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Fantasy ✧. ┊ 𝗔 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿

Not quite war torn? Well thats a bonus but that might be why finding a higher up might be hard..who knows where they might keep this person at and from the looks of it this planet is fairly compared to their own. They felt they might end up braving this planets night on their own when she offered them lodging. They didnt expect such kindness from a a stranger on a new planet and their eyes seemed to glow brighter with hope. "Y-you mean to let me stay in your housing?" They never planned on something like this happening but they did need to get somewhere safe and this one was trusting them to not harm them and on top of that has helped them. "I would s-sooner perish by my own hand b-before breaking this trust you have given me"

They finally seemed to have a hold on their language now though some words were still a little hazy in their head. But they meant it they wouldnt risk bringing shame to their people by harming an innocent on a random planet. So he extended one of his hands to her and looked up with what seemed like a smiling glint to their eyes. "C-could I possibly get your assistance?"

A small nod was her answer to their first question, even if she wasn't fully sure of her decision. It wasn't wise to trust strangers, let alone outworldly ones, but what was she supposed to do? Just let them bleed to death or seek shelter while wounded? She wouldn't be able to sleep at night, even if she didn't know them. They seemed desperate for her help, and if she refused and something happened to them, the blame would be on her one way or another. "Well, yeah. I'm not going to just walk away from you. That'd be cruel." She explained with a shrug, pushing away all the fear that was bubbling up inside of her and letting out a sigh. They just needed a place to stay until their injuries healed. That's all. Maybe two to three weeks, possibly less, as she wasn't aware of their biology.

Once they gave their oath and extended their hand for her to take, Jasmine's eyes flickered between theirs for a brief instance, looking for any sign of malice but finding none. If anything, their eyes seemed to be more glamorous than before, almost as if her offer made them shine brighter, and their tongue sounded more comfortable with the language. She was curious how they learned it, but that was a question for later. "Okay," the girl replied, rubbing the back of her neck before reaching out to take their hand. It was bigger than hers but surprisingly smooth and soft to touch, though cold. "Do you need help walking?" She inquired with a nervous frown, not sure if she was strong enough to help them up.

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(I forgot what text color I was using for a fat minute and realized ive been using a text color from another roleplay xD)
They gently clasped her hand with their own as they hoist themselves up, they felt unsure how well they could trust their legs but they didnt want to rely too heavily on her for support. The one thing they were hopeful for was that their gravity seemed a lot less heavy than their own back home so they ended up feeling lighter. "No I..uhg..appreciate it I just need some assistance with balance. Y-you should probably lead the way." They werent sure what could possibly await them from this point. For all they knew this whole planet looked like this, dark and covered by foliage but they knew they saw blue so they had to have a water source of some kind somewhere. They wanted to be more excited about exploring a planet untouched by their kind but at the same time this was the first time they had been off world without any of their comrades.

(Yeah I noticed and was confused for a second 😆 having multiple roleplays can make you mix things up it's a doozie)

"Alright, just let me know if you need a break. I don't want you fainting on me." Jasmine replied with another nod, holding their hand more firmly to make sure they remained close. Her gaze fell upon the crashed pod behind them, which she almost forgot about for a minute. "Don't worry about your ship. Barely anyone comes around here, so consider it hidden." She reassured them and began walking at a slow, steady pace that was hopefully comfortable for her new acquaintance. The bleeding seemed to have lessened, but their wound still flowed nonetheless and clearly ached painfully.

"We'll figure out everything else later. For now, let's get you a place to rest." With that, she began escorting Thraill while helping them keep their balance and tracked back her way through the forest. She stayed quiet for most of the walk, as she didn't feel it was okay to overwhelm them with the million questions she had just yet. They were injured and tired; the last thing they needed was integration.

After a while, they reached their destination: Jasmine's family house. It was a small, two-story brown and white country house tucked up the hill and away from town. Though it wasn't fancy, it was cozy and a place to call home. With some difficulty, the pair managed to get inside, though the alien had to stay slouched over the whole time due to their height to not bump their head on the ceiling. She led them upstairs through the darkness and into the attic, which was a little dusty but spacious enough, save for a few boxes and trinkets here and there. "It's not the best, but it'll do. Stay here while I grab a few things. And keep quiet, okay?" She instructed before disappearing down the ladder and closing the hatch with a thud.

(ya it really does I kept wondering what felt off on my end and I was like ah damn its my colors :-_-lines:)
As they were being led through the woods they got a better sense of the area around them, their forests so lush compared to some planets they had visited though not as dense which was nice. They didnt get any feelings that something was lurking in the treetops waiting to attack at the smallest sound. What really took them aback was when they came to a small source of light which had been attached to her dwelling. Sure it was humble compared to some of the mass building they had seen in the citadel of the light side of their planet but compared to what they lived in back home it was quite cozy even if they had to crouch everywhere they walked.

They wondered what they meant by dusty? They knew the word in the vocabulary but the meaning of it was odd to them. They simply nodded as their tail flicked side to side in curiosity, reaching out and gently caressing items that were sitting around like boxes. "Your home is..very nice..good s-size for your stature" They were at least able to sprawl out now and lay on their back with their knee pulled up slightly, their breathing was getting a little heavy but they figured now would be a good time to relax their body. It didnt hurt or drain his energy holding that form but it felt unnatural since they usually only take that form when on the job. So far now they exhaled as their body was taken over by a swirling black smoke like substance, even the glowing blue set of arms took a black tone to match the rest of their body. Their eyes still glowing like starlight while the rest of them looked as if you could put your hand right through them. Even their tail took on this look and seemed like a wispy black whip going side to side.
(Haha happens to me too, specifically when I forget to color my text all together. Just feels wrong to have it pure white)

The girl stopped midway through climbing down the ladder when she heard what they said and couldn't help but stare at them, an involuntary smile tugging at her lips at their remark. It was just funny to her for some reason, maybe because they were commenting on their size difference or because it felt like they were trying to compliment her house but found nothing other than that to say. "Oh, uh, thank you...?" She replied with a shrug of her shoulder, an eyebrow furrowed as she watched them lay down before continuing on her way out.

Like lightning, Jasmine moved as quickly as her feet could carry her while remaining silent to pick up whatever she needed. She realized it might be a lot, so she chose to grab her bag from earlier to be more efficient. The first thing she thought of was a first-aid kit and a few painkillers from the bathroom; she wasn't sure if such ways of caring might work on a being with different anatomy, but she could at least try.

The next stop was the kitchen, where she grabbed some snacks and a couple of water bottles. If she were injured, she sure as hell would be starving and in need of regaining her lost energy. 'I hope they can eat this,' she thought to herself, looking at what she had thrown in the bag. An apple, leftover chicken, and some chocolate. It was not the ideal meal, but it was something.

The last thing she thought they'd need was some blankets and a pillow; she didn't know about them, but a soft and comfortable bed was all she would want if she were in their position. Once everything was packed, she took off her jacket, as she felt hot from running around frantically, and climbed the stairs with the backpack dangling around her shoulder to return to the attic.

"Okay, I'm back." The small door creaked open upward, but her words died the moment her sight fell on them. They were still lying down, though now there was dark smoke swirling and twisting around each of their limbs, making them a little see-through. "Are... are you okay?" The question came out of her hesitantly, not sure if she should interrupt whatever was happening or whether it was normal or not.

Their head turned to greet them when they came back through the door, one set of arms crossed over their chest and the others relaxed at their sides. They had heard them scurrying about in a rush and they felt a pang of guilt wondering if they hand caused this person some trouble in anyway and they hated being a nuisance to others. The spots where they were injured were no longer bleeding thankfully but in their wake were gaps in their form that bled white light, almost as if someone had cut the night sky open to let light shine through. "Fine..I-I will be fine. Simply shifted to an easier form to heal, have I caused you any d-distress?" For the most part everything was still easy to see like the shape of their face and head and their neck and torso but it mostly looked like they were covered in a fine black fog or mist. Their eyes twisted in a way that might have looked worried or guilty. Their chest shuddering is they took a deep breath, they couldnt help but scan over some of the items they had with them. "I dont with t-to cause you stress for my sake. I also understand i-if you have questions for me..about m-me" It was given just like they had many question bubbling around in their head so should she and for everything she was doing it was the least they could do to at least answer those questions so long as they were reasonable enough.
"Shifted...? Uh..." Jasmine's question was more of a whisper as she looked to her side, almost as if seeking reassurance from an invisible figure present with them in the room for confirmation of what she heard. Well, they seemed mystical, and they came from the sky, so why was she surprised? She watched many movies and read countless stories relating to fantasy, she should be desensitized at this point. Then why was her heart beating so fast? Perhaps because living the experience is a lot scarier than hearing it from someone else's prescriptive and the fact this was NOT fiction, but reality at it's finest. Or maybe all of this was just a dream, who knew? All she knew was that her palms were very sweaty and she needed to sit down to let all of it sink in before her anxiety took control of her actions.

With a sharp inhale, the girl climbed all the way back inside and gently let the door settle back down to seal the attic. Her eyes never left the being across the room as she sat a good distance away from them with crossed legs and her bag in her lap, fidgeting with the zipper to keep herself distracted. "Hm? Uh, no, no. No distress at all... Thraill." She tried to sound genuine, she really did, but her voice betrayed her when it cracked ever so slightly at the sound of their name rolling off her tongue while her hands frantically searched for the bandages she brought. Hopefully she didn't butcher how it's pronounced. "...okay, maybe... just a tiny bit. Uhm, so, what are you exactly? Are you, like, an alien...?" The way the question came out would've seemed rude to her, but it was too late now, and honestly, she couldn't even focus on how her sentences were formed because all she could focus on were those holes in her guest's body and the way they seemed to glow brightly in contrast to the dark space they were in. Was that normal...? Oh, how she wished someone would answer her internal questions.
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