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Graded (Ryken) A Hellish Inheritance


The Overseer
The follow RP will cover a Ryken Adventurer Guild's quest, posted by a local merchant. In your initial post, include the link to the character sheet. This thread will remain open for a whole week, if there is no interest in it, it will be closed.

Location: Gasparo's Mercantile Agency, Ryken
Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa

Guiseppe Gasparo

Guiseppe Gasparo waited anxiously inside his mercantile agency inside Ryken, trying to keep up with the normal order of business. It had been a few days since he had posted his request at the Ryken Adventurer Guild's and, so far, he hadn't received any notice of someone being willing to take up on his quest. His mind raced for a moment, trying to think of the 'whys': had the sum of rykes he offered not being enough? It did seem like the standard fee for his request. Or was it the brief description he had given? The explanation had been short and to the point: Guiseppe had received a real estate as an inheritance, and he needed an adventurer, preferably more than one, to accompany him and make sure everything was in order. The estate had been vacant for quite a while, and he had no way of knowing if animals or criminals had made it their new home. That had been his official explanation.

The truth was, however, that his distant family member who owned the estate had been a practitioner of the dark arts. He had heard rumors, whispers of what they practiced, and it was no surprise that said person was a pariah among the Gasparos. It had been quite a bit of a surprise when the man was notified that he was the sole inheritor of the estate. He didn't have that much direct contact with said relative, so why had they left him this old manor? He didn't dwell on the reason too much, the house appeared to be good enough and would fetch quite a nice price in the real estate market. It was almost like he could already feel the weight of the many rykes it would fetch being placed inside his pockets.

With that, the elderly man waited, his wizened eyes shifting from page to page of goods he was buying and selling, placing his signature on them with a feathered pen, before completing it with his own stamp in red wax. Meanwhile, while sitting behind his desk, his left hand held his golden pocket watch tightly. Every second that passed was nothing shorter than torture. As adventurers arrived at mercantile agency, they would welcome at the front desk and led towards a waiting room, equipped with comfortable chairs, which they could get to know each other while waiting for Guiseppe himself. In the room, they would find some refreshments as well as some snacks, like cookies and scones.
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Nox had overheard the murmurs among the guild clerks about a peculiar request posted by a certain Guiseppe Gasparo. The mention of a vacant estate with rumors of haunting immediately piqued her interest. Haunted locations always intrigued her, as they often held secrets waiting to be uncovered.

With a sense of anticipation, Nox made her way to the mercantile agency where Guiseppe awaited.

Nox strode into Guiseppe Gasparo's mercantile agency with an air of quiet confidence, her crimson eyes scanning the surroundings with keen interest. The mention of a potentially haunted estate had piqued her curiosity, stirring something primal within her Moon Blessed instincts. It was an opportunity she couldn't pass up, a chance to delve into the mysteries of the supernatural.

Approaching the receptionist with a polite nod, Nox greeted them with a warm smile. "Good day. I'm here in response to Mr. Gasparo's request for adventurers. My name is Nox Bloodraven, I'm a D Rank Adventurer and I'll be in your service." she stated, her voice calm and composed despite the anticipation bubbling within her.

Upon being directed to the waiting room, Nox made her way there, taking in the comfortable surroundings with a sense of appreciation. The scent of refreshments wafted through the air, enticing her senses as she settled into one of the plush chairs. With a quiet determination, she awaited Guiseppe's arrival, sword laying across her lap, eager to embark on this intriguing quest into the unknown.

Maxxob Maxxob
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Crymaria Change 5.png
Character Grade - E

Titles: Human, Gunslinger, Gunslinger Apprentice, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal


Azusa saw the request at the guild; pondering it momentarily, she looked at the others. This one seemed like the most intriguing one out of the bunch. Bringing her hand up to her chin for a moment, she finally relented, taking one of the copies of the request. She took it over to the reception at the guild before heading out with her pack slung over her shoulders. Her M1911 was in its holster in the small of her back as expected when she didn't need it. I wonder if there will be any ghosts there or if it will just be bandits. Though if its been abandoned for some time then there might be some decay. She thought to herself ass he made her way toward the mercantile agency.

Upon reaching the agency, she walked in because it seemed like something had gotten the workers' attention. When she glanced around, she saw Nox, who was at the desk talking to one of the workers. There seemed to be a sense of intrigue in the air, though she didn't pay too much attention to it as Nox then was directed to go somewhere else. Azusa then approached the desk,
"I'm here for the guild request that was put in to investigate something for the owner," Azusa stated with a smile as she was then also directed toward the same waiting room.

As she entered the room, she saw Nox sitting down in one of the chairs. "Azusa, Ryken Adventurer, and gunslinger, I assume you are also here for the request?" She inquired before taking a seat across from Nox. She figured there would be others soon enough, but for the moment, there was some food and drink, so she grabbed a few of the items and started to eat.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal saxon saxon

Times were tough for those trying to rough it in the entertainment industry. The pretty showgirls and talented bards were prospering whilst those at the bottom rungs were struggling. Izuru was one of these stragglers, trying to hold on to his relevance in this ever changing landscape called the arts. As such, some extra income was sorely needed just so he could avoid sleeping in peoples walls. Izuru was stood in front of the notice board within a local Adventurers Guild branch. Looking at all of the available quests on offer. He hoped to find one he could actually complete with his meager skills. Not only was he a struggling artist, he was also a mediocre mage. Trying to take on anything above his means would just get him killed. The obvious choice was the haunted mansion quest because everyone knew that dark spooky ghosts HATED darkness.

The mercantile agency was the location indicated on the quest notice. Izuru wondered if Milky could somehow help him negotiate for some extra time to complete this job. However he was pretty sure the merchant wasn't very fond of him. He'd parted on ambiguous terms with the group from his last adventure. Entering the building, he was met with the sight of TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Now a gentleman of such keen eyes like Izuru was able to notice their individual charms even without his appraisal skills. Cute Honorable Knight Girl and Walking Chipmunk Gun Girl. Izuru was about to introduce himself to the pair when his stomach began rumbling. He hadn't eaten in a while, so this was the obvious result. Greeting the client while his tail seemingly wiggled around with a mind of its own. The dragonkin simply introduced himself as "Izuru, a mage. I'm here about the job". This wasn't in any way a lie. He just left out the part about being a homeless vagabond who said words in rhyme good for a living.
Kite Vanzanth1000001543.jpg

Kite walked into the Ryken Adventure Guild and approached the counter, getting the clerks' attention. “I'm looking for work. Something that pays and isn't too life threatening.” The clerk nodded and pulled it a request from the local mercantile, handing it to Kite.”This came in recently, bit of an odd one. Shouldn't be too difficult and the pay seems fair for the job.”

Kite looked over the request and stuck the copy inside his jacket pocket before giving the clerk a tip. “Thank you sir. I'll be off.” He left the guild and made his way to the location of the meeting place, opening the door and heading inside. He came up to one of the employees and showed the request from the guild. “I'm here about the job.” The employee nodded and showed Kite to the waiting room after three others had already gathered. “Here we are sir.” The employee spoke softly before returning to their work.

Kite scanned the room quietly before sitting down and introducing himself. ”Kite Vanzanth. Flame Swordsman. Good to see I won't be going it alone.” He showed a soft smile as he set his sword on the ground next to him so as to not damage the furniture. He perused the spread of snacks before grabbing a handful of scones for enjoyment.
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Nox glanced up as Azusa entered the waiting room, offering a friendly nod in greeting. "Indeed, I am," she replied with a faint smile, gesturing to the seat across from her. "Nox, Master Swordswoman and D rank Adventurer. It seems we'll be forming a team, I take it you're a ranged sort?". Looking to the firearms Nox was reminded suddenly of her previous life on earth, was this a coincidence or had this woman also been reborn?

She then watched as Azusa helped herself to some refreshments, her own curiosity growing with each passing moment. The prospect of investigating a potentially haunted estate held a certain allure, stirring her senses with anticipation.

"I wonder who else will be joining us," Nox mused aloud, her gaze drifting to the door in anticipation of the arrival of their fellow adventurers. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her, eager to uncover the mysteries that awaited them at Guiseppe Gasparo's estate.

But Nox's attention was very quickly then drawn to Izuru as he entered the room, his presence bringing a subtle shift in the atmosphere. She couldn't help but notice the way his tail seemed to have a life of its own, a curious quirk that added to his unique charm. She offered him a warm smile as he greeted them, her gaze flickering briefly to Azusa before returning to Izuru.
"Welcome," Nox said politely, gesturing to the empty seat beside her. "I'm Nox, and this is Azusa. It's good to have a mage on board for this job. I'm sure your arcane know-how will be handy."

Then Kite entered the room, noting his confident demeanor and the sword he carried. She offered him a nod of acknowledgement as he introduced himself, appreciating his straightforwardness.

"Welcome, Kite," she greeted warmly. "I'm Nox, and this is Azusa and Izuru. It's good to have another swordsman with us. I take it you're a mage blade then? combining both the art of magic and swordsmanship? Impressive."

Maxxob Maxxob saxon saxon Elias Wren Elias Wren Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Kite Vanzanth

In response to introductions by Nox, Kite chokes down the scone he had eaten and gave each individual a soft smile and gentle bow of his head, lifting his left hand to wave. He locked eyes with Nox as she spoke to him and nodded. “Yes, I received some training in both magic and swordsmanship. Using that knowledge I combined the two to suit my style.”

He ate another scone before running his hand through his hair and pulling out the copy of the request given by the guild office. “Looks like we are to clear out an old estate. Should be easy work if we are lucky, but there seems to be a lot of unknowns as well. We should be on guard. His warning was probably unnecessary, but he didn't want to leave anything on the table and was trying to show some competence since this was his first official guild request.

Most of his past jobs were odd jobs like clearing out rat infestations or keeping watch over some merchandise here and there. On the inside he was rather nervous and excited at the same time, especially about joining a party like this. “I'm going to be upfront with everyone and say, this will be my first time working with a group so I hope we do well together.”

Azusa change 2.png
Character Grade - E

Titles: Human, Gunslinger, Gunslinger Apprentice, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Elias Wren Elias Wren


Azusa tilted her head side to side as the question was asked, "Yes and no; while I'm not a fighter, I do get into melee range." She paused for a moment as she reached into the small of her back and produced her M1911, and placed it on the table. "Think of me as an early warning detection as well, but you know as an adventurer we can't give away all our secrets. So expect me not to be sitting back," She smirked, leaning back in her chair as she folded her arms across her chest. Biting into one of the cookies she looked back over at Nox as she spoke again. "Hopefully, we will get a priest if it's truly haunted," She chuckled as she used Precognition F, "Five seconds, someone is going to walk in through that door," She smirked as the door opened, revealing Izuru.

She observed the dragonkin as she kept a smile on her face, as Izuru gave them the bare minimum when it came to information and the rumble of his stomach was written down mentally. Which wasn't really a problem at this point if they were here for the job then they were going to be stuck with them anyway. When she was introduced she nodded her head in acknowledgement as she wondered what the mage was capable of. Magic was probably going to be one of the greatest uses on this quest if it turned out to be dealing with ghosts. "As Nox said, we look forward to seeing what magical talents you will bring to the group," She smiled as she leaned forward on the table slightly resting her elbows on the wood.

When Kite entered Azusa's eyes once again shifted to the new arrival as they had done when Izuru entered the room. "Sometimes combining magic and might is the best route to go. You will get a little bit of everything that way, though I think I will stick to my close-quarters gunning," She chuckled, taking another bite of the food that was on her plate. The group so far was looking like it was going to be an interesting group. There seemed to be a lot of frontlines, which would probably mean that they were going to have to watch the flanks and the rear, depending on the situation.

"We all start somewhere, just be sure to stay out of the direction I'm aiming at, this thing may fire chalk rounds but that doesn't mean it won't hurt," She paused for a moment. "But we all have to start somewhere, so this should at least be good experience. Though we will see if the place is actually haunted or not," She concluded before retrieving her weapon from the table and once again returning it to the small of her back.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Elias Wren Elias Wren saxon saxon

The entire time introductions and brief descriptions were exchanged between Izuru's new party members for this quaint little adventure. HE was in the midst of stuffing his face. Not being able to afford much in the way of decent food had led to everyones favorite dragonkin losing a bit of weight. Truly a regrettable thing considering his legions of fans which would EVENTUALLY come would be beside themselves if anything happened to the middling physique of their idol. Izuru always enjoyed eating on the coin of another as well.

Nox the swordswoman was the confident type, calling herself a Master Swordswoman at just a D-Rank in the guild. Now Izuru wasn't foolish enough to equate guild rank with strength but he knew quite a few could be uppity about pointless things like that. Kite was a baby adventurer, a veritable newbie to the questing scene. As a senior in this regard, Izuru felt some understanding at how uncertain the situation could seem. He was surprised to see that Azusa was so ready to tote that firearm of hers. Although he couldn't quite remember the personal details of his former life. The observant and magnanimous dragonkin could at least spot how intricate the weapon was for the world they currently inhabited. No doubt these unique individuals could be counted on for a whale of a good time,

Izuru immediately switched gears and subtly used his [Appraisal E] on the old man, Giuseppe. He panicking and fiddling just made Izuru wonder if MAYBE there was something he was holding back from the group. Haunted House? No doubt that part was true. People only lied about THAT if the house was actually just a death-trap in waiting. Sinister forces behind the scenes? A treasure trove of pain and suffering? Likely... Which was why Izuru simply couldn't buy what the old man was putting down just yet.

.[Appraisal E] on Giuseppe

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human​

Prelude - Eastern Empire, A monastery.​

There were many shrines to visit on this day -- for he might not return to the monastery for quite some time. There almost no noise as he sat in prayer, save for the cackling of flames around him. In each shrine, he would take a knee and humbly lower his head, clasping his hands together.

First was to the God of Medicine, with staff wreathed by a snake in hand. Then there was the god of the sky with a scepter in one hand and thunder in the other. There were the three fates, threading needles in unison. And finally, there was the Goddess of wisdom with Spear in hand and owl perched on her side. He paid homage to them all, for he would need all that he could get for the journey ahead. Marcus had hardly ever journeyed alone -- let alone to another continent. But in heart of hearts, he knew that he wouldn't get any stronger until he did.

He walked from the shrine -- moving to pick up his things. Yet he felt a weight on his arm. He look towards his arm to see the source. And he saw that there was a child strapped to it. He thusly raised his arm in front of him. And the boy clung to him.

"Marcus! You didn't say good-bye to me!" He began, swinging to and fro. Marcus' arm as though it were a swing. "I didn't want to distract you, Thomas." Indeed, Marcus knew he was taking away from the boy's daily tasks.

"Where are you going?"

"To Ryke."

"Can I come?"

"You will stay here. Stick to your studies and your prayer. The empire needs dedicated healers now more than ever. I have some training myself to do. Watch over the others for me."

"...Father told me to give you a message."
The boy began, much to the curiosity. "He said to make sure to not drink too much or covet any hookers, like that mercenary who you got this armor from." The boy said, poking at the well made and yet well worn armor Marcus was wearing. There was a moment of quiet.

"Thank you." Marcus raises his hand in the form a clenched fist in front of the bow, finger poised be beneath thumb.

Marcus flicks the boy's nose.

"Ow!" He cried out, clasping his nose.

"Off you go now."
Thomas stopped clutching his nose and suddenly...hugged Marcus. The displayed was returned as he was hugged back, before the boy would quietly run off. Marcus picked up his things, and left -- not looking back as he set his eyes forward.

Present - Ryke

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob saxon saxon Elias Wren Elias Wren Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia


So this is the land of mercenaries.

Ryke had sofar fallen within expectation of Marcus'. Temperate with nice weather, ripe with forests where civilization was not and a relative degree of wealth wherever he so found civilization. One thing that stood out to the Eastern Empire Resident was indeed the diversity in which he himself found himself. There were many humans here, and mixed among them were various degrees of fae, beastfolk and others...

I may need to be careful with what I say.

Within the day, the man would register with the guild and done all he could to make himself an adventurer. Ironically, he found himself passing along the path of mercenary -- seeking to expand his experience, acquire new tools and...make rent. It wasn't as though he owned a house here, though he could camp worse come to worse. But if things went according to plan, he could use the guild to his own ends.

Within the next day, he saw a most peculiar job. His eyes picked particularly among the jobs of goblin clearing and bandits, a job with an apparently unknown threat that may or may not be in the manor. It seemed easy money, yet Marcus could hear much when he stood still [Perception F]. And he could hear rumors as people spoke that the place might even be...haunted.

The nature of spirits and the afterlife ever interested one such as Marcus. It was woefully vague and sounded rather dangerous. Yet it did nothing to deter him. In addition to all his previous goals, it might be one mission that brings him closer understanding of the gods. But he'd best be careful, keeping good spear arm and his wits sharp.


The clerk would hear him coming long before he was up to the desk, his armor clattering loudly even now. Although he was indoors and not in imminent danger, he still appeared to wear his helmet. He wore an ornate and yet old, well-worn armor. What was once a color akin to gold, had been blackened with soot and very marred with scratches. He had a spear in his hand -- wrapped with cloth as a sheath to keep it safe. And he had a bag along his back hips.

He greeted the clerk and spoke to her his name. He then would proceed to the room in the Mercantile agency were "Adventurers" were told to gather. The man walked with an clack of his armor naturally rustling loudly against himself whenever he walked -- akin to a set of pots and pans. Keeping his ears open, he heard some chatter coming from the room he was instructed to enter, and he listened keenly to it, able to decipher some of it on his way over. He opened the door without delay.


He took a moment to survey the room. For some reason, the first thing he saw of someone of evident dragon-blood, stuffing his face in the corner with a provided assortment of presented foods. In that brief moment, he wondered if he'd actually come to the right place. However, a glance at the others confirmed this. There were three. One was pale looking woman with a sword. Another from what little he heard, seemed the spellblade who was enjoying his food more modestly. And finally, there was an upbeat woman who appeared to be holding a.....crossbow? There was a trigger there but it had no strings. Then it clicked. Gun. Though he'd never seen one like that before. Indeed, he'd only heard of the things from Widersia.

"So this is the right place. Hello. I'm Marcus." He left room for introductions as he entered. The armored warrior leaned the spear forward ever so slightly, carefully maneuvering it so he could fit it in the room. He walked along until he soon sat alone. He passed on the food, having eaten before and not desiring any more food than necessary. He did, however, enjoy taking a load off. "I am recently an adventurer. Before I was an bodyguard, escort and assistant to healers. Usually present in the aftermath of some rather bloody affairs. My focus is the spear and I only know the basics of medicine. I wouldn't get too hurt on my watch." He said, showing a medicine kit he had on his hip. He chose his words intentionally vaguely, not telling them what country he was from nor speaking of his involvement in wars. Though he'd yet to lie to anyone.

The chair creaked ever so slightly as it took the fullness of his weight. The spear was leaned against his shoulder as he rested his arms atop his knees.

"Don't let me interrupt too much. You were talking more about the rumors, right? About if this place was haunted or not." His eyes scanned the room, seeking to gauge what he could about those whom he'd be working with from a glance. Though he didn't seem to like to look at the Dragonkin for too long.

I think I've lost any trace of an appetite.
Location: Gasparo's Mercantile Agency, Ryken
Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa
Uasal Uasal | Nox
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Izuru
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Marcus

Guiseppe Gasparo

About 10 minutes had passed between the first arrival, Nox Bloodraven, and the last one, Marcus Banecroft. A few moments later, the clerk who had welcomed all the adventurers, and directed them to the waiting room, would enter into the room herself. Giving a courteous nod to each of them, she would stop in front of one of the doors inside the room, before grabbing the knob and turning it, disappearing into it and closing the door behind her. There was some muffled conversation inside Guisepppe's office and, since no member of the party had [Heightened Senses Hearing], there was little clue about its contents.

Soon enough, the door would be open once more, the clerk being the first one to step out and going back to the front-desk of the agency. Afterward, Guiseppe himself would walk out of the door, holding his pocket watch in his left hand. At first, his expression had a mix of excitement and anxiousness, finally having people interested in undertaking this task. That all changed, however, when Izuru attempted to use [Appraisal E] on the elderly man. Guiseppe's expression went blank for a moment, his wizened eyes accompanied by the azure hue of his orbs, locked against the half-breed ones. There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere, probably being perceived by the others as well.

Izuru's attempt of carrying out Appraisal E against Guiseppe in a more stealthy manner had been foiled due to the lack of [Undetected], this giving the old man the knowledge of the attempt. Izuru received a bunch of garbled, useless information, which, for the most part, couldn't be pieced together. He did manage to learn, however, three titles which the merchant held, [Human], [Merchant] and [Collector]. Besides that, he would learn a short piece of information - "The Estate had been owned by someone who practiced the darker arts."

"Have you found what you were looking for, Mr. Izuru?" Guiseppe asked Izuru, while his expression softened yet, behind his glasses, there was something unknown glinting on his blue orbs. Next, he would direct himself to the whole room, looking at each of the present in turn, nodding respectfully and acknowledging their presences. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Guiseppe Gasparo, a humble merchant. I will be accompanying the group into the manor." Addressing them, his voice was polite and professional, carrying through with his mercantile background. "Miss Bloodraven, Miss Azusa, I am glad to have such distinguished, official members of the Adventurer's Guild taking on my request." His gaze was set on Nox first and then Azusa, knowing their official standing within the Adventurer's Guild by the information which had been given by them. "And I am equally glad about your presences, Mr. Izuru, Mr. Vanzanth and Mr. Banecroft. Certainly, after this request is over and the Guild receives the performance review, I am certain they won't miss a beat in accepting you all into their ranks, if there is interest."

After pleasantries, the elderly man's eyes seemed to shift, quickly, focusing on each of the present weapon of choice. Albeit subtly, it was clear he was getting some sort of information about them. He nodded to himself a few times, coming to a decision about something. "Before we leave, please, follow me to my personal vault." Beckoning the group, Guiseppe would walk towards yet another door which connected to the waiting room. Opening it, the group could see a short stairwell leading downwards. From the top of it, the underground floor could be seen. Guiseppe was the first one to descend it, expecting the group to follow him.

When they reached the underground floor, the only thing that was present in the short corridor was a robust, metallic door. Guiseppe's hand reached a curious, black sphere that was located just besides the door. After a few moments of touching it, the lock on the door would be released, and he would push it open with little difficulty. The inside of the vault was just as metallic as the outside of it, strong walls which served to protect objects of value. There were strong boxes at every corner of it. Only at the center of the room, there would be a display table with quite a few short, wooden rods, unadorned and unremarkable. Presenting the objects to the group, he would continue. "Please, help yourselves, borrowing one of these artifacts. I feel they will be very useful during our... 'expedition'." Making them the offer, he would turn to Nox in particular. "I am afraid these would be no use for you, Miss Bloodraven, but you are welcome to get one of them if you so desire." He told the Moon-Blessed Vampire in earnest.
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Kite Vanzanth1000001547.jpg

Kite watched as a fifth joined the party in the room and gave a respectful bow of the head. He fished his snacks just in time to watch the front end attendant come in and cross to the opposing door. He felt that it was almost time to move so he grabbed his sword and stood up, attaching it back to his right hip. He heard the newest edition introduce himself and nodded. “Yes, but I think our questions will soon be answered.”

No sooner than he had spoken, Giuseppe came into the room. Kite offered a polite bow to the proprietor and his technical boss for the time being. He watched as he engaged with Izuru and felt a slight tension in the air. It faded as the conversation continued until it was time to follow Giuseppe down into the vault. Kite was first through the doors and examined the wooden rods, unsure of what they could be. He wanted to ask but felt any questions he had would be answered in due time.

He hesitated for a moment before choosing Il one of the wooden rods he felt suited him the next, taking into his hands and examining it from top to bottom trying to determine the object's use. He noticed Giuseppe speak to Nox and found himself curious once again, wondering why it would be useless to her.
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Nox nodded in agreement with Azusa's assessment, appreciating her straightforwardness and readiness to contribute to the group's efforts. "Absolutely, Azusa. Your expertise in close-quarters combat and early warning detection will be invaluable," Nox remarked, offering a supportive smile. "And with your keen eye for strategy, I have no doubt we'll make a formidable team."

Turning her attention to Kite as he spoke, Nox listened intently, nodding in understanding as he expressed his nervousness about working with a group for the first time. She admired his honesty and determination to learn, finding his humility refreshing.

"It's okay, Kite. We've all been in your shoes at some point," she reassured him, her tone gentle yet encouraging. "But I believe in you, and I'm confident that you'll quickly find your feet, adventures are often tempered in trials by fire."

As Marcus entered the room, his imposing presence immediately drew her attention. Nox observed him with interest, noting his ornate but weathered armor and the spear he carried with practised ease. She couldn't help but admire his air of experience and capability, though she also sensed a hint of caution in his demeanour. This man was weaker than her but his confidence spoke volumes. Clearly, this was a man that was no stranger to combat.

Listening to Marcus's introduction, Nox nodded in understanding, impressed by his background as a bodyguard and healer's assistant. She appreciated his honesty and practical approach to adventuring, sensing that he would be a reliable ally in the field.

"It's good to have someone with your experience on our team, Marcus," Nox remarked, offering him a reassuring smile. "And you're right, we were just discussing the rumors surrounding the estate we'll be investigating. It seems there's some speculation that it may be haunted, though we won't know for sure until we see it for ourselves."

Nox watched with interest as the clerk entered Guiseppe's office, her curiosity piqued by the muffled conversation that followed. When the elderly merchant emerged, she couldn't help but notice the shift in his demeanour, though she couldn't quite place the cause. As he addressed Izuru's attempt at appraisal, Nox observed the exchange with keen interest, noting the subtle tension in the air. That was when it clicked, the mage had used appraisal. How foolish, to appraise one's employer was frowned upon, especially so when said employer was a member of the merchants guild. Such an action was paramount to not trusting the guild's vetting procedure and a severe invasion of privacy. The boy was lucky he hadn't been thrown out after such a move, the guild would not be happy about this.

Though, perhaps even more shocking was the fact the mage seemed to have actually appraised the man successfully. Typically merchants had enchanted rings and the like to prevent such invasions. Or even worse, enchantments aimed to obscure and mislead those appraising. Nox assumed the later was in fact at play given the merchant seemed to be quite well off and unlikly to make such a slipup.

When Guiseppe introduced himself and expressed his gratitude for their presence, Nox nodded respectfully, acknowledging his words with a polite smile. She appreciated his professional demeanour and the warmth in his tone, though she remained vigilant, sensing that there was more to the situation than met the eye.

As Guiseppe directed them to his personal vault, Nox followed him with the rest of the group, her curiosity growing with each step. When they reached the underground floor and entered the vault, she surveyed the array of artefacts with interest, noting their unassuming appearance. When Guiseppe mentioned that they would be useful during their expedition, Nox's interest was piqued even further.

"Thank you, Mr. Gasparo," Nox replied graciously, considering her options carefully. Though the artifacts seemed unremarkable at first glance, she trusted Guiseppe's judgment and understood the importance of being prepared for whatever they might encounter at the manor.

After a moment of consideration, Nox respectfully declined the offer, acknowledging Guiseppe's generosity with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you, Mr. Gasparo, but I'll stick to my trusty sword." she replied, patting the hilt of her sword affectionately. She appreciated the gesture, but she knew her weapon of choice was better suited to her skills and fighting style. "You seem to have a good eye, were you observing my blade earlier?"

Maxxob Maxxob saxon saxon Elias Wren Elias Wren Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Azusa change 2.png
Character Grade - E

Titles: Human, Gunslinger, Gunslinger Apprentice, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Elias Wren Elias Wren Maverick Six Maverick Six


Azusa heard the door open and another adventurer who introduced themselves a Marcus and not long after an older man walk through the door. Based on how he was dressed she took it at the man who was the owner of the company and probably the one who put up the request. She quickly finished the food that was left on her plate as the man asked Izuru if he had found what he was looking for. She looked over at the dragonkin, who had probably used an appraisal skill on the man, to which she shook her head. When her name was mentioned, she nodded her head.

Azusa stood up as the rest of the group was told to follow the man who had been confirmed as the one who had put the request in. I wonder why we are going down into this vault. Could there be something that we could use later on, or is it to flaunt something off? No, that doesn't seem right, at least from what I have observed. She thought to herself, bringing her hand up to her chin for a moment. As they entered the room, she noticed the amount of strong boxes that lined the wall; she cocked her head slightly. When told to grab one, she walked up and picked up the rod furthest to the right and used Appraisal E to determine what the rod was and what it could do, at least she hoped.

"So, is there anything else we should know about before we head out? Are we walking to the estate, or are we getting in a wagon?" Azusa inquired as that was going to be important information. Transportation to and from a place was crucial, and the longer they walked, the more likely they would be beset upon by weather or other unsavory characters. Though with what she saw of the group that didn't seem to be an issue, but details were details especially if they were not entirely sure what they were going to run into at the estate.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob

Izuru in no way shape or form felt bad for using appraisal magic on Giuseppe. Adventurers and Clients operated on trust. The job itself was already kinda screwy from the outset. Izuru couldn't really be blamed for doubting the old man merchant. Any judgmental that fell on him would be largely ignored. It appeared as if the old guy was related to people who practiced some dark magic. No doubt he wanted that to stay on the relative downlow. Likely he'd tell everyone if he had to but he probably didn't want to. The Dark Arts weren't very well accepted in some circles. Izuru had no real opinion on the matter. Magic was magic, it was useful and necessary for his work. Once they entered the vault and were met with some wooden rods. Utilizing a mix of [Appraisal E] and [Arcana F] to attempt a simple analysis of these items. Izuru wanted to make sure these things would serve a practical purpose if he brought them along.

.Appraisal E + Arcana F

Ryke - Mercantile Agency


Once inside of the room, Marcus spent much of his time taking the measure of the allies he'd soon be working with. He put together certain context clues to fill in missing gaps in information, such as the fact that "Kite" appeared to be a newer adventurer like he was, but also quite nervous.

"I prefer nervous to complacent, personally." He commented. "If you are anxious, use it keep alert. Whatever lies ahead and focused, we'll probably need our wits about us." He hoped that bit of advice would help. Marcus would only know so much himself given the sorts of threats he'd faced. But he hoped to lift the man's spirits.

Indeed, Marcus believed they'll need their minds keenly on alert for the task at hand. Between the official explanation and the rumors, there was still little in the realm of solid information for Marcus to go off. While numerous, the rumors were flimsy and insubstantial. The official explanation was vague and lacked evidence. Bandits, monsters, ghosts, demons -- he kept his mind open for the task ahead.

The Pale Woman he'd come to know as "Nox" spoke to him, reassuring him. He looked towards her, offering his answer. "I appreciate it, truly. Glad to be here, Nox is it?" He said, truth in his voice. Being welcome was hardly guaranteed for the likes of him. Though, he did note that the woman seemed to be very polite in general.

Just as Elias and Nox had mentioned -- their questions were perhaps soon to be answered as Mr. Gasparo entered the room.

Numerous key details made themselves manifest. The dragonkin seemed to have peered rather invasively into Mr. Gasparo's affairs. It was quite rude, yet Marcus couldn't help but be curious as to what he'd seen. The conflicting information he was getting was somewhat concerning.

New information did present itself, which was reassuring. Of the group, it seemed that two of them were D-Rank Adventurers. That being of the pale swordsman and the chipper gunman, who's names he learned in full. When thanked for his presence, Marcus merely nodded. He followed the man down the stairs, leaving his sheath-wrapped spear leaned against the wall for now. Marcus looked about the room curious before his eyes focused on the simple "artifacts" Mr. Gasparo gave to them. A moment's mundane inspection, and he did as many people would.

"I think many of us ponder the same question, Mr. Gasparo. What are these sticks? And what are they for?" He asked, given that there was obviously more to these than the naked eye. Other questions were asked, such as how they were getting there and his own eyeing of Bloodraven's Blade. After his brief inspection, he slipped the stick around the belt at his side. He looked to Mr. Gasparo with a silent yet obvious air of expectation -- eyes locked on the man from beneath the mask. The man had some questions to answer from himself and others. The warrior wished to hear all the answers the man of the hour had to give.

They weren't fighting yet. However, the mission had all but begun in Marcus' mind.
Location: Gasparo's Mercantile Agency, Ryken
Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa
Uasal Uasal | Nox
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Izuru
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Marcus

Guiseppe Gasparo

As Nox asked the merchant if he had observed her blade, he nodded, before answering. "Indeed. Not only your blade, but also the weapon of choice carried by your companions. With that, I was able to make an assumption about overall capabilities and decide if these artifacts could be useful or not." With that, it could become more clear of why he had spent the extra moment in the waiting room, before leading the group into the personal vault. The rods, upon being picked up, would shift and change, morphing into the weapon of choice that each one was used to, be it a melee weapon, ranged or catalyst. And, while the shape of the rods would have an uncanny similarity with the weapons they were already carrying, they would lack more defining details. The holder would instinctively know the difference between their own weapon and the rod. When not being held, their shape returned to being a plain wooden rod.

Next, turning to Marcus, Guiseppe expanded on it. "These are called 'Chimeric Conduits'. You can use them exactly as you would use your own equipment, and I would advise you all to do so. Still, of course, the choice of using it fall upon each one of you." The tone of his voice was one of advice first and foremost, still giving all the present the autonomy to use it or not, first looking at the armored humanoid and then at each one of the other adventurers.

A curious, unassuming wooden rod that takes the shape of whatever equipment the holder is more familiar with. A boon is easily perceived while holding it, however, there is a hint of growth being stifled.

Mechanical effects: While using the Chimeric Conduit, Stat contribution towards Base Effectiveness calculation is ignored. Base Effectiveness is set to 8. Ability Grades still contributes to Base Effectiveness calculation. Equipment is considered to be of Orichalcum grade, thus unbreakable, while having 0 HP. Base Effectiveness against creatures without [Criminal Titles] and/or [Monster Titles] is set to 0.

While using Appraisal E against the artifact, both Azusa and Izuru get the feeling that the artifact is being fed by mana. By whose mana was not clear. In addition, it seems that this connection could be cut short in a moment's notice. Izuru's Arcana F didn't seem to gather any extra information about it.

Next, Guiseppe would turn towards Azusa, appearing to try and think about anything that he could have left out. "That is all what is necessary. I asked my secretary to arrange us a wagon for our trip to the manor. It should already be waiting for us outside the agency. Shall we go?" Guiseppe asked, offering a small smile and walking over to the entrance of the vault, the old man waited for the group to exit it, before closing it once more. He would guide them all the way up the stairs and then towards the front of the agency, but not before grabbing a curious lamp which was behind the front desk. In the streets of Ryken, the spacious covered wagon was already waiting for them. The wagon itself had a separation from its driver and the passengers.

The merchant was the first one to step into it, taking a seat near the separation with the driver. When all were aboard it, the horse-drawn wagon would begin to move, towards one of the exits of Ryken. During the trip, which took about one hour, Guiseppe kept silent with the lamp being positioned right at his side. With his legs crossed, his left hand held his golden pocket watch, its faceplate remaining closed.

Location: Outskirts of Ryken
Time: Morning

Explore the Ruins - Darkest Dungeon

Eventually, the covered wagon came to a full stop. Waiting the to exit the vehicle first, the merchant was the last one who stepped out of it. In the outskirts stood the expansive manor, surrounded by tall, brick walls in a white color. While the walls themselves were slightly worn down by time at their upmost parts, there were no visible crevices in them. At the very front, the steel gates which gave entrance to the courtyard were closed. Guiseppe walked up to it, placing the lamp he was carrying on the ground. Sticking his hand inside his coat, he fished a key ring from it, which contained two keys.

Sticking one of them into the gate's keyhole, the old man would turn it, unlocking the front gate and opening it up. Grabbing the lamp once more, he would be the first to enter the courtyard, waiting the rest of the group to enter it as well, before locking the gate behind them. Looking at the group, he commented. "If anything manages to slip up past us, best to not let it leave the estate. Although I find it unlikely, considering all present." He mused, with a small smile on his lips.

The courtyard itself was rather an oddity: while outside the walls, there was plenty of green scenery, in the courtyard itself the ground was barren. Dried plants could be seen here and there. Not even weeds could be seen on it. Following that, the manor would stand right in front of the group. The exterior itself was well-kept, strangely so. It had this curious, cold beauty to it, betraying nothing of rot underneath. Already having the unused key ready in his hand, Guiseppe began making his way towards the front of the manor, walking up the three stone steps that gave access to the imposing black, wooden door.

Repeating the same process of the front gate, he placed the key in the keyhole, before turning and unlocking it, but leaving it unopened for now. For a moment, he seemed to concentrate, looking right at the closed door. Nodding a few times, he looked satisfied with whatever he had just done. Enough to turn the knob of the door and enter it first, holding the lamp, which now had an artificial white hue to it.

Haunted entrance.png

As soon as the door was open, there was a pungent, strong smell of mold and fungi. The odor was strong enough to make it whatever sense of smell difficult to discern. Even those with [Heightened Senses Smell] it was almost impossible to catch nuances on it, however, there was a slight different smell, of something rotten, coming from the kitchen. In addition, from the same direction, there was a slight sound of shuffling, akin to a feather-light step. Furthermore, the light in the interior was very poor, the sun which reigned supreme outside didn't reach the manor's interior in all its glory. From up the stairs, towards the bedroom, a faint wailing could be heard if one tried to sharpen their senses to its very limits. Under the stairs, there was a strong metallic door that lead towards the basement. While one could try to break the door, Guiseppe would certainly not be happy with the manor being damaged.

Turning towards the group, Guiseppe would ask them in a low tone. "Where should we go first?"

Ryke - Mercantile Agency


Just as the man explained it -- Marcus with drew the stick from his side. And in that moment, the conduit shifted in Marcus' hand. It became a winged spear, taking on all the practical effects and even it's weight. The butt touched the ground and the tip touched the ceiling. Then in another moment, it became a one handed arming sword. Carefully, Marcus weighed it, noticing the shifting of it's mass.

"Very interesting. Worth a pretty penny, I'm sure." He said, before the chimeric conduit would turn back into a convenient stick to be placed around his belt loop.

Another question lurked within the Marcus' mind. As the armored warrior looked over his weapon, his gaze shifted over to Izuru.

What does the half-breed know?

But there was no asking such a question now, not with the merchant within earshot. "I have no more questions for you." He said to Mr. Gasparo.

"I'll go wait in the cart."

Without much ado, Marcus left the room.

The Manor​

On the way to the Manor, The Armored Warrior was mostly quiet. He didn't need any source of entertainment for the hour. Instead he seemingly focus on his breathing. He knew the act as "henosis." Those in common tongue might call it "meditation. As he did so, he picked a subject to be his "topic". In the Monastary, it would be often he would contemplate the nature of the gods. Today however, he picked the subject of his environment. And he simply chose to listen to all which was around him. Every fleeting sound was interpreted by his ears. Every bump from when the cart would jiggle. Yet despite his peace, he was in constant search of hazards, his head moving every now and again to fill in the visual evidence of his senses.

The faint sense of peace from the uneventful ride, soon faded.

"Here it is." The exterior offered nothing to cause alarm. Yet still, the warrior surveyed his surroundings and found nothing wrong. Yet despite being well kept, the mansioned seemed to almost hide it's contents.

Before the gate opened, Marcus took a moment to say a short prayer. "Sulis Minerva, Come now, golden haired Minerva, to favor the task I've begun." He spoke quietly to himself, though anyone who paid particular attention to it could hear his prayer.

Once the door open, Marcus would be one of the first inside. It was probably best that their client not be first to enter into the unknown. And he felt himself a bit more disposable than some of the others.

"Another light source would be useful." He comments, not having one of his own nor to add. Marcus hand moved up his spear, choking it in preparation for close quarters combat. In his other hand, he drew the stick to use in place of his sword.

"...I hear something." Marcus begins to scan the interior of the mansion, standing perfectly still in the middle of the room [Perception F]. Some had heightened senses and could hear farther than he. See farther. Some could even see with eyes that could easily pierce the darkness. Marcus however, could interpret what he did see and hear. He turned towards the kitchen and focused his sense of hearing in attempt to interpret the sound. Since he could hear it, he sought to identify what the "Steps" truly were within the kitchen.

He turned towards a faint sound of "wailing" from a bedroom upstairs. Perhaps it was a person. Or maybe...it was just the wind?

"...It's coming from there and there." He pointed vaguely in the direction of the kitchen and the bedroom.

While he could discern with his ears, his eyes could only go as far as the lantern did. The manor allowed little light.


1. Sentinel - Perception F - From being accustomed to ambushes, scarred by attack and having a job as a protector, Marcus is keen on detecting ambushes. Through sight and hearing, he gains a bonus on detecting anything approaching him when standing still. While lacking superhuman senses, he can detect things moving within eyeshot and tell where people are once if they are moving while he is perfectly still. -Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown-

Kite Vanzanth

Kite smiled to Nox as she addressed him, feeling more at ease than before. “Thank you for your kind word Lady Nox.” he then turned to Marcus as he spoke to him, feeling even more reassured having what seemed to be a dependable group of people by his side. “I appreciate you Sir Marcus, thank you.”

The Vault
As the wooden rod shifted into a sword eerily similar to his own Kite dropped it to the ground, slightly startled by the sudden shift, and watched as it turned back into a normal looking rod. “Fascinating. A chimera weapon, that is very interesting indeed.” Kite picked up the staff once again and set it back where he had gotten it from, for as interested as he was he didn't trust any other weapon besides his own, opting to go without and hoping he wouldn't regret it in the future.

The Wagon Ride
Though the ride was seemingly uneventful he spent the time with his sword, making sure it was clean and sharp for battles ahead. As a young warrior he learned that you are no better than the tools you carry and that you should always keep them in tip top shape. As he examined his blade he whistled a gentle turn to the rhythmic sound of the horses walking.

The Manor
Once they arrived at the manor he left the wagon and watched as Giuseppe unlocked the gates and followed everyone inside, a little put off by the stark difference in scenery from the outside to the inside. “This place is definitely haunted..” He spoke softly as not to rouse whatever may be lurking inside, his force trailing off into an almost silent whisper.

Kite was hardly bothered by the smell since a lot of his training was spent in sewers cleaning out whatever rats or small monsters may have taken up residence, but he was definitely unnerved by a house smelling in such a way. As Giuseppe asked where they should start he looked toward Nox, wondering what she would decide. “What do you think Lady


The pungent smell that assaulted Nox's senses as they entered the manor was almost suffocating, its foul odor clawing its way into her nostrils and making her stomach churn. She wrinkled her nose in disgust, her Moon-Blessed senses amplifying the repulsive scent of decay and mold. The stench of rotting meat from the kitchen area was particularly nauseating, causing her to instinctively recoil.

Kite's voice broke her train of thought, prompting her to shake her head slightly. "Please, just Nox will do. We're all equals here, and I come from no noble house" she replied, dismissing the honorific with a small wave of her hand. Despite her vampire heritage, off-world origins and Moon-Blessed abilities, she considered herself no different from her fellow adventurers.

As Guiseppe and Marcus inquired and spoke about their next course of action, Nox considered their options. The wailing from the bedroom upstairs seemed like the most pressing concern, potentially indicating someone—or something—in distress. It was likely their best lead to uncovering the truth about the manor. That and clearing the manor from top to bottom was a good method of ensuring nothing was left unchecked.

"I suggest we start with the source of the wailing," Nox suggested, her voice steady despite the unsettling atmosphere. "If there's someone in need of help, we should prioritize their safety." With a determined nod, she drew her sword, its blade emanating a soft, ethereal glow in the dim light of the manor. The gentle moonlight cast by her weapon soon spread and illuminated the area around her, providing a beacon of gentle and soothing light amidst the darkness.

"Let's proceed cautiously, I'll light the way from the front. Guiseppe, Please remain close to me for now. Azusa, let me know if you detect anything as we travel." she cautioned, gesturing for the group to follow her lead as she made her way toward the stairs leading to the bedroom, her senses on high alert for any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

HP: 2/2

Actions: 3/3

  • Penumbra - E - [Aura][Indirect] [Vorpal] [Penetrating E], [Intimidation F], [Selective], [Area E], [Blind Fighter], [Blind Ranged Fighting], [Blight Holy Light Damage E], [Incapacitating: Paralysis E] [Hot Shot] [Sixth Sense - Weakpoint Vision] [Enegised E]- Channeling her blessing Nox produces a holy aura that's spread over a wide area that intimidates and deals damage to those who enter or are within its range possibly paralyzing them with sheer fear and dread and dealing massive damage to monsters that are weak to holy or light damage. 1 Turn Cooldown/2 actions.
    Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] B + Strength A + [Penumbra] E = 13 Base Effectivness = 13 Base Effectivness + 2 Damage from Blight. 2 True damage from Aura. Penetration E + Hotshot + Incapacitating. Selective: Sparing the Player Party, the manor and illuminating the area.
  • Movement
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Azusa change 2.png
Character Grade - E

Titles: Human, Gunslinger, Gunslinger Apprentice, Defender of Yemaya, Chalkmeister, Ryken Adventurer F

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Elias Wren Elias Wren Maverick Six Maverick Six


Azusa had to admit that the journey to get here was rather uneventful. She had hoped something was going to happen along the way, though for the time being, she kept the rod weapon in her pack. There wasn't a reason to use it at the moment, but there was always the opportunity to use it should the need arise. As the card moved about and eventually stopped, she hopped out of the cart and looked around. Well this place looks like it has seen better days, definitely abandoned for a minute by the looks of the gate. She thought to herself.

Azusa couldn't help but notice the mansion's condition as they passed through the gates. The building looked like it could have been tended to, but by what? The place felt off, though she couldn't quite pinpoint the reason. As the gate was locked behind them by their charge, she cocked an eyebrow for a moment but simply shrugged it off. She reached into the small of her back as she produced her M1911. As the group pushed into the manor proper, she held the gun at the low ready as the smell of mold assaulted her senses.

As the group decided to investigate the sound of the wailing first, Azusa nodded as Nox told her to give them a warning. "You're only going to get a minute at most of a heads-up. I'll wait until we get close to the source of the wailing," she stated as her eyes glanced around. She took the spot behind their charge because it made more sense in her mind so she could change the direction she was facing if there was a fight that was going to break out.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal saxon saxon

Now Izuru was willing to follow Giuseppe to the spooky haunted manor, poverty and desperation can do that to a man. He did however have his doubts that things would be anything less than difficult. His own encounters with spirits had been sparse but he was sure that the experience he was about to have would top all of them. Izuru was a little disappointed that their transport was not drawn by yak. Lately he had been noticing the severe lack of yak drawn carriages in this land. He made certain to get a window seat just in case the carriage itself was attacked. One could assume he would leave the others in such an event but it was just as likely for him to simply gain higher ground to better support them.

Entering the manor saw Izuru's reptilian senses briefly overwhelmed by the scent of rancid flesh. The fact this place was far beyond the realm of fixer-upper was an understatement. Tucked away in his coat was the magic rod generously provided by Giuseppe. He didn't want to have to rely on it too much considering he had no real idea if it would work when he needed it. His own powers were still middling by the standards of most magi. The sound of scurrying about like there were rats in the walls made Izuru contemplate if perhaps there were giant ghost rats. His hope was that the ghost rats would at least have the decency to eat Nox first. Her blood would probably just poison them or something. She was something like that, from his guess. Izuru saw that Azusa had been trusted with playing watchdog. This arrangement suited him just fine, allowing Izuru to spam [Appraisal E] on literally everything he came across.

.Appraisal E on EVERYTHING
Location: Gasparo's Manor
Time: Morning
saxon saxon | Azusa
Uasal Uasal | Nox
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Izuru
Elias Wren Elias Wren | Kite
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Marcus

Guiseppe Gasparo

Guiseppe was pensive for a moment, absorbing the more nuanced information that Marcus had managed to relay to the group thanks to his [Perception F]. He looked for a moment towards the kitchen and then the bedroom, his aged senses not being that sharp anymore. He moved the lamp slightly at the direction of where his wizened eyes looked towards to, but still not moving enough to leave others without any source of light. Upon hearing Nox's suggestion that the group should first investigate the bedroom, he nodded, her status as a Rank D in the Adventurer's Guild held sway with him. "That is a sound plan. I will walk right beside you." He told Nox, assuming such position as the group began making their way up the stairs, drawing a flintlock pistol from his coat and keeping it in his right hand, as his left held the lamp.

Izuru's first attempt of Appraisal E against the steps of the stairs returned mundane knowledge of them: they were made out of high-quality mahogany wood. The second attempt at Appraisal E, however, assaulted his senses, making it impossible for him to try a third time. He would feel his stomach churning and turning, as if the pastries he had consumed earlier at the mercantile agency wanted to come out exactly by the same path they got into his stomach, while exactly not reaching its zenith. That was to be expected when someone tried to use an ability when it was on cooldown. Still, the feeling wasn't bad enough as to force the draconian-humanoid to spend an extra action to recover the following round.

Thanks to the moonlight produced by Nox's Penumbra E and the lamp being held in Guiseppe's hand, the group could clearly see 15ft in front of both of them, their sides and behind them. The wooden steps creaked slightly with the weight of the whole party upon them and, which each step, the wailing coming from the bedroom became slightly more perceptible. The red, velvety drapery which covered the center of the stairs was slightly stained in dark colors, already dried, which made it difficult to know exactly what it was.

The Cove Battle Siren - Darkest Dungeon

When the group reached the top of the stairs, right in front of them was the door leading into the bedroom. The door itself was ajar and, from the position they were in initially, nothing but darkness could be seen inside of it. As soon as both Nox and Guiseppe walking over the threshold leading to it, Azusa would get a glimpse of what could be expecting them inside of it: in about a minute, an ethereal creature would make its way from the floor, going through it and shrieking towards the part. That was the most of what her [Precognition E] could glimpse upon.


Azusa's [Precognition E] would grant her +1 Base Effectiveness this round, for being already prepared, thanks to it 'firing' up. Others can benefit for this boon if they are warned in advance, in the least amount of words possible.

The room itself could not be entirely seen, however, they had clear vision of about 15ft in front of them and mediocre of 20ft. And, just as the whispers of what would be had promised, 20ft from the party, an ethereal, see through creature would spur from the floorboard. The ephemeral creature, which looked like a ghost or a wraith, mimicked the wailing once more, before its eyes were set upon the party once more. There was no negation or brokerage with it.

Partial Advanced Rules are in effect

Haunted bedroom1.png

Each character, during combat, can perform up to three actions. These actions might include a multitude of things, such as: attacking, moving, defending and using abilities. Characters without special movement mechanics can move up 30ft per action at most. Each square represents a 5ft distance. Most attacks have a standard range of 5ft. The exception being basic attacks using ranged weapons, which have a standard range of 100ft.

Upon glimpsing upon the creature, the old merchant's eyes would widen in surprise, yet survival instincts quickly brought him back to the present. Bringing up the flintlock pistol, he aimed at the creature, squeezing the trigger effortlessly. The loud sound of gunfire echoed throughout the mansion. The projectile, whoever, went through it not appearing to cause any damage at all, hitting something at the back of the bedroom.

Sometimes, characters might be under the effect of Change State, making them immune to most damage. However, the Vorpal core/affinity allows them to be damaged as normal.

Keeping a level head and understanding what was transpiring, Guiseppe understood what had just happened. Quickly holstering the flintlock pistol and taking out his pocket watch from his pocket. "Mana Missile!" With the incantation, a flurry of raw mana flew towards the wraith, being just enough to cause an impact. However, visually, it didn't appear to cause much damage to it, if any.

The magical attack executed by Guiseppe has the affinity Vorpal on it. Following attacks against the Wraith, this turn, will be able to enjoy its effects and possibly cause damage to the creature even if the ability would otherwise not. The attack will have its resolution in the end of round.

Whenever declaring a movement or attacks/abilities, it is necessary to mention the coordinates, as I did with Guiseppe, mentioning K6.

Guiseppe's Actions:

1 - Take aim against the Wraith at (K6)
2 - Basic ranged attack against the Wraith at (K6)
3 - Used Mana Missile - [Magic] ? + [Vorpal] ? + [Magic Range] ? - Grade ? Cooldown ? - against the Wraith at (K6)


Mana Missile - ?/?
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The Manor​

As the Party moved forward, Marcus would keep his wits about him. Even the ceiling was not spared his gaze, for it wasn't unheard for many creatures to drop from above. He would trust Azusa to tend to the rear, given her precognition. Still however, Marcus did have some things to say.

"I advise against the front Mr. Guiseppe. The point is one of the most deadly positions. Alongside with the Rear. The Middle is safest." He advised the man, not desiring to see their client be the first to fall. Particularly not when Marcus was himself, used to being like a shield to his comrades.

As Nox commented. "Let us be weary of a hostage if that is the case. Some play on the heartstrings shamelessly and the kidnappers is likely not far away." It was an initial prediction and a warning Marcus himself had made -- one which would soon be proven to be wrong. The Man at Arms moved into the room with warning from Azusa that the rumors appeared to be correct. Having some notice helped well to steel for what was to come.

Quietly, he searched the room. "....There." He pointed at the thing with his weapon. Shoulders squared. He held his spear in two hands, his feet sliding apart he assumed a combat stance.

A gunshot goes off and punches a hole into the wall behind the entity with no effect. The ineffectiveness of physical attacks became obvious. It was thus that Marcus decided not to move for a time. That was until he heard an attack and watched it's effects.

"Now." Marcus acted practically off instinct, speaking only a single word and hoping the others would understand to attack. He lunged forward to close some distance with spear in hand [Movement], channeling the entirety of his mass along a long kinetic chain. And through the power of his body, he sought to jettison his spear at the creature at the creature a moment after the magic bolt hit. [Hunter's Toss F]

The Warrior stood about ten feet away with sword in hand from the apparition, yet he moved no closer. He only stood at the ready to meet an attack from the creature with the artifact in hand [Parry F], which had taken the form of a sword. He didn't know if he could properly defend against the creature.

To be a shield for others was just his way.


1. Movement: Marcus moves 10 feet forward. Position: M7
2. Hunter's Toss -
Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear F, Range F - A technique older than written language itself -- a simple spear throw. Simple as it is, it is an effective means which man has long used to hunt down large creatures for food. Marcus employs this technique to strike at any number of foes from a distance. Can be a swiftly thrown up to a range of ten feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness = Strength D + Winged Spear E + Hunter's Toss F = 6) Target: K6
3. Parry
- Fighting Style: Slayer's Sword F, Deflect F - Rather than relying on a shield for defense, Marcus seeks to actively intercept physical strikes, using knowledge of leverage to knock blades aside. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (Effectiveness = Strength D + Artifact (Arming Sword Form) ??? + Deflect F = 4 + ???) Position: M7

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Kite Vanzanth

Kite understood the dangers immediately and drew his sword on instinct, adopting a readied stance. Within moments he lunged forward toward the ghastly specter, getting within range to attack. He swung his sword from left to right across the ghostly figure, flames bursting forth from the blade.

He felt contact and smirked as he spun around and lept back away from the wrath, creating distance to avoid being in the way of others or potential counter attack. Kite maintained his stance as footing, eyes locked on the aggressor as he let out a soft huff under his breath. His nerves were on fire, not used to fighting such monsters.

He held his sword at his side as the flames let off a small amount of light around where he waited, crackling softly as they burned.

1. Movement 1 to L7

2. Inferno Blade - Blight - Focus [F] - Elemental Affinity Fire [F] - Magic [F] - Fighting Style [F] Flame Blade - Fire Elemental Affinity [F] - The blade of Kite's sword is engulfed flames and strikes a single target for instant damage. - F grade - 0 cooldown

3. Movement 2 to L9

Strength D (+3) + Sword E (+2) + Ability Grade F (+1) = 6 Base Effectiveness

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