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Fantasy A Dying Species, looking for more!


Junior Member
No one's really sure how it began. Rumors throughout the world suggest it was a man-made super-virus that started it all, giving men the claws and fangs of wolves, while still retaining the ability to shift back into a human form. Lycanthropes, they called them. They ran rampant through the lands, murdering as they pleased, their superior physical abilities and incredible speed far too difficult for the humans of Earth to defend against.

Intelligence. That was the one front where humanity stood a chance, and the intellectual gap between the Lycanthropes, and the humans of the world was quickly being closed. The creatures started out as dull-witted as one would think possible, but they adapted impossibly fast. Humanity struggled to survive, losing battle after battle, in what was quickly becoming a one-sided war.

A scientist by the name of Eugene Lansing determined that the only way to exterminate the Lycanthropes, was to create an equally, or even more powerful species. It came to pass, that he created a new virus. This new species was similar to that of the Lycanthropes, though not quite as fast, and not quite as strong. The main difference, was that the new creatures possessed extreme regeneration properties, and upon being turned, rather than becoming feral, as the Lycanthropes did, they started off as intelligent as they were prior to the turning. He called them Vampires.

The war between Lycanthropes and Vampires quickly escalated as humans neared extinction. Eugene's plan hadn't worked quite as intended, with Vampires working to exterminate humans, as well. Being genetically inferior, humans were quickly forced into hiding when they could, or they were slaughtered, or turned by one of either species.

Present day: The year is 1743. No more than a thousand humans remain scattered throughout the world, a world now ruled by Vampires and Lycanthropes. After living through such heavy persecution, Natural Selection has been proven, and the few humans that do exist are the most elite of their kind, either incredibly strong, or incredibly fast. A few have even developed genetic abnormalities, resulting in strange abilities, ranging anywhere from elemental control, to things even far stranger than that.

In general, Vampires and Lycanthropes are fighting a war neither side appears to be able to win, and the few remaining humans are simply waiting, biding their time, and hoping for a for a miracle.

Not all Vampires and Lycanthropes seek to completely eradicate the human race. There are a few who have sided with the humans, working to help them recover, and hoping to live side by side with them in a peaceful world. But, that is a hope for the future. This is now.

Your role in this world: You are a human. Evolution has helped you to survive. Are you stronger than ten Lycanthropes? Are you faster than the quickest of either species? Perhaps you're no stronger than your ancestors, but have survived this long based solely on extremely advanced intellectual development.

Maybe you're one of the few who has adapted special "powers" to aid you in combating the threat to the rest of humanity.

EDIT: Players can be either a super-advanced human, or they would also have the option to roleplay a Vampire, or Lycanthrope, who has decided to aid the humans.

This is my first RP I've tried to create. Even my first interest check. Details are still really rough, but this is about what I've got so far. I'm looking for a technology-lacking, more medieval, fantasy-based RP. It's going to be set up as a Survival RP, with free reign on romance elements, and a pretty free-flowing combat style.

Again, just an interest check at this point. If you do have any interest in joining, please let me know, and I can look into getting it started up.

Also, any questions, or comments are perfectly welcome!
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FrostShatter said:
Alright, great. Any questions on details, suggestions, or anything of the sort, so far?
Not really, I just would like to do this...bit of a dry spell and this...sounds fun!
Alright, I'm currently at work, so I'll continue brainstorming throughout the day, and see if I can get something up a bit later tonight, if we've got enough interest. I'm thinking around 4-5 players apart from myself so far, maybe more. So we should be able to get at least one or two more.
Awesome! Great to see so much interest.

I've been trying to get things off the ground throughout the night, but work's been kinda bleh. I'll try to get something out once I get home, but it will likely be at least a couple hours. As soon as I've got everything up, I'll post the link in here.

Alright, the RP's up, I've got some general descriptions listed, and character sheets setup. Have at it, people. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the Character Sheets, or any other aspect of the roleplay, as I work on getting it setup, please do let me know.


Also, I would like the RP to be mostly human characters. If you would like to roleplay a Lycanthrope or a Vampire, please take into consideration whether or not we've already got multiples of either race.

Follow the link, and go ahead and throw in an application. ^_^ Still waiting on just two more players, I think as this is my first RP. Don't want too many, just in case I suck. Haha.


Waiting on one more Human, and @Seraphina Blair to finish her character sheet sometime later tonight, or tomorrow. I'll start writing up the first post tonight, and then as soon as we're sure everyone's ready to go, I'll get things started.

Currently, all spots in the RP have been filled. If you'd still like to join, please feel free to message me, and I'll see if we have the room. Thanks!
RP is currently in progress. We've lost a few members, but I'd like to keep this RP going. I think it's got potential. Currently looking for more Humans, or Vampires. Might be willing to accept another Lycanthrope, depending on the CS. :P
Either way would be fine. Whatever you think you'd be most comfortable with. The group's kinda starting to join up right now. I'll be pushing the plot forward shortly.

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