A Gay Romance Camp

Angelic Infinity

Senior Member
As soon as you get home from school, you get a letter from 'Romance Camp'. It read,"Hello! This next month at Romance Camp is all about the homosexuals. Guys, have you ever wanted the perfect opportunity to meet a lot of hot gays such as yourself? Well, this is your chance, gentlemen. One whole month with other cute men alone at a fun summer camp. Sign up today!"

Character Skeleton ~








Picture/Descriptive Appearance:




Name: Ian Long

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality/Persona: Ian is extremely flirtatious, lovable, and compassionate to those he loves. He won't open up himself, but he's willing to listen to everyone else. If he trusts you, he'll tell you about his past.

Sexual Orientation: homosexual/gay

Fears: being rejected

Likes: shorter and younger men, sex.

Dislikes: girls in particular; well, except for his mum.

Picture/Descriptive Appearance: ( first picture )

Crush: no one yet

Boyfriend: none


Name: Blair Dawson (Guidance Counselor and Manager of the Camp)

Age: 21

Gender: female

Personality/Persona: Blair is very understanding of people, therefore she took a job as a counselor at a gay camp.

Fears: n/a

Likes: people who understand her.

Dislikes: bugs, her step brother Ian.

Picture/Descriptive Appearance: (second picture)

Crush: none

Boyfriend: none


Alright so here are some really important rules that you must read before signing up:

1) No God-Modding or stuff like that. If you don't know what the term "God-Modding" means, it's another way of saying "Don't control my character.

2) Cursing and Romance is allowed, just keep it Pg-13.

3) You can only have up to two characters.

4) Your character(s) have to be accepted by me before you roleplay on the thread.

5) Have fun!
Character Skeleton ~

Name: Ace Jackland

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality/Persona: Ace is a soft spoken and shy kind of person. He's easily embarrassed and tends to let people step all over him. Ace doesn't have a very good self image due to a few unfortunate events in his past, which he is willing to tell if you're a good friend. He doesn't speak much because he has a slight stutter, besides Ace is more of a man of action than words. When angered, Ace transforms from a quiet and kind man into a fire breathing dragon. It takes a lot to anger the soft spoken man, but when the volcano irrupts, massive destruction. Ace's motto is "Forgive and forget!" He's a little carefree and is very clumsy and accident prone.


  • Spiders: I had a bad experience with those things..
  • Loved Ones Dying: I'm not afraid to die.


  • Flowers: they are very pretty...
  • Bears: most people like cats or dogs, I like bears. Panda bears are my favourite.
  • Pastries: as long as they're now too sweet.
  • Free WiFi: who doesn't like that?


  • ___ism: I am fine with jokes, but when they're actually serious..
  • Awkward Social Moments: this is why I tend not to socialize with people, to avoid these things.
  • Pickles: they're just so...pickley

Picture/Descriptive Appearance:


Crush: N/A ATM

Boyfriend: N/A ATM
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Name:Tanner West



Personality:Tanner is a crazy and wild person at times.Always doing some dare that would probably risk his life or risk it in the future.He always sees life as a coin,you can spend it on something right then or there or you can cherish it forever.Sometimes he can get a little weird but everyone is right?Right.He is a flirt as well and well what better way to flirt that with a house full of guys that are single?Ha

Fears:Spiders,loving the wrong person,getting hurt(mentally),hurting someone else.

Likes:Food!!Zombies,Movies,Sunsets,Cute and cuddly things,being a gamer,playing his keyboard.

Dislikes:Thunder,smart a's,quietness,bad jokes.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/beautiful-boy-cute-hair-hot-Favim.com-268587.jpg.c0f6261fb53b54735e05c49381f97174.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/beautiful-boy-cute-hair-hot-Favim.com-268587.jpg.c0f6261fb53b54735e05c49381f97174.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush:Not yet

Boyfriend:<.< >.> Channing Tatum

Name:Adam Rix



Personality/Persona:Adam is a quiet and out of the way person.He really doesn't like to talk to anyone let alone a group of people.It can really get awkward being around him if you're a talkative person but once you open him up a bit he'll start to crack and you'll see that he can be a bit on the nice but still weird side.


Likes:Soft and smooth music,quietness,clothes(who doesn't?),parks.Ice cream!!

Dislikes:Waking up in the morning,school,bullies,gossip.

Picture/Descriptive Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/large.jpg.14267feb175724d7de8d49d4e2b5c917.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/large.jpg.14267feb175724d7de8d49d4e2b5c917.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Boyfriend:<.< >.> Taylor Lautner



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This looks interesting and I would really like to join, but I must warn you I don't have much experience with Yaoi. Is that okay?
Must join. Must join. Must join. I hope this is still going on.

Name: Chaim Anderson


Gender: Male

Personality/Persona: Chaim is a generally energetic and happy guy. He's very touchy, huggy, and loves to playfully wrestle with his friends. He is a bit childish, and when he wants something he won't stop bugging you till he gets it. Aside from being very charismatic, he's a romantic. When he likes, really likes you, he'll say the most sweetest things, and you'll get to see his more soft vulnerable side that isn't so often shown. Chaim loves helping his friends out and will help gladly get into a fight for them.

Fears: Heights, Miley Cyrus

Likes: Being social/meeting people, sports, fruit.

Dislikes: annoying people, cabbage, no wi-fi

Picture/Descriptive Appearance:


Boyfriend: No one~
((Just a quick question. Or two, I guess. Is this still going, and do you accept anime pics or only real?)) 
((Well, I'll just put this up and we'll see, I guess))

Name: Sovryn Synclair

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality/Persona: Elias is a very shy, sensitive person. He's very kind most times, but not too good with people and is easily embarrassed by many things. He let's most insults go without much reaction, but after a while of being teased he tends to start getting down in the dumps and sometimes will dissolve into a sort of depression or a while. He's a pacifist, and won't fight back if he's being hurt. The thing that bothers him the most is people remarking on his looks, which can be termed more beautiful than handsome, and when he feels he's being teased about it he gets very embarrassed, at times to the point of crying. He cares for others even if he doesn't know them, and is very attached to his friends and family and loyal to them. His friends' pushing him is the only reason he's actually attending this camp, and he's extremely nervous about it all.

Fears: Large groups of people, bullies, feeling stuck in small places (he's claustrophobic)

Likes: Reading, long walks or jogs, animals, nature.

Dislikes: Being mistaken for a girl, crying in front of people.

Picture/Descriptive Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1564a47_EstRinaudo3.jpg.f80b2e6c1909948461efe27c75e41501.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1564a47_EstRinaudo3.jpg.f80b2e6c1909948461efe27c75e41501.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be155af74_EstRinaudo24-Morning.jpg.2aeb13d660dc3b8ec24fc638ade69c30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be155af74_EstRinaudo24-Morning.jpg.2aeb13d660dc3b8ec24fc638ade69c30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sov is shorter and smaller than most people, sometimes even shorter than girls, and appears to be more around 16 than 19.

Crush: None

Boyfriend: None



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