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Multiple Settings A Heart's Mortal Coil [Lore]



*Willingly Participates in Self Sabotoge*
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  • The First Seed Landing

    There existed a day when children did not live their lives in fear of dying to either a cruel “destiny” or the unending threat of alien invasion. History spoke of the days when Quin was a bountiful and beautiful planet of excess and knowledge. The scrap accounts of those who lived through the first seed landing painted a picture of a world brought to its knees by the jealousy and violence of creatures from planets far away.

    It began during the Day of Meteorum, a once-in-a-decade event when Quin saw meteor after meteor pass their small planet. Yet in the year 5404, the day of Meteorum was far more dangerous as the planet saw meteor after meteor pierce the world's atmosphere and create craters in various areas of Quin. In these craters, strange red orbs of energy covered by a thick branchlike webbed structure around it were left behind in the impact zones.

    This event would be later known as The First Seed Landing.

    Though the world may not know it their hesitancy and avoidance of these orbs would soon be their downfall.

    The Days After
    Heart's Pain

    Following the First Seed Landing, a curiosity was growing in the citizens of each nation as well as a tense fear of the unknown. The things in the crater let off an energy that was picked up for miles. A strange beat could be felt as though the hearts of anyone who came close to the sites were about to pound out of their chest, getting stronger the closer they drew to the orb.

    For most, this was reason enough to avoid the sites like the plague as the unknown drew out a primal urge to run. Yet the few who pushed past this and drew closer would find themselves face to face with strange crystalline gems forming in the soil around this strange thing as the branch-like webbing grew and implanted its roots deep into the land itself.

    Of course, some curious souls upon finding such a sight would attempt to take such gems back with them. Yet not anyone could touch these gems, nor did the ability to touch one mean they would manage to hold another. Those unlucky few who tried to grasp a crystal that would not accept them would find themselves sickened throwing their hands off the gem as though they had been burned.

    Soon these gems became popular as a test of courage.

    Of course many nations worried about the seemingly growing structure which created these gems. These strange energy-generating tree structures had now been named Seeds. Soon talks were underway to study the various Seeds before they could further expand.

    The nation of Ventus was the first to take up the mantle of trying to break through the Seed's structure to study its energy within creating what would later be known as the First Wave.
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    The First Wave
    DARK ARIA <LV2> x Vogel Im Käfig

    In the Year 5406 Ventus had led a large-scale operation to attempt to break through their Seed. After two years the Seed was well protected by its dense outer shell. The crew brought to the crater slowly whittled away at its shell feeling sicker and sicker as more branches fell to the ground. After around two hours of hacking away at the branches something began to shift. The energy was now palpable in the air and heating up.

    As that energy was exposed tendrils shot out of the Seed lashing out and piercing through the closest crew operators the team began a tactical retreat. Yet their running would only save a seldom few as the Seed cracked and from it a monster was born. Within moments it became apparent no amount of normal weaponry could harm the creature as it tore through victim after victim before eventually making its way to civilization.

    Yet this would not end in just one hatching, the creature brought with it the strange energy pulses leaking into the air around it and causing any other Seeds it passed to break open. Soon an entire wave of monsters descended upon the nation of Ventus. The carnage was stopped only by the actions of one brave girl. A young girl by the name of Diana Albu, someone who would later be known as the first Mahou Shoujo.

    With desperation fueling her Diana raised the crystalline gem she found in the valley of the Seed. Before the eyes of others, the gem in her hand shifted into a brooch. This Artifact called out in her mind and granted power. However, those not in contact with the Artifact would not hear its call. Instead, they saw as her clothes shifted and a strange glowing armor formed upon her. In her hands, a weapon forged from her own mind. She had gained the power to fight back and she would not be the last.
    The Fall Of Quin
    Weight of the World

    With a savior in sight, human arrogance grew once more. With little care for the well-being of the one they hid behind, Diana became the face of the Mahou Shoujo. Ventus experiencing peril from the massive loss of life nationwide soon found themselves leaning onto the neighboring country, Hono, for support. Across the nations, the two governments sought out those with the power to transform quickly using coercion and bribery to bring them under their thumb.

    Yet the first wave would not be the last. Soon it became common for Seeds to hatch across the world. People began to live in fear and anticipation. Prayers for safety and curiosity at the unknown battled for the collective society's attention. As Seeds hatched new Mahou Shoujo were revealed. Yet with every new Mahou Shoujo came a great loss of life as those who thought they might live with their gems clutched close found themselves unable to transform.

    It was clear that not anyone could become a Mahou Shoujo. Yet what brought forth this power? Theories could only be made as the denizens of Quin fell slowly with the population dwindling due to the various attacks. After eight years of surviving this new normal had passed yet another Day of Meteorum arrived. With it came not only a second Seed landing but the invasion of what seemed to be the parents of these creatures.

    With this second landing, these creatures had finally been given a name, Parasite.

    As new Parasites fell and fewer and fewer Mahou Shojo lived in the clashes against them. With this form of eternal battle for survival, it was clear drastic measures needed to be taken. In a matter of decades, the once seven strong nations had been shaken down until only one area was still safe enough to occupy. All that was left was Aarde as the survivors came flocking in.

    Eventually even this nation fell, and from its ashes came Sahoe.

    The collective government of Sahoe could agree upon one thing quickly, they needed more power to fight. Thus their efforts turned to how to quickly replicate a Mahou Shoujo’s power into an artificial Artifact.

    By the year 5554, The Elysium Project had been put into motion.
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    The Elysium Project

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    The Elysium Project had three fundamental goals. The first revolved around research into the Artifacts themselves. The second is the identification, registration, and organization of the Mahou Shoujo. The third is the reproduction of Artifacts on a large scale for defense of the planet. Despite the project’s shake start with its roots in unethical experimentation in the upcoming years, the Elysium Project’s success would greaten its hold on the government of Sahoe making the two nearly indistinguishable from each other.

    Desperation led morals to the ground in a world where even the government crumbled. While the push against questionable experimentation would always exist as humanity rejected cruelty, those with little to lose would put themselves at the mercy of researchers in hopes of a brighter future.

    In the first twenty years of the project’s establishment, they managed to experiment enough with the volunteer Mahou Shoujo to get a fundamental theory in play for how to identify those with the potential to become a magical girl. Once the steps had been refined it became mandated for all those over the age of ten to become tested for latency. Though this move had the backing of the emerging government of Sahoe few saw finding their potential as a gift, instead recognizing it as a curse. It became common for parents to hide their children’s birthdays or for families to go on the run approaching a child’s tenth birthday.

    As a measure against the fleeing, the government put harsher restrictions on freedom of movement and started to claim greater power to be centralized in their hands. Soon the rise of a meritocracy of stifling portions began to emerge, your worth directly tied to your potential and contributions to society. Propaganda pushed the Mahou Shoujo as the most lucrative and fulfilling job.

    The tides turned as the next eighty years were marked by an era of people trying to force an affinity to the artifacts. The society was rich with want and necessity. In this era of need the Elysium Project pushed their most radical experiment, the Mahou Shoujo Inductors. Through this series of serums anyone could manage to link with an artifact… for a price.

    While Natural Mahou Shojo could find their limits and control their power with ease as they listened to the voice of their Artifacts, these new Artifical Mahou Shoujo had no such guidance. They risked their health as the serums took away from their own vitality and found themselves on the edge of burning themselves through from within. With such horrors attributed to the process only the most desperate or the most naive would find themselves continuing to use the serums.

    Yet the Elysium Project for all its problems would still be the backbone of Sahoe for years to come.

    Your Start

    Today’s the day.

    The magical girl aptitude test.

    A yearly event where people learn if they have what it takes to become this world’s protector.

    A day where people young and old lose their freedom as their lives are signed away by an inanimate object reaching out to specifically say fuck you.

    An event for all the people ready to prove their worth as they show their soul’s strength as a value is so upheld they become a paragon, protector, and prized gladiator.

    A day where a few brave fools' souls reach out and try to cosign themselves to the devil itself.

    What an honor, what a tragedy.


    The year is 5854.

    The Elysium Project has become synonymous with the Government in its last three hundred years of development.

    Artificial magical girls can be created with a 95% guarantee rate, though they are even less safe from the process than in the days of Mahou Shoujo Inducers.

    This year another Day of Meteorum will bring another batch of Aliens.

    You are a magical girl, for all that it's worth.

    And today is the day you will watch others cosign their lives away.

    Though you have no way of knowing it, this year’s Day of Meteorium will put into play events that will shape all of history for the world of Quin.

    Because this is Your Story.



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