A House [Inactive]


The rising moon
DarkAncient submitted a new role play:

A House - Horror survival rp get out alive

You wake up alone in a dark damp room. You can hear the creaking of others in the house but you can't tell from where. You become suddenly aware of a small source of light coming from a lantern at your feet sitting atop a note. The note is written in perfect calligraphy neatly on parchment that looks fresh. "Welcome to the game, try and have fun." As you lift up the lantern your senses begin to return. Suddenly you are aware of the more subtle sounds and even a smell. Its the smell of rancid...
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DarkAncient updated A House with a new update entry:


Hello everyone. Posting commences tomorrow morning so I will now tell you what part of the house each characters hallway leads to!
Alyss: You wake up and walk down the hallway. You find that the door at the end is unlocked and opens with ease but shuts and locks as soon as you pass through. On the door is a placard that says "home" in fine cursive writing. Taking in your surroundings you find yourself to be in a courtyard of some sorts. Though you can see the open night sky there is no moon....
Read the rest of this update entry...
Hana hugged the small sweater she wore closer to herself, making sure she stayed in the light of the chandelier, her eyes shifting nervously to the darker corners of the room. The piles of stuffies only served unnerve her even more. But she wanted to leave as soon as possible so she tiptoed over to the pile of bunnies, examining them. They all seemed to smile back at her, the dark eyes vacant but somewhat comforting. Then her eyes came to rest on the bunny atop the pile. It was dismembered and it shocked her into taking a step back. She thought about how it fit the scenery quite well. The small note caught her attention and she tugged it off with pale, trembling fingers. She mouthed the words she couldn't utter and snatched the bunny and key, clutching them close to her chest. Gardens were typically outdoors and she could escape from the terrifying darkness in the building. So, she stepped quietly to the door marked Garden and inserted the key, twisting it agonizingly slow. The door opened and she peered around it cautiously.
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Alyss woke up due to the frozen feeling in her toes and fingers. "Where...Where am I?". Her eyes slowly focused on the unfamiliar room around her as she sat up from the groggy sleep. She stood up slowly and walked to the door which was unlocked. She pulled it open to see a long hallway with a door at the end. "The way out?" she opened the door cautiously afraid of what might be on the other side. Cool air hit her face as the door pulled open. "Outside!" a rush of excitement hit Alyss and she let the door close behind her, noticing a faint click of the lock. She turned toward the door to see a place card with cursive writing in an unfamiliar hand. "Home." She took in her surroundings to see a star filled sky with oddly... no moon.
Gwen groaned, rolling over and putting a hand on her pounding head. Blinking, she took in her surroundings. A simple hallway, wooden flooring, plain walls. "Where...?" She muttered, standing up. A doorway sat ahead of her, and as she looked back there was another as well.

Walking over to the door, she slowly opened it and walked through, being very careful.

The door slipped shut behind her, and though she hadn't heard the click of a lock she already knew it wouldn't open again, at least not from this side. Taking in the room, she tried not to psyche herself out.

The room seemed to be, or at least, used to be a study. Books were strewn about covered in ink, the desk was crumbling, pieces of furniture were broken and in random places. The furniture was a little thought provoking, since they seemed to be in fine condition. Maybe someone was upset and took it out on the innocent furniture?

But that wasn't the strange thing.

There was a perfect, seemingly untouched inkwell on a small round table, dead center in the room. Weirder still, was the fact that even though the inkwell was completely full, there were hand-prints and footprints all over the room.

Gwen couldn't help but shiver at the sight. Something about it, mixed with the flickering candlelight made her very creeped out.

She spotted a door labeled "Dining hall", and figured it would be better to keep moving, not wanting to stay in the broken study anymore. Or ever again, for that matter.

She moved to the door to apparently the dining room, and tried the door. It swung open easily, and she stepped into the new room, her head asking a million questions an hour.
Hana: Before the door to the room could close you hear a horrifying shriek. Turning around to see the source you notice the bear atop the pile has begun to move. The fur begins to burn slowly and after a few seconds the whole pile is in flames. The screaming only gets louder as the pile of bears burn and slowly the door shuts behind you the placard reading "a hard decision". The garden lays before you a vast scene of green. Though each and every plant seems to be well tended the area still feels chilly and empty. The walls around here are tall and solid with bronze spikes tipping them to deter entry and escape. Many of the plants in the area are common household plants but you find that one in particular catches your eye. In the center of the garden there is a large rose bush, much bigger than any of the others. It is special for one particular reason and that is that the roses growing off it are purple in color. They are beautiful and are currently in full blossom aimed up at the moonless sky. Even though the moon seems to be missing this place seems much better lit than the previous room. Suddenly the small rabbit you had picked up jumps out of your arms and runs off into the door straight ahead of you. The rabbit is surprisingly fast for being stuffed and missing a foot. As you follow its run you can barely make out that the other door reads "dining hall". You are suddenly aware that you are not alone and the sound of breathing begins to creep up on you. Just ahead you see one of the purple roses seem to burst the petals forming to make the outline of a small humanoid figure. "Welcome deary, why don't you stay a while."

Alyss: The fountain suddenly changes right before your eyes. The simple fountain slowly is covered in a large shadow and once the shadow passes in its place stands a large stone beast. It seems basically humanoid but is bulky and has no head. Suddenly the stone moves and eyes open up all over its body starring in your direction. A mouth opens up where it's stomach should be and the creature begins to spew the dark water that was in the fountain. For a moment it just stands there watching you with its eyes before it suddenly moves and takes a position in front of the door marked "lab". It proceeds to point in the direction of the door marked observatory as if it wants you to take that door and seems to be urging you to hurry. As you stand there you begin to feel a chilling breeze on your breath and the beast begins to appear agitated and afraid.

Gwen: As the door swings open you become aware of a the sudden sounds of rushed footsteps. Unable to turn around in time you simply hear something shriek out "Come back and paint with me!" The door suddenly swings shut and you feel something hot and wet hit the back of your neck. The knee jerk reaction to touch it and look reveals that it is indeed blood mixed with black ink. As you turn around to inspect what happed you see a hand covered in black ink severed at where the door closed. The hand seems human but the tips of the fingers have been removed and then replaced with ink pens. "experiment 5" is written on the palm of the hand and you can hear the screams of a young boy from the room behind you. Suddenly another voice enters the room and seems to calm the boy. Though you can't quite make out what is being said the words "more friends" and "better hand" catch your ear. You now take the time to examine the room before you and find that it is a grand banquet room lit well with multiple hanging chandeliers that rock back and forth. The sound of buzzing suddenly becomes overwhelming and as you look to the tables you find them filled with rotting meats and fruits. On one table however is a small feats that seems fresh and is still warm. There is a small card next to the feast that reads "to this years guests, eat to your hearts delight!" Looking around the room for a moment you realize every rotting feast on another table has the exact same message.
As the door clicked shut behind her, Aya let out a sharp gasp and her eyes widened at the sight before her. At first it was in shock, then slowly confusion as she realized it was a familiar scene, one that she had seen many times before in her father's reports. In the middle of the small apartment room there lay a dead body, fresh blood still oozing out it's chest out of a deep wound. On the floor, a white chalk outline surrounded the it. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself, slowly feeling a tense feeling of intrigue rise up in her chest instead.

Scanning the rest of the room, she saw another door, a simple bed and a mirror. On the bed there lay an evidence bag with a bloodied knife inside it and a camera. Aya cautiously stepped towards it and took hold of the bag and examined the knife, noting the blood covering the blade was still fresh. She then picked up the camera, pulling it's strap over her head and checking to see if there are any photos inside. Finding none, she proceeded to the mirror, noticing there is something written on it in scribbled black letters. "...Solve the crime and you get to move on." As she read the text, a shape of a tall figured looming behind her flashed in the reflection. Aya shrieked and spinned around sharply, finding the room to be exactly the same.

The sudden jolt had snapped her back to her senses, and after a long moment of staring at the room around her, the girl slowly let out a shaky breath. Memories of the night before came flooding back to her, as she came to a horrifying realization. "No, wait... This is real." She whispered to herself. I remember now, I was walking to the cafe to meet my father after work.. Then I saw someone and... Aya shook her head trying not to panic. Then, recalling the message on the mirror again she abruptly straightened herself, her eyes narrowing as she realized she'd figured it out. "The one responsible for the murder of this person... Is the very same one who had brought me to this place!" Aya called out, slowly clenching her hands in dread as she understood the weight of her words. This person isn't afraid to kill. On her left she heard a loud click as the door opposite from which came from unlocked. Heading towards it she paused besides the bed, gazing down at the evidence bag and the knife inside it. Aya hesitated, knowing that whoever left this here must have expected her to do this. Even so, she proceeded and unzipped the bag. Wiping the blade off on the sheets, she slipped it under her clothes and held onto the camera around her neck, continuing on to the door labeled "Boiler Room"
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Aya: As the door opened the presence of the tall figure once appeared back in the mirror. This time though the figure spoke in a deep raspy tone. "You don't need to be scared of me little girl, be scared of him." The figure was gone again in a flash and the door locked behind her as she entered the boiler room. The room was exactly what one would expect containing large boilers that were attached to pipes leading to the rest of the house. One boiler in particular stood out as it was much larger than the rest and had a human sized pipe going into it and no pipes coming out. Getting close enough to it would reveal that this was the only boiler that was not hot but in fact seemed ice cold. Suddenly there was a banging on all of the boilers as if something inside was trying to break out. Slowly the banging grew in volume and yet the ice cold boiler remained silent. The sound grew and grew until a bang from the cold boiler silenced it all and the room once again grew quiet. The large boiler then burst violently revealing its inner workings. Inside was a frozen corpse standing on what appeared to be a makeshift elevator lift. The corpse began to hobble slowly towards Aya ice and flesh falling off witch each step once it was standing only about a foot away from her its eyes opened revealing empty sockets filled with what appeared to be clear glass eye replacements. The corpse motioned to all the other boilers and then to its own. "Choose a boiler to burn in, or ride with me up." The corpse did what one could only guess was smile and stood there waiting for an answer.
Horror-struck, Hana could do nothing but shake as she watched the screaming bears burn. She was tempted to reach out, go back and ease their suffering but the door closed before she could move. The garden was enough to distract her though, especially the purple roses. She hurried over to them to examine them more closely and her eyes lit up upon closer inspection of their beautiful petals. Hana closed her eyes contentedly, then they snapped open with the sudden absence of her stuffed companion. She watched, half terrified half awed, as the bunny sped into a room labeled Dining Hall. She made to follow, the bunny being a sense of comfort, when soft breathing echoed around her and she turned slowly to see what was causing it. The roses she had been so enamored with, began to burst in a fashion similar to that of fireworks. She stepped forward eagerly but faltered when a humanoid figure began to form emerging from the swirling petals.

"Welcome dearie, why don't you stay a while?" It spoke to her, coming closer. Thoroughly frightened, Hana clutched her hands close to her chest vigorously shaking her head. She tried backing away, towards the doorway but tripped over own feet and landed roughly on her rear end. She cowered behind her arms, having raised them over her head in a protective manner.
Hana: The figure continued to move closer and a small petal smile formed on it's "face" if you could call it that. "Don't be so scared deary you would make a lovely rose." The figure spoke in a gentle soothing voice as it reached a petal hand out towards her. Suddenly the other rose bushes went through a drastic change as well. Every rose that was in bloom on the bushes spun for a moment and once they were done a face appeared at the center of the rose. They were small faces but each and every one of them was twisted in pain and fear. They began to shout out in small voices for Hana to run and not accept the figures hand. Seemingly dissatisfied with the roses turning against it the petal figure walked up to one bush and began to pick the roses. As the flowers were pulled from the bush they let out a pain scream and fell to the ground slowly growing into full grown humans. Soon the other bushes went silent and the figure returned to Hana with another petal smile. "The master loves my flowers, and he's always so upset when they get nasty. You won't be a nasty flower will you?" Just then the door to the dinning hall opened and the stuffed rabbit waved its hand towards Hana for her to follow. "Nasty little rabbit aren't you!"
Aya stepped into the next room, jumping at the sound of the unexpected voice behind her. She turned her head around, coming to face with only the door slamming shut and locking her inside once more. The girl frowned, beginning to feel a sinister pattern in the works... As if reading her thoughts, room began to shake with the loud clanging of the boilers around her. Aya backed up against the wall as the noises grew louder and louder, trying to keep as much distance between her and the unstable structures. Then, all the sounds suddenly came to a stop, as a single loud crash was heard from the large, previously silent boiler in the center. When room stood still for several moments, Aya relaxed a bit, thinking the danger was finally over.

But, as she was about to step forward again, the same boiler standing before her burst open without a warning, making a strong gust of cold air flood the room. Aya covered her face and squinted past as it passed her; glad she had her jacket and scarf on to keep away the chill. As the current ceased, she could see the source was the large gaping hole that formed in the boiler from the rapid pressure. There, standing inside on some type of lift was a frozen corpse, it's clear glass eyes focused straight at her.

Aya could only stand there and stare in horror as the corpse slowly made it's way closer. Stopping before her, it brought up it's hand and gestured towards the boilers. "Choose a boiler to burn in, or ride with me up." It told her. Caught off guard, Aya tore her gaze away and looked back at the boilers in disbelief. Neither of those options sound very appealing. She thought to herself, glancing back at the smiling figure. But it's my only way out of this place right now, and I have a feeling I don't want to find out what'll happen if I refuse. With a nervous gulp, she slowly nodded. "I will go up." The girl stepped on the lift and felt herself tense as she looked back up at the corpse. Please let this be a quick ride...
Aya: The corpse smiled again and stood on the lift grabbing her with its cold hand and pulling her on. He then turned and looked at a set of buttons on the side. All of them had their own labels and one of them even read "free" but the corpse quickly pushed the button reading "Master Bedroom". As the left shifted for a moment cold air began to fill the area again and with a quick push they were almost flying towards there destination. The corpse smiled and laughed a bit as they sped towards their destination taking a sharp turn every once in a while that pushed Aya dangerously close to hitting a wall and being crushed by the sheer force. Finally they arrived and the lift stopped suddenly launching her out into the room. The lift seemed to have come from a hole in the ground but quickly retreated again into the floor leaving no hole in site. The bedroom was grand and in better shape than the rest of the house. The bed was king sized and freshly made with satin sheets and accompanied by a newly cleaned nightstand. There were three doors in this room one for the bathroom and two closets. The room also contained a dresser filled with fine suits and other clothing. Looking out the window the room seemed to be on the third floor and yet a little placard under the window read "tea room". Suddenly a figure emerged from the bathroom and stared at Aya. It appeared to be a maid dressed in a classic black and white uniform. She was very close to human but her head had two too many eyes and a second mouth. Accompanying this was the fact that her arms ended in a set of hands instead of one. This creature looked at Aya for a moment before letting out a sudden startled shriek. "Guests! Oh my I didn't pain the master's room." The creature then sized Aya up again and pulled out a knife from behind its back. "You have at least a gallon of blood in you don't you sweetheart?" The creature advanced on her with a sweet smile on its face. "Don't worry the master loves pretty girls like you, he won't let you stay dead, just look at me the figure of health." On the creatures face right under its bottom most right eye was a small marking reading 35.
To say she was afraid, was a gross misinterpretation of her fear. She was petrified. Crystal like tears streamed down her pale cheeks, her mouth open in a silent scream. Her head was still shaking, refusing to take the petal creature's hand. When the surrounding flowers began to shout and grow faces, her heart felt as though it was going to beat out of her chest. She watched in horror as the petal monster picked the roses and dropped them to the ground, where they transformed into humanoid bodies. She started to crawl forwards, but stopped when the small rabbit returned, jumping up and down and waving for her to follow it. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat, then turned 180 degrees and crawled rapidly towards the small bunny. Her finger nails were filthy and her face red and blotchy by the time she reached the stuffed animal. She stood shakily and couldn't force herself to look back. Because Hana was so small, she held onto the rabbits paw and waited for it to lead her away from the cruel petal beast.
Hana: As you crawl through the door you feel a hand grasp your foot. The petal monster tries desperately to pull you back but its frail body breaks when you pull against it and the creature screams in pain as the door shuts behind it. Your leg burns and as you look down you see that where the creature touched you some of your skin has peeled off into the shape of petals revealing raw red skin underneath. In front of her was the dining hall. The sound of buzzing reached her ears and the rabbit jumped around a bit before disappearing into the darkness further on. As it disappeared a small child's laugh echoed through the room and the flies stopped buzzing for a small moment before continuing. Upon each table there was a rotting feast with a small plaque reading "to this years guests." One table held what looked like a fresh feast that still seemed warm. In front of this table stood Gwen who had just come in from her own room. As you look up you hear the unlocking of a door and suddenly a wall at the far end of the room shifts to reveal a door marked "challenge room". You hear a more menacing laugh now and a voice echoes through the hall. "It's about time two of you met, now then let the games truly begin! Please stock up on energy my servants have worked so very hard on this year's feast. Ahead of you is a room that holds the answers to why both of you are here and how to get out..." There was another laugh as the silhouette of a man appeared standing in the darkness. "So don't spend too much time messing around." The man then took a step back into the shadows and he was gone the chandelier lights flickering for a moment before continuing to burn strong.
Gwen had been recovering from the bloody ink-print on her neck, the screaming, and the hand that now lay on the floor. Looking up, she had just started to look around the room when another person was suddenly there, young laughter echoing around the room. She jumped, whirling around to look at the girl and then to the silhouette, her breathing slowly getting quicker.

"What the-" She started to say after the voice finished, but the silhouette was gone. Turning towards the girl, she opened her mouth to say something but it died in her throat. "A-are you, y-know, like me? No clue how you got here? Probably encountered something terrifying?" She finally managed, rubbing the bloody ink off her neck with her sleeve. "What the f**k was that...?" Gwen muttered, taking a shaky breath and walking slowly towards the other girl.
Hana stepped closer to the taller girl and nodded, making sure she could see her. She was so relieved that she wasn't the only normal one there, that she started to cry. Sobs racked her frail body and she sank to the ground clutching the raw skin around her ankle. Her violet eyes shimmered and the tears stopped. The sniffling did not however and a kitten sneeze escaped. She blushed and mouthed the words, 'excuse me' to the other girl. She felt bad that the poor girl had to end up with someone who could not speak to her and answer her inquiries. She tugged the thin sweater's sleeves over her hands and pulled them close to her chest. She stood up, and upon realizing that she barely came up to the girl's shoulder, stepped back. 'My name is Hana.' she mouthed slowly, hoping the other girl could read lips. 'What is your name?' she mouthed again, wishing that she had a marker or pen on her. But of course, her parents had not allowed her to carry anything but the soft bunny plushy named Boogy. In her nineteen years, Hana had never been able to do anything for herself because her parents feared she would get sick or hurt herself. And now that she was stuck here, she was on the brink of completely freaking out.
Aya felt her heart surge at the sight of the word "free." As the corpse's hand passed over it and chose another button, she reached out in alarm. "No, the other one! Press t-" Her desperate words were cut off as the lift shot upward, nearly sending her topping off her feet. Aya struggled to keep herself from crashing into the walls as the lift continuously made several violent turns on it's way. The corpse besides her on the other hand, didn't seem to have much difficultly and simply grinned at her efforts. Aya was then forcefully launched out the lift as it came to a halt at it's destination. As quickly as it arrived it was gone, leaving the shaken girl alone in the room. "Ugh.. My head..." She groaned, sitting on the floor with a hand on her forehead. Well, my wish came true alright, but a bit too intensely... She carefully stood up, trying to regain her balance again after the ride. Studying the extravagant room, Aya raised the camera hanging by her neck and snapped a picture, finding the significant change in her surroundings interesting. She then moved towards the window at the side of the room and looked out, disappointed to find that it was far too high to attempt an escape.

Hearing a sudden shriek behind her Aya jumped, not expecting someone for else to have been in the room with her. "Guests! Oh my I didn't pain the master's room." Aya turned around and her breath caught in her throat as she took in the appearance of the maid before her. The creature pulled out a knife from it's back, and began moving towards her with a smile on it's face. "You have at least a gallon of blood in you don't you sweetheart?" She quickly regained her composure at the sight of the weapon, becoming aware of her own knife sitting beneath her jacket which she had brought along from the first room. "Don't worry the master loves pretty girls like you, he won't let you stay dead, just look at me the figure of health." It reassured her.

Aya's back pressed against the window behind her as she backed away from the maid, feeling her heart racing in her chest. "I'm afraid I'm not one for sharing." She said, raising her hand as she grasped the handle of the blade under her clothes. I need to get outta here, and fast - but how? She questioned, her eyes darting around the room in panic as she tried to guess which of the doors would lead out.
Aya: The maid continues walking forward and raises its knife higher. It becomes painfully aware that the only object in the room with a marking that shows it might lead somewhere else is the window behind you. As the maid closes in she continues to speak to you in what seems to be an attempt to sooth you. "The master hate's putting flesh to waste, he'll make you into another pretty maid like me and then we can talk and braid each other's hair and paint out nails!" As she closes in she lets out a deep psychotic laugh and her head twitches a bit seemingly out of her control. "Now come closer and let me cut you wide open!" A flash of light suddenly lights up the window and you see the shadow of a room coming from the other side. You can make out the shadow of a table with something on it but just barely and once the flash of light is gone the window returns to its normal properties. The maid continues to get closer but pauses at the flash and makes a small twitch sighing lightly. "Oh he hates it when the windows get disconnected like that." Almost immediately though she recovers and begins to smile again the distance between you closing in to be about two feet. Very soon she will strike at your neck with the knife.
Coming to realize it might be too late to try and make a run for the doors, Aya's hand trembled as her fingers held onto the blade. Her other hand pressed against the wall beneath the window in an attempt to steady herself, and felt herself come to touch what seemed to be letters. Quickly feeling around them, she could make out the word "room" from their shape. Huh? But there isn't anything on the other side, I saw it for mys- As she glanced over to her side to uncertainly back at the window, in a flash she saw the brief reflection of a room and table inside of it. The maid stopped for a split moment at the unwelcome sight with a sigh. "Oh he hates it when the windows get disconnected like that." It said, then quickly returned it's focus to the girl, but a moment was all that Aya needed. It's insane, but I'm out of time to hesitate. She tightly gripped pulled out the knife beneath her coat with a sharp wave, as if to strike out at the maid , which now was dangerously close to her. But her target was really the window behind her as she spinned her arm, smashing the hilt against the glass and shatttering it. Not waiting for the creature to react, the girl swiftly swung herself over and out the window.
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Aya: As the window shattered there was no sudden gust of wind coming into the room as one would expect but instead the smell of tea. Once you jump through the window you find that you do not fall for long. For a brief second you free-fall before hitting the ground just a few feet beneath you. Above you you see a broken window that does now indeed lead to the outside of the house, but this time it seems to be on the first floor. The window makes a sound as if to lock and the glass slowly rebuilds itself from nothing once again forming a solid structure. The room you are in is simple and contains nothing more than a table with a tea kettle and five tea cups. In four chairs there are dolls sitting in front of empty cups as if a child had been playing here recently. There are two doors leaving this room one marked "library" and the other marked "answers". As you take a moment to examine the room you become aware of hundreds of other dolls who litter the floors in broken heaps. There are little doll limbs all over the room and all of them are stained with a thick black liquid. You also notice that the two exits are locked and that the only key to leave is on the empty chair with a little sign that says "stay for tea please."
Gwen immediately stopped everything she was doing when the girl started crying. "Ah geez..." She shuffled her feet, trying to think of what to do, but the girl stood up. She was much shorter then Gwen, and it didn't seem like she could speak. She was mouthing things at her, who tried to understand. Finally, she got it. "My name's Gwen. Do you know sign language?" Gwen signed a few words, hoping Hana understood.

"Is your ankle okay- Oh god, no it's not." She muttered, kneeling to look at Hana's ankle. "Geez, what happened..." She ripped a strip of cloth from her shirt and tied it gently around the girl's ankle. "Sorry if it hurts. It's to make sure it doesn't get scratched and start bleeding." Gwen said, standing back up. She watched Hana. Poor girl looked terrified. "Hey, don't panic. We'll get out of here, so don't worry." She awkwardly patted the girl on the shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"Let's uh, let's keep going for now. Maybe try to find a door out of here, or a window?" Gwen sighed, looking around the room.
Gwen/Hana: The room appeared to have no other exit's aside form the door reading "challenge" which stood at the very end of the room. There were tall stained glass windows all along the walls but they were far out of reach to make the climb. As you examine the room the fires in the chandeliers begin to grow taller and one of the chandelier's chains breaks leading the thing to begin a downward plummet. Instead though the thing stops a few inches from hitting one of the rotting feasts and spins around creating a swirling inferno over the rotten food. Soon a small pile of smoke is coming up from the area and as the chandelier finally returns to its spot on the ceiling the rotting feast is gone. The only thing remaining is a now slightly singed plaque. Before you can even take in what has just happened the other chandeliers follow the first and remove all other rotting feasts leaving only the fresh one in front of you. A voice calls out from the shadows, "I hoped to make it more appetizing, I worked so hard on it after all." You struggle to try and find the person who is talking to you but the sudden blaze of the chandeliers has made it harder for you to see into the deeper shadows. "You might want to eat before your next test, after all the answers you will get are hard to stomach." There was a long laugh as if somebody had told a joke they found hilarious. Soon the laughing stopped and the presence still seemed to be in the room but refused to move from the shadows.
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Aya landed with both feet on the ground, looking down in surprise. Didn't I just… Glancing up at the window, her confusion only became greater as she saw the window magically rearranging itself back in place. Never mind, I’ll try to wrap my head around that later. For now, I should probably be more concerned with where I am. She cautiously made her way past the piles of shattered dolls, shivering slightly as a feeling of unease settled at the scene around her.

On her way towards the table in the center, she crouched down by one of the many limbs that lay sprawled out around the room and examined the strange black liquid that covered them all. I would assume it were ink or paint, but the texture isn't quite right… She noted, eyeing it suspiciously.

Aya then continued along and stopped by an empty chair besides the table, noticing a note and a small key sitting on it. She held up the sign and read it. "stay for tea please." Aya slowly glanced back at the four dolls sitting around the table, finding something about them slightly uncanny under the uneven light. “I’d really rather not...” She silently muttered under her breath, picking up the key instead and turning toward the two doors. Her gaze lingered uncertainly on the one labeled “answers” and then back at the one reading "library" There’s bound to be a catch to the first one, it’s clearly the more tempting option of the two. She thought, shaking her head and walking over to the 'library' door. She brought up what she hoped was the right key and pushed it into the lock.
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Hana winced silently as Gwen wrapped the cloth around her ankle and nodded yes to her previous question, if she speak sign language. When the chandelier dropped and burned out all the rotten food, she reached forward instinctively and clutched Gwen's clothes, which were quite rough compared to the silk kimono and thin sweater she was forced to wear. But they definitely seemed warmer and she was a little jealous. After the voice spoke, she pointed to the food, then her lips. Should we eat it? She signed as she stood again. She promised herself, that she would try her hardest to stay on her feet for the rest of the time she was stuck in this horror house. Her soft dark hair fell over her violet eyes as she looked up at Gwen. She was just thinking how happy she was that she had stumbled upon someone so caring when a thought occurred to her. were they the only ones there? Or were there more people like them, trapped like mice and scared as one.

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