A Journey?


Master of Malign Maladies
So, I am Ninbinz and I have wondered here from afar. I often refer to myself as a hobbit (a result of my self-deprecating humour), this is not entirely true. While I don't have the loftiest of statures, I am not so stout as a hobbit. In actual fact, I am human. Don't let this startling revelation catch you off guard, by all accounts hobbits are fictitious (except those accounts which document a diminutive race found somewhere in the deep and dangerous jungles of the Asian regions). I digress, I am an avid reader, writer and subsequently an observer (not voyeur mind you). It is a writer's job to observe (against popular opinion), but it is his 'passion' to write.

I am by no means a professional of any sort, not even at sleeping (to my utter disappointment). I am no stranger to the rigours and joys of roleplaying but I am always learning new things and am happy to do so. I hail from one of those countries that spells some words with an ou, like; colour, odour and somesuch.

Hello RPzone.

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I firmly believe hobbits are found wherever there is pie and good companionship! I am, of course, referring to the sort chronicled by Professor Tolkien. ;)

Hello and welcome, friend hobbit! If you have any questions, do ask - we're a friendly lot. :D
No chocolate? @CuriousChick, that is your rule, friend, not mine. =)

As for Ninbinz here, as far as I am concerned, a good hobbit can eat whatever he wants! *lights a pipe, shares an ale, and offers a fresh, warm pie on the table with many plates and forks made ready.*

Welcome, Ninbinz! There really are many good people in Roleplay.Zone for you to meet; just peek around and see.

*puffs and hands over the pipe* So what kind of smoke rings do you like best?

Honor and fun,

Hello ninbinz, and welcome aboard ;) *bark*

If that comforts you, to old Wolf you will forever remain a hobbit :P

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