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Fantasy A Dying World -- Open --


One Thousand Club
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Potential Jobs










<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Potential Rakasas








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>








Hometown: ( You can find information about the various towns in the overview tab. )

Job: ( Traveler, scientist, mercenary, scavenger, ext. If you have any questions about this, please ask in OOC )

Weapon(s): ( Optional.)

Skills: ( Can be a list. Vivid description isn't required here. )





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Custom Rakasa







Race: ( You can make this up, or pull something from mythology. If you have any questions, or need any ideas, you're welcomed to ask me. )

Aggressiveness: ( Are you kind towards humans, extremely hostile, uncaring, ext.? )

Weapon(s): ( Optional )

Abilities: ( What inhumane abilities does your rakasa have? )





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Rank A

Rank A hidekas are considered to be the perfect soldiers and servants. They have absolutely no will or emotion, except for the burning desire to assist, protect, and serve their masters. These perfected experiments normally have abilities which involve shape-shifting, telekinesis, or senses enhanced to the max. They have little to no chance or regaining their humanity, emotions, or feelings.

Rank B

Rank B hidekas are just slightly imperfect. Thier skills still do revolve around shape-shifting, telekinesis, or enhance senses, but these hidekas have remaining feeling. They can still think for themselves just a bit, however they are still piratically mindless. These hidekas may feel something when gazing upon an object of familiarity. They might show resistance when their master tries to take away these familiar items or sights, and so they are considered to be imperfect. They have a will, just a bit. While still it is small, these hidekas have a better chance of regaining their humanity, emotions, and will than rank A hidekas.

Rank C

These hidekas are considered to be undesirable, and so they are treated quite terribly by their inventors. They are normally kept inside of S-Star, and never sold to the public. This is because these hidekas will commonly say no and act with disobedience, or show clear emotion. They have vivid wills and act almost like humans, but they still are useful for they have exceptional powers. Just like ranks A and B hidekas, they are able to shapeshift, use telekinesis, or have enhanced senses.

Rank D

Rank D hidekas have obedience and mindlessness, but they lack the most important feature of a Hideka: inhumane power. While they can produce very simple commands, they are unable to do something as complicated as shape shifting, and they certainly couldn't pick up anything heavier than a couple pounds with telekinesis. They're weak, and so they are regarded as nothing but humans. To S-Star, they are nothing, and so rank D hidekas are normally killed after they are created.

Rank F

These hidekas aren't just disobedient, but they are also weak. They lack all the key factors of a hideka. They have a human-like will and emotions, and they can't handle their Rakasa powers. F rank hidekas are always destroyed after they are created, for S-Star sees them to be nothing but a failed experiment.



Basic Information

Hideka are rakasas who were once human, but were taken into the custody of a company known as S-Star. S-Star is located on a rather tall mountain. Due to the building's many gleaming lights, it looks like a star on the mountain's peak thus granting it it's name. This company is one that believes in fighting back against the rakasas, in a very inhumane way. Rather than fight these creatures with manpower alone, the members of S-Star will kidnap and experiment on other human beings. They mix their genes with that of a rakasa, as well as scramble up their head to rid them of will, emotion, and self. The resulting product is a hideka: a rakasa with no will built to serve and protect the human race.

Important Information

All Hidekas wear collars around their neck which identify who they are and who their master is. This collar will have a dog tag attached to it. On the back of that dog tag is a gemstone, one which the hideka give to their master once they promise their servitude. This gemstone keeps them alive and their bodies stable, for normally the body of a human would not be able to handle the power of a rakasa. As a result, the gem is a necessity for keeping a hideka alive, well, and functioning. This also makes the gem their weak spot. If it is broken, shattered, or damaged in any way, the hideka will lose power and possible destroy their own body without meaning to. So, it is quite important for their masters to hang onto and protect the gemstone. In addition, this collar is a source of identification. On the back of the collar's dog tag, the name of the hideka as well as their product number will be given.


Hideka can look just like normal human beings, but typically S-Star grants them with very exotic appearances. Thier hair may be odd neon colors, like a vibrant green or pink. Thier eyes too may be a very unusual color or colors. Some hideka have strange appearances with inhumane mutations, physical traits which they acquired from the rakasa(s) they were merged with. Such traits may include tails, body armor, claws, or fangs. Depending on the hideka, these traits can be hidden due to the fact that some hideka are capable of shape-shifting. In addition, hideka are typically dressed in very exotic and colorful clothing. This style of clothing serves to work as a warning light, an intimidation factor for the rakasas around them.


Hideka's abilities change from individual to individual, however there are some abilities that are more common than others. Below, I will be listing the most common abilities for a hideka. You are not limited to these abilities. You may make up your own if you plan on making a Hideka

Telekinesis - Telekinesis is the ability to move or manipulate physical objects using one's own mind. Rank A, B, and D can lift or destroy very large and heavy objects using this ability. However, rank C and F hidekas both struggle with it, and can normally lift only a few pounds using it.

Shape-shifting - Shape-shifting is a complex and difficult skill to master, as a result not many hidekas can use it. This skill appears mostly in rank A hidekas, however ranks B and D hidekas may be able to master this ability as well. Ranks C and F will have a very hard time getting access to this skill, but it is still possible. Using this ability, a hideka can change his or her own shape, altering their appearance to whatever they may please. By doing this, they can make weapons out of their own body, or just harmlessly change how they look.

Enhanced senses - Hideka have a powerful sense. They can hear better, smell better, see better, basically they can sense much better than a regular human being.


No emotion, durable body, unpredictable, multiple abilities, strategic, obedient, controlled.


No emotion, obedience, controlled, weak against red diamond, can easily overwhelm themselves with their own powers.







Product Number: ( 1 -70. This is how you are identified at S-Star. )

Class: ( F - A )

Master: ( If none, simply state such. )

Weapon(s): ( Optional )

Abilities: ( What inhumane abilities does your hideka have? )



Personalty: ( Optional. Depending on how emotionless your hideka is, this can be either vague or descriptive. )




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.5f5083796fd93f8b32e783f5d7c03930.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • BTop.png
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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9e357d095e4c6ec6424c332daec8932f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.9e357d095e4c6ec6424c332daec8932f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130 lb.

Name: Abe

Age: 18 years old

Gender: male

Hometown: Oyathi

Job: Mercenary, plans to travel to Okega in hopes to become a hunter for them.

Weapons: large, stainless steel machete, pack of throwing knives, military grade AK47, whatever else he can find on his journey.

Skills: athletics, accuracy, stealth. (Basically)

Strengths: has nothing to loose, all his skills, manipulative, quick on his feet,

Weakness: stupidly courageous, quick to anger,

Personality: never gives up if he has his mind set on something, has a mask on, so strangers see him as a smart mouthed, arrogant, man, but if you break through his walls, he's a kind person that would give you the shirt off his back if you truly needed it.

Other: when he was young, his Mother and Father decided stupidly to teach him how to hunt, deep in the woods, that was not scouted yet. They recently left a large celebration, celebrating how the town has been flourishing. The parents where heavily intoxicated and common sense was far from mind. As they began to stumble around and try to show Abe how to operate the gun, and a Rakasa ambushed then, Abe barley escaped, but his parents where not that lucky, ever sines he has pledged to rid the world of every abomination out there, training to be the best he could be.

(Rest found out in rp, hope you like it. :) :wizard:



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FantasyForever1 said:
Height: 5'6

Weight: 130 lb.

Name: Abe

Age: 18 years old

Gender: male

Hometown: Oyathi

Job: Mercenary, plans to travel to Okega in hopes to become a hunter for them.

Weapons: large, stainless steel machete, pack of throwing knives, military grade AK47, whatever else he can find on his journey.

Skills: athletics, accuracy, stealth. (Basically)

Strengths: has nothing to loose, all his skills, manipulative, quick on his feet,

Weakness: stupidly courageous, quick to anger,

Personality: never gives up if he has his mind set on something, has a mask on, so strangers see him as a smart mouthed, arrogant, man, but if you break through his walls, he's a kind person that would give you the shirt off his back if you truly needed it.

Other: when he was young, his Mother and Father decided stupidly to teach him how to hunt, deep in the woods, that was not scouted yet. They recently left a large celebration, celebrating how the town has been flourishing. The parents where heavily intoxicated and common sense was far from mind. As they began to stumble around and try to show Abe how to operate the gun, and a Rakasa ambushed then, Abe barley escaped, but his parents where not that lucky, ever sines he has pledged to rid the world of every abomination out there, training to be the best he could be.

(Rest found out in rp, hope you like it. :) :wizard:
Very nice, and accepted!
Thank you so much, sorry if it was a little sloppy, I had play practice. can't wait to start :wizard:
FantasyForever1 said:
Thank you so much, sorry if it was a little sloppy, I had play practice. can't wait to start :wizard:
No problem! I'll get my character up tomorrow... my brother stole the computer for the night.





125 Lbs


Zira Vaye









  • -
    Kahr PM9-

  • kahr93.jpg

    On her person Zira carried a small Kahr PM9. She prefers this weapon over more powerful guns, due to its small size and its wide variety of bullets. Most of the time, she feeds it with bullets of mineral produced by Okega. Many rakasas have substance weaknesses, allergies in a sense. As a result, Zira carries many bullets of different material, so that she may adjust to gain the upper hand on any inhumane opponent. Another reason why she prefers this weapons is its small size. It's easy to carry around, and grants her more room for other items she may come across.



    Along with her Kahr PM9, Zira carries a secondary weapon. This weapon is an Odachi. She uses this long sword in place of her gun whenever she can, to avoid wasting bullets when it isn't required. While this weapon is rather large in size, it isn't too heavy and it doesn't take up any space in her bag. Instead, it remains attached to her belt, sealed away within a dark black sheath.



    Within this backpack, Zira carries small appliances that she will need access to on a rarer basis. Due to that fact that the bag will be held upon her back, she knows she won't be able access it during battle with ease. As a result, she holds in this bag only things that she will need after combat such as first aid tools, food appliances, ammo, even a few journals and books. All of these items are small and light weight, and yet useful for the hunter. She normally has this bag with her at all times, even when she isn't traveling through the more dangerous parts of the world.

    Duffle Bag-


    This bag is much larger in size than her regular bag, and Zira uses it less. She doesn't always require it, but she does take it with her whenever she is planning to travel long distances across the wastelands. Within it Zira carries camping supplies, food, and spare weapons. She will also use this whenever she finds herself presented with a new, useful weapon or when she may find interesting scraps laying about the wasteland.







136 lbs




Human was 19



Product Number: ( 1 -70. This is how you are identified at S-Star. )


Class: ( F - A )


(He was known as a C but he showed difference and was moved to a B)

Master: ( If none, simply state such. )

None at the moment

Abilities: ( What inhumane abilities does your Hideka have? )



Enhanced Senses



Split-second thinking


Finding his way around.


Doesn't understand other peoples feelings the best.

He feels a bit of regret if he has to kill a Rakasa

He relies on his master to secure his sanity.

Personalty: ( Optional. Depending on how emotionless your hideka is, this can be either vague or descriptive. )

He has some emotions that show off but otherwise he doesn't really have any. He is a sort of guy that has a bit of an icy side but the emotions he clearly shows are anger and happiness. Warming up to people isn't the easiest to him so he attempts in his own ways.




Doesn't have one yet


ScaraByte said:






136 lbs




Human was 19



Product Number: ( 1 -70. This is how you are identified at S-Star. )


Class: ( F - A )


(He was known as a C but he showed difference and was moved to a B)

Master: ( If none, simply state such. )

None at the moment

Abilities: ( What inhumane abilities does your Hideka have? )



Enhanced Senses



Split-second thinking


Finding his way around.


Doesn't understand other peoples feelings the best.

He feels a bit of regret if he has to kill a Rakasa

He relies on his master to secure his sanity.

Personalty: ( Optional. Depending on how emotionless your hideka is, this can be either vague or descriptive. )

He has some emotions that show off but otherwise he doesn't really have any. He is a sort of guy that has a bit of an icy side but the emotions he clearly shows are anger and happiness. Warming up to people isn't the easiest to him so he attempts in his own ways.




Doesn't have one yet


Accepted! ^.^
Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150723_224413.JPG.cc97e48c82f5abb583b39b535932d033.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150723_224413.JPG.cc97e48c82f5abb583b39b535932d033.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weight:500 pounds

Name: Radon


Gender: male

Race: ariesian

Aggressiveness: extremely hostile

Abilities: shape-shifting, extremely hightenend senses, can mass assemble other raskas with blood curdling screeches, super strength, iron plated skin,

Strengths: fast, never forgets a face, will do anything to defeat or wipe out the human race.

Weaknesses: often blinded by rage, has a weak spot behind the base of his horns

Personality: very disturbed, lots of built up rage, has one motive and that's to take out the rest of humanity.



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Jonnyboy98 said:
Appearance:View attachment 146182

Weight:500 pounds

Name: Radon


Gender: male

Race: ariesian

Aggressiveness: extremely hostile

Abilities: shape-shifting, extremely hightenend senses, can mass assemble other raskas with blood curdling screeches, super strength, iron plated skin,

Strengths: fast, never forgets a face, will do anything to defeat or wipe out the human race.

Weaknesses: often blinded by rage, has a weak spot behind the base of his horns

Personality: very disturbed, lots of built up rage, has one motive and that's to take out the rest of humanity.
Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3828d749_adyingworld2.jpg.d5f7e3d9dedfc0f54ef3f18c3f32c77c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3828d749_adyingworld2.jpg.d5f7e3d9dedfc0f54ef3f18c3f32c77c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c38291468_adyingworld.jpg.a85d9c83d35fe35eeec55185d45f153f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c38291468_adyingworld.jpg.a85d9c83d35fe35eeec55185d45f153f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120 lbs

Name: Bellamie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hometown: Oyathi

Job: Merchant, owns and runs one of the few bookshops in Oyathi

Weapons: Twin swords strapped to her back, a revolver strapped to her thigh, and a sawed off shotgun hidden beneath the bookshop counter.

Skills: She's an adequate marksman, but much prefers using her swords or hand to hand combat.

Strengths: Her quiet disposition allows her to observe closely and be excellent at stealth. She has a few more years of formal schooling than other Oyathi citizens.

Weaknesses: She comes across as a snob due to her introversion, and thinking herself better than others. She isn't very good with her guns having no training except for on targets in her backyard.

Personality: She comes across as timid at first, but that is due to her introversion. Bellamie values intelligence in a town full of mercenaries. When she has to fight, she does so reluctantly, but leaves no doubt for her skill. She is cheerful and open with her friends and family. However, she treats most of the inhabitants of Oyathi with derision and sarcasm, thinking the majority of them mindless thugs. She's actually very frightened of rakasa, having never actually seen one in person. What she doesn't know about them scares her.

Other: At 15, Bellamie decided to go to school in Okega to further her stunted education. After only three years, she felt so homesick and out of place that she decided to come back. Now, she runs one of the few bookshops in Oyathi. Raised by her grandparents, her father works in S-Star and is a hated man in Oyathi. Her mother died in childbirth.



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sarahbella said:
Appearance: View attachment 146327 View attachment 146328
Height: 5'5

Weight: 120 lbs

Name: Bellamie

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hometown: Oyathi

Job: Merchant, owns and runs one of the few bookshops in Oyathi

Weapons: Twin swords strapped to her back, a revolver strapped to her thigh, and a sawed off shotgun hidden beneath the bookshop counter.

Skills: She's an adequate marksman, but much prefers using her swords or hand to hand combat.

Strengths: Her quiet disposition allows her to observe closely and be excellent at stealth. She has a few more years of formal schooling than other Oyathi citizens.

Weaknesses: She comes across as a snob due to her introversion, and thinking herself better than others. She isn't very good with her guns having no training except for on targets in her backyard.

Personality: She comes across as timid at first, but that is due to her introversion. Bellamie values intelligence in a town full of mercenaries. When she has to fight, she does so reluctantly, but leaves no doubt for her skill. She is cheerful and open with her friends and family. However, she treats most of the inhabitants of Oyathi with derision and sarcasm, thinking the majority of them mindless thugs. She's actually very frightened of rakasa, having never actually seen one in person. What she doesn't know about them scares her.

Other: At 15, Bellamie decided to go to school in Okega to further her stunted education. After only three years, she felt so homesick and out of place that she decided to come back. Now, she runs one of the few bookshops in Oyathi. Raised by her grandparents, her father works in S-Star and is a hated man in Oyathi. Her mother died in childbirth.


Height: 5'3

Weight: 32kg

Name: Jesica Kindle

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Hometown: Darwin, NT, Australia.

Job: Author

Weapon(s): Bow and flaming arrows.


- Writing

- Singing

- Painting


- Swimming

- Visualising


- Fire

- Poison

- Writers Block

- Gossip

Personality: Bold, creative, cunning, always fining new ways.

Other: N/A

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