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Awesome, for sure! I think it would be fun seeing Constance and Renee trade tips and tricks for their line of work! Maybe they often work together, like those two old ladies in Coraline who read Coraline's future and then constantly fight about who's right (But probably not in front of the customers 😂). And Gail and Renee can absolutely be besties! I think he'd appreciate the companionship of her and Reina, like they give him a sense of belonging outside of his immediate family. I apologize for the lack of ideas atm, I'm getting ready for a DnD sesh lol. But yes, I think for the general idea of the relationships that will work just fine! I'm totally up for figuring out how Gail and Renee met and how long they've been friends for if you've got time later today?
NamiBami NamiBami I am at work but I can reply on my breaks ☺️ feel free to flick me a private chat if you want.
Would Constance work with the gypsys or is she part of a different group?
I still have to work out the details of Constance's line of work, but she's very much a wanderer and might know them… somehow?? 😭 I shall do more research on my character 😌
My baby girl is (finally!) finished!!! Although Reina became Rhonda as I was writing out her history. Now I'mma be a lot more active on this thread and plot with you guys. Anyway though, I would ideally like for a few more people to join before we select the mystery murderer, because that's not really something we can change halfway through the plot (unless there are multiple murderers???). So if anyone here has any friends that they could invite to our RP, I would be eternally grateful if you did! Nonetheless, even if we don't get anyone else joining, I do intend to start the RP thread soon, because you guys have been more than patient enough already. As for the frenzy that happens when the Up-Mountain officials burst into Gomorrah and begin roughhousing the gypsies, I'm thinking this is an opportune time for the killer to strike and for the first victim to fall? What do you guys think?
I’m SO excited! I think it’s a great idea. It’ll bring the drama in really fast and get our characters connected if they aren’t already
Oh yea, police 😭 forgot about those guys omg, that would be cool I like that idea!
Aight everyone! Unless we get more characters before we start the RP thread, the mystery murderer has indeed been selected! BWAHAHAHAHA!

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