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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Character Applications


The God-Emperor of Mankind

A like from the GM means your CS is accepted.

Name: (Their true name)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race)
Race: (You may create your own race, provided that you will write down a fairly detailed description of its physiology, specialization etc.)
Class: (Feel free to make your own, however, the basic, recommended list can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FantasyCharacterClasses )

Sexuality: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has its strengths and flaws.)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

Appearance: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket)
Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
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Swift Thundercloud
Aliases: Various shortenings of his name, mainly: Swift, Thunder, Cloud, Thundercloud
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Tabaxi
Class: Bard

High Concept: Storyteller who is very good at convincing others of how amazing he is, and will do almost anything for a good story to tell
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Mother, Father, three sisters and a brother.
Organizations\Affiliations: Storm Bluff Clan (his tribe), Merchants Guild (Still has associations, but isn't really a part of the guild anymore since he joined the Guild of Heroes), Guild of Heroes (current member)

Personality: Swift is an easy-going, 'go with the flow' kind of person generally. He can kind of come off as lazy, as when something doesn't catch his interest, he has no motivation to do that thing and will tend to ignore it. He is, however, very curious, and when something sparks his interest, he will pursue that thing with a passion until he gets what he wants, or until he loses interest. In this way, he is always changing, as his current obsession varies as time passes. However, one thing always remains: his love to tell stories, and his search to find the best one. Of course, many of these stories are about himself, as he loves to tell others of his own accomplishments, whether they be fact or fiction. He is very self-assured, and not afraid to show it. He can also be sassy and sarcastic at times, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He is often mistaken as altruistic due to the fact that he often refuses payment while taking on jobs that help others, though this is because he puts little stock into coin and much more importance on adventure and the stories he can gain from such quests.

Swift tells many versions of his past to many different people, oftentimes embellished, even more often just completely made up. In truth, however, Swift did not have much of an interesting life to start with. He grew up in his clan, happy with his family and tribe and in relative seclusion of the world. Occasionally there would be conflict -- with another clan, with poachers who hunted his people for their pelts, or with natural conflicts like unsuccessful hunts -- but overall, his life was normal and kind of boring. He was, however, born with an innate sense of curiosity, more so than the others of his tribe who were content to stay in one place. This curiosity drove him to seek out stories and thrills, and when a human trader came through the area where his clan lived, Swift decided to set out on his own to explore the world, promising to bring back stories to tell his tribe.

He set off with that trader, learning from him and becoming a merchant, trading in interesting artifacts or stories that he had found along his journey. He picked up stories and crafted his own as he traveled all around the world, becoming more familiar with the world outside his secluded clan. When he heard of the guild of heroes, he saw them as an opportunity for a great adventure, a worthy story to tell his clan for when he inevitably traveled back home. So, he sought them out to join in their guild.

Though he has traveled much and learned many things about the land and races that inhabit it, some of the finer points of politics generally escape him, and he still has trouble discerning males vs females with most other races different from his own.

6’2” in height.

Weapons & Armor:
  • Leather Armor: Simple leather armor, provides some protection in battle while still being light and easy to move and breathe in.
  • Dagger: Simple dagger. Can be thrown or used in melee combat.
  • Jeweled Dagger: One of his previous obsessions. Just a simple dagger, but fancier, basically. Can be thrown or used in melee combat.
  • Flexible Rapier: Silver steel flexible double bladed snake rapier, made of silver, steel, and brass. He often wears this on his head like a pseudo-crown, or at his hip like some sort of decoration. Useful for sneaking in weapons to places, or just catching people off guard since most do not expect the object to be more than simple decor.


Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Lute: Swift doesn't leave without it. Not only is it good for providing background music for the stories he tells, but it also acts as a catalyst for some of Swift's spells, allowing him to cast spells that would normally require materials without them, as long as he is playing his lute. He can do this with two other instruments (the lyre and the drums), but he doesn't have those on him.
  • Wallet: A simple pouch that he carries his money in. He cares little for the coins, but they do allow him to eat and can be very useful in getting others to talk.
  • Backpack: A pack with the following items:
    • Bedroll
    • 2 Costumes
    • Disguise Kit
    • 5 Candles
    • 5 Days of Rations
    • Waterskin
    • Set of Traveler's Clothes
    • Navigator's Tools

Skills & Abilities:
  • Languages: Swift is fluent in his native language of Tabaxi, of course, but is also fluent in the common tongue, though he speaks this with a clear accent (words such as 'the' pronounced more like 'dhe', not using contractions like 'isn't', so on and so forth). He also had a bit of an obsession with odd/romantic languages previously, leading him to learn how to speak draconic and celestial as well, though he rarely runs into reasons to use those languages.
  • Natural Weapons: As a tabaxi, Swift has sharp claws and teeth that are more than just for show. His unarmed strikes can do a lot of damage thanks to these natural weapons of his. His claws also make climbing surfaces a lot easier for him, and he can climb sheer cliffs at only slightly slower than his regular walking speed.
  • Highly Charismatic: Swift is very, very charismatic. He once convinced someone that they killed a man with a chicken, and that their name was Greg. Swift just has a way with words that seems to sway people to his opinions, and he uses this skill often in bartering, storytelling, or otherwise getting his way. He uses whatever methods he deems necessary for his charisma to work -- jokes, story telling, flirting (regardless of gender or race), or intimidation.
    • Storytelling: Swift is very good at crafting stories, and can keep an audience entranced with his words, to the point where they may even question their own identity after the end of one of his stories, if he so wished. Just don't ask him to sing, as, while he is considered to have a very lovely singing voice amongst his own people, humans have likened his songs to those of cats yowling in the middle of the night.
  • Dexterity: While not the strongest person out there, Swift is very dexterous. He has a very quick reaction time, which aids him in getting away from attacks or sticky situations.
  • Speed: Swift is...well, swift. He is faster than the average person, at least. This kind of ties in to his dexterity, though he is more agile than he is sprinting-fast.
  • Musical Proficiency: While Swift has a lute that he carries around with him and prefers to play, it is far from the only instrument that he is versed in. Swift has general knowledge and can play basically any instrument well, though he prefers those that free his mouth for storytelling. He is particularly proficient with the lute, lyre, and drums.
  • Darkvision: Being feline in origin, Swift can see rather well in the dark.
  • Bardic Inspiration: Swift is capable of inspiring his allies (and himself), giving them a bit of an edge in battle. With a bit of music, and bit of sweet words spun just the right way, he can give his allies a little extra oomph in their punches, or allow them to aim just a little bit better than they otherwise would have. Stories of bravery and courage can calm his allies nerves and allow them to be more bold, or a fast-paced musical number might help them become more dexterous for a time. While he cannot win the battle for his allies, his inspiration certainly provides aid that can turn the tide of battle.

Spells & Magic:
  • Cantrips: Swift has a few cantrips that he can cast using little to no mana, ensuring that he is not completely defenseless even when he doesn't have enough mana to cast his more potent spells. His cantrips include Vicious Mockery, Blade Ward, and Prestidigitation.
    • Vicious Mockery: A string of insults laced with subtle enchantments are unleashed at an enemy within sight. As long as that enemy can hear the insults (even if they don't understand them), the attack will do psychic damage that actually damages the target and has a chance to cause that person or creature to be less successful in their next attack. This attack can be avoided completely if the person has a particularly strong will, however.
    • Blade Ward: Swift traces a sigil into the air, and is then protected from weapon attacks, the damage taken by such attacks being lessened considerably.
    • Prestidigitation: A minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice, but can be quite handy at times. Three of it's effects can be active at any one time, and the effects can last up to an hour. The effects that Swift can choose from are the following:
      • An instantaneous, harmless sensory effect such as a shower of sparks, puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
      • Instantaneously lighting or snuffing out a candle or small campfire.
      • Instantaneously cleaning or soiling an object (no larger than 1 cubic foot)
      • Chilling, warming, or flavoring up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material.
      • Making a color, small mark, or symbol appear on an object or surface.
      • Creating a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in a hand.
  • Healing Magic: Swift is deft at healing wounds, his touch able to cure even tough wounds. There are limits to his healing, of course, such as not being able to cure diseases or poisons, but he is still quite competent in this field.
    • Healing Words: On top of his regular healing, which generally requires touch to carry out, Swift also has the ability to heal with verbal commands, generally by issuing compliments to the person he intends to heal, his words laced with healing magic. This form of healing is not as effective as normal touch-based healing, but it can be very useful in a pinch, as it can be used from farther away, and more quickly than regular healing.
  • Charm Spells: Part of Swift's charisma leads him naturally towards charm spells. When his natural charisma and persuasion fails him, he can cast charm person, which if it succeeds will cause that person to regard him as a friendly acquaintance and be more inclined to helping him for about an hour. If he puts more mana into it, he can charm multiple people at once. The person(s) do/does know that they've been charmed after the fact, however, so he tries to avoid doing this to people he will see often. He also has charm spells for things such as animals, allowing him to befriend animals around him as well, and a few other charms like calm, fear, or crown of madness (which charms the target to attack a target whom Swift chooses).
  • Psychic Magic: Swift is fairly proficient at psychic magics, as they kind of go hand-in-hand with charm spells, though he has room to improve. These spells are usually verbal in nature, and cast varying effects, though they all cause psychic damage that actually hurt the target. Some of these spells include Vicious Mockery (listed above), Dissonant Whispers and Feeblemind.
    • Dissonant Whispers: Swift whispers a discordant melody that only the target can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. Unless the target is particularly strong willed, they are damaged quite a lot with psychic damage and immediately retreat as far away from Swift as possible. If the target is strong willed enough, they only take half as much damage, and do not necessarily retreat from Swift.
    • Feeblemind: A stronger spell that takes quite a bit of mana, and as such isn't used often. Swift blasts a target with the psychic magic, attempting to shatter its intellect and personality. The target takes quite a bit of psychic damage from this attack, but the real danger is if the attack succeeds in breaking the target's mind. With that success, the target's intelligence and charisma is shattered, preventing it from casting spells, activating magic items, understanding language, or communicating in any intelligible way. The target can still identify its friends and follow and protect them, however. When the mind shattering is successful, the effects of the spell last for at least 30 days, sometimes longer if the spell was particularly effective.

  • Physically Weak: Despite being a large tiger-person, Swift is actually not very strong physically, and does not have much health when it comes to physical fighting. He has enough to get by for most simple encounters, but he cannot take being the target of attacks for very long, especially if he is unable to dodge out of the way of any hits for whatever reason. He is much better suited for attacking with spells that keep him out of his enemy's range, and as support for others in battle.
  • Particularly strong-willed enemies: Most of Swift's attacks are psychic or charm-based spells. While some of his attacks will still do damage regardless of the enemy's will, most of them will be rendered ineffective if the enemy's will is stronger than Swift's own, and all of them are weaker in such a case. Luckily, Swift has a very, very strong will and charisma, which most of these attacks are based on. If his heart isn't in it, though...
  • Lack of Interest/An Abundance of Apathy: If Swift isn't interested in something, he isn't going to bother with it. This can cause problems with others, or in battle if he doesn't find it interesting enough. His apathy has lead to others calling him lazy.
  • Anything for a Good Story: Above all, Swift values the adventures and stories that he can experience and tell. While he is currently working with the guild of heroes, and is seemingly altruistic, this obsession with a good tale mixed with his apathy means that, in the right circumstances, he could very well allow evil or bad things to happen, or even ally himself with an evil person or creature, if he thinks it will make for something interesting. Of course, those in the guild do not know this of him, otherwise he would probably definitely be kicked out if they realized it.
  • Current Obsession: Swift will do almost anything to get his hands on his current obsession. Most of the time, this is by using some sweet talk, or going on a 'heroic' quest that just so happens to get him what he wants, but other times, it leads to him doing less savory things in order to get what his heart desires, such as stealing or causing some chaos.


  • Telling stories
  • Playing instruments
  • Getting other people to tell him their stories then later telling their stories, but better
  • Learning everything that he can about interesting objects
"Ah, but it would make for a good story to tell."
"A dashing hero, a terrible beast, a damsel in distress! These make for a great stor--wait, that is not a damsel? But I thought the ones with long hair..."
Not a musical theme, but this is basically his charismatic ability in a nutshell:
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: Ashlynn Gringe

: Ash

: 21

: female

: The Ceril Race is a race of magic and Mystery. The Race is an anthropomorphic race that the people take attributes and some abilities of the animals they resemble. Every person of this race has a hidden ability unknown to any. The Race is religious to their god "Xeroth" although they don't really celebrate him with church and such as much as they they celebrate their god with talismans and amulets recreating his presence.

Class: The Inherent Gift Barbarian. Uses magic as she likes.

: Bi (Goes either way)

High Concept: An adventurous Ceril that grew up in the church. After leaving she turned to the life of adventure.

Character Alignment
: Neutral good

: Ashlynn is the Daughter of the Ceril High Priest Jinquo and Ceril High Priestess Kirea Gringe

: Ceril Magna Church

: Ashlynn is a rebel from her parents, meaning she never wanted to be in the religious belief as much as they were. She always craves for an adventure into the world, wanting to see as much as she can before she is put into the ground.

Backstory: Ashlynn was born into the church of Xeroth family. Her Mother and Father ran the High Church and she grew up somewhat like royalty due to the high-standing position her parents held. Eventually the "royal" life bored her and she decided to train herself to use her magic and abilities to her advantage. She wanted to leave the church life behind and adventure out into the real world, she wanted to know how life on the road was, how the feel of a sea breeze felt on her face. She finally left her home of Certa at the age of 16, leaving behind the church, family, and friends in order to start a new life. She has since grew in power with both Magic and Weaponry, training with criminals, royal guards, mages, mainly studying but she still learned.



Weapons & Armor: She does not wear any armor, but she wields her trusty Heavy mace which turns into a large Halberd in a transformation. (Will wear armor if needed but prefers not to.

Items & Personal Belongings: Her necklace/choker she wears as her jewelry to represent Xeroth. Reminds her of home.

Skills & Abilities: Seductress, Agile, Strong enough to carry a full steel and bronze Halberd, Rage Mode

Spells & Magic: Her magic is Holy, allowing her to defeat undead and evil beasts quickly. Her racial Magic is 9 lives, allowing her to come back from death 9 times only, but each time she "reincarnates" she changes her magic, causing her to relearn most spells.

Weaknesses: She has a fear of water, such as the ocean and large bodies of it. If her tail is pulled it.... just... don't pull her tail... When she comes back to life, her magic changes (EX. Holy to Nature. She still has some Holy spells but her body will adapt to her new magic and it will be stronger.) Would die to protect those she cares for.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: While travelling she picked up guitar from a bard. She cant do what bards can do but its a good past time.

: "For Xeroths sake!" "Can you please not stare at my ears?" "H-hey!! Hands off the tail!!" "How about we go ahead and... get out of here?"

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: Alexander Bishop
Aliases: Alex
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Crossbow/Trapper (Ranger)

: Heterosexual

High Concept
: Depends on luck, if only he had more.

Character Alignment
: Chaotic good

: Mother, farther and a younger sister.

: Ranger group up north

: Alex has a fun and rather open personality and tends to be rather accepting of others. Once he makes his mind up about something he tends to try and see it all the way through however his overzealous and cocky attitude puts him in spots he would rather not be.Keeping a cool and level head comes to him easily and whenever he becomes involved in a rather intense situation he prefers to make himself discrete. Alex gets overly exited whenever he goes of on some form of grand adventure which is why he tends to invite someone along that can keep him focused on the task at hand.

: Alex grew up in the northern kingdom surrounded by forest, Rangers would frequent his small town for supplies and such, and would often retell of there grand adventures in the lush wilderness. He would often sit in the inn and listen to the stories, wide eyed and full of awe at the adventures these men would go on. As he got older he would spend more time out of the village and in the forest hunting with the rangers. He was taught hunting,trapping and sword play from the ranger group that had taken him on. As he grew older his craving for adventure grew from a dull ache to an immense hunger. After he had caught wind that one of the most well known guilds in all the lands where recruiting new members,well, how could he resist?

5'10 with a medium build
(He has a dark green cloak as well)
Weapons & Armor:
One heavy crossbow
Hard tipped crossbow bolts as well as a few trick arrows
A short sword kept in a sheath on his hip
A dagger he keeps in his boot
One chain-mail shirt underneath his regular clothes
A pair of arm bracers made of steel.

Items & Personal Belongings
One bird whistle
A scarf his sister had made for him
A small set of sky watching gear to work out where you are from the stars
Some cured food
Various different bits and pieces for making,maintaining and repairing his crossbow and bolts.
Sewing kit
A tinder box
Various traps and materials for making traps

Skills & Abilities
Hunting-As a ranger he has been taught how to track and kill animals as well as skinning and preparing them
Trapping- Alex can set up any amount of traps and has an acute ability to spot them
Archery- Whilst a crossbow is not the standard weapon for a ranger the archery skills carry over making him rather precise regardless
Swordplay- Every ranger needs to be at least semi competent with there sword play, so everyone of them gets training
Acrobatics- Being able to move around easily and jump long distances has its perks, but Alex mainly uses them to not break anything when he falls

Spells & Magic:
Candlelight- A spell that produces a small flame in ones hand. Not much use for anything besides starting a fire or light

Large opponents- Alex cant deal with larger, stronger enemies in hard to hand or armed combat.
Children- Anything that looks remotely child-like or young tends to make Alex weak at the knees
Over-confident- has and will continue to believe he can take on more than he can

FLUFF (Optional)

: Star gazing is something Alex tends to do when he cant sleep

"I can jump that!"
"I wish i didn't try to jump that"
: Robert Black
Aliases: Guildmaster, Sir Robert.
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Homunculus)
A homunculus is a broad term referring to a fake organism given life through alchemical means. Although sometimes seen as heretical, due to their nature, homunculi can be far inferior or far superior to ordinary humans; weaker and less intelligent or transcending the limitations of an ordinary human body and brain. Due to their nature, homunculi can be created from the pieces of another person's body, mind, and even soul, making them one's biological offspring. This method of having children is often preferred by radical alchemists who see the ability to have children, then customize them to their liking as far better. For an example, one could create a homunculus child, but alter its eyes to be purple instead of the ordinary blue they would inherit, and so on.
Class: Knight (with a Jack-of-all-Trades vibe)

: Heterosexual
High Concept: On the outside; the perfect little son. On the inside; a cluster of insecurities walking on two legs.
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
  • William Black (Biological Father) - Human, Creator of the Guild of Heroes; Hero
  • Leona Baragar (Biological Mother) - Human, Huntress; Beast Tamer; Princess
  • Jane Balzana (Creator) - Human, Witch
  • Malcador Black (Biological Half-Brother) - Human (Homunculus)
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes - Guildmaster
Personality: Robert appears to be the perfect for the job. He was chosen to become the Guildmaster not just by his own father, but all thanks to his own merits, he was also chosen by his peers. Robert displays the traits expected of someone of his position. He is a skilled leader, he is forgiving and merciful, but can be reasonable and fierce when the time is right. He is a diligent worker and can be rather serious when in public. Calm and aloof in most social situations, he can nonetheless be inspiring and emotional when the time calls for it.

Deep underneath, however, lie several critical flaws. If one were to become friends with him, they would quickly discover he is a large source of dry insecurity, constantly fearful that he might not live up to the bar set for him by his heritage. Although he is well-meaning, during combat, he quickly works himself up into a frenzy which is an unfortunate side-effect of his imperfect birth. The frenzy is not just mere anger, but an absolute, bloodthirsty outrage that can lead to accidental rampages if not instantly suppressed.

Backstory: Once Sir William crossed the border of his 60's, his men brought the inevitability of his death to his attention. At first, he considered artificial means of life so that he could prolong his existence and lead his people a little longer, but ultimately he decided to let his soul cross the veil and find a successor to name Guildmaster instead. Although he never had children with his wife due to his sterility, he made the choice: He needed at least one child. Thus, a day after consulting his wife, a mysterious witch arrived in the Fort. She worked for two days before presenting the fruit of her work to the family; a little boy that Sir William could call son.

Robert's childhood was full of work. Although he spent his earlier years as a relatively happy and social boy, often helping around the Fort or traveling to nearby towns under supervision, however, after his seventh birthday, his lessons began. Trained in everything ranging from leadership to moral ethics, theology, history, housekeeping, weapon and armor maintenance and proficiency, horse riding, survivalism, and others. Whatever useful skills came to Sir William's mind, he wrote down on the schedule and hired the appropriate tutors at once, all in order to make the perfect hero that would surpass even him, but in his old age, as he became senile, Sir William slowly forgot that his son, too, was a human being and that too much duty would eventually burn him out. Reprimanded by his wife, Sir William changed the schedule and Robert could spend the weekends free of chores and studies.

Quickly, as he grew up, the young boy turned into a man and realized what awaited him in the future. This, in turn, came with the revelation that perhaps the witch that created him was not such a master of her trade after all - Robert was born with a terrible curse. In battle, the sight and smell of blood did not disgust him. It invigorated him, even inspired him. Soon, it became clear that the young boy was born with a craving for the blood of his enemies. When his opponents or he himself were bleeding terribly, he would slowly work himself up into a rage as a side-effect of wanting more blood to flow. A literal bloodlust.

At the age of 14, this got out of control, so William sent Robert with several of his friends to seek the witch and ask her to remove the curse. They started their quest and traversed vast land until they came upon the village she lived in. There, they found out that a 13-year-old boy was scheduled for an execution. Deciding to take the matters in their hands, they released the boy only for the villagers to complain and inform them that the boy had slaughtered his family and several villagers, but the boy, whose name was Malcador denied it, and said that his mother was a witch that created him through alchemy, but he never killed her or anyone else. Robert realized that he, in fact, came upon his own brother. After a brief reunion, Robert and Malcador returned to the fort bearing the news of the witch's death - Robert covered for his brother, aware of the truth, capable of relating to him and thinking it was out of mere bloodlust. He was wrong...


Weapons & Armor:
  • Blue Rose: A twin blade to Crimson Riot that once belonged to William Black. It is attuned to water, nature, and holy energy representing all of the Gods' creations. Although it is made out of mithril which points to it being of good quality in itself, it is the enchantments that are important. Once, William Black dual-wielded this sword alongside the Crimson Riot, but he gave the swords to his two sons.
  • Mithril Armor: Underneath his robes lie master-crafted plates of mithril armor; A chest-piece, plackart, two large gauntlets for hand and arm protection, and greaves. They protect only the key elements of the body, thus not limiting movement too much. In places where plates aren't present, a gousset of mithril takes place instead, protecting against mild blunt force. Frankly, this set of armor isn't the best, but not the worst. It offers intermediate protection at worst. He also has a helmet with a T-shaped visor he takes off outside of combat, inside of the helmet, the words: 'Only in death does duty end,' can be seen engraved to remind the user of his charge each time he puts it on.
  • Draconium Rope: A keepsake from his mother, this magical rope was made to be sturdy, yet flexible. Designed to hunt magical beasts, it is fully fireproof and by channeling mana through it it can grow larger and longer at will. It requires training to be used properly and although he knows how to, he scarcely utilizes it.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Guildmaster's Key: Opens any and all doors in the Fort, including secret passages and the Vault itself. It is magical and also allows for immediate spatial access with the Vault to whoever holds it. In other words, it can open portals that let the user store items and take them out of the Vault at will.
    • The Vault: Deep underneath the Guild lies a Vault. It holds immense wealth, but above all, it also holds dangerous artifacts. Whenever an enemy is defeated, the Guild stores away their weapons, armor, and other dangerous artifacts within this vault. Therefore, it holds incredible power and anyone potentially wishing to seize it must be kept at bay. Therefore the only key belongs to the Guildmaster.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Physical Acuity: Robert's strength, stamina, dexterity and overall vitality are somewhat above what is commonly considered peak-human. He can lift a greatsword twice as tall as him and wield it with relative comfort.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Robert can fight with anything from a bow to a mace, but prefers swords.
  • Various Skills: Household duties, mounted combat, weapon and armor maintenance, moral ethics, leadership, horse riding, healing, herbalism, etiquette, diplomacy, tactics, linguistics, history, theology, lore, law. All have been at least skimmed to some extent.
Spells & Magic:
  • Blue Rebirth: Robert swings the Blue Rose and the sword produces a blue energy emission strong enough to rend stone. This strike carries potent holy energy that vaporizes anyone carrying truly evil intentions and leaving those who are good unharmed. The more corrupt a target is in terms of mind and soul, the more it hurts. The signature attack of the Blue Rose.
  • Miracles: As a faithful who reveres gods, (Desmaduke in particular (see D&D wikia)) Robert has access to minor miracles that derive power from faith rather than mana. Minor miracles include things like emitting light from the palms of one's hands, blessing water, removing curses, absolving one of sins, but he also has access to more refined disciplines:
    • Purity of Soul: Thanks to a pure soul, it is difficult for demons and demonic corruption to take possession of him. A sufficiently powerful demon or spirit may be able to overcome this.
    • Purity of Mind: Thanks to a pure mind, it is difficult to control his mind and it is not subject to things like supernatural fear. A sufficiently powerful sorcerer may be able to overcome this.
    • Angelic Leap: For a brief second, Robert grows a pair of golden, glimmering, phantasmal, translucent wings. By flapping them once, he creates enough force to propel himself forward, upward, or in any other given direction.
      • Angelic Push: Alternatively, he can flap his wings to push potential opponents away, although this is more a matter of creativity than a new power in itself.
    • Sacred Healing: Robert can conduct complex healing and surgery with the use of hole energies. Flesh knits back together, wounds close, bleeding stops, bones go into place and mend themselves, and vessels of bacteria die and vaporize leaving the body's tissues unharmed, whilst burn scars and the dead tissue that comes with them fall off and are replaced by new cells. This is a great power, but not on the level of ancient prophets; it can't remove potent curses, permanent disabilities like blindness, or restore lost limbs unless said limb is still half-attached and the wound was dealt recently. The only exception is that it can restore lost senses for several minutes provided that the person was born with the sense and lost it due to outer influence rather than things like a genetic defect. It can also restore life to a person that died in the last four to five minutes.
    • Smite: A close-range attack in which the user opens the palm of his hand and directs it at an enemy. Then, something that is not quite fire and not quite lightning shoots out, brimming with the holy judgment and wrath of the gods to destroy the enemy.
  • Curse of Blood: Exposure to the red liquid causes an attraction and wish to see more of it. When Robert looks at his wounds after combat, he sometimes hesitates to heal them for a moment and merely enjoys the sight which is so pleasing that it dulls the pain. In combat, he can be driven into a frenzy as a result of wanting to spill more and more of it. It takes much willpower for Angus to suppress this curse.
  • Insecure: Robert, deep down, has a severe lack of confidence in himself, although he brims with inspiration on the outside. It's almost to the point of an inferiority complex, but not quite there.
    • Cowardice: Although willing to suffer for others, his self-doubt and wish to live a quieter life without such harsh expectations sometimes leads to fear filling his mind. Such fear may on another hand lead to things like choosing not to approach an opponent, but it's rather unlikely he'll call off an attack as a whole and retreat due to these very expectations in the first place. It's a rather uncomfortable type of anxiety.
    • Self-Sacrifice: Despite that, he would gladly give his life for another.
    • Fear: Of darkness and a kind of aversion to blood. The former is a genuine phobia, the latter is a conscious repulsion and a side-effect of his curse. When not seeing blood, he avoids coming into contact with it.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Taking long naps, praying, archery, tournaments.
Quote\s: "Only in death does duty end."
Theme: If I find something fitting, I'll put it here.

: Malcador Black
Aliases: Sir Malcador, Black Alchemist.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Homunculus)
A homunculus is a broad term referring to a fake organism given life through alchemical means. Although sometimes seen as heretical, due to their nature, homunculi can be far inferior or far superior to ordinary humans; weaker and less intelligent or transcending the limitations of an ordinary human body and brain. Due to their nature, homunculi can be created from the pieces of another person's body, mind, and even soul, making them one's biological offspring. This method of having children is often preferred by radical alchemists who see the ability to have children, then customize them to their liking as far better. For an example, one could create a homunculus child, but alter its eyes to be purple instead of the ordinary blue they would inherit, and so on.
Class: Wizard

: Heterosexual
High Concept: A complete psychopath trying to stick to being good against his nature.
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil / Lawful Neutral (His Nature vs. What he tries to be.)
  • William Black (Biological Father) - Human, Creator of the Guild of Heroes; Hero
  • Jane Balzana (Creator) - Human, Witch
  • Robert Black (Biological Half-Brother) - Human (Homunculus)
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes - Member...?
Personality: On the outside, Malcador is a pleasant, polite, and calm man. On the inside, assuming Malcador was acting according to his nature, if someone were to call Malcador inhuman and sadistic, he would probably commend them for their perspicacity, and then demonstrate that their mortal definition of sadism was laughably inadequate. Malcador would gladly leave behind his humanity because joy is fleeting for him. Due to the circumstances of his birth, he only finds real pleasure in doing things that are considered immoral. That's not to say he doesn't find pleasure in other things, like, for an instance, drinking wine, however drinking wine to him is like eating stale bread; all it serves is to give some temporal value to his short life that only works to make malevolent deeds all the more satisfying. At the core, he is as ruthless as he is heartless.

Although he seems inquisitive, intelligent, talkative, philosophical and polite, upon closer inspection it becomes clear that this is simply a mask hiding something alien and monstrous.

Malcador is aware of his condition, however, he clings to whatever little willpower and moral values he can muster and tries to be a good person, deep down knowing that he has to do the right thing. However, there is only so much time that a man can fight against his true nature...

He is also a source of dry (and black) humor and sarcasm.

Backstory: Malcador's creator; Jane Balzana was a witch. By completing a small job for Sir William Black, she got her hands on his genes and experimented with them. As a side-effect, Robert was born with a curse of bloodlust, but she was not satisfied and took some of the samples home after she left, to further perfect her curses and create an unholy perversion; a true, walking joke of William Black's work. And thus, Malcador Balzana (Black) was born. A homunculus fusion of her own body and that of William Black, further modified and adjusted to create the perfect alien predator in a seemingly human skin, one who would only take perverted pleasure in deeds that others frown upon.

He grew up in a laboratory and learned alchemy from observing his mother and trying it out for himself when she was asleep. He also learned magic from her tomes and studied different subjects by himself. The woman never caught him, until it was too late for her. One fateful night, he decided he was done with living in a musty cellar. He took a knife used for cutting ingredients and slit her throat whilst the witch was sleeping, then burned her body with a potion and made his way to the village that was near her hut. There, over night, he killed eight people by using tools, poisons and even using deadly spells. It was only after the tragedy that the villagers caught the perpetrator, a mere 13-year old boy. Deciding the child was too dangerous to be left alive, they started stocking wood to burn it at the stake.

A demon traveling nearby caught wind of the rumors of the event, and curious of what happened, made his way over to the village. He observed the villagers burying the bodies of their dead friends and family with intrigue then made his way to the cell the supposed murderer was in. What the demon had seen was so truly chilling that even it stopped for a moment. A lonely child patiently awaiting death in the darkened corner of the room, watching a spider eat his prey. The demon, genuinely impressed, offered to free the boy for free and offered him a better life, where he could be the spider. The boy agreed, and the demon made his way to the Fort of the Guild of Heroes, where he influenced the already influential curse of Robert Black to prompt his adventure and search of the witch. The demon laid clever, but not too obvious clues leading the heroes to free the murderer.

Their plan worked excellently...

Weapons & Armor:
  • Crimson Riot: A twin blade to Blue Rose that once belonged to William Black. It is a force of deadly curses and malignant energy in contrast to its counterpart. The blade of the weapon is made out of mithril, but the curses carried on the edge of the blade are of greater importance and higher power. Once, William Black dual-wielded this sword alongside the Blue Rose, but he gave the swords to his two sons.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Alchemical Ingredients: A neat collection of common and average gnarly ingredients used in alchemy and herbalism. Includes some other, more rare ingredients, but not in abundance.
  • Occult Library: His own private little corner in his chambers of the fort. It contains answers to esoteric and arcane questions, offering immense knowledge to the reader. These books were 'borrowed' from his mother.
  • A Mirror: A small mirror small enough to fit in one's pocket. It can be incredibly useful.
  • Tools and Materials: For alchemy, but also smithing. Things like mortars and pestles, calcinators, hammers, knives, and other such things.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Alchemy & Herbalism: Capable of brewing advanced alchemical concoctions. His elixirs and tonics are very potent but his poisons go to another level.
  • Smithing: Can create intermediate weapons, armor, and other various tools. Not just blacksmithing, but also goldsmithing. He can have his way with silver and mithril too.
  • Amulets: Capable of creating amulets and charms of robust power.
  • Contacts & Allies: Let's just say he has a certain... friend, yes, exactly. Just a friend, called Goratrix. And Goratrix also has friends, many, many... friends... the friendship is truly abundant... *evil giggling* Definitely nothing demon-related is going on here! Move along, folks!
Spells & Magic:
  • Crimson Rebellion: A destructive slashing attack that creates a deadly, red energy shockwave strong enough to cut boulders. The powerful energy carries a potent curse that lowers the luck of any struck target in addition to causing illness. The signature attack of the Crimson Riot.
  • Black Magic: Evil spells, curses, and other things designed to hurt. In addition to a large number of basic cantrips, he also has access to the following, more refined and powerful omens:
    • Cursed Missile: A mix between a magic missile and a basic curse spell. Slight tracking abilities. Unlike the ordinary magic missile, this one has a tainted green color.
      • Magic Missile: A simple magic missile intended to hurt. Slight tracking abilities.
      • Basic Curse: A simple curse that causes entropy. Targets receive a short-term luck penalty and find it difficult to dodge further projectiles.
    • Blood Boil: An extremely mana-expensive spell. Upon being targeted, the caster must overcome the target's willpower and crush it with his own. Afterward, the spell proceeds to activate. The heartbeat speeds up and blood pressure increases. The blood heats itself to boiling temperatures, and soon enough, the unfortunate victim explodes in a gore-filled rain of limbs and bodily fluids that are still of such temperature that those unfortunate enough to stand nearby, most likely watching the display of carnage in horror, will also be damaged by the hail of boiling blood, organs, and flesh.
    • Psychic Vampirism: Upon laying his hand on someone, Malcador slowly sucks their willpower away until they turn catatonic. The willpower he consumes can be further utilized to refill his stores of mana.
  • Necromancy: A school of magic focusing on the manipulation of the energies of death and life. In addition to basic cantrips, he also has these disciplines:
    • Create / Control Undead: Allows to revive cadavers as servants. Depending on the level of decomposition, may create different breeds of undead. There is also a chance that a rarer type of undead will be created on accident, and the chance of that happening can be increased via ritual and other artificial means, Through experimentation, one create more breeds of undead and so on.
    • Fleshcrafting: In order to more precisely customize his servants, Malcador can shape the flesh and bones of any willing target. This means he can create very deadly soldiers, for an example; he could make a ritual to create a rare, special undead, then further reinforce the monster by taking body parts of several other undead (bones) and sculpting them into armor and wrist-mounted blades. He can use it on himself, but he wouldn't risk deforming himself permanently, especially not without a mirror.
  • Hypnotism: A school of magic focusing on the manipulation of minds. Through eye-contact and suggestion, the user can do things like plant subconscious commands, alter memories, or take control of someone's mind. Malcador has access to these powers:
    • The Forgetful Mind: First, Malcador holds someone with his gaze. By asking questions and telling the subject stories, he can freely alter their memories whilst in this state. He must maintain eye-contact for at least two seconds before the power kicks in, and then the target will stand in place and stare back into his eyes. Blinking, losing focus, or being interrupted (ie: someone yelling mid-use of the spell,) will instantly halt it and the subject will awaken. Basically, imagine the device thingy that the Men in Black use but without the device and harder to use. The original memories may be returned through various means.
    • Mesmerize: Allows Malcador to plant false thoughts, hypnotic suggestions, and subconscious (or even fully conscious,) commands into a target's mind. Trying to defy the commands is extremely difficult, practically bordering on impossible without any magical help. Like the power above, eye-contact must be maintained for at least two seconds before the subject turns catatonic and blinking, losing focus, or being interrupted will instantly halt the process and awaken the subject, returning him to his senses.
  • Mana: It runs out.
  • Evil Intent: It's extremely hard to be a good person sometimes. Too much teasing and he'll just explode and fulfill his dark wishes.
  • Melee / Physical Combat: Not good at it. Not good at all.
  • Squishy: Not exactly the strongest of people. He'd rather solve problems using magic like raising an undead servant to carry a box instead of doing it himself.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Research, study, alchemy, other things to take his mind off of thinking about his true nature.
"I hate violence."
In thought: 'I also hate you...'
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: Nalnux


Age: 143 years

Gender: Male

Race: Lizardman

Class: The Warlord


: Heterosexual

High Concept: A Badass Lizardman who is seeking a good fight but he also seems to seek something else.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

??? Dad: Alive
??? Mom: Alive
??? Brother: Alive
??? Sister: Alive
??? Sister 2: Alive

Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes, ??????

Nalnux isn't what people expects a Lizardman to act like. He is extremely calm and collected, very intelligent, and well mannered. Nalnux is a kind hearted gentlemen but don't mistake his kindness as a weakness, cause if you try to abuse it, he'll get serious. He loves to fight, because it is tradition for a Lizardman to fight really strong opponents to see if they are to be respected.

Nalnux loves telling a story of his various exploits, usually to young children or new guild members, as its best to know them. He mostly tells the truth, but he sort of makes some stuff up like say a fight that lasted only one second lasted days and nights. It's more for effect and to wow the kids than anything else. His mind is very tactical in battle, so say a fight goes on with Nalnux is on the defensive. This is because he's reading his opponent, figuring out their strengths and weaknesses, how to exploit weaknesses or use their strengths against them. Hell he even tricks them into thinking certain things about him, like for example someone casts a fire spell on Nalnux, Naknux will flinch like he actuall got hurt even if the fire does nothing to him, it's better to trick your opponent to mask your weaknesses as strengths and your strengths as weaknesses.

Nalnux is a Lizardman, hailing from the Duchy of Silax, which is mainly populated by Lizardmen. The royal family in power is the Terigas, which have been in power for generations. The Lizard people Don't place much stock in gods, as they worship their ancestors instead. The Duchy itself isn't as brutish as one would thing, it is actually quite civilized and well cultured. Lizard people are some of the most intelligent people in the world due to their homeland and the Great Library of Silaxheel, from the founding of the great Lizardman Empire back in the day.

Nalnux says he's from the Duchy but won't say anything about his family or his past there. The only thing he really says about Silax is that he cannot return till he has found something. He might tell someone about his past if they were really good friends or if say him and someone else were in love. Or if he truly found what he was looking for. Until then his past will remain a mystery.

: Nalnux stands at a height of 9'9, he's extremely large even for a Lizardman which for males is usually around 8ft and females around 7ft.

Weapons & Armor:

??? Armor: Armor that has been enchanted to increase the wearers strength, endurance, and protection from the magical Arts, one such magic is mind control or anything that alters ones mind. It's pretty much the armor he wears in the pic.

Scales: Nalnux's Scales act like armor itself! Offering the protection that Mithril would give.

??? Dual Greatswords: Nalnux Dual Wields these two gigantic swords as if they weighed nothing. They are magically enchanted to always be by their owners side so if he loses one, it magically returns. They are also enchanted to heal the user everytime he hits his opponents.

Items & Personal Belongings:

Giant knife for various purposes: Purposes like Skinning, killing, carving, etc...

Coin pouch: storage for gold

Water Flask

A collection of books from the Duchy of Silax

Skills & Abilities:
Tactician: Nalnux is able to use tactics to his advantage to any fight

Physical manipulator: This ties into his tactics as he can manipulate a person into thinking something about Nalnux using Physical keys like say he's hurt by a fire spell when in reality he is resistant to them

Master Swordsman: Over the long time Nalnux has lived and the training he received from his last, he is a master at fighting his opponents with Greatsword, so much so he has the ability to Dual wield them.

Charismatic: Nalnux has quite a bit of Charisma to him, all from his past

Incredibly Strong: Nalnux is extremely strong, like being able to punch through metal and dual wield Two Greatswords strong. Strong enough that he could arm wrestle a Troll/Giant and have an actual chance in winning. This is enhanced by his armor.

Extremely Durable: Nalnux is able to withstand an extremely tough fight with anyone for a long time, As his stamina is high and he can endure a lot of hard hitting blows. This is enhanced by his armor.

Moral improving presence: Due to his presence on the battlefield, his allies can gain a moral boost knowing such a fighting force is on their side.

Leadership Skills: Nalnux is able to lead men efficiently through the terrible nature of battle, he retains these skills from his past.

Spells & Magic: None


Search: Nalnux is searching for something and will do anything to get what he needs to get. This can end him in situations that is bad for his health.

Weakness to Elemental Magic: Lizardmen are naturally weak to elemental magic, so Nalnux can be hurt by them.

Not Flexible: Nalnux isn't exactly the most dexterous creature in existence, though while he can move quite quickly for his size, he's not the fastest.

Fighting traditions: When Nalnux gets in an extremely hard fight, he usually doesn't flee as its tradition for Lizardmen to fight till they can't fight anymore.

((More can be added later if he seems way to over powered.))

FLUFF (Optional)

Telling Stories
Reciting poetry
Arm wrestling

"And so, we kept at fighting for days! Neither of us giving in to each other! I don't even know how..."

"I'm from the Duchy of Silax, where are you from my friend?"

"Exhelast stilix hel gavst Sahxleel."

"Me? Oh I'm just your friendly neighborhood Lizardman!"

"It seems you have stolen my heart! Tradition demands I give you this necklace to show my affection... Do you accept?"

Theme: This is more like the song he sings whenever he sings. It's an old Silax song that existed since the founding of the ancient Lizardman empire.

Battle Theme: WIP

Birdsie Birdsie ((I hope I haven't made him too overpowered.))
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: Vernarax Kailron

Aliases: Vern, Master of the Arcane, Supreme Arcanist, Vern the Cat

Age: ???, 10 years as a cat

Gender: Male

Race: Human (Former), Cat (Cursed)

: Wizard, Arcanist

: Heterosexual, though let's be honest, who'd wanna pork a grumpy old cat who's actually a grumpy old man?

High Concept: Formerly a wizened and powerful wizard of legend, now a cute and adorable (often grumpy) cat who can wield magic.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

Relatives: None

Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes Member (Current), High Elder of the Council of Wizards (Former)

Personality: Vern is an arrogant and grumpy person who always thinks that he is always right and has little regard for the feelings of others, so just imagine how worse he was when he turned into a cat, the most arrogant and grumpy creatures of all. Vern would never hesitate to speak his mind, your feelings be damned. He acts like a big know-it-all and brags about how wise and powerful he is. Once given a chance, Vern will talk your ear off as he recounts his tales of glory and adventure, a lot of them heavily embellished to make himself look more glorious and amazing. He can be an absolute pain in the ass to work with. He'll constantly contradict the leader's orders and point out the smallest mistakes, in short he's a backseat leader. He still follows the orders though, he'll just be a bitch about it.

Though to be honest, his attittude is not wholly unfounded. He is an amazing and powerful wizard and has even saved countless of lives and kingdoms, back when he was human at least. He also provides sage and wise advice from time to time, though it usually comes after a long session of a 'How Great I Am' speech. He is also a very hardworking person. Hey, he didn't achieve the pinnacle of arcane magic by being a lazy bum. Each and every achievements pf his has been earned through sweat and blood and thus he absolutely hates lazy bums. And while he may be an ass, he actually cares about those around him, he just has a very roundabout and annoying way of showing it. Above all else, Vern is an honorable man (cat?) and would never commit acts that he deems to be dishonorable (murdering the weak and helpless, stealing, rape, engaging in the dark arts, etc.) and he would not hesitate to punish those who commit these acts.

Backstory: Once upon a time, how long even he has no idea, Vernarax Kailron was known as one of the most powerful wizards that has ever lived. While not the nicest of person, he has saved countless lives, kingdoms, and empires in his entire lifetime. He has wiped out numerous bands of bandits and raiders, repelled foreign invaders, decimated waves of monsters, and even challenged (and defeated) the demons and devils who dared to step foot into the world. He did all of these feats and more not out of the goodness of his heart or some other noble bullshit. His reason was very simple, he just wanted to reach the pinnacle of the arcane arts. For what reason he does this has been long forgotten by him, if there even was a reason at all, all that he knows is that he wants to see what lies at the pinnacle of the path he's chosen.

However, the great wizard Vernarax met his end in a battle against the Demon Lord Kal'sfar. The battle had lasted many days and many nights, every living thing within a mile had died from the mana leaking out from the absurd and powerful spells the two combatants had fired upon one another. Blinding light and deafening roars could be seen and heard miles away from the battlefield, the sight too terrifying that some even feared the end of the world. The area in which the battle had occurred had turned into a desolate and deadly wasteland that scarred the world. And when the battle had finally ended, the only indication that the wizard had won was that the world had yet to end. The wizard was never seen since then, leading all to believe that the powerful wizard had sacrifice his own life to purge the world of the Demon Lord.

Yet after an unknown amount of time has passed, something crawled put of the wasteland. A cat, a mere cat, had walked out of the deadly wasteland unscathed. The cat, wearing a pointed hat with a wide brim and a grey robe, was in fact the great wizard Vernarax. Upon the death of the vile and evil Demon Lord it had cursed the powerful wizard. It had drained the wizard of most of its magic, forcing the wizard to go in a magically induced coma. Why it became a cat is beyond the wizard's understanding. Maybe it was a part of the curse or it may be due to some other cause, but the cat will stop at nothing to return itself to its original form, restore its former power, and finally reach the peak of magic. Now, if he could only do something about those hairballs....


Weapons & Armor
  • Scalp of the All-Knowing God - A brown had with a long pointed tip and a wide brim. It looks like an old and worn out hat, but don't let its looks fool you. It is actually an artifact from a time unknown that possesses great power, though perhaps due to the curse, only retained a fraction of its power. It increases the wearer's mastery over a chosen type of magic, though once set it will be impossible for the wearer to use a different type/element of magic. It also boosts the wearer's intellect and improves cognition and memory.
  • High Elder's Robe - A grey robe that improved the wearer's mana and control over magic. The wearer can channel his/her mana into the robe to improve the robes defenses. It also automatically adjusts to fit whomever it wears, perfect for those who morphs into various forms.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Various books and scrolls relating to history and magic
  • Random trinkets here and there, mostly shiny ones
Skills & Abilities:
  • Encyclopedic Knowledge - Both due to his hat and his own intellectual prowess, Vern has a really good intellect. He can remember most things and can recall them quite quickly.
  • Adaptability - After all that he has been through, Vern has taken a knack to adapting to the situation.
  • Knowledge of Magic - While Vern has chosen to focus on the Arcane, this doe not mean that he is clueless about other types of magic. He has fought a lot of mages, wizards, creatures, and monsters that are capable of magic so he needs to be prepared to fight and to defend against it.
  • Vitality and Longevity - Due to the magic coursing through his veins, Vern can live far longer than normal humans and is safe from most diseases and some poisons. He also has greater stamina due to his strong life force.
  • Arcane Mastery - Despite only retaining a fraction of his former strength, which is still stronger than average mages, he still has a high mastery and control over the arcane.
Spells & Magic:

  • Arcane Manipulation - Vern's most basic and versatile spell. It allows him to manipulate arcane energies itself. From fire bolts of arcane to using it to forcefully push away foes, it can be a very versatile spell. Despite lacking the firepower that common spells has, it having no chant and needing low mana to cast makes it a useful spell. It also allows him to modify and improve his arcane spells.
  • Arcane Missiles - Fires 10 densely compact spheres of arcane towards an enemy. Due to Vern's Arcane Manipulation, he can modify this spell to an extent. He can make the spheres spin to improve the penetration power and increase the number of missiles. He can also make the missiles home to a target by marking the target with his mana.
  • Arcane Shield - Vern can create a barrier made of pure arcane. It is very effective against elemental magic since the arcane is quite resistant against elemental magic. He can make it cover only himself, tilt at an angle to redirect an attack, form a wall, or shield others.
  • Arcane Binding - Vern can use arcane energy to bind his opponents. He can bind multiple opponents and can even pull them towards himself. He can also use it to create an arcane whip, perfect for mid range combat.
  • Arcane Lance - He can create lances out of pure arcane. It has a higher offensive power than Arcane Missiles but it can only be shot in one direction and cannot change its path mid flight like Arcane Missiles.
  • Arcane Grasp - A form of telekinesis utilized by using arcane energies.
  • Arcane Rejuvenation - Vern can utilize arcane energies to increase the speed his body can heal his body. He can increase the speed further, but it will hurt even more as the body mends itself faster.
  • Arcane Bomb - Vern can fire a supercharged orb of arcane that explodes upon contact. Vern can only fire on of these, but he can increase its power in exchange for shortening its time before it explodes.
  • Cat - He's a cat, 'nuff said. I mean, he can be easily punted once someone manages to get close.
  • Lacks Magical Diversity - Since Verb can only use Arcane magic, Vern can't benefit from the advantages elemental magic has. It won't be as powerful as Fire magic, as sturdy as Earth magic, as fast as Wind magic, or as versatile as Water magic.
  • Low Defense - The weakness all mages share. His robe somewhat amends this, but not by much.
  • Close Combat - Vern has little way to deal damage at close combat, mainly by biting and scratching.
  • Attitude - He has a bad attitude, though he actually cares deep down. He can be hard to work with, though he won't outright disobey orders.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
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Name: Melaina Feidlech
Aliases: Mel
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Modfiied)
Class: Sorceress (Bloodrager)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes
High Concept: Playful sorceress seeking to have fun and helping others on the side.

  • Natalie Feidlech (Adopted Mother)
  • Biological Parents/Relatives - Unknown


Melaina comes off as a carefree and playful (if not a bit snide) young woman. She is very intelligent having a great understanding of things, although her rather eccentric upbringing might make some of what she does puzzling. She enjoys teasing others at times, finding it enjoyable. She tends to help people out of a sake of having fun more so then for selfless means, although she isn't the type to ignore someone in need if she views there problem serious enough that it should be dealt with.

Her generally playful nature often can conflict with a more serious problem. She can be blunt to a fault, often not being afraid to call someone an idiot or criticize them harshly. She can have some trouble empathizing with people, often viewing things in such a distant way to not really understand the full emotional weight others feel right away although she tries to best to do so.


Melaina was saved as a baby by William Black. At the time of her rescue, she had already been inflicted by the cultists mad experiments although she had been fortunate enough to be one of the few who had survived their twisted ritualistic experiments. With the fate of her family unknown and likely presumed dead, it meant she was left all alone in the world. Fortunately for her, a sorceress named Natalie Feidlech had offered to take her in as her daughter seeing the potential in her.

Growing up under the lone sorceress was far from a normal life. While not an evil person, Natalie tended to be cold and calculating with her methods. Even at a young age Melaina was put through things that most parents would consider abuse for the sake of helping the girl learn magic. The eight year old had gone as far as being tossed in a large empty pit and told to work her way out of it. Despite her very harsh methods, Natalie took quite good care of her making sure she was healthy and in other ways pampering Melaina.

At the age of 16 she was deemed 'of age' and effectively let off into the world by her adopted mother. It wasn't long for Melaina to seek the guild having still a connection with the Black family whom she had interacted with on several occasions. She took the job as a way of making money and seeing it in a way of 'doing good' managing to be rather independent and finding ways of garnishing a decent amount wealth of her own through guild work as well as a few personal enterprises.


Weapons & Armor:
+++ Black Blood Scythe: (Image) Created from crystallizing her black blood into the shape of a Scythe. the Scythe is her primary weapon of choice given its versatility, acting in part like a scythe as well as a strong close range weapon.
+++ Black Blood Umbrella: While not looking like a weapon, her umbrella itself is created by her black blood. The umbrella itself is much stronger then its appearances give off. It can be used as a shield of sorts to black from certain attacks. The umbrella itself is durable enough to be used as a weapon as well without needing to worry about it breaking against most foes. Also provides good protection from the rain and sun!
+++ Black Blood Dagger(s): (Image) Creater either as one or two daggers together. The daggers are typically used in utility purposes for Melania or in close range combat where she can't use her Scythe or Magic very efficiently.
Items & Personal Belongings: None
Skills & Abilities:
+++ Black Blood: Melaina's blood is pure black and made up of strange negative energy. The black blood has the ability to be controlled and manipulated directly by Melaina on both a conscious and unconscious level. The blood can be used to heal wounds, even going as far as to quickly repair damage to internal organs so long as enough blood is in her system. Her blood can be regernated slowly over time by consuming food or more quickly through absorption the blood of others.
****** Crystallized Blood: Melaina is able to use the blood in her system and quickly crystallize it into a solid state. This solid state can be made to be incredibly durable when condensed and can be hardened within an instant While normally used to create various weapons, this form of using the blood is also used as a makeshift retaliatory defense, able to piece through her skin at any part of her body to strike a foe that is nearby if needed.

****** Magic Amplification: Her black blood can be used as a catalyst to greatly bolster her magic potency. By mixing her blood with her spell casting she can greatly enhance any form of magic she uses making even a simple spell more dangerous. Blood used in such a manner is consumed in the process.
+++ Elemental Master: Melaina is talented at utilizing the various elements in magic and manipulating them in various forms. Most of her elemental magic tends to focus on offensive applications using the elements in a more raw form although she has access to certain forms of manipulation such as utilizing them as makeshift shields or other effects.
+++ Martial Arts Adapt: Melaina's tough training from her mother taught her to rely on more then simply her magic for combat. She grew to learn how to utilize various weapons to use in close range in supplement of her magic. In particular she has experience with a Scythe and Daggers.While not likely to stand up to a dedicated skill close range fighter, supported by her magic she can be quite able in close range combat.
+++ Cantrips: Melaina is able to do various magic spells of different degrees of basic utility at a whim. Such feets can be as simple as creating a spark of light from her fingertips to levitating light objects in the air. Most cantrips are light in nature being used primarily outside of combat with a few tricks such as levitation or telekinesis being useful light utility in combat.

+++-- Healing/Holy Weakness
: Due to the black blood in her body and her modifications from the cult, Melaina is hurt by healing magic rather then healed by it. Nearly any type of magic that would normally heal wounds would hurt her outside of very unique cases of spell such as using time manipulation. She is weak against holy magic in particular having such attacks effect her, as well as effects targeting evil creatures can inflict harm on her despite her good alignment.
+++--Simplified Caster: While talented at using the various elements, Melaina tends to lack more complex forms of spells such as hexes or curses. She tends to be unable to mix the elements, only able to utilize a single element in a spell at one time prohibiting her from doing more advance effects.
+++-- Bloodlust: While not a typical issue, given Melaina suffers enough damage and uses up enough of her Black Blood, it can cause her mental faculties to become impaired. She can become longing to drink blood to the point of it acting as an addiction. She can easily go overboard drinking enough blood from even a close friend to the state of possibly killing them unintentionally out of sheer primal instinct.


Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Observing.
"Are you an idiot? Why would you do something so stupid like that in the first place?"
"Oh? Is that all you can do, I was expecting more to be honest."
"Such a simple problem, I'll have it fixed in no time."


William "Liam" Pontiff
Liam, hopefully more nicknames to come



Human (Magically enhanced)



High Concept:
A trouble making son of a noble house. fancies using his wits more than his sword or magic. He's always one step ahead from his enemies.

Character Alignment:
Lawful Neutral

Alexander Pontiff (Father, alive)
Abigail Pontiff (Mother, alive)
Suzy Pontiff (Younger sister, alive)
Jonathan Pontiff (Younger brother, alive)

Guild of heroes

You'd think the eldest son of the very esteemed and well known noble house Pontiff would be an upstanding and chivalrous being, being a good role model for generations to come. Well Liam sure as hell is not that kind of person, in fact he's nearly the exact opposite. While he's confident in his own abilities Liam can get carried away and become somewhat cocky. Maybe he's just cocky in general... or he's pulling one of his many tricks. Liam is very witty and clever, he's well known for always being one step ahead. Other than his innate ability with magic Liam is very good at reading other people, this helps him with determining the strength and weaknesses of an individual. Plus no matter what Liam always seems to get in trouble, even when he's trying not to. In battle Liam uses any tactic in order to win, why have honor if it gets you killed in the end? Usually Liam aims to outsmart his opponent, from using his silver tongue to using his surroundings. If he can formulate a good plan then expect the unexpected from this man.

Liam is the firstborn son of the Pontiff family, a noble house that has strong ties with the Guild. Liam's father fought along side William Black and supposedly the two were good friends. Liam was actually named after William Black, a homage to the hero. Liam was expected to be a perfect child, noble at heart and to be a member of the Guild. Though once as Liam grew older they young boy proved them wrong, from nearly burning now their manor, breaking a vase full of his grandfathers ashes, and flooding nearly every bathroom in the household. It was pretty clear that Liam was not a perfect child, but more like a devil. It was then his parents stopped caring for him, and they began to focus on their younger children who didn't share Liam's trouble making attitude. Liam then lived with the servants of the household and without pressure from his parents Liam studied both sword play, magic, and tactics. He planned to master all of them and join the Guild. Which is exactly what he did.


Weapons & Armor:
Steel sword ~ A simple steel sword, has a durability enchantment so it's harder to break.
Enchanted clothes ~ Just like his sword, enchanted so that it can take a beating without tearing. Has similar properties as iron armor.

Items & Personal Belongings:

Skills & Abilities:
Lying ~ He's pretty good at telling a good lie thanks to his silver tongue.
Intermediate swordsman ~ Good with a blade, though he still hasn't learned any advanced techniques.
Clever ~ Good luck outsmarting this guy.
Blind luck ~ For a guy that attracts a lot of trouble he seems to be an awfully lucky person.

Spells & Magic:
Pontiff magic resistance and absorption ~ A unique trait to members of the Pontiff house. Liam was born with a resistance to magic his body absorbs some of the damage, effectively replenishing his mana.
Large mana pool ~ Another trait common among house Pontiff.
Novice Elemental Magic ~ From all around the elemental spectrum Liam knows a lot of elemental spells.
Cantrips ~ He knows a lot of there, usually he uses them to outsmart his opponents.

Cocky ~ Sometimes he can get in over his head.
Average strength ~ He isn't weak, but he isn't very strong. Any well trained warrior should be able to overpower him.
Trouble maker ~ He just attracts trouble, it's his most famous feature.

Teasing others
Getting in trouble
Playing any kind of board game

"I swear it wasn't me... at least this time it wasn't"
"Your next line is..."
"Exactly as planned"
"Uh... yeah I totally planned that"
"I'll always be one step ahead of you"

How he acts when he's outsmarting his opponent

Name: Moriana Sorendel

Aliases: Mori (by family and friends), The Nightkeeper (given to her by her foes)

Age: 112

Gender: Female

Race: Lunarian

Lunarian -A sub-species of elf known for their skill in manipulating shadows and darkness in both illusory and physical forms ( e.g. creating shadows of oneself, temporary weapons, bindings, etc). They are primarily nocturnal but are able to operate during the daytime if necessary. However, being awake during the day can be very troublesome for them at times, as they are unable to use most of their magical abilities in any space with few shadows. They are able to use traditional spells by using mana, but it is only to a basic extent, as it is very draining for them. They are the most powerful in pitch-black spaces where they can harness the darkness for power to almost an infinite extent.

Class: Swordmage - Swordmages use blades to cast their spells rather than the traditional wand or staff. Some swordmages are familiar with basic swordplay, but they tend to avoid it at all costs, as their clothing usually leaves them very vulnerable to any physical attack.


Sexuality: Bisexual

High Concept: An amnesiac with an unquenchable thirst for power.

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

- Mother - Living

- Father - Deceased

- Older brother - Living

Organizations\Affiliations: The Lunarians, Guild of Heroes (chooses when she affiliates)

Personality: Moriana maintains a cool exterior but chooses to be forceful when she gets bored. She has a tendency to argue about every point she makes until she either decides to play along for a while or attempts to make the other person agree with her through force. If someone powerful offers to train her, she will gladly take their aid, no matter their true intention. She outwardly portrays that she is someone who you should be careful trusting and even gives people the courtesy of letting them know.

Backstory: Moriana lived an average Lunarian childhood, rigorously studying magic and religion. She admired her brother and followed his path for much of their early lives. In a sense, they were rivals, always sparring and studying with each other. Together with their parents they shared a happy family life. Their father was a renowned warrior, and their mother was a powerful wizard. Surely, the two children were destined for greatness…

However, one evening at the dawn of the blue hour, a terrible fire raged through the village. The Lunarians were only beginning to awaken, and by the time anyone was aware of the blaze, it was too late to save the village from destruction. The was no possible explanation for the event except for the fact that the village was targeted. In the chaos and confusion that had occurred, Moriana’s father died saving the lives of others.

In the midst of the event, Moriana was taken from the village, but she doesn’t remember anything after that. As though she had been in hibernation for years, she woke up in the middle of a forest one day with the belongings she managed to grab before the fire destroyed her home. It seemed as though she was only left with pieces of what happened after the fire and a sword she didn’t remember was hers. She had also gained a thirst for power...

Moriana now wanders searching for any clue of who might have caused the fire and what had happened to her after it. Due to her traveling, she frequently encounters members of the Guild of Heroes, whom she might choose to join occasionally to amuse herself. She will sometimes pass by people who stare at her with utmost fear, but she isn’t sure why.



Weapons & Armor: Moriana does not have any armor, but she does have her sword for protection. It is from an unknown origin, but Moriana wields it as if she has been using it for an eternity. When not being used, the bladed reduces itself to only the hilt, and the jewel at the bottom slides back neatly into it’s slot. The sword’s blade is made of a mystical energy and is formed as the jewel leaves its resting slot. Essentially, the weapon is powered by its jewel.

Items & Personal Belongings:

Moriana uses A small bag to carry a few important items:

  • Coin pouch

  • A small knife for various survival purposes

  • Small wooden flute (the songs she plays remind her of home and help her cope with any negative emotions)
Skills & Abilities:
  • Noticing obscure details/sensing miniscule changes in her surroundings
  • Being agile

  • Seeing clearly in the dark

  • Possessing basic knowledge of swordplay
Spells & Magic:

Shadow Magic:

  • Flourish: The caster waves their weapon in the air, creating a burst of energy that is projected forward at the enemy. This spell can also be cast using mana.

  • Hide: Lunarians are able to conceal themselves in the shadows. However, it is still possible to make physical contact with them, and those familiar with seeing the auras of others are able to sense them nearby.

  • Binding: The caster manipulates the shadows into forming hands that cling to their enemy and binds them to their place. Variants of this spell create chains or other bindings instead.

  • Moonlight Prayer: A healing spell for minor injuries. It is most effective, as the name would suggest, under the moonlight.

  • Disturb: The caster attempts to throw the targets mind off balance by manipulating the target’s shadow. The most Moriana can do is cause the shadow to move in strange shapes around her target for a few moments before it returns to its normal position. The effects of this spell are generally disorienting, but those with a strong mental fortitude are unaffected.

Mana spells:

  • Flourish: (see above)

  • Barrier: Creates a magical barrier that will generally take 1-2 hits before dissipating

Weaknesses: Lunarians are most vulnerable where there is no absence of light due to the nature of their magic.They can cast very simple spells in the light that use mana, but these spells are very physically draining to Lunarians. Furthermore, those coexisting with other species constantly have to fight the fact that they are naturally nocturnal. In terms of her character, Moriana is power-hungry and does not generally work well with people who have strong personalities.



- Playing her flute

- Sparring

- Experimenting with magic at night


“How… boring. I thought you would be worth my time.”

“I cannot promise that any good will come from letting me join you.”

“Calm yourself, I shall not hurt you… as long as you do not resist.”


Last edited:
Name: Wobb Gooblesplatsh.
Aliases: he prefers things like 'Jello justice' or 'Slimy savior' but the townsfolk like to call him 'monster'.
Age: No-one is certain, but he's likely younger than three.
Gender: Technically genderless, but carries himself as a male.
Race: Slimes are typically unintelligent creatures that eat just about anything, and often attack adventurers because they're hungry. Most slimes comprise of a core approximately the size of a plum in the center of a gelatinous, acidic blob that shifts its shape to move and attack. Attacks on the gelatinous body may separate its mass, but only a direct strike to the core can kill it. However, rarely, slimes are seen with much larger cores and mental processes that actually exceed that of most animals, mimicking the life forms they see. How these slimes are born (or if they develop into this state later in life) is not currently understood. However, it is known that these 'greater slimes' can mimic and learn from humanoids, and attain sentience. Wobb is one such example.
Class: Somewhere between monster knight and swashbuckler.

Sexuality: He wants a female lover, but is he actually male enough for this to count as heterosexuality? I have no idea.
High Concept: the adorable underdog who's probably too innocent to last in this dog-eat-dog world without a lot of help.
Character Alignment: Neutral good.
Relatives: the closest he has is Lenca, the painter. She's almost like a mom. Almost.
Organizations\Affiliations: he wants to join the hero's guild, but they're hesitant to let him. Oh, and he's on good terms with the local theatre troupe, and lives with their background painter.
Personality: An avid lover of theatre, he desperately wants to be that dashing swordsman who can clash with the best of them, outsmart the wisest of them, and romance the loveliest of them. Unfortunately, he's less bright than an average child, and even more gullible. However, he's certainly got the heart of an adventurer, being brave enough to face any challenge, and bounce back from even the most crushing of defeats... Even if he feels like he needs a training montage to do it.
Backstory: He doesn't know when he woke up, only that he did. Some awareness of what he witnessed or understood took root as his form, and he was a boy, looking at other boys. They ran screaming, and he followed suit. They eventually lost him, and he began to wander. He spent days running from anything that moved, and eating garbage. Until he saw the painter. The painter painted a pretty blue sky onto a sheet of canvas, and he found another one to smear himself onto. It took some time for the painter to notice, but to her credit, she barely jumped at the surprise, and decided she was keen on taking the strange slime boy in. Their blue skies were the backdrop to a theatre troupe, telling tales of grand adventures! Bravery, chivalry, honor, true love! They became the heart and soul of his being, and he aspired to be a hero just like those his actor friends portrayed. It might be a mistake, given that the average human's response is to scream and call for help when they see him.


Please note that the gems and bones are merely accessories. His eyes... Even he's not sure how they work. Also, he normally wears the quilted armor I'm about to describe.
Weapons & Armor
Thrown-out armor: Once a fine suit of quilted armor, it's seen better days. Torn and slashed and soaked in slime residue as it is, most adventurers would consider it ruined. However, it still provides some amount of protection against slashing weapons, and makes it hard to tell where his core is.
Rusted blades: Once a pair of beautiful triangular cross-section rapiers, these weapons are not only snapped in half, but also very rusty. However, they've been sharpened, and still maintain both a point and sharp edges.
Arrowheads: Yes, arrowheads. A lot of people just leave cheap arrowheads behind if the shaft is broken. He's mastered holding them in his body, and likes spitting them at people. In a pinch, he's even used them as false teeth and claws.
Items & Personal Belongings:
A Brush: An angled paintbrush
A Rose: A rose made from leather? It was clearly once red with a green stem, but too much time in Wobb's body has turned it purple and blue-green. Maybe it's lovelier?
A scroll: A scroll in a protective leather case. It's the script to Wobb's favorite play, Robin Hood. He never directly touches it, and would be devastated if it were ruined.
Skills & Abilities:
Malleable as dough: If Wobb desired, he could easily take on any shape he knew. He prefers to look like a human boy, but he's squeezed himself into jam jars and stretched up to second story balconies before.
Tough as gummy: To him, bashing weapons are merely a tool of slapstick, and slashes can only take off so much of him at once. You'll have to stab him dead in the core to make him pause!
Slippery as soap: While not the best fighter of the bunch, he's quick, agile, and slippery, preferring to evade and dodge around blows to find small openings, rather than clash blades.
Messy as molasses: Though he must sacrifice mass to do it, he can leave sticky (or slippery, if he prefers) puddles of himself on the ground as traps, or spit small amounts of himself at enemies to blind them for a moment. He prefers not to, of course, but sometimes survival beats out chivalry, and he gets dirty.
Spells & Magic:
Magic jelly!: Though not innately magic, Wobb is highly resistant to magic damage, and if directly struck with elemental magic, there's a chance his body will absorb it and gain special effects! However, not every element works, and some (namely holy/light and curse/dark) are way less likely to take effect than others.
Alchemical jelly?: Again, he isn't innately magic, but his gelatinous mass is an excellent medium for magical and alchemical effects, making it an excellent base for potions! He's no good at that, but if you feed him, he might be willing to surrender a few liters.
The core: His core is his one point of weakness and it is absolute. Even small cuts leave him open to potentially fatal infections, and a moderate one could see him fall apart in minutes. One strong hit to this grapefruit-sized orb could kill him outright. He hopes to protect it more thoroughly soon.
Butterfingers: While he has a great grip on anything deep in his body, anything solely in his goopy hands is comparatively loose, and a good hit could easily disarm him, hence his hesitance to actually clash blades.
Gullible: His childlike naivety and poor intelligence leave him open to all sorts of vile schemes. With the correct words, you could play all sorts of mean tricks on the poor boy.
Innocent: He hasn't seen much of the world, and what he has seen was heavily romanticized for play audiences. He's in for a rude awakening.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Painting, jam poetry, and watching plays.
Quote\s: "Evil bewawe! My jewwy justice knows no bounds!"
"Speesh impediwhad?"
"I jus wanna be Dwakeman."
Theme: maybe later.

It might not be the best idea to do this character sheet from a phone, and I messed up on some minor bolding issues because of it, but by Jove I felt an intense need to resurrect this character and this seems like an excellent place to do it!
: Ariella Kessiah D'Ambra
Aliases: Ariel
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Race: Werewolf
Class: Monster Knight

: Bisexual
High Concept: An Icy Alpha Queen of a wolf
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: Quincy Ailis D'Ambra- Spymaster for the King
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild
Personality: Ariella is incredibly fiesty, especially in battle. She's not known to keep her mouth shut about whatever's bothering her. She's known to be snake-tongued to anyone showing stupidity. Her sarcasm is as poisonous as her claws can be. She's very nice though and defensive of those who can look past that and break that icy shell. She has a pack mentality, meaning that she knows how to work as a team probably better than any human ever will
Backstory: Coming out as fully wolf, she lived as a wolf. However, when it was time to learn how to transform into a human, she got the spell 100%, but couldn't change her ears or tail. While 1 was already rare enough, 2 was epic rarity. She was immediately thrown into high level training, branded a prodigy before even casting a spell. She was, in fact, a prodigy, and showed insane talent for her magic art


Weapons & Armor:
  • Claws- Her claws are made with Adamantium and Mythril, then protected with high level defensive magic, making them pretty much indestructible.
  • Anti-Magic clothes- while her midsection is wide-open, a lot of other places are covered with clothing enchanted with Anti-Magic. This increases her entire body's resistance to it
  • Gold Bell- Around her neck is a golden bell. While this looks like a normal bell, it's used to amplify sound-based magic
  • Gems- Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst: She carries these and places them in her Claws to amplify her magic of that type. Ruby=Fire, Sapphire=Ice, Amethyst=Electric.
Items & Personal Belongings:

Skills & Abilities:
  • Quick- She's insanely fast, made even faster by her lack of armor weighing her down
  • High Senses- Taste, Smell, Feel, Hearing, and eyesight are far beyond that of a normal human
  • Animal communication- She can talk to any animal with ease
  • Knights Training- She has learned the way of the knight, though she doesn't use their methods.
  • Martial Arts Training- She is insanely proficient up front due to martial arts
  • Expert Hunter- Her time in an expert wolf pack gives her knowledge of stalking, trapping, ambushing, and killing

Spells & Magic:
  • Elemental Armor- She wears no armor. She makes up for this by making armor out of magic.
  • Thunder Field- She projects a field around herself. Anyone caught up in it will suffer from delayed movements. Those who use water or are wet will be stunned completely. Doubles the power of Thunder Spells and electrifies her hits
  • Flame Field- Melts Ice, Damages Enemies, Provides heat in the cold. Doubles the power of Fire Spells. Enflames her hits
  • Ice Field- Slows enemies, Freezes water, obscures vision. Doubles the power of Ice Spells. Freezes her hits
  • Intermediate Ice Magic- She's good with ice magic for it to be used as a go-to
  • Early Intermediate Electric Magic- She still has a lot to learn, but she's gaining proficiency in electric magic
  • Basic Fire Magic- She's been more focused on Ice than Fire, so her fire is lacking.
  • Basic Sound-Based Spells- Something she's just started getting into recently. Used as a distraction at best
  • Spirit of Fenrir- She transforms into an Ice Wolf. This takes her Ice Magic through the wolf, but shuts off her ability to use any other type of magic

Physical Spells: Her go-to spells. Spells dedicated to her physical strength
Berserk- Used only when cornered. She goes insane. She gets fast and strong, and attacks everything in the area, including allies should they get in her way. Typically faints after using
Big Claw- A go-to attack. Her claw gets huge and she slashes with a short burst of immense physical augmentation. Employs both slashing power and crushing power to knock away even heavy knights
Charge- She dashes forward and flattens everything in her path
Alpha Howl- She howls, and every wolf that hears her comes to her aid, magic or not

Close and Personal- She's pretty much useless at range. The most she can do is use her spells, which is only proficient at mid-range at the most
Dragon Scales- Dragons can resist every one of her attacks due to its scales. It's gonna take quite a few hits for her to get under those scales. This includes anything that uses the scales as armor

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Eat and hunt
Quote\s: "You're the Alpha here. I trust you."

  • : Jaylis Relenus
    Aliases: The Fox
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male/Female
    Race: Human (has a half-elf father)
    Class: Magic Knight

    : Bisexual (often depends on current gender)
    High Concept: A Spellblade who mostly studies magic and has one of the strangest abilities to exist.
    Character Alignment: Good

    : Leyla (elf half-sister)

    Ferand (father)

    Lily (biological mother) alive

    Velina (sister's mother) deceased.

    Organizations\Affiliations: The Hero's Guild, Affiliated with the Allenis Mage Guild

    Personality: A rather cheerful and optimistic individual with different streaks depending on his/her sex at the time. In Jaylis's male form he's more self-conscious about his actions. As a male, Jaylis is more reserved, but is no less optimistic or friendly. As a female though, Jaylis is far less caring about her actions. She is far more flirtatious and will act on emotion more than when she is a man. Overall though, Jaylis is a friendly individual. He/she wants to help people with his/her intellect. Jaylis is a book-worm and studies various things like magic, strategy, and even history. Making Jaylis very well-rounded.

    Backstory: Born in a town after Ferand and Leyla left their original elven city, Jaylis started his first five years as a man until he one day woke up as a girl. It was a rather shocking revelation, but it raised a lot of new concerns. No one entirely knew why Jaylis had turned into a girl and grew rather concerned. Jaylis on the other hand found it rather peculiar and an opportunity. Her half-sister Leyla had been rather distant, so Jaylis sought to form a sisterly bond with Leyla. Jaylis had plenty of friends in the town, so her transformation was startling and no one really knew how to approach her at first. Because of that, Jaylis hung around Leyla for a while. Three years after her transformation, Jaylis turned back into a boy. He ended up returning to his friends, and was the cause of a split over whether or not Jaylis was weird. He sulked for a while after that until Leyla found that he had grown on her. She decided to teach him the magic she had been practicing and they eventually learned that it was really a rare magic ability. Jaylis then learned to control it by the age of twelve. It caused a rather peculiar change and Leyla was recording and studying Jaylis's power.

    Eventually Leyla had enough observations to deduct that Jaylis had a rather unique tie with his female side that manifested in the form of a magic ability. It caught the eye of Leyla's master who was rather impressed with his apprentice's work and decided to introduce her to the Allenis Guild, a mages guild whose goal was to further the use of magic so it would be more commonplace and accepted. After that Leyla became quite busy and Jaylis pursued other interests. Luckily, the town was convinced that Jaylis wasn't anything bad, but his peers and friends were a little concerned about his/her gender and Jayis couldn't really become one of the girls or boys, so instead Jaylis holed up to reading books and studying magic, anything to alleviate his/her boredom. Learning swordsmanship, magic, cooking, strategy, and anything else Jaylis could get his/her hands or head around. Eventually Jaylis settled down on two in particular, mostly magic and strategy.

    When Jaylis was 15, his peers of both genders recognized him/her and allowed Jaylis to socialize on a more personal level. One day, when Jaylis was 17 and making a living off of his/her various skills, the town was being harassed by bandits. The guards were worried to leave the town, and anyone with fighting skill was encouraged to stay in case of an attack. Jaylis wasn't one of those people, so she decided to go along the outskirts of town as a woman in order to fight them. Before long the bandits were fearing Jaylis and getting frustrated, so thy decided to attack her. She put up a good fight until she was pinned down and defeated. Dragged back to their camp, she decided to change back into a man in order to not become their toy. It was during that time a member of the Hero's Guild showed up to do away to the impending bandits on a call after Jaylis was kidnapped. Freeing Jaylis first, the hero encouraged him to run, but he instead helped the man out.

    Impressed by Jaylis's abilities, the hero took Jaylis under his wing and introduced Jaylis to the Guild of Heroes where he now works as a hero for hire under the title of the Fox.



    Weapons & Armor: Basic plate armor for the chest, legs, and arms and a cloak enchanted to not tear and boost magic resistance.

    Weapons: A magic sword of lightning known as a Levin Sword

    Items & Personal Belongings: a pendant that helps retain gender form, a pair of magic gloves that helps one tune magic objects and control spells easier, and some shoes that negate or lessen impact from falling on one's feet.

    Skills & Abilities: Decent sword skills, fast reader, strategist, can cook, lots of trivial knowledge.

    Spells & Magic:

    Command over fire, crystal, wind, ice, light, darkness/shadow, and lightning.

    Can change gender at will or at random.

    Vitality Drain: Able to use dark magic to drain vitality. (Not used much) (Only dark magic)

    Sephilris: A light affinity spell particularly nasty against the undead and corrupted. (Only light magic)

    Weaknesses: Relies on strategy, not greatly skilled with the sword, dislikes bloodshed if it isn't necessary, very forgiving, easily trusts people.

    : Reading, practicing magic, cooking, playing games, being social, screwing with people unaware of the sex change ability.

    : "One time a guy walked in on me bathing, he got a lot of stuff thrown at him." -Female

    "People often do bad things out of negative emotions or desperation, whose to say they're truly bad people."

    "Good one. Shall I give a joke of my own?" -Male being flirted with.

Birdsie Birdsie THERE I POKE YOU HAHAHA!!!!

Name: Blaise Tavish.

Aliases: The Ebony Bear, Vessel.

Age: 42.

Gender: Male.

Race: Blaise is part of a sub-species of humanity known as a Vessel; humans who have the soul of a long dead great beast merged with their own. These beasts then use said Vessels to do their bidding, however heroic or unsavory it may be. The beasts communicate telepathically with their human shell, giving orders, advice, or simply talking for the principle of it and grant their Vessels powers reflective of those that they had in times past.

In Blaise's case, he is possesed by the Great Bear, Otso and follows his commands with undying loyalty.

Class: The Warrior.


Sexuality: Asexual. Vessels find no pleasure in sex.

High Concept: A warrior loyal to his master who will do anything to complete the task he's given him.

Character Allignment: Chaotic Good.

Relatives: Inconsequential, as he abandoned them after being possesed by his master.

Oragnizations/ Affiliations: He occasionally works with the guild but they are hesitant to grant him membership due to some of his practices being viewed as barbaric.

Personality: Blaise is a driven man who follows his master's orders without question. He is sociable when in the presence of other warriors but rarely speaks to anyone else. He believes in professionalism and efficiency, but does not stray away from torture or interrogation to get what he needs out of a person.

Backstory: Blaise was a simple farm boy when he became a Vessel. The soul of The Great Bear, Otso, whose former Vessel had recently died of natural causes, had been scowering the lands in search of his next host, eventually making his way into fields of Tavish's family farm.

He saw Tavish as a not only obedient, but noble soul, and after observing him for months, decided to inhabit him, making himself known to Blaise one night as he worked alone and giving him his directives. He was to, henceforth, serve Otso and leave his family in order to do his will.

He accepted, taking up Otso's struggle against evil forces. Now, more than twenty years later, Tavish has garnered a reputation as a fierce but noble warrior and his name is whispered around the fires of caravans and the beerhalls of many a village.



Weapons and Armor

Curved Broadsword- Blaise uses a long, curving broadsword fashioned by traditional means. While it has no magical abilities, he is proficient with the blade and uses it to lethal efficiency.

Battleaxe- On occasion, Tavish will forgo his sword for a double bladed battleaxe. He prefers to use it against heavily armored or enchanted foes.

Black and Gold Masked Armor- This set of armor was forged by a grateful blacksmith in return for saving his town from an infestation of the undead. It works as any traditional armor should, protecting him from any blunt, slicing, or stabbing damage but is weak to magic. This armor is what earned Tavish his alias, the Ebony Bear.

-A small satchel of coin including currency from every region.

-Four days' provisions.

- Kundavi; a religious text held sacred by Vessels.

-Ink, Quills, and Pens.

Skills and Abilities.

-Man-at-Arms: Blaise is a master of traditional weapons and tactics.

-Determined: When Tavish sets out to do his master's will, he knows that there is no alternative to victory. Because of this, Blaise can keep himself driven through even the most excruciating moments of pain and suffering.

-Level Headed- Blaise can keep cool and collected under pressure and hardly ever succumbs to genuine fear.

Spells and Magic
- Inhuman Strength: When Otso inhabited him, Tavish was, quite literally, given the strength of a bear. Because of this, he can perform feats of strength most would find impossible and is a deadly foe to face in combat.

-Endurance: Also being transferred to Blaise was the ability to withstand more punishment than most beings. While there are most certainly limits to this ability, no theif is going to get lucky and stab him in the gut.

-Communication with Otso: As his Vessel, Blaise can freely communicate telepathically with Otso.


-Superstition: While Blaise sees it as a positive, his religious views make him very wary of certain people, groups, and locations. He does not like to converse with those who practice black magic or necromancy and is sometimes skiddish around certain species.

-Occasional Masochism: Sometimes when in battle, Otso's killer instinct can be passed onto Blaise, making him thirst for the blood of his enemies, even if they have surrendered.

-No Arcane Inclination: Aside from the abilities given to him by his master, Blaise has no aptitude for magic, which can spell trouble for him when facing a magician, sorceror, or wizard.


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Aliases: The lord of fire
Age: 326 ( looks extremely young)
Gender: Male
Race: Fox demon ( kitsune)
Class: The beast / Summoner

High Concept: a selfish, cunning fox who enjoys being an asshole
Character Alignment: True neutral
Relatives: None that he knows of
Organizations\Affiliations: The guild ( when the rp kicks off, he'll join )
Personality: Matsuo is a very cocky demon who only seems to care only for his self. He's extremely cunning and sly, able to deceive almost anyone. All he cares about is being respected by others. The fox isn't all that dedicated to his intentions, he's lazy and expects things to be done for him. Matsuo tends to blow up if something doesn't go his way, other then that, he's actually really chill. Despite his selfish nature, Matsuo has a soft side of him
Backstory: A long time ago, Matsuo was appointed to protect the land along side three other. They became the four demons lords. The dragon demon, the lord of water. The Hou-ou demon, Lord of the skies and wind. The foo dog demon , the leader of the four lords, the lord of earth and nature. lastly, matsuo the fox demon that became the lord of fire. The four of them had protected land, making sure the balance and order was kept. However, Matsuo became became obsessed with power and scared the people by scorching the land with fire. People had feared him, and order to kept the land from burning, They had no choice to follow the fox demon's rule

A few years later, The earth Lord had went to bad Matsuo, who was ruling a large nation. The earth lord had help from mage, who then casted a powerful sleeping on Matsuo after the earth lord weaken him from battle. Afterwards, The earth lord locked Matsuo in a chamber under ground.

Years have pasted and sleeping spell has broken. For two years, Matsuo has wondered the new world, clueless. He can't remember to much about his past thanks to the spell he was under

: ^
Weapons & Armor:
A Katana that he found in chambers
Items & Personal Belongings: just a flute
Skills & Abilities:
deceiving : He's able use his smarts to trick or fool others
Instruments; Pretty snazzy with a flute
Spells & Magic:
Foxfire; Matsuo is able to use a will-o-wisp like fire . He's also able to bend or shape it
Summoning; He summon Fox like creatures, both anthro like or feral like
Transformation; Matsuo is able to transform into his giant fox form
Weaknesses: After the spell wore off and Matsuo awoken, half of his power had depleted. Also, he can not stay in his beast from as long as he wants to anymore. No less then an 30 minutes. Afterwards, he becomes very drained

He just enjoys playing the flute
Quote\s: "Is that any way to treat a lord? "
Theme; -​
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    Viviette Arbeider
    Basic Information
    Name: Viviette Arbeider
    Alias: The Mini Boss; Guild of Heroes Liaison of Quests
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Demon
    Class: Bartending Brawler
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    High Concept: A badmouth demon who was raised by a priest and hands out quests to guildmembers, while serving drinks and the occasional punch to the gut.
    Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Relative: Leon Arbeider - Father (both religious and adopted)
    Organizations/Affiliations: Guild of Heroes - Liaison of Quests (She does the listing of all the quests the guildmembers can take up)
    Personality: A badmouth, a fighter, and a punk. That pretty much sums it up. Viviette Arbeider is your rebellious teenager, who just sits around all day, the kind that just shouts and complains while yelling "Ya wanna fight?!" Except, she can actually beat up people proper. She may be a demon, but she knows good from bad, well as much as Father Leon taught her. She's takes humor lightly and likes to throw a few punches herself. Her love life is nonexistent, due to her adopted Father. She's okay with people calling her out on being a demon, but people use it to trash her, and like really trash her, she gets a feisty. She gets really feisty if you call her drink bad (it's actually pretty good, tbh).

    Backstory: Viviette was a baby when she was picked up by Father Leon on his way out of hell. Well, that's start of Viviette's "badass" origin story, and the end of our ponderance into that line of thinking. In truth, she has almost no idea of how she came to be. Father Leon would always tell her "in the cave of a great mountain" or "on the edge of a volcano," so she kinda gave up knowing. The one thing she does know is that her Swords of Strength and Power was with her. So she considers it her birthright.

    Anyway, she grew up under the guidance of Father Leon, adopting his surname as her own, something she did reluctantly since Father Leon did seem kinda, ahem, "cool enough." Father Leon instilled in her the value of pride, goodwill, and respect (that last one is debatable, but considering Father Leon's free range parenting style and Viviette refusal to fight him anymore than the friendly bickering, meh, I guess she does have some respect).

    Well, after several incidents, she was "forced to" put her swords away, and have since been slowly repairing itself. When the duo came to Albion, Father Leon thought it best to force her to work at the Guild of Heroes. She chose the laziest job possible, and has since been called the Mini Boss, since she almost seemed like the floor boss of a dungeon, always in the same place, handing out quests, and being volatile at times. She somehow got enough gold to open a small bar where she gave out quests, inside the Fort, mind you.
    Weapons & Armor:
    • Swords of Strength and Power - Viviette's birthright. The two swords are old and damaged, one has a crack through it. It is inscribed with spells and enchantments, which gives her more power. She is actually able to draw on its power without wielding them. They are stored in two large containers that slowly repair them.
    • Outfit - Since more of the top can be seen in the image, I'll only describe the bottom half. She is wearing a short (like really really short) skirt, buckled by a white leather belt. Underneath black tights and dark blue raised shoes that make her look 1 inch taller than she really is (she's 5 foot 2 inches not counting the horns).
    Items & Belongings:
    • Restoration Containers - Two large enchanted containers that slowly repair her swords. It came with the swords.
    • Gold - Look, it's a commission for how many quests she gives outs.
    Skills & Abilities:
    • Demonic Brawler - She will beat you to a pulp, and that's if you're lucky you don't get stabbed by her horns when she headbutts you. High attack, high stamina, high agility. The usual
    • Demonic Death Stare - What did you expect? She is a demon, it's almost a must that her death stare be scary (if not, a bit teen angsty).
    • Bartender - She's getting better at it. She's just not good with restorative drinks.
    • Past Dualwielder - She hasn't used them in a long long time, so she's not too sure how good she is anymore, but she's still willing to use them.
    • Holy Tolerance - Due to her familial relationship with Father Leon, she's gotten use to low level holy magic, including holy water. Well, kinda on the holy water, it won't burn her, but it'll feel like she poked something spiky.
    Spells & Magic: Almost all her magic is derived from her swords
    • Hellfire Punch - Her fists (or weapon) are engulfed in a hot pink flame and leave extreme burns on her opponents.
    • Grand Strength - She gains a lot of strength, enough to destroy boulders 10 times her size.
    • Call of Blades - Her ultimate move, in which her final punch spawns a massive black and red sword to come down from the sky, dealing intense dark damage and a great deal of physical pain.
    Weaknesses - She's a close combat, rude teenager. It should be easy to beat her with some higher level holy magic. I'm not saying anymore than that.
    Additional Notes
    Hobbies - Eating food, making jokes, complaining, and drinking (it's a new one for her). She also likes to get in fights, but is often too lazy to.
    Quotes: "Whatcha looking at?"
    "I ain't that short!"
    "What did you say about my brew?"

Sorry for mild use of profanity!
upload_2017-8-4_3-20-22.pngName: Kali Yajuuka
Aliases: None yet
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Wendigo
The wendigo or windigo is a cannibal monster or evil spirit that appears as a monster with some characteristics of a human, or as a spirit who has possessed a human being and made them become monstrous. It is historically associated with cannibalism, murder, insatiable greed, and the cultural taboos against such behaviours. They are strongly associated with famine and starvation.

[Basil Johnston, an Ojibwe teacher and scholar from Ontario, gives a description of a wendigo:
"The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation, its desiccated skin pulled tightly over its bones. With its bones pushing out against its skin, its complexion the ash gray of death, and its eyes pushed back deep into their sockets, the Wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave. What lips it had were tattered and bloody [....] Unclean and suffering from suppurations of the flesh, the Wendigo gave off a strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption."]

The Wendigo is seen as the embodiment of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims.
Humans who became overpowered by greed could turn into wendigos, however, humans could also turn into wendigos by being in contact with them for too long.
Class: Monster Knight (Barbarian)/Summoner

: Heterosexual with some bisexual tendencies
High Concept: Good natured barbarian with a literal monster inside.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Mother and father, both deceased
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes

Personality: Friendly and polite around people she isn't good friends with. Generally happy but a little shy. Once she decides that she likes someone, though (as long as she determines that they can handle it), she tends to be much more sarcastic and tends to give them a hard time, enjoying riling them up. She doesn't mean anything bad by it, and she tries to avoid anything that is actually hurtful, really it's just her way of showing that she cares. She fully expects those that she gives a hard time to to give her a hard time in return. She enjoys bickering to a point, as long as it is kept light-hearted, and is often contrarian just to tease her friends. She can sometimes come off as a bit mean to people on the outside looking in, but she actually is a nice person. If she doesn't like you, however, she'll be much more rude in conversation and will generally attempt to ignore you. Luckily, there are few people who she outright just doesn't like, more just people that she doesn't care for or doesn't know well enough yet.

Despite her friendly and polite personality around acquaintances, she does not take shit from people. You can insult her or her friends in a malicious manner, she will engage in an argument, which sometimes leads to physical fighting. Also, she really likes puns and bad/cheesy jokes...like, a lot. Telling such jokes is a quick way to get on her good side.

Backstory: Kali grew up in a civilization to the north that was mostly confined in the jungles and forests. It was there that she learned how to scavenge, how to hunt, how to move silently amongst the trees and the shrubbery and snow to sneak up on her prey. She learned how to generally avoid damage, and how to take a hit, and how to ignore pain and just keep going. Basically, she learned a lot about nature, animals, and her particular style of fighting.

Though they lived in peace with neighboring civilizations, Kali's village had its own hardships. Winters were particularly hard on herr people, as food became more difficult to come by. During one particularly harsh winter, Kali's village was basically destroyed by famine. Crop yields had been low that fall, and hunts were coming back unsuccessful, causing many to suffer. Kali herself almost succumbed to starvation, her parents had already starved to death before her. Most of her village was dead...and those who survived became desperate. In her village, there were tales of creatures called Wendigos. It was said that those who were driven mad by famine and, in their desperation to stay alive, turned on their comrades and turned to cannibalism would sometimes become possessed by evil spirits of sorts, becoming a monster with an insatiable lust for human flesh...

Kali was desperate. Her parents were already dead, those in her village were already dead...She did what she had to in order to survive, and discovered first-hand the origin of the tales of the wendigo. Kali was not fully possessed by the spirits, however. She remains mostly human, and is generally not some sort of flesh-seeking monster. However, she gained a sort of summoning ability for these creatures, and a transformation into the wendigo monster of sorts. Since her village was destroyed by famine, Kali left, traveling south, away from the harsher winters, and eventually hearing word of a guild of heroes. She traveled to Fort Black to join up with the guild, and though she has been accepted in, she is still new there, currently placed in the 'untrustworthy' category.

: 5'6" in height. The picture is of the clothes she adventures in/goes into battle with, when she is not going into combat she wears regular, more conservative clothes.
A vague representation of her wendigo form. This form is 15 feet tall standing straight. Any sign of gender is gone in this form.

Weapons & Armor:
  • Staff: A long staff that is taller than her, enchanted so it does not break. Good for whacking people on the head (or other parts of their body) and defending against weapon blows. Also helps to focus her summoning, though it is not required for it, it just makes it easier.
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Barbarian Clothes: Though it does nothing in the way of protection, Kali's clothing that she wears into battle does actually serve a purpose. Aside from providing freedom of movement, they are enchanted to enhance her speed and endurance, as well as her stealth, allowing her to move more silently. They are also enchanted not to fall off or become destroyed when she changes into wendigo form.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Endurance: She may not have much in the way of armor, but this means that she tends to have much more endurance than her foes. While an armored opponent might want to finish a battle quickly to keep from tiring out (after all, armor is a bit restricting in the whole breathing area), Kali would rather let the battle go on longer, wearing her opponent out and making it easier to finish them off while she is still going strong. She can also keep up a running pace a lot longer than most others, and just generally has good endurance all around the board.
    • Can take a hit - Kali can take a hit and keep on fighting, which is good due to her lack of defense.
  • Speed: She is decently fast in her human body, and dexterous enough to avoid most blows.
  • Hard Hitter: While she isn't the strongest person out there, Kali is still very strong and she knows how to pack a punch. Putting power behind an attack is good, yes, but it's also prudent to know where to hit to do the most damage. She has no qualms about dealing out several less powerful attacks in short succession -- paying attention to hit the most vulnerable parts of her foes -- in order to weaken her opponent before dealing out a stronger hit to send them reeling.
  • Berserker: In battle, Kali seems to get stronger the more damaged she gets, almost as if a rage comes over her body. If she is starting from her regular human form, she is still self aware enough for quite a while with this ability, but as time wears on and she collects more damage, her body slowly starts to transform more and more into a wendigo form, until she has completed the transformation and starts to lose her sense of self and goes completely berserk for a time. If she had already willingly transformed into the wendigo form previously, her power levels still rise, but she does not take as much damage before losing her sense of self and going into her berserk rage, but she also returns from such a state more quickly.
  • Survivor/Avoid Death: This goes hand-in-hand with her berserker ability, but if Kali is in her human form and is harmed enough that she would die (say, a sudden death rather than slowly building up damage and transforming), she is automatically forced into her Wendigo form, which is more difficult to kill. She has no conscious control over herself in such a case, being automatically thrust into her full berserk mode as well. If she isn't killed in this form, she will remain in it until she is healed (though good luck getting close enough to heal her), or able to feed enough to heal herself to the point where she isn't dying anymore, though if this takes too long, she might not be able to turn back to her human form, or at least not without great trouble, basically being lost to the wendigo.
  • Wendigo Form: [See above in appearance for picture reference] Kali begins to take on monstrous features, to a varying degree, in a painful transformation. In full wendigo form, Kali barely resembles a human anymore, but rather a monstrous, emaciated creature with impossibly long and skinny limbs and hands and feet that end in exaggerated claws, mouth more of a maw of sharp teeth, and sunken in eyes that are inhuman and vaguely glow in darkness. In this form, she is very, very tall, about 15 feet in height standing straight, though she is usually crouched and more animalistic in her stance. Partial transformations lead to only partial wendigo traits and benefits, but after a full transformation, Kali is left weakened to the point where she can't really even walk. Something like summoning the wendigo claws is relatively safe, but taking on the physical abilities alone causes much more strain, so on and so forth up to the full form. She also does not like to stay in this form for long, as the longer she stays in such a form, the more she takes on its monstrous tendencies and taste for humanoid flesh.
    • Tough Hide: Skin is hardened and becomes much more difficult to pierce and damage, leading to greater defense.
    • Natural Weapons: Teeth and claws are the natural weapons of the wendigo, and they are deadly. Her claws alone are hard as mythril, able to stop and deflect swords and blades.
    • Strength: A direct blow from a wendigo can send a grown man flying backwards through the air if unprepared. Surprising strength, for such skinny limbs.
    • Speed: Speed is raised, being able to sprint about as fast as a cheetah, though with similar stamina issues at such a speed, plus actual dexterity is decreased as it is more difficult to quickly change directions to avoid attacks. If not running at top speed, endurance is similar to her human form endurance running and battle wise, but greater when it comes to being able to take a hit and keep going thanks to the increased defense of the form.
    • Enhanced Senses: Hearing is enhanced, and her night vision is phenomenal, as wendigos prefer to hunt at night. Sense of smell is fairly normal, except when it comes to the scent of blood, then she can sniff it out from afar and track it back to its source.
    • Resistance to cold/More susceptible to fire: Icy and snowy forests are the wendigo's terrain. Cold does little to bother the wendigo's thick hide, and won't slow it down much, if at all. This means that ice magic is also less effective against the creature. On the other hand, the wendigo is more susceptible to heat and fire, and fire magics do more much more damage than they would otherwise. In some myths, fire is the only way to kill a wendigo, but really there are other ways, fire is just the easiest.
    • Healing Flesh: If a wendigo consumes humanoid flesh, they are able to use that energy to heal their injuries to an extent (though not as well as healing magic). Eating the flesh of the race that the wendigo originally was (in this case, human) is more efficient at healing than eating other humanoid races, so the wendigo usually seeks out this meal more than any other. Eating flesh may help to heal the creature, but it does not satisfy its hunger, leaving the monster wanting more and more. In this way, consuming flesh is incredibly dangerous for Kali (not to mention gross, anyway), as it could cause her to succumb to the wendigo fully.
Spells & Magic:
  • Summon Wendigo Familiar: While in her human form (or mostly in human form), Kali can summon a wendigo familiar to fight with her. This familiar looks much like she does in wendigo form, but a bit smaller, standing at around 10 feet tall. The familiar has many of the same benefits as Kali's wendigo form listed above, but to a lesser extent. This creature is dependent on Kali's orders, and therefore will not attack on its own. It is most powerful when it is summoned as Kali is in full human form, and becomes weaker the farther into wendigo transformation that Kali is in until it can no longer be sustained at Kali's current transformation level and simply disappears. It is also weaker (or unable to be summoned at all) if Kali doesn't have much mana. It takes a decent amount of mana to summon the creature, though, once summoned, it only takes a small amount of mana to maintain.
Later on, Kali will gain the ability to summon different forms of the wendigo creature with slightly different abilities, like this (amongst others):
She will eventually also be able to maintain two of these creatures at one time, though weaker than when she only has one summoned. Eventually, she may even be able to alter her own wendigo form into these variations.
  • Fondness of Children and Animals: She likes children, and is very protective of them, but she feels awkward around them, as if she doesn't know how to act. As for animals, especially furry ones, she feels a kinship and understanding towards them, and tends to get distracted by them fairly easily. Either way, if a child or an animal (who is not feral and/or trying to eat her or her friends or the like) are in trouble or are being harmed, Kali immediately goes into protective mode and will march in to save them, regardless of the situation. This can lead to her getting into some sticky situations, as she often charges headfirst without thinking things through in such cases.
  • Magic: She really doesn't have much of a defense against magic. The exception is cold magic in her wendigo form, but this also leads her to a greater weakness to fire magic.
  • Lack of Defense: Get past her dodging and her constant attacks, and hits can do a lot of damage on unprotected flesh. Especially susceptible to arrows, though she'll often use her wendigo familiar to block these long-range attacks. This is less of a problem in her wendigo form, which is more defensive, but it is still a problem.
  • Poison: Even her wendigo form can't do much against poison.
  • Threat of Becoming a Monster: Though Kali's alignment is neutral good, she is always at risk of succumbing to the wendigo inside. In human form and away from battle, she is usually just fine, but the farther into battle she gets, the more her deep-seated hunger for flesh grows...It also doesn't help that those who spend time around wendigos are more likely to become one, and she spends plenty of time with her wendigo familiars.
    • Danger to Allies: If Kali goes berserk, it doesn't matter if you are her enemy or ally, as she won't be able to tell the difference and everyone becomes a target. Because of this, if she is not going on a solo mission, she will often end up hindering herself by not using her wendigo transformation at all if she can help it, though she'll still use her wendigo familiar to battle.
  • Susceptible After Transformation: After having transformed into a wendigo, once Kali transforms back, she is basically a sitting duck. Both her mana and stamina will have been depleted, leaving her unable to even walk, much less carry on in battle. Depending on the circumstances of her transformation, she may or may not be conscious, and recovering from the event can take quite a lot of time.
  • Mana: If she runs out of mana, she won't be able to use her wendigo familiar, leaving her fighting options a bit more limited, and possibly forcing her hand when it comes to transforming herself.

  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Petting animals
"Hey, can you lick your elbow? Cause I can. Wanna see?" *Proceeds to lick that person's elbow instead of her own*

(In response to criticism on her battle outfit being skimpy) "Hey, you're just lucky I'm not out here fighting naked! ...Yet."


Birdsie Birdsie


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: Allen Deschain
Aliases: That F*cking Drunk Bastard
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Gunslinger/Drunkard

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Talented gunslinger looking to find a new place in the world, but until then, drinking will do.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: All dead
Organizations\Affiliations: Nope (Will just be arriving at the guild)
Personality: Allen had a life in the past. That life had ended in a storm of fire and ash. Now, Allen wanders around, searching for his place in the world. He doesn't know where he'll find it, and is losing hope. But he continues to search, bolstered by raw will and excessive amounts of alcohol. Allen didn't was a good man, and maybe he still is, he just needs to prove it again.

Drunk or not, Allen is a gruff and aggressive man, but after years on the road with only a pet crow for company, he just desparately wants a friend and a place where he can rest and feel welcome. He has a very set view of right and wrong, and is willing to fight for what is right, even if it means using dirty tactics. If one manages to pierce his tough exterior, Allen can prove himself to be a very reliable, albeit unhinged, friend and ally.
Not much is known about Allen's history. However if you were to go visit a certain bartender who works in a certain bar within a certain village located in a certain countryside, then he may tell you what he knows. Maybe he would tell you about how one night, a certain man wandered into the bar; His clothes and body were all singed save for a funny hat that he wore and a belt that hung around his waist with several odd instruments hanging from it. The man hadn't responded when the bartender had asked "what the hell happened to you," except to request a large tankard of ale. The man drained the entire tankard in less than a minute, and then had inquired as to whether the bartender had seen a dragon lately, particularly a big red one. "Why yes, we've been having problems with it," the bartender had replied, "It's been stealing a lot of our livestock." The man had then nodded and then said "Do you know where it is?"

"Um, not sure, but I think it flw somewhere west." The man nodded once again. He then stood up and said to the bartender "I'll be right back," and left. For some reason, the bartender had not felt the need to coerce him into paying. The bartender didn't go home that night. Instead, he waited at his bar, repeatedly washing the tables and reorganizing the cups. If you asked him why, the bartender couldn't answer exactly, but would only say "Something was going to happen." Then, when the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, the door to the bar slammed open. The same man stood in the doorway. His shirt had been burned away, exposing his bare torso. His hat was charred black and his pants had been torn up to the knees. Smoke drifted off of him, with some coming from the strange metal tools on his belt. The man approached the awestruck bartender, reached into his bag, and pulled out a gleaming gold cup. He left the cup on the counter, and said to the bartender "for your trouble" and turned back towards the door. The bartender squeaked out "where are you going?" The man paused, and looked back at the man. "To find a new home" he answered, and closed the door behind him.


Weapons & Armor: No armor
Has two old-fashioned revolvers
Has an old-fashioned rifle


Items & Personal Belongings: Hip Flask (That's what's most important)
Has a pet crow that he likes to call Russel
Skills & Abilities: Superb Marksman
Near-Superhuman reflexes
Talented Brawler
Quick thinker
Resistant to fire
Good with birds

Spells & Magic: Nope
Weaknesses: Volatile and reckless, given his past and his inclination torward drinking
Not very respectful toward authority
Not the toughest person in terms of physical durability

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Drinking
Fighting people
"At worst, we'll die"
"You think you're hot shit with all your little magic tricks, but if you try me, you'll be dead before you even open your mouth"
"You wanted to go? Let's go then."
"For your trouble"
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: Baxter Stargazer
Aliases: Shopkeeper or Guild merchant
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Merchant

: Heterosexual
High Concept: Your average guild merchant that you don't want to mess with when outsmarting his prices.
Character Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Fredrick Stargazer- Biological father
  • Mona Stargazer- Biological mother
  • Chloe Stargazer- Younger sister
Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of heroes

: Despite his rather non friendly appearance. He is genuinely kind and compassionate. His calm and blunt face is what you'll see from him almost all the time. He is completely approachable and is willing to give advice when needed. His negative side seems to be rarely shown. No hint of genuine fear comes out of the man, so scaring him won't be easy. Getting to his bad side is hard to trigger but when he does run out of patience he gets ticked off like any other regular human tries to fight for the sake of him being right. He's a bit of a social awkward individual when he starts a conversation first.

Ever since the day he was born. He has enjoyed his childhood life like any normal child in his village. The village is rather small but well worth of living. Peace and discipline runs the village. In fact no criminals have ever been caught inside the village. As he grew older. He leaned to do the basic works of his families business, which was a shop keeping business. Unlike the shop he rruns in the guild. There shop only sells home cook food and potions. On his 20th birthday. His mother gave birth to his beloved younger sister, Chloe Stargazer. As happy as he is that day. An alternate event must take place. Soon as the day he received his first sibling.

Bandits came over the small village and raided the place. No poor unfortunate soul survived such carnage. The whole village was turned into ruins. Dead bodies scattered to the floor. Baxter has no other choice but to take his sister away from the village as he promised his parents to protect his baby sister. Now he dedicates his life to guild and swore to give the greatest service of shop keeping anyone inside the guild has ever seen. Here, is where he raised his baby sister all on his own.


(Neck accessory not included)

Weapons & Armor

  • Iron Swordbreaker: This odd looking sword is holstered to his side all the time. It's teeth shaped design can break iron swords and other bladed weapons with ease. It has been known to have broken 223 swords in total.
  • Light chainmail armor: This standard metal armor is worn under his clothing.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Iron forging mallet
  • Coin bag
Skills & Abilities:
  • Master blacksmith
  • Potion brewer (Only mana and health potions though)
  • Weapon enchantment novice (Decently skilled)
  • Master cook
  • Basic general weapons/armor repair
Spells & Magic: None

  • Human Physiology
  • Fighting till death
  • Will do anything in return for his little sister's safety

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Spending time with his baby sister, Polishing his skills, Sitting in complete silence
Quote\s: "Is there anything i can help you with?"
: Chloe Stargazer
Aliases: Flower girl, The guild child (Most popular nickname), Red
Age: 6
Race: Human
Class: Unidentified/Unofficial

: Heterosexual
High Concept: That sweet baby faced child that roams inside the guild's interiors and gives out fresh and well scented flowers to any guild members for free.
Character Alignment: Lawful good
  • Fredrick Stargazer- Biological father
  • Mona Stargazer- Biological mother
  • Baxter Stargazer- Older brother

Organizations\Affiliations: Guild of Heroes (Maybe Unofficial)
Personality: Contrasting his older brother Baxter. Chloe is known for two things. Being a sweet, polite child and very naive little girl. She is a happy go lucky child who radiates happiness wherever she goes. Just like any other child. She does get moody when being emotionally hurt. Due to being naive. It's easy to deceive the kiddo. She has never been seen in a bad attitude when talking to older individuals. She can literally talk to anyone without knowing the consequences, even if they are complete strangers. Didn't i also mention she has a hard time pronouncing a couple of words?

: Check Baxter's backstory. In addition growing up inside the Guild was something for Chloe. Although she has been thought and raised well by his older brother. Growing up further. Baxter didn't really focus on her education much since he's busy. This made Chloe inspired to become like his brother. Giving out "free" items on what people need, or at least what she thinks his bro is doing. So one day she suddenly started to give out flowers. Asking her why she does such a thing will give you a heart warming answer


Weapons & Armor: None

Items & Personal Belongings
  • A bouquet of random colorful flowers (Includes: Tulips, Dandelions, Gardenias, Orchids, even red roses)
  • Small coin pouch
Skills & Abilities:
  • Heart of a lover- Known to be one of the most kindest girl one could meet. She seems to have a great ability to comfort almost anyone she tries to lighten up. It's almost like she's born to give love to others
Spells & Magic: None

  • Fragile Human Physiology
  • Very Naive
  • Emotionally sensitive

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Giving out free flowers, Playing with Guild members, Collecting flowers.
Quote\s: "A flower for you!"
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: Xander
Aliases: the Wyvern, Fireheart (if he becomes a true knight)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon-Blooded Human. A bloodline of humans that traces back to mysterious relations with the legendary creatures and inherited some of their powers.
Class: Dragon Knight

: Straight, bi-curious
High Concept: Brash, overzealous young warrior with the heart of a dragon.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Relatives: His dead mother and mysterious father (Possibly TBR)
Organizations/Affiliations: Briefly, a small fighter's guild and a wizard's apprenticeship, now the guild.
Personality: Xander is brash and warlike to the point of overconfidence and recklessness. He'll rush into combat without thinking for a second, even if the enemy he's facing is beyond him or if it would be wiser to resolve the situation non-violently, and has difficulty using complex tactics. Despite this, he's a true hero (or at least believes himself one), and will only attack those he knows are truly evil. For the most part, he's really friendly to people that are friendly with him, especially if they share similar personalities. Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't still constantly itching for a fight.
Backstory: Xander, along with his, mother, was born in service of the Callisters, a minor noble house in the west. He never knew his father, his mother refusing to tell until he came of age, if at all. In his early life, Xander was a simple servant, which he didn't hate, but everything changed when he first picked up a sword. He began practicing with the Callister boys as a hobby, realizing that he was destined for the life of a warrior. His mother was against his ambitions, though Xander could never tell why. He began to practice more and more, until around the age of 15, he discovered his draconic powers. He kept them a secret but increased his martial training even further, joining a fighter's guild much to his mother's disapproval. He had a few small adventures, defending the town from goblin raiders and tracking down a lone demonic priest. Rumors of Xander's powers began to break out, and before he knew it a group of strange masked men attacked the village, killing his mother and nearly capturing him. He was forced into the wilderness, where he eventually found his refuge in the tower of the lone wizard Kaeus. It was there that he learned more about his bloodline, and that there was some sort of evil cult that wanted to exterminate them. Believing that the bloodline would make him a talented wizard, Kaeus attempted to train Xander in the arcane arts, but to no avail; he lacked the patience and intelligence necessary to learn traditional wizardry. And after the death of his mother, Xander had gained even more incentive to become a heroic adventurer. So as Kaeus realized that he would give no more help, he gave him an enchanted spear as his final gift and set him off to join the Guild.


Weapons & Armor: Xander wields an enchanted glaive that can glow with fire upon speaking a command word. He wears a set of scale mail and also carries a handful of throwing knives.
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: He's an strong, skilled and fearless front-line fighter, and extremely athletic due to being descended from dragons. Occasionally, he can be commanding and intimidating too.
Spells & Magic: Due to his draconic bloodline, Xander is immune to fire. In the heat of combat, he can sometimes enter a Draconic Aspect, which causes him to grow patches of red scales, claws and miniature wings. In this form, his strength and durability are doubled, and if he's really enraged, he can breathe blasts of fire. Kaeus has stated that Xander may theoretically be able to fully transform into a dragon with enough power and focus, but such a feat is beyond him for now.
Weaknesses: He's naive and reckless, and has trouble fighting cautiously and waiting patiently. He's also a little bit more susceptible to cold than most people.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: When he's not fighting or sparring, he's still usually doing that suits his adventurous spirit, like exploring, or justt hanging out with his companions.
Quote: "The more you try to convince me to surrender, the harder you'll convince me to keep fighting!"
Or pretty much anything by Dragonforce.


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: Glitcher

Aliases: Glitch

Age: For a while. They never started to count. Probably in their teenage years.

Gender: Agender

Race: Phobia Manifestation. (Erratophobia, Fear of Error)

Class: Tinkerer


: Pansexual

High Concept: A shifting sea of uncertainty, and sass.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Relatives: Nope, They popped outta nowhere.

Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild (Probably Later in the RP)

Personality: Glitch can be very kind towards you if they want something, just to put you off guard. They may not be a very sinister silhouette but they can make your skin get goosebumps with their words. They are manipulative and can get you to believe things that aren't true, maybe even make you spiral into doubt. Though mostly they try to be an important figure in people's lives.

Backstory: They are the manifestation of Erratophobia (Fear of Error). They got betrayed a few times more than they should have, making them a bit untrusty. Glitch has taken to choosing a victim to feed of their fear, sometimes driving the victim to kill themselves. They traveled around, picking up skills and developing who they are before coming to town were the guild resides in. This is currently their 209th reincarnation.


: 5"9' with slightly athletic build, and with their skin a dark shade of tan. They have bright green eyes, one slightly lighter than the other. They have splotches of freckles on their shoulders, cheeks, and forehead. They have curly platinum hair shaved at the sides and back, but long enough at the top to be held back in a man bun. They walk barefoot, though they sometimes wear sandals. They have green pants and a skintight tank top, both connected together by blue ribbon. Glitch sports a dark blue cloak with a hood.

Weapons & Armor: Slingshot (for longer ranges). Dagger. Wears shin and arm guards and a bronze plated helmet.

Items & Personal Belongings: Scarf. A tool belt with various small tools, like hammers and screwdrivers. A Slingshot. And a Dagger.

Skills & Abilities: very fast and can move silently. keen sense of hearing. Lock-Picking. Rigging complex contraptions or traps. Can handle an impressive amount of weight. They are also adept in acrobatics.

Spells & Magic: Self-Healing. Shield of whatever material available. Causing hallucinations, mostly used to make their opponent back down, but they need to be very close, like physically. Teleportation but for only small distances, like three yards

Weaknesses: They're afraid of being a ghost, (i.e. being ignored) Very low self-esteem, maybe a bit of self-hatred, kinda self-destructive. They have some sort of weird depression, they can display emotion, but tend to feel all or none at all. They also have a very high fear of drowning or being fully submerged in water.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: Art & Crafts. Writing. Baking. Collecting rocks. They also play the cello. Playing around with their flexibility.

Quote\s: "Let the be anarchy." "And then. . . they died. The End." "I love this rock more than I love myself." "Let your imagination flow, boy, you can do anything because no one will care~."

Theme: Michael In The Bathroom - Be More Chill
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Svala "Beastbane" Rycliffe

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Nord)
Class: Warrior Huntress (Utilizes melee weapons when hunting)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: Once a great leader, now taken down a few pegs.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Too many to name (lots of inbreeding in her clan)
Organizations\Affiliations: Clan Rycliffe
Personality: Svala is good enough with conversation, though she prefers to stay back and watch. She does not offer her trust freely, simply because she is so accustomed to the politics of clan leadership. Her experience in surviving the wild means she does have a dark side, especially when on the hunt. It can get quite...bloody. She holds herself with dignity and demands respect from those around her.

Backstory: Born into a mountain clan, Svala's life was rough growing up. She learned quickly not to make any friends, as she often lost them to trials of survival and fighting ability. She showed early signs of prodigy and bloodlust, making her a candidate for clan matron.

She fought ruthlessly to the top. By age 23 she was named matron. And as is custom, was given a husband from a neighboring clan. He was the largest, hairiest, and most feared man in the mountains. He had no power within the clan. His sole purpose was to protect the matron and give her strong children. Svala was quite happy with him. Likewise he did have a soft spot for her, where he showed everyone else stern apathy.

Only four years later, at the peak of her reign, she was challenged. A woman a couple years older than her wanted to battle to the death for the title of matron. Svala accepted. She took her opponent down without mercy. She was so enraged by the woman daring to contest her authority that she ordered her body to be quartered and thrown to be eaten by wolves (a huge dishonor which is inappropriate for a fair duel).

The clan was so surprised by this act of cruelty that they forced her to step down as matron. Her husband had no choice but to disown her and accept the new leader. Svala couldn't face the shame of stepping down, and exiled herself from the mountains. She would go to live on her own in the wilderness for some time before she found herself in need of companionship.

Weapons & Armor: Svala proudly wears the pelt of the first bear she killed around her neck, and has a light chain armor beneath to protect her. Her helmet was specially made by a neighboring clan, to honor her young prowess. The rest is a medium armor crafted by her clan's master tanner. She uses a silver battleaxe (a wedding gift) and a dark wooden shield in combat.
Items & Personal Belongings: A collection of fangs, claws, and other trophies from her best kills kept in a vial around the neck for good luck. A knife she uses to skin and gut her kills. Her wedding band (on the same string around her neck).
Skills & Abilities: Svala knows how to make many animal calls. She is skilled in stealth as well as melee combat. She can be very persuasive. She can hunt and cook almost anything, and has much survival knowledge.
Spells & Magic: None.
Weaknesses: Having lived in the mountains for most of her life, Svala is unfamiliar with many aspects of the outside world. While she has plenty of experience hunting animals, she has never encountered any magical beings. She is not often in a positive mood, as she holds much regret in her heart. She is not confident in her decisions anymore, making her a poor leader.


Hobbies: Widdling, bird watching, cooking, meditating
Quote\s: "I take to prayer when I think something could go wrong, then curse like a demon when it finally does."
"I don't get much sleep these nights...I don't need it. What I need is more mead."
"Don't you dare speak to me that way. You don't want to know what happened to the last woman to do that."


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Name: Yana-Qari.

Aliases: No known ones.

Age: He appears to be in his mid-20s.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Class: Arcane Lorekeeper. Essentially, he manages the libraries and knowledge of the Guild but his presence is often requested if there happens to be something involving great magic in a mission – whether it be an artefact, a powerful mage or powerful background magic. He is also well versed in several ancient languages and often acts as a translator in historical places that the Guild may venture to.


Sexuality: Heterosexual.

High Concept: A man of dubious past and of magical mystery.

Character Alignment: He seems to be like a Chaotic Neutral, only really acting for his own purposes.

Relatives: None. No records of any family exist, no words on the street are said, no nothing. Yana-Qari doesn’t appear to be anyone, so to speak.

Organizations\Affiliations: The Guild of Heroes (obviously).

Personality: Yana-Qari is sinister, to best put it. He is always intensely serious and takes no care or part in anything involving humour or ‘fun’ – he is simply not interested in it, and always seems too busy for it. He regards his work as the most vital thing to him, and refuses to let anyone disturb him while he is researching. He is an excellent timekeeper, however, as he always seems free (or able to make himself free) when his job comes up.

Out in the field, he retains his serious nature yet doesn’t keep his intense researching behaviour with him. When adventuring, or doing his job, he never complains (to be honest, he rarely speaks so…) and always does everything to a brilliant efficiency. In combat, he is ruthless and unfeeling, not really fussing himself with the actions of his teammates. While he doesn’t care whether anyone lives or dies, he is sometimes willing to save his allies should they endanger themselves. After all, a dead ally is no use to him.

He does have an air of menace about him, though, and may make references to ‘the end of the world’. He does not seem fazed by anything evil and simply laughs in the face of torture or death – not necessarily due to bravado, but more down to…knowing of a greater evil that would make the torture or death seem like the best thing to ever happen.

In short, he is a serious man with no regard for life – whether that life be his friend or foe.

Backstory: Yana-Qari joined the Guild several years ago, seemingly out of nowhere, and within minutes showed great power and knowledge. No-one had ever heard of the accomplished mage, not from the nearby towns or the various mage schools around Terra, yet he had wisdom only seen in the wisest of mages. The Guild soon recruited him as Lorekeeper, thanks to his wisdom, and after some time entrusted to him their most valuable books and magical artefacts and has since then proven himself many times that he is a worthy ally – whether it be behind a desk researching, divining magical items of interest, or in the field guiding his allies through dangerous ancient tombs or even sometimes acting as a simple battle mage.

In short, a mysterious man but a strong ally.


Weapons & Armor: His clothing provides little protection, as it is made from tough leather, and carries a simple steel dagger, but other than that he relies on his magic.

Items & Personal Belongings: His only possession is a small black orb with circles and lines inscribed across it. When Yana-Qari uses his magic, the lines glow with a strange colour changing magical energy and as a result the other mages assume the orb to be his magical focus.

Skills & Abilities: He is incredibly wise, efficient and knows most, if not all, ancient languages and texts. He is also incredibly well versed in magical artefacts, and can often tell the type of enchantment on an item by touching it or even by looking at it.

Spells & Magic: He knows powerful arcane spells (such as high level Eldritch Blast or Magic Missile) but knows basic elemental spells, too, like Lightning Bolt or Fire Bolt. He is also incredibly well versed in detection and dispelling magic, so as a result can easily break wards and other magical traps, or create his own. He also knows two unknown spells not known by any other known mage. The first spell blasts a single target with a powerful shockwave, dealing ‘force’ damage and knocking them back, but also envelops them in a purplish-red aura. When/if the target casts a spell while this aura is still up, or something activates that would dispel the aura (by magic), the aura immediately negates the spell, causing it to have no effect, and explodes dealing further damage. The strength of the second explosion varies with the power of the spell cast. The second spell creates a powerful magical whirlwind that causes all projectiles, friendly or not, magical or not, to find their mark at however cast/shot the projectile and changes the target to whoever cast the projectile.. The only person immune to this effect is Yana-Qari himself.

Weaknesses: While he is a brilliant tactician and wise mage, he is often far too cruel and heartless to be in any position of political power (like the leader of the group) and as a result does not know how to lead. He also has little to no experience talking to people, so he isn’t exactly the guy you want to have talk to people. He is somewhat impatient and can be difficult to work with. He also appears to become ill when in the air or at sea, weakening him somewhat.

FLUFF (Optional)

Hobbies: Yana-Qari doesn’t really have hobbies, as his work is never really over. Not that he cares, of course, as he doesn’t really like fun.


- “You think you are significant? Pah.”

- “How dare you interrupt me while I am working?!”

- “Perhaps the relief of death is too good for you. But, I do not want you alive.” (usually this one is directed towards bandits or something and is followed by an arcane beam to the face. Usually.)

Theme: (Musical theme)

Other: His entire body is horribly scarred with what look like burns. As a result, he always wears a mask and cloaks his body from view, as best as he can.
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Name: Katalina Iverson
Aliases: Phoenix
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: A Magical Scout

Sexuality: Pansexual
High Concept: A Gypsy Half-Elf who shouldn't be underestimated.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Nada
Organizations\Affiliations: The Ember Iversons: While she may be in her own, she still sees herself as one of them. Heros Guild
Personality: Katalina is fun loving, kind and out going person. She's loyal when it comes to her friends, and trusting when it comes to allies. Some see this as naive, but believe me, she's far from it. She knows what to look for when it comes to the untrustworthy type. She's strong willed, and more than a little stubborn and childish, but don't underestimate her. There's a reason she doesn't have many scars dispite fighting for a good bit if her life.
Backstory: Not much is known about Katalina Iverson. Hell, that's not even her real name. As a young girl, She as found by a Gypsy band, The Ember Iversons, and was taken in. She couldn't remember anything other than the fact she was a half-elf. So, she was named, cared for, and trained by the Gypsies who took her in. Trained in magic and the weapons of her choice, until she decided to go on the road by herself at the young age of 15.

It would take her a while to figure out what to do, and what she wanted to do, so for a while she was just a common thief. For about four years infact, to the point where she got cocky and then got caught. Of course, she managed to escape. And then would later join the very guold that caught her a few days later. However, she's a horrible member and is almost never there.

- 5'4
- Green Eyes
Weapons & Armor:
  • Armor: Now, Katalina doesn't wear armor exactly. She wears what many Gypsy's or Dancers would wear, but with a twist. Her outfit is enchanted, means to mostly protect her from magical attacks, and dampen the effects of physical attacks. The cloth is also immue to fire, since she would most likely set her clothes on fire because she can, surprise surprise, use fire magic.
  • Red Mahogany Staff: A spear without the blade that's a little shorter than herself. She uses it to beat people with basically, and dance around the battle field.
  • Ornate Steel Dagger
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A sheer scarf
  • Money
  • A journal
  • Three crystals (Purple, Green, and Red)
Skills & Abilities:
  • Picking Pockets
  • Picking Locks
  • Acrobatics
  • Sneaking
  • Beating People with what's basically a fancy stick
  • Tying Cherry knots
Spells & Magic:
  • Fire Manipulation and Creation: Katalina is able to create and/or manipulate fire into fire based attacks.
  • Phoenix Physiology: Katalina can turn into the mythical bird, taking on its attributes. To allies, Katalina is still Katalina, they know it's her, but to enemies, they will just see a Phoenix, or and orange bird. Anyway, the point is, for the five minutes she's able to maintain this form, Katalina can collect import information, survey battlefields, and annoy guards.
  • Stealth: the user to completely conceal their own presence, see what cannot normally be seen by others, and make what can normally be seen now unseen. When the user erases their own presence, they wipes out their ability to be seen, heard or smelled, thus allowing them to move about completely undetected, even if they were seen by people just prior. But, the abbilty is only active for short, five second burst. You have to be fast if you want to get any use out of this magic. Timing is practically everything.
  • A bit of an Alcoholic
  • Terrified of Drowning, Small enclosed spaces, and Moths
  • Broken glass because she doesn't wear shoes most of the time
  • She can only holster Phoenix form for five minutes. Any longer and she can seriously hurt herself, or even get stuck.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Drinking
Quote\s: "You know what they say about replaying with fire...you get burned." "I'm only in trouble if I get caught, and I don't intend on getting caught."

Birdsie Birdsie
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