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Multiple Settings A Few Themes


New Member
Hi there,

Thought I would start a thread just listing down game interests incase any one is interested and would like to get a inkling of what I'm into before messaging me.

I'm a 28 year old player and would prefer any romance focused games to be played with 18 + people, it just feels weird even writing pg13 romance with younger peeps. Also when it comes down to romance based games I am into all the stuff mxm, mxf, fxf, the only stickler is I only play a female character in the fxf plots. Saying that romance isn't the centre to most of my favourite games so platonic based adventuring is 100% my bag as well.

My writing style tends to be best with third person and past tense if that's cool and I like to pre warn people that I am dyslexic (broken record I know I prefer to get this out at the beginning instead of awkwardly passive aggressively arguing later on) So my responses are slower as I like to check things closely but often I still miss things, so if you feel occasional spelling or grammar issues are aggravating then it might be best to avoid me. (though we can still chat lol)

I run at GMT so spellings are going to be British english and I may use a english turn of phrase, so if we're in an American based game please do say some thing so I can adjust that, otherwise it's just force of habit.

I have a ton of real life commitments so responses may come in waves and dry up depending on my schedule, I will try my upmost to message people if I predict a long period that I must be away from the forum, but any one that's going to be upset over short term ghosting would probably not be the best partner for me.

I don't mind forum postings, pms or email when it comes to games.

I don't mind if you want to share images, songs or other materials to flesh out the world and your characters but I do enjoy a short written description of characters the most.

When it comes down to themes I have a few scenarios: (mostly character based but I enjoy world building a lot so we can start from the ground up)

A modern era dark fantasy story inspired by Hellboy and general Lovecraft themes. I have two characters (one is undead and one is a werewolf) that are private investigators that are apart of a larger cult/movement that use science and magic to solve disappearances and murders involving the supernatural. (this could involve multiple characters as we build a team or just my 2 ocs and your oc)

A historic based fantasy game where the era could range from 1500-1800, though it's based on Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, so just before or around the enlightenment era would be tasty. I have a male witch character based on the thought that witches are slow ageing star gazers that defend human beings against the eldritch type horrors of the world. The game would involve a merry romp in the old english country side and once again involve secret societies and monster hunting, also lots of dried herbs (a lot of dried herbs)

I also have a recently created character based around the DC/batman/gotham universe. He's a highly skilled fighter/thug who I based around Joker and his gang, so highly violent with serious mental health issues. Could be in the actual DC universe and the story revolves around climbing criminal ranks, while trying not to steal the show and paint a target on our backs or equally, it would be our own world with a more realistic vigil anti twist. Where it would be a mental balancing game to not turn into murderers.

I also enjoy playing clerics/monks and wizards/scholars when it comes to fantasy games. Though I have a charming autistic bard and several half orcs to throw into the mix as well.

World building is a must with me, so don't be shy in adding your own ideas or suggesting edits to plots!
I love the autistic Bard idea :D
Could I PM you with character ideas?
Sure thing he's a very loose idea but go ahead and send some character ideas, we can then think of plots etc.
I am interested in your Batman based oc ! Could I pm you and we can discuss things ?
I am rather interested in something along the lines of that lovecraftian plot and I have some ideas of my own too. To point, I would like to discuss a potential partnership.
Hi Elephantom, I'd love to but let me see how many games actually get started in the next couple of days then I'll message you? I don't want to get overloaded and neglect any of them including yourself, cool?

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