warnings, causing a fight between her parents once in a while—Vera’s mother worrying, and then her father defending the girl’s choice.

Despite her mother’s disapproval, her father agreed on taking his own daughter under his wing, making her his pupil. He would train her in his own airship by taking her high up in the mountains and flying against the air currents above Zerepath. And so years and years passed, going to her regular school in the mornings and then running off in the afternoons to fly her father’s aircraft. But her great confidence—And stupidity—Made her take a very grave decision. She took one of the aircrafts and flew it alone, wanting to impress her dad on the unbelievable progress she made those few months…

She lost control of the airship and crashed.

It was a miracle that they found her alive that day. Though her mother blamed her father for the bad choice her daughter made and after Vera recovered, she left him. The woman spent a very long time in therapy due to her accident, and while she was stuck on the ground Vera studied the arts of Magic…Even though it was very clear that the place for her was in the skies.

She wanted to pursue her dreams, and so she left.

Leaving only a simple goodbye letter behind, Vera got on a ship that was destined to go to Alderford. Once there, she managed to find a job in the air docks and eventually became confident enough to get her Pilot license.

Subjects Of Magic:



Crystallization of Arcane Energies

- Novice Rank


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage

- Adept Rank


Light Control and Visual Optics

Formation of Illusionary Familiars

- Novice Rank


It was clear that she was no fighter. She was tired, out of breath, and vulnerable. Only that simple sword that laid by her side brought her hope—What hope? Is not like she knew how to even swing one of those things. But Vera didn’t get this far to just lay on the ground like this and give up. She fought so hard against her emotions and physical body itself to raise her hands and surrender. “…Damn it” The words hissed out of her lips through her clenched teeth, pushing her muscles to move further…Just a bit further so she could reach it. For a moment, her eyes strayed up to see the mocking faces of those who deemed her pathetic, but what they didn’t know is that her fingers had closed around that sword. Around her only salvation and escape.

She wasn’t going to die…Not today…Not soon.


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Anaxial said:
Nation: Roguebreach (Currently working for Alderford)
Name: Silar Alwick

Age: 32

Occupation: Mercenary

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Backstory: Born in anguish, Silar is a man who understands that adversity and existence... are one in the same. His mother and father are unknown merely that Silar was left on the Guild's doorstep with a small note describing his name and a short prophecy. Whoever left him there seemed to believe he would play a part in a coming war, turn the tides of battle for the Alderford and allow technology and cultural advancement to overtake superstition and fantastical tails of magic.

It was a prophecy he himself took very seriously, even as young boy he claimed to be aware of such a prophecy. Claiming to the be reincarnated souls of several heroes of the past. Combined into a single body to become a paragon of warriors, the perfect tool for sending those deemed unworthy back to oblivion. His whole life, Silar trained to become a warrior and while he trained hard everyday Silar was no robot, no automaton that could be commanded and forced to obey. Silar was a sociable boy and managed a large circle of friends during his training. Any who dared to claim his prophecy as false he would violently attack until they took it back which earned him much infamy among the Guilds of Roguebreach.

View attachment 222058

Eventually, his training complete and he become a full fledged Mercenary for the guild. Though he never stopped practicing, he took on any job no matter the cost or the danger and emerged victorious time after time. A very small amount of his jobs failed, but he failed more often than he'd like to admit. This myriad of failures accumulated as scars on his body, of which he is not short on.

Appearance: Underneath his armor, Silar has a trio of deep scars that leave a jagged cornrow of fissures on his face. They go from the top of his scalp down to his lips, partially his lips have been removed but they're still mostly there. He is also missing a portion of his right ear and yet another fissure trails from the right side of his face down into his cheek.

Silar has strikingly beautiful cold blue eyes, they are enchanting and easy to find oneself lost in them. Though his his completely bald, black stubble grows on to the top of his head as well as across his face showing that he deliberately shaves his face.

Scenario: Surrounded on all sides, not the first time he'd been in this scenario however it was the first time he had no way out. Silar slowly backed away from the encroaching enemies, keeping his eyes forward with his left hand stretched out behind him until his fingers hit the cold stone of the wall. It didn't seem like any of his cohorts were still alive and it was a somber feeling to know that he would die alone.

But perhaps not today.

On the ground nearby the corpse of his old friend Aeder Kaljor, was the man's magnificent sword. A thin blade with a sharped crossguard to add to the weapon's capability. Swiftly, Silar grabbed the blade and trailed his fingers along the fuller of the blade. His eyes returned to the hoard just as the first of the vermin lunged at him with a spear. Easily dodged by jerking his body to left, the soldier's spear met nothing but brick and as the angry scowl of the spearman changed to surprise; Silar thrust Aeder's blade deep into collar, the blade sinking into the man's flesh and ending his life quite abruptly. There was no time to dabble however, the thin blade easily slide from the dead man's body and Silar recovered just in time to fend off an incoming attack from a fellow swordsmen- if you could call him that. The haphazard downward swing of the man's weapon was met with quick deflection and the ring of metal on metal. Rather than halting his force, Silar rode the momentum full circle, turning three-hundred and sixty degrees before the blade came slashing down upon the enemy's neck and swiftly decapitated him. Multiple enemies charged him now, and Silar merely kicked over the dead corpse of his latest victim and raised his blade in a guarded stance.

There were many more vermin to cull.

Approved! I think you'll fit very well in here, so I hope you enjoy the forum.
TeaLeaves said:

Vera S. Oxberg



Vera S. Oxberg


JK, she'll never tell you









Born and raised in one of the windiest city in the continent, Zerepath. When she was just a child, exactly 6 years old, Vera experienced her first aerial show conducted by her father. That man was the number one role model in her life because her daddy was the coolest person in the world. Though her mother’s internal fear was great, refusing the idea of Vera becoming like her father. It was a very dangerous job and even if it was beautiful for the eyes of entertainment, there was always the possibility of everything going wrong.

But Vera wasn’t afraid, the girl’s mind was set on becoming a pilot. She didn’t want to be a nurse, or a secretary, or a guard, or an engineer, or…anything else. She wanted to have that smile and feel the same excitement that her father felt when he spun around in the air and pierced the clouds. So she ignored her mother’s warnings, causing a fight between her parents once in a while—Vera’s mother worrying, and then her father defending the girl’s choice.

Despite her mother’s disapproval, her father agreed on taking his own daughter under his wing, making her his pupil. He would train her in his own airship by taking her high up in the mountains and flying against the air currents above Zerepath. And so years and years passed, going to her regular school in the mornings and then running off in the afternoons to fly her father’s aircraft. But her great confidence—And stupidity—Made her take a very grave decision. She took one of the aircrafts and flew it alone, wanting to impress her dad on the unbelievable progress she made those few months…

She lost control of the airship and crashed.

It was a miracle that they found her alive that day. Though her mother blamed her father for the bad choice her daughter made and after Vera recovered, she left him. The woman spent a very long time in therapy due to her accident, and while she was stuck on the ground Vera studied the arts of Magic…Even though it was very clear that the place for her was in the skies.

She wanted to pursue her dreams, and so she left.

Leaving only a simply goodbye letter behind, Vera got on a ship that was destined to go to Alderford. Once there, she managed to find a job in the air docks and eventually became confident enough to get her Pilot license.

Subjects Of Magic:



Crystallization of Arcane Energies

- Novice Rank


Detection of Magical Effects and Usage

- Adept Rank


Light Control and Visual Optics

Formation of Illusionary Familiars

- Novice Rank

Approved! Welcome to Var and I hope you enjoy the RP for a long time to come.
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Nation: Lastfair

Name: Caligo

Occupation: Master-rank Necromancer and scholar of "The Cycle," or of life and death.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Backstory: Caligo has no history; at least, not anymore. When he first became a necromancer, Caligo gave up everything: his past, his family, his friends, even his own name, as he believed such things would only prove a burden to him in the future. All that is known about the man, and all that anyone needs to know, is that he is fanatically devoted to magic and Lastfair, as well as what he refers to as The Cycle, or the cycle of life and death, and this devotion is what influences all his choices.



Scenario: Despite the desperate appearance of his situation, Caligo only looked angry. The weapon lying on the ground, the still-warm corpses of his allies, the approaching soldiers, none of it was of any concern to Caligo; his eyes and thoughts were trained solely on the three automatons his ambushers had brought with them.

"Artificial life that was not naturally created...such an abomination should not walk this earth!" His anger was pure, untainted by any outside motives. He was a religious man, and the machines that stood before him were his devils. Caligo turned his attention towards the soldiers. "To try and defy The Cycle is the most foolish thing man can do! For your transgressions against all life, you shall serve me as puppets for all eternity!" As Caligo spoke, his hands and eyes began glowing a bright white-blue. Strings of pure life energy snaked out of his palms and, in no more than a single moment, flew towards three of the six men approaching him and latched onto their chests. The soldiers from Alderford screamed in fear and pain, then grew eerily quiet as the tendrils disappeared into their bodies.

For a painfully long second, the world was quiet. The three who hadn't been attacked shuffled slowly over to their comrades, not quite sure what to make of the whole scene; and then, all at once, all hell broke loose. The three who had been attacked now had glowing white eyes similar to Caligo, and they struck out at their former allies with an unholy rage. The soldiers had been possessed, their wills broken and souls enslaved, and Caligo held their strings as they mercilessly slaughtered the others.

Once the three remaining soldiers lay dead, Caligo ordered his puppets to destroy the automatons and began casting another spell, reanimating all that had been slain that day, friend and foe. He couldn't help but smile; six more souls now belonged to him, and six more had been shown the way back into The Cycle. "Now, to show all of Alderford the error of their ways..."

Subjects of Magic


Soul Crafting

Speaking to the Dead

- Novice Rank



- Adept Rank

Life Force Manipulation


-Master Rank
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[QUOTE="A Skull on the Shelf]Nation: Lastfair
Name: Caligo

Occupation: Master-rank Necromancer and scholar of "The Cycle," or of life and death.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Backstory: Caligo has no history; at least, not anymore. When he first became a necromancer, Caligo gave up everything: his past, his family, his friends, even his own name, as he believed such things would only prove a burden to him in the future. All that is known about the man, and all that anyone needs to know, is that he is fanatically devoted to magic and Lastfair, as well as what he refers to as The Cycle, or the cycle of life and death, and this devotion is what influences all his choices.



Scenario: Despite the desperate appearance of his situation, Caligo only looked angry. The weapon lying on the ground, the still-warm corpses of his allies, the approaching soldiers, none of it was of any concern to Caligo; his eyes and thoughts were trained solely on the three automatons his ambushers had brought with them.

"Artificial life that was not naturally created...such an abomination should not walk this earth!" His anger was pure, untainted by any outside motives. He was a religious man, and the machines that stood before him were his devils. Caligo turned his attention towards the soldiers. "To try and defy The Cycle is the most foolish thing man can do! For your transgressions against all life, you shall serve me as puppets for all eternity!" As Caligo spoke, his hands and eyes began glowing a bright white-blue. Strings of pure life energy snaked out of his palms and, in no more than a single moment, flew towards three of the six men approaching him and latched onto their chests. The soldiers from Alderford screamed in fear and pain, then grew eerily quiet as the tendrils disappeared into their bodies.

For a painfully long second, the world was quiet. The three who hadn't been attacked shuffled slowly over to their comrades, not quite sure what to make of the whole scene; and then, all at once, all hell broke loose. The three who had been attacked now had glowing white eyes similar to Caligo, and they struck out at their former allies with an unholy rage. The soldiers had been possessed, their wills broken and souls enslaved, and Caligo held their strings as they mercilessly slaughtered the others.

Once the three remaining soldiers lay dead, Caligo ordered his puppets to destroy the automatons and began casting another spell, reanimating all that had been slain that day, friend and foe. He couldn't help but smile; six more souls now belonged to him, and six more had been shown the way back into The Cycle. "Now, to show all of Alderford the error of their ways..."

Subjects of Magic


Soul Crafting

Speaking to the Dead

- Novice Rank



- Adept Rank

Life Force Manipulation


-Master Rank

Welcome aboard, our final wizard. Please enjoy the thread.

  • Nation: Alderford

    Name: Major André Mortimer

    Gender: Male

    Age: 39

    Occupation: Soldier

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Janus93 said:

  • Nation: Alderford

    Name: Major André Mortimer

    Gender: Male

    Age: 39

    Occupation: Soldier

Accepted! Good to see someone else picking up the Alderford roles.
Varys Naziri

Nation: Roguebreach

Occupation: Assassin

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Backstory: No one knows Varys life before he became an assassin. No one knows it but himself.

A proud son of a sorcerer and alchemist, little Varys life was beautiful, fueled by imagination and the work of his parents. The little boy would smile and laugh, he would cry and regret, he would feel the love from of others. But the conflict changed everything. His father was accused as false alchemist, a defiler of magic, and the Lastfair hunted his families as they hiding from one place to another, before leaving for Alderford.

Things hadn't got better though. His mother died at stakes just because she was studying the art of Illusion. His desperate father abused Varys for years before he escapes using some smoke bombs and a trick or two in illusion. He joined two outlaws as they went to the city of Roguebrach, and with them he harnessed his skill. His bloodline allowed him to easily mastered the art of assassination, and soon he took a new name and new life. He is no longer the cheerful little boy who would enjoy spectacular shows of illusory butterflies and hypnotizing fireworks. There is only Varys, the hateful assassins, the cold-blooded illusionist, the man that was able to enter the must confidential place undetected, leaving no trace but mysterious death and disappearance. As the tensions of the two nation increased, Varys couldn't wait to play in the part of their destruction, a payment after they took the little boy's heart and turned it into what Varys now is.

Scenario: In a war, all men fight for themselves. Someone might went to the battlefield for his nation, other for his honors, and many other for various other motives. But when the first blood was spilled, all men fought for the same thing. Survival. The instinct to kill for the sake of his own survival. Which side you were when the bloodshed started matters no more. Varys was not blind of this fact. Never was he considered the person next to him as allies, friends, or anything personal. They were simply faceless individuals. But when his adversaries got him from all side, allies is what he needs. Behind the veil that covered his face, behind the thin piece of cloth that separated himself from the rest of the world, he felt nothing but the desire to live on and fight for another day. He might be surrounded, but he was nowhere from losing the fight.

A master illusionist he was, he quickly outnumbered the enemy by an army of himself. No man knows what terror Varys had just put in the mind of his opponents. What made his name wasn't simply how real and terrifying his illusion was, but also how he could make it real. The vision of their sword melting, and red smokes chocking anyone under its influence was not mere vision. Some acidic concoctions and bottled plague is enough to turn their worst nightmare into reality. The Assassin was still standing. His images chased down the remaining troops, while others either died by the nightmarish experience or Varys' dagger. They had failed their own selves, they had left their body to rot and wither. They didn't survive, and they won't get another chance to fight.

The Assassin survived, and he will fight until the end of time.


Light Control and Visual Optics

Formation of Illusionary Familiars

- Novice Rank

Emotional and Auditory Creation

Memory Implantation

- Adept Rank

Illusionary Adjustment

- Voice/Appearance/Personality

Falsely Altering Properties of All Objects

- Master Rank

Alchemy (Through Magic)

Mythical creature Biology

The Differences in Elixirs, Potions and Flasks

- Novice Rank

Creation of Elemental Potions

- Wildfire, Never Melting Ice, Lightning in a bottle, Dark matter e.g.

Transmutation of Anything and Everything

- Adept Rank


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