• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Guild of Heroes: Song of Champions

Every day, like clockwork, Kit could be found in the training grounds. Before the dungeon, he'd only have maybe one odd spectator. After word of him defeating a Death Knight spread though, he'd have a crowd watching him most days.

He'd put the golems on the highest difficulty. First, he'd start just dodging. Not blocking, not attacking. Purely dodging their attacks with unparalleled grace and agility. It was almost like watching a dance the way he weaved between attacks...

Once he was warmed up, a hand would slide to his hip, and in a flash, his blades would draw and golems would fall. He carved through them with surgical precision, leaving none standing by the tine he sheathed his blades, barely even breathing harder than normal.

Viska stood in the background clapping along with everyone else, she was also coughing quite hard as well, though not as bad as the day before. Her appearance at the training grounds was rare unless she wanted to talk to someone. She was looking for Kit though specifically and with a large crowd like this, it was almost impossible not to know where he was. She waited until he would either notice her or that these fans would go away.

It didn't take long for Kit to notice the kobold in the crowd as the fans started to disperse. "Hello Viska. Don't usually see you out in the training grounds. What's up?" He inquired, his tail swishing curiously behind him.

Viska looked up at Kit and smiled, her tail swishing from side to side in excitement.

"Um..... I was wondering if you would train me Kitty! Train me to be as cool as you!"

She felt like she needed to be more useful, and a good way to be useful is to know how to fight against people in melee combat. Oh and yes she gave Kit a nickname.

"Are you sure you're up for training? You've still got that cough going on?" He inquired. He wasn't against training her, but his methods were a touch unorthodox and not entirely forgiving if someone was under the weather.

Thankfully, Kit didn't seem to mind the nickname. His mothers used to call him that, so perhaps that was why it didn't bother him too much.

Viska aggressively nodded her head, she didn't care, she wanted to be as cool as Kit, and knowing how to fight wasn't a bad idea either, especially nowadays.

"Very well... let me get a feel for what you can do..." he paused, flipping backwards to land on a thin wooden post, balancing on one hand with ease.

"First, let's see if you can hop up here and how long you can remain" he explained, pushing himself up so that he could finish the flip and balance on his foot instead.

Viska looked at Kit and mimicked what he did, though her hops had more power to them than his, probably in account that her legs are very strong. Unknown to Kit, Viska had to do this a lot when she lived with her Tribe of Kobolds deep in the mountains. How else were you to run around in the tunnels and caves without speed, agility, balance, and perfect coordination? The idea of one wrong move and it's over was very present when moving between cave systems. She balanced on the post, rotating her stance ever 10 minutes, first she stood on her hands, then on one of her feet, then her hand, then feet. She did this kind of thing most of her life back in the tunnels.

Kit watched her every movement closely, checking how each muscle moved through the movements. An approving grin spread over his features. She had immense potential with that kind of agility. She already had the body mechanics down perfectly...

"So what kind of weapon would you use?" He inquired, bending at the knee and crossing his free leg over the bent one. It looked like he was sitting in a chair, except no such seat materialized for him.

Viska was doing a hand stand on one hand on the post, not sure if she was allowed down, not that she couldn't do this all day. She answered very politely.

"Um... Not sure.... I've never exactly... Ever used a weapon of any type to be honest. Umm... Short swords? I don't think I can lift those big longswords you guys use. Or really anything else if I'm honest."

Kit chuckled at her response, reaching to his hip and drawing his own short swords. "Something like this then?" He inquired. Most people were shocked someone like him used shortswords. Then again, unlike some paladins he had nothing he needed to compensate for.

She rotated her stance on her right leg as she balanced perfectly on the post.

"How Flexible are your elbows, wrists and shoulders?" Kit asked, absently twirling the sword as he watched her. His own particular style didn't work well for someone that had stiff arms...

"Ummm... pretty flexible? Sometimes back in the tunnels where my tribe lived, the floor of some caves would be gone so we would have to swing on each other to get the other side and that takes quite a bit of flexibility."

"In that case... you might actually be able to handle my own style.. but first, let's start with some footwork drills."

[Insert Training Montage over the course of 9 days here]

Location: Guild Infirmary
Action: The true extent of her Illness
Interaction: Veth ( Fable Fable ), Johann ( Alteras Alteras ), Ki'Tavi ( One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost ), Holo-Cyrus [Mentioned] ( Birdsie Birdsie )

Viska stumbled her way into the infirmary, looking absolutely dreadful. Her scales were grayish pale, you could see purplish veins all over her scaly skin. Her Light Spirit companion was showing her which was to go, while he had no face his body language showed that he was extremely worried.

"V....Veth? K-Kitty? H..... Help me...."

Viska's voice sounded... Dark and transparent, whatever was going on isn't good. She slumped down to her knees, coughing extremely hard and shivering, if you were to feel her, she was ice cold to the touch.

"Someone activate your Guild Seal! I need to talk with Cyrus! Immediately!"

Solas spoke after she slumped down to the ground. He has extreme urgency in his voice, he was scared, he didn't know what to do.
Hermione "Hermy" Puckette
Location: Courtyard -> infirmary
Actions: Freaking out

Interacting with: Archdemon Archdemon One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Fable Fable
Mentions: (Basically everyone in the infirmary)

What was in that pizza? Hermione really did not know what to think. Not that she could think much in the first place, but it definitely had something in it that she did not expect. Shrooms maybe? Whatever it was... it felt pretty good. But in her stupor, Hermy got onto her hooves and ended up losing her balance, causing her to fall back onto the cobblestone, hitting her head. With a growl, the Saytr got up, rubbing her head. Great, first her concussion and now this. As much as she did not want to do it, she knew that the only way to get something for her sore head was to go to the infirmary. Hermy hated being looked over by doctors, despite how rare the occasion was. It was always the same. "You need to eat more. You need to sleep more. Your liver looks like a pickle, blah blah blah" there was a reason she did not like going to them. But... she would rather not have this pounding headache.

"I'm gooonna... Gooo... um dum... Figure it out." And with that she got up and made her way through the people and heading to the infirmary, finding it extremely hard to walk. Once she found out who put that stuff in that pizza, they were gonna learn why her horns were the only part of her that was clearly.. cleaned; through use.

When she finally made her way to the infirmary, she pushed the door open, leaning against it. She took a moment to look around at everyone before her grey eyes happened to glance down and the Saytr froze at the sight of a pale, shaking and sickly looking Viska on the floor. The Saytr, despite her drunk (and possibly high) state, let out a started yelp and instantly dropped the bottle that she was still holding and bent down to Viska's level.

"Viska? Oi! What ha-happened?" She hiccuped slightly as she attempted to move the lizard woman onto a bed. She looked awful! Nobody looked that awful unless they had been ill for a long time, and this was something that seriously disturbed the Saytr. If she was like this... this must have meant she had been sick for a long time! She had spent over a week staying with the woman, living in the same room and spending more time with her. And she did not notice? She looked at the people she knew as Veth and "Kitty" only from what Viska had said.

"WILL SOMETHING FREAKING DO SOMETHING?!" She was becoming wound up. Hermy looked around the room, she was not in any state to be effective here. And she hated it. First she failed to notice the failing health of the woman and now she could not help. What was the point of her even being here? Any sane person would have kicked her out at this point. While all of this went through her wine-sodden mind, she just stayed next to Viska. She did not know why she felt this strongly about the woman. But she did. Not that she'd tell anyone about it. She did not even know why herself. Then again... Viska was the first person in a very, very long time that actually treated Hermione nicely. She could not remember the last person to have been like that. Even here. The Saytr just kept quiet and watched her, not interested at all in the bottle she had dropped. She couldn't think about that right now.
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new prince.jpg


Location: House Lairke, Dining room

Kaeden was upstairs in the master bedroom provided to him by Lord Lairke, two women embracing him in bed, the life a sole heir and prince is expected to live by most really. For the past few days he had bathed in all the luxuries that could be offered to him, Lairke had servants bring him food, drinks, 24 hour protection, and most importantly women. He sighed as he heard the news of his sister's arrival, his vacation coming to it's all too short end, he shoo'd the two out of the room and got ready. With his uniform now on, he was informed once again that they had finally taken their seats at the dining table.

Kaeden walked down the long halls and eventually got to the main stairs of the mansion, his steps echoed as he walked. He heard the muffled voice of what appeared to be the Bastard asking Lord Lairke if he was expecting company, he almost laughed at how perfect the timing was.


He entered the dining room, smiling, and quickly patted Lairke on the shoulder.

"No need to answer that Lairke!"

He nodded at him while looking down on him from above, it could be interpreted as a thank you for being honest about what his sister has told him, but it could also be interpreted as a warning to not interfere any further. Lairke was pale and shaking, unsure of what would happen between the siblings. Kaeden kept his smile, looked to his sister, and continued his statement.

"For the company has arrived! Quite a bit earlier than you in fact, and with the sole purpose of waiting for you, Sister."

After a brief and tense pause he shouted

"Isn't that right Lairke!?"

He gave Lairke a firm pat of the back and gripped his shoulder, Lairke straightened and nodded several times, eyes bloodshot and beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Some might ask why he was so tense, Kaeden was not one of those people, he was amused by the spectacle the nervous-wreck would put on when Kaeden was present. He made his way to his seat, the air growing more and more tense, but he seemed rather unfazed with the same childish smile as before. He finally took a seat and looked at Aurelia once again, he didn't speak, instead he put his chin on his hand and continued to stare as if he were analyzing her. After a minute of deep thought he finally recollected exactly what he had wanted to tell her.

"It's great to see you again elder sister, you seemed to have left in rather sudden fashion."

He raised his brow in a bit of a comical fashion but then sighed, and regained his natural, more serious expression.

"You should be careful, as there are many observant eyes within the castle walls, reporting everything no matter how insignificant it may seem." he warned.. or was it a threat?

The plates arrived, a silence took over the room once again, Lairke was a statue and only reacted with his eyes when the food arrived. In the few moments of silence, Kaeden proceeded to put a napkin on his lap and scoot his chair forward. The servants poured glasses of wine and once they served all the food they retreated to the kitchen. After another pause he continued

"But... hm... I wonder, what could be so urgent, so important, that would make such an honest person so secretive. It must have been of the utmost importance and something obviously relevant to the state of affairs, considering someone such as yourself who cares more than most, had to go through such dire methods to remain discreet." he stated

"I did grow concerned from your sudden disappearance I'll have you know, but then Lord Lairke here told me you went along the North road, and it got me thinking."

He raised his hand at her, indicating her to wait before she responded, as he was still not done. After a pause he continued.

"Now, I wish to ask you personally, as my theory may be far off the mark. So now that we are reunited at last, would it be alright to share about said trip, with your all too curious brother?" he said

He didn't really say anything in an accusing way yet, but his words brought a lot of weight and pressure behind them. When speaking to a prince, there are several implications and consequences to be thought of that could mentally corner someone, However; he attempted to approach her as a brother first.

As condescending and threatening it may have felt, the attempt seemed to have some sincerity behind it, and he showed enough leniency to not use his status over her with a witness present.

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Bianca Ensyreia
Location: Emperor's Hideout, Wastelands
Interactions: ---

The sound of steel clashing against steel resonated throughout the hall, accompanied by screams of anguish and loud thuds. Until there was no more sound, but the footsteps of a formidable being, getting ever so nearer to its destination. In the final chamber, a man could be seen being assisted by several soldiers as he began to suit himself up - a set of armor that seemed to radiate powerful energies. With him was a large sword, which seemed to be rather twice his weight, and yet, he toyed with it using a mere single hand.

As soon as the man was finished, the footsteps finally ceased. The short silence was immediately followed by a piercing sound of steel slicing through marble as if it was paper. The doors were cut in half with a swift and single blow, and then, it fell. As the humongous doors crumbled and fell, its impact upon hitting the floor created a chain reaction - from mere shaking of nearby vases, blowing the curtains, and eventually, causing several torches and lantern to fall down - sparking a flame that would soon engulf the room within a few moments.

When the dust from the fallen debris faded away, a familiar figure was shown, approaching relentlessly. It was a seemingly short woman, dressed in light clothing. She was drenched in blood, held a rather thin blade, and most importantly had this fierce gaze that would intimidate the untrained.

"Emperor!", she shouted, pointing the edge of her sword to no other than the armored man.

"You have been a thorn in my side.", the man answered. "But that shall end now. Seize her men!"

The remaining soldiers charged at the woman, who were disposed easily as if she was merely swatting away some flies.

"You shall pay for you sins!", she shouted, as she launched herself towards the Emperor.

The Emperor laughed maniacally. He did not move, instead, he welcomed her attack.

When Bianca was in arms reach, she slashed at him, expecting to cut off the Emperor's head in one swift strike. But that didn't happen.

Bianca's blade and the Emperor's huge sword clashed against each other for a few seconds, until she hopped back and moved a few steps away as precaution. Her eyes slightly widened.

"You...", she furiously uttered. "That is from an Einherjar!"

The Emperor laughed once more. "Indeed. Made from the same material as the legendary Muramasa. Quite fascinating isn't it?", he answered. "Lir - what was his name again? Well, it matters not. I've gotten what I needed from him."

Bianca growled at him, tightened her grip on her sword, and charged towards him yet again.

Location: Arriving at Fort Black, Entering Courtyard
Interaction: Open??? {Talks to those in the courtyard at the moment}
The horse was near its end. The rhythmic beating of hooves beneath him faltered, the pace which had been kept since he had left Bowerstone some time ago broke, as he felt the spotted grey horse's legs fail. Faster than most could notice the imminent tearing of muscle across the front left, a gentle hand was placed on the neck of the tired beast. "Breathe." While the beast did not understand the gentle words mingling with the rushing wind and thunder of hooves - it's lungs expanded in a rush, the weariness leaving its form, aches and pains replaced with an injection of adrenaline and vigour. A moment, before the horse ducked its head, refocussed it's pace - and sped towards the fortress in the distance. A soft chuckle escaped the man on the horse, his long grey cloak flapping behind him as his similarly grey eyes took in the area around him. He patted the horse's neck, his fingers tightening within its mane.

He had been a gift... the horse. From a thankful farmer to the south. After having aided in healing and restoring the tiny town - having in this saved the lives of both his eldest son and wife, the farmer had given him the grey mount when Concord had noted he needed to travel north. The man had not even had a chance to name it in the various attacks and pillages. Looking to the skies, and seeing a whisp of gathering clouds, another chuckle escaped Concord. "What about Squall? A sudden approach of a storm. As fast and unwavering as the skies." He patted its head, the horse nodding - almost as if in agreement. "Then so you are. And tonight you feast on the best I can find you."

A few moments later and he was crossing the bridge, his eyes moving over the various defensive measures - the sentinels, glinting and sun. Getting off the horse with grace, the patted it's head - directing one of the stable hands closer, offering him a few coins and a smile. "Take care of him." He nodded, closing his eyes in a quick prayer. Before turning with a bit of a flourish, and walking into the courtyard, seeing a group gathered there. While it seemed they had some sort of ruckus in the works, Concord put on his best smile. "Greetings. I need to speak to your current leader. Where might I find them?" He looked them over. It had been years since the last time he had really interacted with the guild. Or at least, done so directly. "I have heard of your recent victories and trails. I come to offer whatever aid I can. Dr. Farewell, at your service." He bowed his head slightly, not entirely sure what to make of the group. Some of them seemed rather interesting. Many of then quite powerful in their forms. Many of them... deceptively ordinary. Perhaps they did not really need his help all that much at all. Time will tell.
Faust Banner.png

Faust Windfallow || Fort Black Courtyard -> Somewhere far, far away where the police will never catch him!! || Interacting with Ellis ( Birdsie Birdsie ), Drui ( Fable Fable ) || Mention Natalie ( Prince_ Prince_ ), Wobb ( Graystone713 Graystone713 ), Annette ( Kylesar1 Kylesar1 )
Faust stared at the goddess with excessive cleavage as she placed her hand on Faust, and uttered out some form of a curse on him. Drui clearly didn't take Faust's threat to her oh so beloved Ellis very well... For a moment, Faust considered putting a curse on Drui as retaliation, but he decided that a death-mark would be absolute overkill. After all, what sort of curse could a goddess of music possibly put on an elder lich?

"Oh shit. You actually did it..." The devious lich muttered, as Ellis reported the shenanigans to Risa, who would undoubtedly rush to the scene ASAP. Faust snapped his fingers and the pizza which Drui had knocked over erupted into flames, before Faust waved his hands and conjured a breeze, which carried the ashes into the air, erasing a large proportion of the evidence. "Have fun." He told Ellis in a dangerously joyous tone. He snapped his fingers, conjuring an orb of water above Ellis' head, which fell down on him and drenched the bard head to toe in the icy water. Then, Faust waved goodbye to the gang as he teleported away.

However, the spell was incomplete, and Faust suddenly stumbled into the empty wastelands of the desolation, tripping over a rock and falling, striking his head against the ground. He was hundreds of miles away from his intended location, interrupted by a sharp, stabbing pain to the side of his head mid-casting, and made a large, and had he been mortal. a fatal error. "Aaa!" He yelled out, surprised.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He cried out in irritation, unable to determine the cause for his unbearable migraine. Had Turenval found a way to attack Faust? The answer was in reality, much simpler. "The fucking goddess..." Faust growled, removing his skull and smashing it against the ground with sufficient force that it shattered. However, that did not serve to stop Faust's hurting. "I'm not actually in pain... I'm already dead..." Faust thought to himself. "I only think I am in pain..." However, even though Faust knew that was the case, the migraine was still utterly unbearable. If Faust had to compare, he would say that the pain was on a similar to having a holy spear, or perhaps even Gungnir thrust through his skull.

"How much fucking divine power did she even use?!" The lich hollered. How would he dispel the curse, if he couldn't even think properly with this curse? That goddess had somehow put a curse on a lich, which were highly resistant to magic... Faust considered casting 'dispel magic', or even destroying his body to see if the curse would dispel itself if his vessel was destroyed. "Holy shit she really likes that bard, huh?" He moaned loudly. Even Faust didn't foresee a stupid prank ending like this- was there a way to make the pain subside, even temporarily?
Ellis | Fort Black, Courtyard | Prince_ Prince_ Kylesar1 Kylesar1 LostHaven LostHaven Fable Fable A L M O S A L M O S

Faust, being himself, dropped an orb of water on Ellis. The bard yelped at the icy sensation, moving his arms off to the side as water dripped from them. "Cold, cold, cold---!" There was a spell that removed moisture! Ellis remembered its name, then spoke a one-word incantation and only made the situation worse.

Ellis dropped to the ground and hit the earth with his back, his lips dry, his breath arid and his mind thirsting for water. Most of the moisture in his clothes was removed instantly - unfortunately, this effect carried over to his body.

That's when he remembered the spell was actually a one-target variant of Mizlad-Iba's Greater Water Removal, originally intended for industrial purposes, surgery, cleaning out pools, and definitely not for drying clothing articles.

This is a bad joke, Ellis thought. And worst of all, it has no punchline.

He covered his mouth with his hand and cast Create Water from his palm at low intensity, finally amending the situation. A refreshing drink of pure water helped and after a few seconds of straight-up drinking, he finally released a satisfied sigh.

Asked if he was certain if he wanted to visit the dwarves a while ago by Drui, Ellis, finally done with quenching his thirst, replied, "Why wouldn't I be?" He slowly stood up from the ground, slightly out of breath from drinking so much water. "When are we setting out?"

He noticed a man, who called himself Dr. Farewell, approached and asked to speak with the leader. "Oh, the Guildmaster? If she cares about this Guild at all, she should be here any minute now to witness this mess herself."
Annette Braveheart Stansfield
As her idiot crewmate nodded off in the face of the music, Annette sighed in relief. She then walked to him and kicked him in the face. "Catina, take him to the infirmary. That idiot ate that pizza of his own free will and I almost killed him." Catina nodded and picked him up with absolute ease and walked off.

Annette looked at the group gathered. She would deal with him later. A newcomer named Dr. Farewell came and wanted to see the Guildmaster. "Ellis is correct. The Guildmaster should be here soon, but let me introduce myself. I am Annette Stansfield. Pirate name Braveheart. Feel free to call me by any of those names, as well as 'Brave' or 'Ann'. Was your presence expected?" If so, there was usually a test of some sort to pass, usually a fight as most here were combatants.

LostHaven LostHaven
Birdsie Birdsie
Graystone713 Graystone713
Fable Fable
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=img]
[/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Drui[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Courtyard, Fort Black | Interaction: Ellis ( Birdsie Birdsie ) Ann ( Kylesar1 Kylesar1 ) Carnicero ( Rage Rage ) | Nearby/Mentioned: Courtyard Crew ( Prince_ Prince_ LostHaven LostHaven Graystone713 Graystone713 A L M O S A L M O S ) [/div]
Drui watched as the satyr gobbled the pizza off the ground and brought a hand to her face as eventually it caused the horned girl to fall over and smack her head into the hard ground. She wandered off to seek out the infirmary and Drui wondered how Risa hadn't a tighter leash on this lich due to all the problems he caused. Drui liked pranks, but hers were harmless fun compared to what he did. She went a bit pale as it had really taken quite a bit of her divine power to apply a curse to him. He deserved it though!

He really deserved it since before he fled the scene he doused Ellis in freezing water. She glowered at the area where he had been, he was going to regret that decision. Someone needed to teach him a lesson. If she had to he would haunt his bony ass into oblivion just to make him repent. She turned to Ellis as he did more than dry his clothes and nearly mummified himself and smirked down at him.

Ellis had a long way to go, but he was sweet even if he never would admit it. He went to the dungeon mission and had taken out a Death Knight, surely that would give him a proper boost in confidence to not shy away from himself. Ellis managed to recover from his spell mistake and asked her when they were setting out. Thankfully a newcomer had arrived asing for the person in charge. Ellis informed the man who called himself Dr. Farewell. What a curious name.

The other girl kicked her down comrade before answering the man and Drui pitied that woman's underlings, but a pirate?! Oh she adored shanties! She approached the woman with a grin, "A pirate? How lovely! I am Drui, the Goddess of Music and Laughter, and while I would love to stay and chat, I've got some business to attend to elsewhere. However, should I return I fully expect to hear some glorious stories."

Drui went over to Ellis and poked his nose a bit playfully, "I plan on leaving later today. Are you certain you want to come with me?" As she asked this question, she began to walk away, only to trip over a fairly large lizard man who had been passed out here. "Oof! Why do people sleep here?!"[/div][/div][/div]
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[/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Lucius[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Courtyard, Fort Black | Interaction: OPEN| Nearby/Mentioned: Courtyard Crew ( Prince_ Prince_ LostHaven LostHaven Graystone713 Graystone713 A L M O S A L M O S Rage Rage Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie & whoever else I missed ;-; ) [/div]
Lucius had been busy taking on solo missions here and there while the focus of the guild had been on the dungeon and other things. Crime since Xhorhas had increased because people were scrambling to gather supplies, even if they couldn't afford it. Bandit gangs had risen in numbers as they offered people spots if they were useful, or they would charge them for 'protection.' It was a mess and Lucius had been busy dealing with it.

He needed a break as he had been going at this for weeks upon weeks. At first the city officials had been less than pleased for the guild's assistance in maintaining order, but after the dungeon it seemed relations were improving, though there were still a few officials that made Lucius's job complicated. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, hid golden eyes seeing Drui trip over what appeared to be a large lizard. Had an enemy appeared?!

Lucius picked up his pace as he approached the group looking at the lizard-man, "You guys take him out?"[/div][/div][/div]

[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-direction: row; Flex-flow: row wrap; Justify-content: stretch; max-width:1000px; margin:auto; text-align:justify; padding:15px 0px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=img] width:150px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=inventory] pointer-events:auto; font-size:12px; text-align:left; line-height:10px; [/class] [class=flex] flex:1; min-width:300px; [/class] [class=header] font-family:'Berkshire Swash'; font-size:50px; margin:-10px 0 -30px 0; [/class] [class=tags] display:inline-block; font-size:12px; margin-left: 50px; [/class] [class=text] padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; font-family:'Karla'; [/class]


Location: Fort Black, Courtyard
Interaction: Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie

The doctor noted the group - some of them seeming quite out of it. Some of them seemingly frustrated, looking at some empty space every now and then, as though a great irritation had only recently vanished from that very spot. He looked at Ellis, frowning at the clear signs of dehydration. He wondered for a moment whether he should offer some help, but decided against it. They could ask. He had offered his services already. He looked towards the young god and her obvious romantic interest. A... young love. He turned his attention back to Ellis. "She? Well then, I shall wait for her here. Thank you kindly, stranger." He turned to Annette. "Thank you, Ms Stansfield. A pleasure. You must have seen much of the world, having such a grand title. I am a bit of a traveller myself." He smiled, bowing his head towards her in a formal greeting. "I don't suspect any expectation. I was of aid to your former Guildmaster, many times over." He looked up and stroked his beard. "I was quite a bit younger then." He smiled as the memories flooded over his mind.

"I served as a combat medic for a while. A curse-breaker. An exorcist. A Historian. An Arcanist." His smile grew as he ran over the various roles he has played in the past. "My skills took me far away from the reigns of the Guild. We agreed that I should perhaps not join officially, as I could not guarantee my undiluted loyalty and attention." Nevermind the fact that he was horrible at fighting, something you seemed to need to be at least proficient at. "For the last few months, I have been trying to evacuate towns who have come in the line of fire. Heal the sick. Resurrect those who died but who still wished to serve. Marrying those who seek to find some comfort in these dark times. Burying those who succumbed to it." He sighed, as he recalled the rows upon rows of graves, the young people - barely of age - who were marrying out of fear of a stolen future. The future seemed bleak. He could not blame them for wanting a soft comfort during those dark nights which may well be their last. He shook his head, once. Twice. Three times. He forced another gentle smile in her direction. "Pray tell me, of your new leader. The former one was only mildly agreeable. What about the current one?"
'GundaBad The Mighty'

Carnicero - Leviathan-Man: Legendary Adventurer

Interactions: Hermione Puckette ( Rumble Fish Rumble Fish ) Drui ( Fable Fable )

Action: People Tried Over & Now Awake.

Location: Guild Courtyard


Sleeping in the courtyard was easy once you managed to get some relaxing spot and managed to get lose with your body, it got pretty damn comfortable in general but today it was... magical. It like something or someone had blessed the ground so it felt a bed of roses, not the thorny ones but the very soft ones that knights give princess and crap as the Large Lizard slept well until he felt something, a woman's voice would seem to be a joy to be around as she got closer only to suddenly trip over his tail as the feeling of body heat was present on his tail that nudged him a bit as he then moved around in his sleep as he tried to get back to sleep but it was getting harder and harder.

Carnicero's tail in his unconscious state slapped against the Saytr's butt knocked her off his tail as the lizard moved around which he slept more and more only for another person to trip over his tail once again which made him open his eyes as his eyes dilated immensely as he turned over to see who was blind enough to not see a giant lizard on the ground...only for it to be Drui who suddenly shouted out asking why someone would sleep on the ground which Carnicero respond by saying "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Drui." Moving his tail as he lifted up up the goddess and placed her onto her feet as he then laided down and moved his body around so he could look at everyone who was still in the courtyard as he yawn which caused a small blast of wind to exit his mouth in Drui's direction which the large lizard then said "...I see that the goddess of laughter and music is extremely perky today... I hope that you were able to realize that i was sleep here cause it's not like you have bad eyes....right?" A blank statement as Carnicero's tail was around the red-haired goddess which the lizardman awaited to her the woman's response, hopeful she had something to say. He stood out against the ground and he wasn't camouflaged in the slightest so if you tried over him then you must want something from him.
Sarah PlacidusLocation: Above Nachtholm || Interaction(s) - Cedric Grant (Birdsie)
"Interesting.." Sarah thought out loud. "You're nothing like I expected, Cedric... Nothing at all. Despite my initial impression, you're a genuinely kind and honest man..." Sara stated, kneeling while holding the man's hand. "As a sign of my respect, and gratitude for being the first to ever listen to me. Being what I am, not a soul before you has ever cared to even speak to me." Sarah added on, with these words, despite the origin of them, being nothing but truthful. "Forgive me if this is over-the-top or something, but it's something I believe is necessary for this kind of occasion. Consider it a formality, my way of expressing gratitude."

Sarah kissed the man's hand, holding it as firmly as she could without causing harm in order to give a proper kiss. When she lifted her head, a purple heart mark appeared on the center of the man's lower back, being Sara's place of choosing for the mark so as to keep it hidden from everyone, including himself. She let go of his hand, stepping back and looking over toward the other Scion. "My ally and I shall be leaving now. We shall resign from any form of violence and destruction, as promised. Perhaps sometime I'll tell you the full of the story, but for now... I'll let you know that this act was in hopes of drawing my father's attention, and I suppose... it's something I ought to apologize for someday..."

Sarah stepped back a few steps, spreading her wings. "Demon Lord Erebos Placidus, that's my father. As you know, my goal is to drag him out from the depths of hell so I may kill him. I hope you can find a way to get him out and to the mortal world, as even I don't know how to get my father's attention at this point."

Sarah placed her left hand to her chest, closing her eyes and channeling her magic. She took her summoning spell, reversing it. Within seconds of her eyes closing, she and all she was carrying disappeared, no trace left of her having been there save the destruction to the City of Nachtholm that she and her fellow demons had caused. She reappeared instantly at Akemi's side, hand on the other demon's shoulder. "Good work. We're now on break until further notice; mandatory break. The others already know about it, and are doing their own thing for the time being. Now shall we go?"

Hina Placidus (Human) & AquaLocation: Center of Nachtholm || Interaction(s) - Sebastian Hutter (Birdsie)
Aqua's body was suddenly dripping from head to toe with water, her confusion and uncertain emotions causing her magical energy to seep out. "I... I don't... understand...? But... I'll trust you...?" Aqua said to herself, albeit not doing a very good job at keeping the words to herself. Slowly, Aqua's body began to liquefy from the bottom up, until it was just the top half of her head poking out of a thin puddle, hands sticking out in front of her still holding Julie safely. "T-thank you for protecting me, mister... but I have to go now... I think... I'm not sure... I... I don't know where I'm supposed to go... but I know there's somewhere..."

"Ughhh...." Hina mumbled, the pain slowly fading away as Sarah's will to kill those around Hina faded, with it releasing Hina from her command for the time being. Hina slowly forced herself off the ground, stumbling to get to her feet. When she made it all the way up, she took a few steps forward, feeling a little disoriented. "I hate you..." Hina muttered under her breath, feelings of hatred and despair written all over her face. She placed her right hand on her right cheek, almost clawing at the mark that had been left there by her sister. "One day..." Hina thought out loud, her anger fading away and being replaced by the remainder of her sadness and despair toward her situation.

Hina recalled something that she'd heard about while listening to a conversation between Sarah and Akemi; the Guild. Perhaps she could, right now, ask; that's what Hina was thinking, and so she approached Officer Hutter. "Excuse me, but could you take me to the Guild? After what's happened here, I have to see them..." As Hina spoke to the officer, Aqua listened in, deciding that if Hina, the sister of her dear Sara, were going to this Guild, she should go along. "Me too...!" Aqua said shyly as her body formed upward from the puddle it had turned into, returning to simply having water dripping from all over her body.


Location: Infirmary
Interacting with: Everyone in the infirmary
Ki'Tavi somehow knew she wouldn't understand why he was worried. Typical Veth, in that regard. On the plus side, it meant she really was fine. A smirk crossed his lips when she brought up the wager, too. Yes, he'd lost, and he was more than happy to lose this particular wager. Then she mentioned the newspapers. He couldn't really comment on the contents, given he hadn't bothered to read the rags, but he had a hunch what it was about.

"Yeah, we got in a fight with some death knights just over a week ago, the newspapers haven't stopped talking about it since it broke.." He scratched his chin thoughtfully as she mentioned needing to change her clothes. As much as he enjoyed seeing a bit of skin, he knew she was right about needing a change.

"This one is glad you are unharmed."

He blinked as he caught her looking at him out of the corner of her eye. It seemed the feelings weren't quite as one sided as they appeared to most outsiders. It was a subtle remark, but from Veth, it meant a lot. A smile graced his features until he turned and saw Viska...

He'd known she was sick for some time, but given the limited symptoms and her upbeat attitude, he had thought it nothing more than a simple cold... Given how Solas was acting, this was much worse. A Satyr appeared, one he knew about from the talkative little Kobold and carried her to bed.

"I have no intention of backing out of my wager, but I need to see to this first...." He said quickly to Veth as he pulled his Guild Seal forth. "Cyrus, you're needed urgently..." He murmured as he triggered the seal, setting it on the bedside table as he checked over the poor girl. She looked in rough shape, but unfortunately, there was nothing he could do. He was a fighter, not a doctor....

All he could do now was hope the nearby healer could do something about the symptoms and hope that Cyrus could give them some kind of explanation....

[div class=RylaFlex] [div class=RylaImage] [div class=RylaTitle]Johann Winters[/div] [div class=RylaMentions] Location:
Guild of Heroes Infirmary

Archdemon Archdemon Rumble Fish Rumble Fish [/div][/div] [div class=RylaContent]Johann simply smiled and waved as more people came in and his patient left. Just as he was about to sigh, another, more serious patient came in, barely holding up. Johann took action immediately. Before he could pick her up, a satyr came in as well, possibly drunk. "Alright, that's enough. You got sit on that bed. As for you, let's get you onto the bed." He leaned forwarded and carried Viska onto a clean bed, lying her down, and putting on new gloves.

As he was moving around, preparing a clean set of supplies, Johann asked the light companion, "Describe to me what has happened to her. How long has she been ill? And when did it start to progress like this?" He brought out two glass bottles, and let its contents flow onto the floor around them. Then he clasped his hands together in a prayer and a holy sanctuary was quickly formed. Hopefully this will provide some solace. Ugh, I'm not cut out for this one. Ryla should really be here. [/div][/div] [class=RylaFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=RylaImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; margin: 5px; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/chain_204_cs1w1_640x960-jpg.37172/full'); background-color: black; background-size: 170%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 40% 0%; [/class] [class=RylaTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: auto; width: 100%; padding: 5px; padding-bottom: 1px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 45px; font-family: 'Great Vibes'; color: goldenrod; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); [/class] [class=RylaMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Raleway'; color: #e5e5dd; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=RylaMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=RylaContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Raleway'; [/class]
[div class=EmilyFlex] [div class=EmilyImage][div class=EmilyImageInside][/div] [div class=EmilyTitle]Emily Chevalier[/div] [div class=EmilyMentions] Character Sheet
Guild Courtyard

Prince_ Prince_ Kylesar1 Kylesar1 LostHaven LostHaven Fable Fable A L M O S A L M O S Birdsie Birdsie Fable Fable [/div][/div] [div class=EmilyContent]Emily bursted out into the courtyard, with magic circles prepared all around her, ready for combat. Her right shoulder ached slightly, but it was more or less healed up from her combat exam with Juniper. "Woah... What happened here?" Seeing the courtyard not in combat, Emily stopped herself from firing off a high level divine spell. [/div][/div] [class=EmilyFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row-reverse wrap; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=EmilyImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; background-image: url('https://orig00.deviantart.net/f69c/f/2013/081/9/3/da_brocade_custom_box_background_by_gasara-d5ag4ls.gif'); background-color: rgb(218, 212, 218); background-blend-mode: multiply; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=EmilyImageInside] position: absolute; top:0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/3822838135964a2c83e4ec0027-1499767526_waifu2x_art_noise3_tta_1-png.36357/full'); background-size: 120%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center 0%; [/class] [class=EmilyTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: auto; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 45px; font-family: 'Cormorant Upright'; color: #e73359; background-color: rgba(218, 212, 218, .5); [/class] [class=EmilyMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Philosopher'; color: #e5e5dd; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=EmilyMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=EmilyContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Philosopher'; [/class]

Location: Fort Black, Courtyard
Interaction: Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie

The doctor noted the group - some of them seeming quite out of it. Some of them seemingly frustrated, looking at some empty space every now and then, as though a great irritation had only recently vanished from that very spot. He looked at Ellis, frowning at the clear signs of dehydration. He wondered for a moment whether he should offer some help, but decided against it. They could ask. He had offered his services already. He looked towards the young god and her obvious romantic interest. A... young love. He turned his attention back to Ellis. "She? Well then, I shall wait for her here. Thank you kindly, stranger." He turned to Annette. "Thank you, Ms Stansfield. A pleasure. You must have seen much of the world, having such a grand title. I am a bit of a traveller myself." He smiled, bowing his head towards her in a formal greeting. "I don't suspect any expectation. I was of aid to your former Guildmaster, many times over." He looked up and stroked his beard. "I was quite a bit younger then." He smiled as the memories flooded over his mind.

"I served as a combat medic for a while. A curse-breaker. An exorcist. A Historian. An Arcanist." His smile grew as he ran over the various roles he has played in the past. "My skills took me far away from the reigns of the Guild. We agreed that I should perhaps not join officially, as I could not guarantee my undiluted loyalty and attention." Nevermind the fact that he was horrible at fighting, something you seemed to need to be at least proficient at. "For the last few months, I have been trying to evacuate towns who have come in the line of fire. Heal the sick. Resurrect those who died but who still wished to serve. Marrying those who seek to find some comfort in these dark times. Burying those who succumbed to it." He sighed, as he recalled the rows upon rows of graves, the young people - barely of age - who were marrying out of fear of a stolen future. The future seemed bleak. He could not blame them for wanting a soft comfort during those dark nights which may well be their last. He shook his head, once. Twice. Three times. He forced another gentle smile in her direction. "Pray tell me, of your new leader. The former one was only mildly agreeable. What about the current one?"
Annette "Braveheart" Stansfield

Annette shrugged. "More or less the same. She promised to carry on the legacy of the late guildmaster and she delivers. I typically don't question their methods. I just run my missions and provide naval firepower and support, as well as transport when needed." Annette pretty much had 2 sides, her caring side and her pirate side. Her pirate side told her that she was in this thing for the money and treasure. The caring side told her that she needed to live up to her membership as part of the Guild of Heroes. Anything above that, coordinating any larger scale movements were beyond her willpower. Catina, her nun, balanced out her pirate with a much more caring side, which was pretty standard considering that she was a nun.

Emily came bursting out, ready to fight. She was just a tad bit late, as she probably saw. All the action was over now. "It's fine, Emily. Faust had some Parasol Mushroom pizza and Wobb as well as an idiot from my crew ate a couple of slices. I had to beat his ass and Wobb is fine. I was the cause of the burned grass. Otherwise, he'd have killed someone."

LostHaven LostHaven
Birdsie Birdsie
Graystone713 Graystone713
Fable Fable
Alteras Alteras
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=img]
[div class=inventory]
Draconium Rope
White Flower (from Great Tree)
+ her normal items
[/div][/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Veth[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Infirmary > Personal Room, Fort Black | Interaction: Ki'Tavi ( One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost ) | Nearby/Mentioned: Johann ( Alteras Alteras ) Hermione ( Rumble Fish Rumble Fish ) Viska Archdemon Archdemon ) [/div]
Just before she stepped further out of the infirmary to leave after her final statement to Ki'Tavi, the kobold girl Viska staggered clumsily into the area looking rather ill. Veth looked over the kobold's appearance and wondered what was wrong as the one called Solus shouted for someone to contact Cyrus. The matter seemed most urgent and the satyr who next arrived - drunken - created more chaos within the infirmary.

Veth would have told off the satyr herself had the healer not done so, and thus she didn't talk down to the hysterical horned girl. Veth had no skills to assist in this manner and at the rate of others coming in, it was quickly getting unnecessarily crowded. She and Ki'Tavi would have to continue this conversation some other time, if they had another chance. Veth still had much to do. "This one understands," she said simply to Ki'Tavi as he said he needed to tend to this situation first.

"As this one is of no use in this matter, she shall excuse herself as it is becoming chaotic." She left then and headed to her room. It was simple and made for only a single occupant which suited her fine. She entered and noted someone had been using it while she had been gone. She frowned as she went to the small desk where a note had been left by Drui informing her she had been 'room sitting' for her.

Veth sighed, but everything seemed fine and the woman hadn't let her room a mess. There was a dress on her bed and she tilted her head to the side. It didn't seem to belong to the goddess as it was too small in the chest area to fit her. She took the dress and put it away, not sure who it belonged to or why it had come to be in her room. Right now Veth desperately wished to wash off the dried blood and change her clothing.[/div][/div][/div]

[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-direction: row; Flex-flow: row wrap; Justify-content: stretch; max-width:1000px; margin:auto; text-align:justify; padding:15px 0px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=img] width:150px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=inventory] pointer-events:auto; font-size:12px; text-align:left; line-height:10px; [/class] [class=flex] flex:1; min-width:300px; [/class] [class=header] font-family:'Berkshire Swash'; font-size:50px; margin:-10px 0 -30px 0; [/class] [class=tags] display:inline-block; font-size:12px; margin-left: 50px; [/class] [class=text] padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; font-family:'Karla'; [/class]
Scion Program | Nachtholm | Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe

Scion Grant stood there silently when Sarah 'spoke her heart out' to him. He understood, at that moment, why gold dragons like the one who gave him his grafts were said to be wise and insightful above any mortal creature. Or perhaps it wasn't the essence of dragons in him, but rather his own merits. Or maybe, it was the constant presence and ability to detect evil, be it in movements, words, intent, people, or the air.

It didn't matter, really. Grant whispered a single word under his helmet as Sarah 'confessed her gratitude' to him.

Grant stood there for another few seconds after she departed, then walked off to meet with Hutter.

Officer Hutter watched the situation, reporting in the events every few seconds as things happened, noting every enemy movement and everything that Scion Grant said. He was still angry at the fool and knew this would require disciplinary action. Grant wouldn't lie to their superintendent that he 'wanted to deceive the enemy,' because he was just like that.

"I can't," Hutter rebutted, barely looking at the two, as he was too focused on reporting the situation at hand. Even though he could theoretically teleport them there, his mana was a military resource and misusing it would get him in trouble. Not to mention the fact that the troubles of a pair of civilians weren't his to take care of.

Holo-Cyrus | Fort Black, Infirmary | Alteras Alteras One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Fable Fable Archdemon Archdemon Rumble Fish Rumble Fish

The holographic body of a wizard appeared. "This is bad," he said almost instantly upon seeing Viska's state. "This is extremely, very not good. At least five ferries, three airship flights, and a long walk away from good. There is no one in here who can remove this curse."

Holo-Cyrus held his hand out, creating a print of a holographic map of Albion. "Mark all places with a holy temple older than seven-hundred and fifty years."

Several places were marked, one not far away from Bowerstone. Cyrus pointed at that one in particular. "There. That's the closest one."

He turned to look at Viska. "She must be taken there. I'm afraid only divine aid can cure this." Cyrus nervously put the pipe in his mouth and breathed in, then exhaled smoke.

"She can't go alone. Someone will have to accompany her," Holo-Cyrus informed, his features furrowing. He was in thought for three seconds before offering, "I suggest a party of at least two to three. A paladin or cleric among them would be strongly preferred."

Ellis | Fort Black, Courtyard | Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Fable Fable Rage Rage Prince_ Prince_ Graystone713 Graystone713 A L M O S A L M O S Alteras Alteras

Drui playfully poked Ellis on the nose. He couldn't say he disliked the gesture, but outwardly he averted his gaze, barely noticing the direction Drui was going in. He wanted to yell 'watch out' but it was already too late and Drui tripped over a large lizardman who decided to sleep in a public area.

Emily suddenly walked into the courtyard, seemingly prepared for a war. After Annette gave Emily the gist of the situation, Ellis pointed with his thumb behind his back. "You might also want to tell big, mighty and scaly over there that public areas aren't meant for sleep. I'd do it myself, but I'm too scared of him," he admitted shamelessly and calmly, which sounded unfitting for the statement itself.

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Henry J. Jesctel || Emperor's Hideout || Mentions Bianca ( Reinhardt Reinhardt )

'Return to Espania, Einherjar. Your country needs you.' Those were the words which had reached Henry's ears- a plea for help, to slay the mad emperor and set Espania right. Henry grinned lightheartedly to himself, as he continued to play a merry tune from his flute. "Ha! So they've no choice but beg to traitors to save a country who disowned them?"


"Another beer!" The bard called out to the bartender, who hastily brought a mug, filled to the brim with ale to Henry. He took a long drink from his mug, slamming it back down onto the table. Henry hummed a tune to himself, as he eavesdropped on the various personalities that livened the tavern. Words of the necrobot's attack on a nearby village spread with impressive speed, and rumors and speculation of doom seemed a rather hot topic recently.

"Did you hear? They say the Einherjar has returned."

Henry's eyes suddenly perked up, as he laid them on a pair of soldiers gossiping.

"Yeah, the bunch of traitors. Apparently, the Moonlit Reaper was among the enemy's ranks."

"That treacherous filth. Now they are siding with that goddamned lich?"

"That's what I've heard. That village was hit pretty hard by the necromancer thing."

"Damn. Now we have a bunch of psychopaths with legendary weapons to worry about?"

Henry held back his laughter as he continued to drink his ale. He admitted that the conversation seemed somewhat intriguing- if his memory had not failed him, the 'Moonlit Reaper' was a title carried by a woman named Brianna. Or was it Bianca? "Huh. Good ol' times, the Einherjar. Fun bunch..." Henry unknowingly thought out loud, which had unfortunately piqued the attention of the two soldiers.

"The Einherjar? What do you know about them?!"

One of them yelled at Henry, drawing his sword.

"Oh, nothing much. Ignore me."

Henry gave the soldiers a devious grin before he rapidly finished the remaining contents of his mug. "Goddamn my huge mouth, huh?"

The soldiers inspected the young bard carefully, and one of them suddenly pointed to the sheathed dagger Henry carried at his side. "That dagger that brims with dark magic, and that black flute... By the gods, you're the Siren, aren't you?!"

"Siren? Oh, I must be famous. Yeah, I'm that Siren of Hysteria you're going crazy about."

Henry's pun was so bad that even he cringed at his own joke. The slightly drunk soldier didn't care, however, but rather performed a rather idiotic move of swiping his sword at Henry. "Whup." Henry yelped out in a bored tone, as he ducked underneath the blade, and delivered a severe kick to his crotch. However, whether the poor man's crotch or Henry's foot hurt more was a debatable matter- even a cod-piece hurt to kick. The over soldier dove at Henry, who sidestepped and allowed him to tumble into a table, and several people who were attempting to drink. The first soldier recovered, and jabbed his sword at Henry, who in one swift movement, unsheathed his dagger and parried the sword before swiping it across the man's throat. He fell still and gurgled on his own blood for a moment before he fell dead. The second more solid screamed at the top of his lungs, and successfully bashing Henry in the shoulder with his sword hilt, causing Henry to fall to the floor. The soldier moved to finish the bard off, but Henry rolled backward and to his feet, grabbing the nearest plate of food (which happened to be a bowl of spicy stew) and slammed it into the soldier's face. As he screamed in frustration of having hellishly spicy stew in his eye, Henry took the time to walk behind the man, and smashing his dagger's spiked guard into his skull, then plunging the dagger into the side of his neck. A second corpse fell to the ground.

"Well, that's that." Henry nodded, satisfied. He placed two gold coins in front of the flabbergasted barkeep and dipped his hat. "Please pardon my mess."


Finding the emperor's hideout was not much of a chore as it was good fun for Henry. Sometimes, he loved hunting things down. This time around, drugging, kidnapping, torture, and ransom were but a few methods Henry had employed to obtain the information he desired. Humans were quite bad at making decisions on the spot, especially when it involved their beloved ones. Others broke to pain rather easily.

Henry blew on his flute happily as he made his way to the entrance. However, he stopped playing his instrument as he saw the mountain of corpses that lay before him. "Whup. I'm late to the party." He mused, making his way into the hideout. As he walked through the hallway, Henry could hear a woman scream for the emperor and declaring that he would pay for his sins and whatnot. Grinning, Henry slipped on his ring of cloaking and disappeared from sight.

He walked past the crumbled remains of a door, and saw a woman wielding a katana charge at a heavily armored man whom was likely the emperor. "Huh. Shitstorm incoming." He thought to himself, making his way to the side of the room and sat down on a fresh corpse. Should he intervene? Probably, but Henry decided otherwise.

"You would not assist your comrade?" Zel'Karath whispered to him.

"Nah, that thing in her hand is the Muramasa katana. That thing slices through literally anything."

"Figuratively. She just failed to break the greatsword the emperor wields."

"Should we try it on you?"

"I invite thee to try."

"Ha. You're on."

Soon, Henry was completely engaged in mental conversation with his own dagger that he had completely forgotten about the scene in front of him.
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Location: Fort Black, Courtyard
Interaction: Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras

The doctor stood quietly for a moment, smiling at the antics of the group. Faust? What an unfortunate name. Then again, it seemed that they might be a rather unfortunate individual as well. The idea that someone could eat said mushrooms and suffer no negative effects seemed rather amazing. He looked at the Pirate. "Thank you again for your information. This... Wobb was it? How very curious... You say they managed to eat this without negative effects? I would really like to have a word with them. It's quite rare. Their digestive tract must be very developed." He rubbed the lower part of his chin. He looked between Ellis and where he pointed out the large scaled beast. Fascinating. The doctor's eyes glinted at the sheer variety of life within these walls. He spoke, still keeping an eye on where they were interacting. "You seem to be quite the band of misfits and curiosities." Just then Emily burst into the frame, as he was about to ask where he might find this Wobb. Concord noted her shoulder twitch in discomfort, and he slowly walked forwards - his hands held slightly up, palms out - showing that he comes in peace.

"Greetings. It seems we both arrived but a moment too late to be of much use. I noted your shoulder, might I be of assistance?" He smiled towards her, before his eyes widened. "Oh, forgive me! I forgot to reintroduce myself. Dr. Concord Rigel Farewell. I worked with your former Guildmaster, and I come now to do so with the current one. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He bowed his head slightly, his hands still up. "You would not perhaps be her, then? The Guildmaster?" He looked the elf over. She seemed to hold quite a bit of presence... but he knew well enough that the implication of power rarely conveyed truth. The powerful magic around her might seem powerful - but then again, it might just seem as such.
Hina Placidus (Human)Location: Center of Nachtholm || Interaction(s) - Sebastian Hutter (Birdsie)
Hina lowered her right hand at Officer Hutter's words, clenching it into a fist as she stared down at the ground in frustration. "Right, I'm worthless," Hina thought out loud. "I've put in all this effort just to escape this cruel life of mine, and what I get in return for resisting evil is an 'I can't' for a response to a request to continue resisting." Hina rose her right hand back up to her cheek, lifting her hair out of the way of her cheek to reveal the purple heart mark. "I suppose you shouldn't care about me, seeing as I'm marked as her slave. I always will be." Hina continued on, not expecting Officer Hutter to listen though still speaking her mind anyway.

Hina turned away from Officer Hutter, starting to walk to the edge of the forcefield. "So long as this mark is on me, I'll be forced to serve her. When she next drags me away from where I am, I'll either be forced by her magic to kill innocent lives, or be killed. While unlikely, I pray for the latter." Hina slammed her fist into the wall of the forcefield with all the strength her child body possessed, knowing her effort to break through was likely a pointless waste of time. "Your efforts here were pointless, Officer Hutter... You've failed to defeat those whom destroyed the city. You have no intention of providing us a place that's safe enough to protect us from her should she decide come after us again. The city is destroyed, virtually everyone is dead... So tell me, what did you accomplish by coming here? Extending my suffering, and the suffering of everyone else?"

Hina lowered her hand once more, letting her hair cover up the mark on her cheek again. "There's only really two ways you can turn this meaningless attempt at protecting us into something meaningful. You can kill me now, thus ending my suffering as well as preventing that demon from simply popping in here and killing everyone here, or you can take me and everyone else here to somewhere we can truly be protected, preferably the Guild, as who knows how many others here have been marked, perhaps without them even knowing. Only someone at the Guild would be able to truly remove this mark from us; this mark that binds our bodies, minds, and souls, to her. I'm fine with either conclusion, to be quite honest. After all, my life isn't mine right now anyways; it never was."
Scion Program | Nachtholm | Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe

"The threat is gone," Scion Grant informed Hutter over the comms.

"Scion Grant, I'm penalizing you."

"I know."

"Sir, mission completed," Hutter said to the signet, informing the main command. "Scion Grant managed to make the threat vacate temporarily. Requesting N/S surveillance on the area. The attack was an inside job as the scanners didn't pick anything up, so Turenvalian affiliation of the suspect is doubtful."

The forcefield was lowered. Seconds later, flashes of light began to chime throughout the city, as Crownsguard soldiers teleported in. Another battalion took the walls and rapidly set up defenses for any possible counter-attacks.

Having completed his principal directive, Hutter looked off to the side and noticed the girl that requested teleportation to... the Guild of Heroes, if he recalled, has launched into a full monologue about topics he had no idea about. He didn't hear half of it, as he was busy with relaying information and observing the battle through scrying magic.

He squinted, trying to make some sense out of her words. He spoke into the signet, "Sir, it appears some civilians were psychologically damaged by the attack. Permission to investigate?"

Seconds later, Scion Grant jumped off a rooftop, engaged his wings, floated to Hutter and finally dropped to the ground. The wings folded and disappeared. "What's going on?"

Officer Hutter walked up to Hina, followed by the slightly perplexed Scion Grant behind him. "Citizen," Hutter said to get her attention. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Please, self-identify then clarify what you mean. Is it related to the attack? Are you in need of medical assistance? What do you mean by this 'mark that binds our bodies?'"


Bianca Ensyreia
Location: Emperor's Hideout, Wastelands
Interactions: ---

Hours passed as the two clashed against each other. The room has been engulfed in the spreading flames at this point. Smoke was rising here and there. And yet, none of either parties has been vanquished.

On one side was the emperor. His armor and blade were already damaged, scratches and cracks scattered everywhere. Several wounds were also seen on his exposed skin, a few still had blood dripping from them. He grinned, as if he was enjoying this battle to the death.

On the other side was Bianca. Her clothes were tattered, her priceless scarf torn and with burnt edges. Her legendary blade had scratches as well, but no cracks. Bruises and small wounds could be found on various areas of her body, mostly on her upper torso. Stained with dried blood, her ferocious gaze has never left the emperor all this time.

"Give up now, Einherjar.", the emperor taunted. "You cannot defeat me."

Bianca remained in silence. Within the blink of an eye, she launched herself towards the emperor. Of course, the emperor, knowing this, raised his large sword to block the attack. But he did not expect what had occurred next.

In a quick moment, Bianca had used the special technique Tsukuyomi - creating two clones of herself that went to both the left and the right. Such an unanticipated action had the emperor to slow to react, leaving him to receive several devastating blows to his body. After the clash, the three Biancas hopped back to a safe distance.

The emperor had acquired more wounds, yes, but if it wasn't for the legendary-tier armor that he was wearing, he would have been slain by such a lethal blow. He coughed up blood, and spat it out like a ruffian. A malicious grin formed on his face.

"The Einherjar really had such great use.", he said.

Bianca, as she saw the various parts of the armor that had been broken by her strikes, finally realized that it too, belonged from a former comrade of hers. This only made her enraged state far worse. "You bastard!", she shouted, and charged in recklessly.

The emperor huffed and erected himself. From his very eyes, to his evil grin, to his very demeanor - it only showed one thing.

What now could this mad tyrant have up in his sleeve?

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=img]
[div class=inventory]
Draconium Rope
White Flower (from Great Tree)
+ her normal items
[/div][/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Veth[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Personal Quarters, Fort Black | Interaction: The Real Cyrus ( Birdsie Birdsie ) | Nearby/Mentioned: [/div]
Veth had bathed and changed into clean clothing. She tossed her ruined ones aside planning on having them tended to magically later. It was cheaper to just mend and clean them with magic than to buy an entire new outfit, not to mention it saved time. She had gone to the stable and back to grab her things and brought them back to her room. She opened the box that held the Draconium rope and her hand slid over the woven metal. She sighed to herself before closing the box and then using her mana to tend to the flower she had been gifted by the Great Tree.

She took the small stone piece that the real Cyrus had given her what seemed ages ago. She stared down at it silently. Veth had heard the rumors as she had walked by, that he had escaped. She wasn't sure how true those rumors were, but she wanted to know. She sat down on her bed, leaning against the stone wall as she used the item to try and reach out to Cyrus.

"Cyrus?" Veth wasn't sure she'd get a reply as she stared at the small flat stone with markings.[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=img]
[/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Drui[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Courtyard, Fort Black | Interaction: Ellis ( Birdsie Birdsie ) Carnicero ( Rage Rage ) | Nearby/Mentioned: Courtyard Crew ( Prince_ Prince_ Graystone713 Graystone713 A L M O S A L M O S Kylesar1)[/div]
Drui frowned at Carnicero as he friendly greeted her with a loud voice. She stood up and dusted herself off before she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. "Don't you 'Hi Drui' me. I do not have bad eyes, but you do realize you move your tail in your sleep right? It's hard to avoid that thing." She huffed at him and was about to get into a long-winded lecture about where one should and should not sleep, but it wasn't worth the trouble. It would probably be completely ignored.

Ellis simply told Emily to deal with telling the lizard-man to not sleep where people could stumble over them. She turned to Lucius who had asked if they had taken him down, "No, he took himself down, for a nap, right here." She stuck her tongue out at him in a childish manner before going over to Ellis and grabbing his arm to pull him away and towards the Fort. "I've just got to grab a few things before we set off. You should grab a few things as well, though I'm not exactly sure how long I nee-plan to stay there."

She had nearly slipped there, maybe him coming was a bad idea. If she left him here after he wanted to come though, he might misunderstand and think she had lost interest.[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=img]
[/div][div class=flex][div class=text][div class=header]Lucius[/div]
[div class=tags]Location: Courtyard, Fort Black > Heading into the Fort | Interaction: OPEN| Nearby/Mentioned: Courtyard Crew ( Prince_ Prince_ Graystone713 Graystone713 A L M O S A L M O S Rage Rage Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie & whoever else I missed ;-; )[/div]
Lucius blinked as Drui tripped and fell over the lizard-man's tail, ranting at him before answering his question. So, he wasn't some enemy taken down? Lucius watched as Drui stormed off with Ellis before turning his attention back to the other two who were in a discussion. Something about mushrooms, Emily's arm, and speaking with the guildmaster. Apparently he had missed quite a bit before he had approached the group.

"Well, since you're only a tripping hazard," Lucius joked before turning away with a small wave as he left to return to the fort.[/div][/div][/div]

[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-direction: row; Flex-flow: row wrap; Justify-content: stretch; max-width:1000px; margin:auto; text-align:justify; padding:15px 0px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=img] width:150px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=inventory] pointer-events:auto; font-size:12px; text-align:left; line-height:10px; [/class] [class=flex] flex:1; min-width:300px; [/class] [class=header] font-family:'Berkshire Swash'; font-size:50px; margin:-10px 0 -30px 0; [/class] [class=tags] display:inline-block; font-size:12px; margin-left: 50px; [/class] [class=text] padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; font-family:'Karla'; [/class]
'GundaBad The Mighty'

Carnicero - Leviathan-Man: Legendary Adventurer

Interactions: Drui & Lucius ( Fable Fable ) & Ellis ( Birdsie Birdsie )

Mentions: Only Those Above ^

Action: Stretching Out Now And Seeing What's Going On

Location: Guild Courtyard
> Fort Black

Yawning aloud as he whipped some of the stuff that forms on your eyes when you sleep as he sleepily looked at Drui which he tried his best to focus on her but it was difficult however he could hear the beginning of one of Drui's rant as Carnicero groaned quietly to this, she could rant for hours upon hours and still have more words to say. It was like she was the combo of a bard & scholar whenever she ranted but it was long whenever she wanted to do it to him, he then said "Understood Drui." As he then proceed to stand up on his feet that he proceed to tower over Drui which his shadow covered the goddess as he breathed aloud which he cracked his knuckles.

Looking around, he then looked at Ellis who was whispering to Drui about him which Carnicero sighed that he then said to Ellis "Hey Ellis. Good to see you as well. Could've asked to move if you did so nicely." Rolling his neck at the response as his vision seemed to lock onto the Bard with a predatory eyes that he then said aloud "... I'm going with you two ..." Rolling the large shoulders as he awaited to hear what they had spoken to him, he was gonna follow them either way but the voice of another entered his ears as he then saw another person, a man with a hat which the Leviathan-Man said "Take care of yourself, Lucius."
Hina Placidus (Human)Location: Center of Nachtholm || Interaction(s) - Sebastian Hutter/Scion Grant (Birdsie)
Hina took a quick breath as Officer Hutter approached her and asked her to clarify. "Right, I can't expect anyone to understand my situation by only stating it; I have to explain it." Hina said, a bit calmer than she'd been prior. The whole situation was getting to her, mainly because it was the first time she'd been without forceful control over her body; her six-foot wall around her emotions had a doorway, and that door was currently open. "My name is Hina... and my statements, they all mean as they sound." Hina turned around to face Officer Hutter directly, albeit her short stature didn't do a very good job of eye contact.

"This mark..." Hina began, using her right hand to hold her hair out of the way so as to show the purple heart mark on her cheek. "This was placed on me by that demon that destroyed this city. It marks me as her property. Her slave. I detest this mark, and the life I've been forced to live as a result of it. Regardless of my will, she can force me to do whatever she wishes." Hina lowered her hand, letting her hair fall back down to cover the mark. "So long as I have this mark, whether it be physically present or not, my body, mind, and soul all belong to her, and there's nothing I, nor anyone else, can do about it. However, I've heard of a so-called Guild with powerful mages and warriors alike; I'm hoping someone there can free me of this mark."

Hina's fist tightened as she kept talking, her emotions starting to get the better of her again. "So long as this mark is on me, that demon... She'll be able to find me, and I'll never have control over my own life. Right now, even, she's probably just watching, waiting for the chance to appear before us, the same way she left just now, and kill every person standing here... That's why I have to either go to the Guild right away... To be somewhere she can't just walk into without consequence, as well as a place that could potentially remove this damned thing...!" Hina's nails dug into her hand with how tightly her fist was clenched, causing a small amount of blood to drip from it. "That... or I need to be killed, right now... As I've said, I truthfully don't care which one it is, as long as I no longer have to suffer as her slave."

"As for the girl right there," Hina said as she looked over at Aqua, whom was shyly standing to the side of the group. "She's essentially my sister. If her situation weren't what it is, it'd just be me requesting to go. However, she's unable to trust others easily, and she doesn't know how to survive on her own. I'm the only one that she has right now."

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