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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

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Well, I've decided in calling the Kingdom 'Alinor' it is located (Well, its ruins) in the snowy mountains in the North. The inhabitants were known to be very devoted to their God. (Still thinking of a name) Alinor was a place of beauty, the architecture is very sophisticated and elegant. It had a very powerful military, the soldiers specialising in magic and sword combat. Nowadays, there are only about an estimated amount of 1000 people, who are very isolated and dont communicate with any other countries out of fear and resentment, they have sort of developed a hatred for the world they used to love.

That is all I have at the moment. I have some nice pictures saved too, but I wont use them until the CS are up.
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LeSoraAmari said:
Well, I've decided in calling the Kingdom 'Alinor' it is located (Well, its ruins) in the snowy mountains in the North. The inhabitants were known to be very devoted to their God. (Still thinking of a name) Alinor was a place of beauty, the architecture is very sophisticated and elegant. It had a very powerful military, the soldiers specialising in magic and sword combat. Nowadays, there are only about an estimated amount of 1000 people, who are very isolated and dont communicate with any other countries out of fear and resentment, they have sort of developed a hatred for the world they used to love. This kingdom would be open to other RPers, they would have access to the element of Ice except they wouldnt be as experienced in it as people from the Royal family of that Kingdom are.
That is all I have at the moment. I have some nice pictures saved too, but I wont use them until the CS are up.
As I stated before, ONLY the royal family is capable of elemental magic. Otherwise, Alinor is perfect!
SirDerpingtonIV said:
As I stated before, ONLY the royal family is capable of elemental magic. Otherwise, Alinor is perfect!
Oh, Okay, I will remember to state that in my CS. And Yay! Thank you :D
animegirl20 said:
Man this sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun! Can't wait!
Huzzah! :D

Working on kingdoms still


Continent: Vaaya

Royal Element: Sand


  • Masters Of The Saddle: The people of Daraaqim are some of the most skilled horsemen Ielyth has seen. Their heavily armored Mamlukes are more than an equal match for any knight, and their light cavalry and horse archers can out maneuver almost any force, picking them to pieces while the main force draws in.
  • Spice Monopoly: Vaaya is the only continent where valuable spices like Saffron, Vanilla, and Ginger can be found, alongside many others. The only other kingdom with natural access is the Yaavra Kingdom, but even they lack the abundant supply available to the Daraqiim. This abundance of spice allows the Daraaqim to make quite a lot of money.
  • Hardy Folk: Being from the desert, the Daraaqim are hardy, and are more effective than most others when fighting in heat.



((Not yet done))

I've been craving a medieval roleplay so badly and now I get a chance to be part of Darkius' kingdom? Sign me up!
iShyShy said:
I've been craving a medieval roleplay so badly and now I get a chance to be part of Darkius' kingdom? Sign me up!
Demensia said:
I'm intrigued by this; I think I have quite the character idea in mind,
[QUOTE="too much idea]Interested. I already have some evil plan in mind

I look forward to it!
@iShyShy Elaria I guess. You didnt expect me to have a peaceloving country right?! You wanna be royalty too? We never had sibling relations... or a knight lusting after my prince. *finally decided*

@SirDerpingtonIV I will work out thw kingdoms furter some point this week.
Feel free to make your own kingdoms! Although after a while there will be a limit. And its not too late to join!
LeSoraAmari said:
I am actually really excited for this to start. Do you have specific ideas for how the plot will unfold? @SirDerpingtonIV
Well, your intro posts will most likely be your journies to Carranon, and arriving at the castle. I'll put up some CS's before I make the actual RP
Character Sign Up Sheet

Name: ((Full name and title))

Appearance: (May be created using a picture, description, or both. I have no limits on art, anime, or realistic.))



Nation of Origin: ((You may make your own nations, but I will have a seperate sign up sheet for that.))





Themesong: (Optional)


Nation Name:


Royal Element: (Ex, water, sand, shadow,)

Specialties: (3, what is your nation good at?))


Royal Family: ((Characters from this nation that will be in the RP))


Behavior: ((What is your nation known for acting like? Honorable like a Stark? Or cunning and brutal like a Lannister?))


Theme Song/Anthem: ((Optional))



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