A House [Inactive]

Aya: As you press the key into the lock the sound of crying begins to grow from the center of the room. Before you can turn around and see the source you hear a shrill voice speak. "Why won't you have tea with us!? Nobody ever wants to have tea with us!" The next sound to fill the room is that of chairs shuffling back and little feet hitting the ground. "Nobody wants to stay and play with us ever!" The voice slowly grows shriller and begins to grow into a scream until the crying has become one shrill noise. For a moment the lock sticks and the noise stops. For a moment there is nothing but silence and then a small voice that seems to come from all to close to your ear speaks in a whispered hush. "There is always time for tea." The lock suddenly forces the key out with enough force to knock you onto your back. As you look up and try to regain your senses you notice the source of the voice. Above you is a giant worm shaped mass of broken doll parts. The mass is dripping with the thick black liquid and a drop falls onto your forehead. You can feel that the liquid is thick and warm like blood and it dries quickly on your forehead. The large doll mass appears to have a singular head at the center but more portions of faces including broken mouths and eyes form the rest of the "head". The monster opens its mouths and more of the liquid poured out over her face drenching her. Suddenly the voice spoke again but the mouths simply continued to gape open pouring out the black liquid. "You will stay for tea there is no time for reading."

Hana: I will allow Gwen to post a response to you before I post a response to both of you.
He had been sleeping for so long, hadn't realized how much of the time that actually had passed by but now, he had finally opened his eyes and moved to stand up. He yawned and rubbed one of said eyes, looking around and then got his eyes stuck on the only door he could see. He couldn't remember what he was doing here but apparently, no one was here but him. He walked out of the room, hearing that the door just fell shut behind him but he didn't bother to look behind himself, there was no need to go back. He stood at the same place, waiting for his eyes to start working again.

He could see the outlines of a table up front and moved over there to find a pair of keys and a note. After some glaring at it, he could make out the words and looked back to the keys. "...Only one, huh?" He mumbled to himself before chuckling, what kind of stupid game was this? He reached out and grabbed both keys, picking them from the table in a swift movement. "Sorry, man, not good with rules." He snickered to himself, having no idea what he was getting himself into.
Benjamin: The moment both keys left the table a booming gong sound resonated throughout the room. The sound was loud enough that the table in the center shook and slowly it began to crumble. As the sound resonated it only grew louder until it just stopped suddenly. The moment the sound stops you begin to notice a soft sound like wood breaking. The walls begin to fall apart and crumble revealing a large set of gears and machinery behind them. The gears appear to have a single purpose and that is to pump a thick black liquid. As the walls finish crumbling you also notice that a large vat of the liquid to your left is starting to crack and slowly the liquid begins to spill out into the room. The liquid is hot to the touch and as the cracks in the vat begin to grow more of the liquid starts to pour out heating the room up and slowly jamming more gears causing more liquid to spout out of pipes and small glass containers. A note floats down gently from the ceiling and stops seeming to be attached to a string right in front of your face. The note reads only one thing "I told you pick one." The note is only signed with a heart and the number 4.
"W...Whoa..." He blinked, spinning around and tried to find a reason behind this. This was a game made up by someone, right? What was this with the gears behind the wall and the liquid? He glanced over at the black... water? Goo? and then poked it with his foot. It was warm... He quickly pulled his leg back and turned around, looking for an escape but only walked right into a note that was hanging from the ceiling all of a sudden. He grabbed it and red it, feeling his heart sink in his chest. "Come on man... I was just curious... I would put it back but... Uh, there's no table..." The keys suddenly felt a little heavy in his hands as the black liquid filled the room faster than he wanted.

He rushed over to the door that said sanctum on it, fumbling a little and almost dropped the golden key as he tried to get it into the lock, fighting to get the door open. Was even was a sanctum? He couldn't remember completely but he sure hoped that it wasn't filling with black, warm liquid...
Benjamin: As you choose the door to the sanctum the gears slowly begin to stop. The moment the other key drops out of your hands the crumbled walls begin to reconstruct and everything in the room returns to as it was. The key drags itself along the floor to where the table once was and the table reforms with the key on top. The sound of a gong is heard again but much quieter. The door opens easily but you feel a strange force push you through before you can even look back. Suddenly the door closes behind you and locks with a soft click. As you look arousnd you finally realize what a sanctum is. You appear to be in a large stone room with a high roof and a few sculptures around you. As far as you can tell you are underground as there is no window with natural light coming in. All that lights this room is a few torches. Upon closer inspection the statues appear to have at one point been angels and are built surrounding a small shrine of some sort. The shrine has been cracked in half seemingly on purpose. The walls have drawings and words all over them written in charcoal. Most of them simply say "god has forsaken this place" but a few are more specific. From what you can gather there is a single man in charge of this house and he takes a group of people every year. Around you there are two doors with no locks. On goes to the "catacombs" and the other goes to "4's room". The one marked "4's room" stands out from other doors you have seen because it is pink and seems like it belongs in a real house. The longer you stand still the more unsettling the drawings and words on the walls begin to become for you and it becomes almost unbearable to even look at the shrine.
Aya’s hand tightened around the key at the voice, knowing something bad is going to happen if she doesn't get out of there soon. As they gradually became an unbearable shriek she began to desperately try to wring the key into the door, panic beginning to rise up in her chest. Damn it, it’s not moving! Then, at the sound of an expected click as the key slid into the lock, a surge of relief overcame her. Thank god! Now I don’t have to waste any more time in this cursed room.

About to take hold of the knob, she noticed the sudden silence that took over room. ..Why did it s- . "There is always time for tea." The voice whispered, now unexpectedly close behind her. In turn, the key violently flew out the lock, knocking the air out of her as she was launched onto the floor. Recovering from the shock, the girl slowly opened her eyes – freezing at the sight that met her. A massive worm shaped out of shattered dolls loomed over her, oozing with dark liquid. Aya could only sit there and stare, paralyzed, as a single drop of the warm liquid dripped down on her face.

As the shocked girl was trying to process what stood before her, the terrifying creature slowly open it’s “mouth” above her. Snapping out of it at the movement, Aya clenched her hand around the key still sitting in her palm. I need to move! Quickly! But before she could do anything, a sudden gush of liquid met her, pouring straight out of the monster’s mouth. A long moment later, the drenched girl stumbled out of the downpour on her back, coughing from the lack of air. "You will stay for tea there is no time for reading." The voice told her. Shakily standing up, Aya glanced back at the opposite door. It’s the only other choice I've got. “O-Of course I’ll stay for tea.” Aya said, slowly backing up towards the door. Just a few more steps...
Aya: "You will?" The voice seemed to become less menacing at this mention and it shrunk down a bit to a size closer to Aya's own. As it shrank the parts became less and less disorganized and seemed to be forming into an almost human like appearance. After a few seconds the thing had formed into the shape of a little girl her head made out of broken doll heads and so on. She was wearing a ragged dress made of patched pieces of the dolls dresses and the pieces fit together so closely that there was no longer any room for the black liquid to seep through. Each broken pieces seemed to fit together perfectly as if they were one big puzzle made to the shape of a little girl. "I love tea time, but Master only invites guests over once a year, he's so boring." The girl now spoke in a more human fashion manipulating a pair of doll lips as if they were made of flesh. She did not pour out the black liquid when she spoke but still appeared to be full of the stuff. On her left cheek you can see the number 6 carved roughly in. "I love it here in the house, at first I was scared too but Master makes the best tea." Suddenly the face contorted and broke apart slightly some of the shattered pieces separating to allow the liquid to seep out in small amounts. As these cracks formed in the face the girl began to claw at her own body and screamed a little. "I don't like the tea I don't like it it's yucky and black!" Again the cracks closed and formed a perfect face as the girl stopped clawing at her own body. "The tea makes me so happy!" This time cracks began to form in the arms and the girl screamed again. "I want my mommy somebody hel..." Before the girl could finish the word help the cracks fixed themselves and her doll lips contorted into an attempt at a smile. "Won't you be my bestest friend forever?"

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