A Few Different Ideas...


New Member
Hello! I'm fairly new to RP, and although I have "three" current RPs, only one of them is really active. I don't mind a leisurely post pace, but I'm looking for something to keep me a little more interested/busy.

An idea I've been playing around with for awhile is a modern day fairy tale. Sleeping beauty, Cinderella, take your pick. I wouldn't mind playing a variety of roles for this (ie. evil stepmother/love interest/mysterious benefactor), what I really need is someone who wants to play the princess. I have a rough plot outline in mind, but am definitely willing to work with any character that you think would fit this scenario. I have a couple of ideas of roughly how old the protagonist(s) would be in this case, but I have a couple different scenarios--high school, college, early career are all options.

I also like the idea of a couple of college freshman. The character I have in mind would be a very, very sheltered "good girl"; I'm looking for someone a little more "worldly" to counter this. I feel like this could be a lot of fun--possibly she starts out as a tutor for him?
Hmmm... I like the idea of modern day fairy tale but I usually only play male roles...would you be interested in doing a gender bend perhaps? If not that's okay^^ I also like your second idea
I have a character that would be pretty good for the second option you have if you're still accepting people to RP with. I'm fairly active, especially now since semester of school is coming to a close

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