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Fantasy A Dragon's Tear CS

Crimson Rose

Elder Member
Facial appearance:
Alternate form (Wyvern/Griffins):
Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect(if they have them):
Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic:
Name: Nanya Tear
Age: 15
Race: Serpent Child
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Facial appearance:
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Clothes :Never being caught dead looking low-class, Nanya is always wearing the most expensive of clothes.
Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect: Black and red tail with rattle at end.
Personality: The oldest of the step children Nanya considers the throne as good as her’s. Despite her older step brother to be next in line, she known he hates her and finds the feeling mutual. Nanya loves getting under the skin of people and knows just how to do it. If she knows her presence is unwelcome that only makes her want to stick around longer. With her hypnotic abilities she takes a sick joy in toying with the peasants. Even without her powers her silver tongue lets her talk others into something. While she might find her stepsiblings lower than dirt her real brother is seen in a far better light. Often calling him adorable or a ball of excitement. She is the one you could thank for his rudeness as she taught him to act as such.
Background:After her father found his way into the royal palace Nanya learned what it meant to be royalty. Even before they had done so she used her hypnotic powers to force those weaker than her to treat her as royalty. Now she had no need to do so she could live out her fantasy of being waited on by others at her beck and call. It was so amazing to her what she found the best was how she had no competition for the throne. She did not fear her stepbrother or stepsister and her real brother dare not turn against her. She only but needs to wait for the day when her father is soon to pass and eliminate her step-brother making her next in line. Queen Nanya always did have a nice ring to it.
Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic:Venom filled fangs, Electric Surges, Hypnotism of weak willed individuals.
Likes: Teasing others, having others do things for her, making babies cry, bothering her stepbrother and stepsister.
Dislikes:Being told what to do, being told no, when someone doesn’t listen to her, being looked down on
Flaws:While hard to do if someone manages to upset Nanya she is near impossible to calm down, only being able to calm down once what made her made is gotten rid of. Looks down on and underestimates almost everyone.
Other: Often mocks her older and younger step siblings by dragging her index finger from her eye down her cheek in a tear fashion.


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Marcus Tear


Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Dragon Child

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect(if they have them): Black wings and Black horns protruding from his temples

Basic Summary: The eldest child of the Tear bloodline and supposedly the next king. And oddly the only one who knows what's going on in the castle of his mother the Grand Queen being hypnotized by the man who secretly killed his father in order to become the Grand King when he was nine years old. The High prince absolutely hates his two younger step siblings and can't stand being around them for long periods of time, but absolutely adores his actual little sister who only hatched two years after the death of his father.
Normally calm and collected, Marcus is very protective of his biological little sister, Angelic Tear. He likes reading in the castle's library for his father, before his death or murder rather, used to tell Marcus, "A knowledgeable king is a merciful king but you must also be strong mentally and physically." So you can sometimes catch Marcus practicing his swordsmanship if he is angered or disturbed by something.

Marcus completely abhors his step-siblings, not because of what they are or how they act, though how they act could be part of it. But because they are birthed from his step-father, the newest king that had murdered his own father.

Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic



-His younger sister Angelic Tear
-The Kingdom



-His step-father
-His step-siblings
-Loud people

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*Click image in appearance to see extra details*

  • name

    Lorccán Tusk

    170 lbs

Facial Appearance: Just like his sister, Lorccán had taken after the Tusk family's high cheekbones and prominent gold-dipped irises. The red charcoal used to lightly line his eyes further extenuate the color and brings out a sharp contrast against his sun-kissed skin. The natural slope of his eyebrows gives his expression a hint of mischief.

Hair: The original color of chestnut and bark had long since given way to an astonishing hue of crimson and rouge. Many suspect it's a bold way of creating a physical separation from his twin sister but Lorccán has rejected these assumptions stating that he simply preferred the color red. The style in itself is as unique as the pigment with a shaved portion in the forefront of his right forehead. The base itself is a layered cut that starts short from the back and elongates towards the front creating a cascade that frames the left part of his face. The texture is a bit coarse from the constant exposure to the sun but for the most part it still retains its smooth consistency.

Clothes: Preference wise anything loose and simple would be just as fine as something form-fitting and comfortable. Of course his post among the Royal Guard requires him to wear a uniform with an, in his opinion, excessive amount of arbitrary embellishments. In a more casual setting he can be seen with a loose t-shirt and baggy slacks paired with worn boots.

Alternate Form: In his transformed state Lorccán had taken after his father's gold speckled feathers in varying shades of deep amber and mahogany hues. Although where as his fathers beak and legs were bronze his had a far more copper tint to them.

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect: A pair of powerful wings swell from his shoulder blades. They are 3.6 meters wide, measured from one primary feather to other. When closed it is 1.6 meters long, just shy of brushing the ground.
. Paramore
It's not the way you plan it, it's how you make it happen.
If there's anything one can remember about Lorccán it's his passion. In every genuine interest he's taken he pursues it with nothing less than ardent ambition and unyielding zeal. There's little that could sway his steadfast determination and even fewer instances where his loyalty is challenged. While there is no denying his conviction it can also display itself in a more unsavory light primarily when it comes to his stubbornness. Under normal circumstances it's manageable but paired with his spirited tenacity it just becomes entirely insufferable. It can even cloud his judgement and blind him from obvious truths.

Due to his upbringing he had come to learn an admirable set of values at an early age. Among them the ability to carry on in the face of fear and insurmountable amount of doubt became a fundamental piece of his character. Over the years the courage to take action had become nothing more than second nature. In that sense he precariously balances between both bravery and recklessness, constantly tipping the blade more often then he'd like to share. If courage is a piece then endurance is the foundation. This doesn't necessarily just apply to physical strength but a firm mentality as well. The difference between what makes an individual a knight is not just heroism but the fortitude to continue, to keep fighting despite the hardships and adversity.

  • Nanya || Princess
  • Marcus || Prince & Childhood Companion
  • Sparring
  • Adventure
  • Slights, rumors, threats especially towards his friends & family
  • Being restrained and locked in tight, enclosed spaces
  • Betrayal
  • Reckless
  • Stubborn
  • Credulous
. Ralph Emerson
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Weapons: There are little amount of armaments in the Kingdom that Lorccán hasn't either been trained to use or learned to wield on his own. The most efficient and deadly in his hands however are the lance and rapier.

Magic: Primarily focuses on both wind and fire elemental sorcery along with advanced protective runes and a touch of basic healing incantations.

  • Wilderness Survival
  • Basic first-aid
  • Silent Movements
  • Agility
. William Shakespeare
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in our selves.
"The Gullible doofus, a young griffin that works for the royal family with his older twin sister. He is a Knight assigned to the eldest royal as his personal guard, to watch over and make sure nothing happens to him. The young griffin is also absolutely in love with the wicked Princess, and cannot see that he is in fact being used, yet he's annoyed by how his twin sister is oblivious to a close friend of theirs."

*Not sure if I was allowed to mess around with the history of the characters premade backstory so I just copy and pasted*
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Oh forgot to mention earlier you guys are aloud to create your own back grounds to the characters the summary is just the summary so you can get idea for the characters, also a Like means the characters are good to go for once the rp is made

200 (looks about 19)




Facial appearance:

Alternate form (Wyvern/Griffins):

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect(if they have them): through her time on earth she's learned to completely hide her wings and tail while in human form but when they are out they are exactly like the ones from her wyvern form.

As expected Arias is very over protective of the children she has kidnapped and that have been brought to her. Not hesitating to rip apart any being that tries to get near her kids or harm them. But to people she considered a friend she's a sweet and loving girl, very fond of physical contact and rather flirty as well but her temper can show towards them if they cross her "line". She's absolutely obsessed with kids and will jump at any chance to be around them. Being an amazing mother figure dispite her aggressiveness and very caring.

To be put in a little later

Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic:
In the form of her breaths it being the only breath she knows

Demonic magic but she can't use it unless she's been "pushed" over the edge

Playing with children
New arrivals to her home

People who hate her
Her demon magic
When her kids grow up
People who threaten her or her family

Her obsession with children
She is a horrible liar and can easily be embarrassed by people
She's scared of the demonic magic she possesses

Name: Angelic “Angel” Tear
Age: 6
Race: dragon child
Gender: female
Sexuality: unkown

Facial appearance: She has a round pudgy baby face, with pale skin, round rose colored eyes and pinkish cheeks.

Hair: She has fluffy lavender colored hair that goes down to her upper back and is often kept it a high ponytail held up by a light blue bow

Clothes: She often wears cute dresses, with bows, and white tights, though she refuses to wear shoe.

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect(if they have them): Her wings are small but a bright icy white with a very light blue undertone along with her tail being quiet similar she has two small white horns sticking out of her head.

Personality: Angel is a mute not by birth but by choice she's never very good at pronouncing things so and her mind labeled it as bad cause the few times she has wandered out of the forest when she was little people had the tendency to look at her funny for not being able to understand her. So she refuses to speak and often tries other ways to get people to understand her . She is a kind sweet little girl that often will end up getting into mischief when she's really bored. Angelic has absolutely no idea of what it means to be Royal and doesn’t exactly like to do royal things.

Background: Angelic the youngest of the Tear Bloodline basically orphaned at a young age for both of her birth parents death before she even hatched. After the “fall” of the queen and the “raid” of the guards as well as the process of moving the Royal children to safety her egg was considered lost in a very old forest which was then taken by a Wyvern where she then hatched and was given the name Angelic because of her wings. She eventually meets her older brother and joins them

Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic: Snow and Ice breath

• The cold.
• Playing with her snow breath
• Bows
• Her big brother Marcus
• Arias

• The Heat
• Having to sit still.
• Step siblings

Flaws: She's not very good at talking so she often refuses to do it.

Other: Her Tear symbol is on the palm her of her hand.


Name: Lolani Tusk (People who are close to her can call her Lani or Lo)
Age: 16
Race: Griffin
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual

Facial appearance: Lolani much like her other family members and younger twin brother of course has the Tusk’s family signature high cheek bones and of course the golden eyes but in a very sharp eye shape much like their mother though that complement her tannish caramel skin. Though she has a single scar going over her left eye from an ambush when traveling between kingdoms.

Hair: Lani’s hair is a dark fluffy mocha brown with gold tinted highlights, it is wavy and sits upon her shoulders in a aline. There is a single feather speckled with gold and brown that was once of her father.

Clothes: She often wears pants and tank tops with chain mail, and silver armor upon her arms, along with signature brown half jacket made of leather with a griffin glaring upon the back.

Alternate form (Wyvern/Griffins):

In her Griffin form she is often wearing a large full suit of armor made of gold with a tear emblemed in the chest laced with jewels in the boarder of the chest place, symbolizing her general position. Her helmet is a custom made one that has the tendency to cover her face leaving only her golden eyes, and beak visible. Upon the cheek there is a blue sapphire shaped like a tear.

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect(if they have them): Her wings span is about 3’4 not that much smaller then her brothers when spread out, when they are closed, when closed Lolani’s wings are about 1’4.

Personality: Lolani is a very hardworking girl thriving on her ambition to be one of the best warriors out there like many members of the Tusk bloodline, yet she has the tendency to push herself to hard. As she will sometimes go days without rest as she trains, or trains her troupes in order for them to be ready for anything since they are suppose to be one of the best army's out there. Lani can be cold at times and may seem like she doesn't care as she is extremely loyal, but she truly does and will try to help them in anyway she can even though it might not be a good idea. She is also rather protective of her twin and can come standoffish to people he’s friends with unless its their child hood friend. The young griffin girl is often oblivious to peoples affection towards her and has a hard time telling when someone does.

Background: Lolani Tusk the oldest of a once family of four now family of three, being born minutes before her twin brother Lorccán Tusk. As a little griffin Lolani always looked up to their father Sun one of the greatest and most noble general around before the incident she was full of life and loved to wear dresses and all sorts of things. When Sun was killed for a crime he supposedly committed she grew cold to must people basically shutting down as she found out their father was a “murderer” trying to push most people that were close to her. Until a few years she started training a'lot and eventually took over Sun’s position as General of the Royal guards, though she wasn't exactly the same as she was younger. Yet she wears a speckled feather that was once with Sun.
Weapons/ Breaths/ Magic: She often fights with two duel swords or a double bladed axe with a long handel, sometimes she even fights with her talons.

• Fighting
• Flying

• Clingyness
• Strangers
• Betrayal
• murderers
* Nanya

Flaws: She overworks her self and masks her emotions when upset.

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The Hopeless Second In-Command


Name: Alistair Enoch.

Age: 17.

Race: Wyvern.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Hair: Typically messy, and reaches down to his neck. It's mistaken for black most of the time, but is actually the color of a very dark blue.

Clothes: His typical clothes consist of a blue shirt, and a piece of chainmail over it. His pants are a pair of loose fitting trousers and shoes are leather and black.

Alternate Form: b2c42fbd-4324-4dde-b0c6-b720750a1b71.png

Wings, Horns, Tails, Ect: He has light blue Wyvern wings for arms and a blue tail with a spike ball at the end.

Personality: Gold is a self contained and benevolent person. He's very independent and hard-working, often doing a lot of his things alone and non-stop. Only stopping if he feels like it or if he's finished with it. He'll take any kind of task, hard or easy as it does not matter to him for as long as he is capable of helping a person out. Though he prefers doing his things alone, he can cooperate easily with a team if the task at hand requires multiple people to do. He's also very loyal and a person whom you can put your trust in easily. You can always depend on him if you're in need of some help.

But he isn't always such a kind person when in battle, he grows into a much more serious person. As expressed in his face, showing nothing but a dead serious look in his eyes. He'd focus intensely and would often be attacking a lot. He observes his surroundings and keeps his back in check if there's any kind of ambush. He's very perceptive of things when he is focused. In the case of love and romantic feelings, he isn't a person that gets in love easily, and needs to take time and know a person enough to actually fall in love. When he does fall in love, it's hard for him to make his eyes off his crush for even a few seconds. Talking to them is the hard part though he can manage most of the time, but the occasional stuttering and blushing comes.

Background: Alistair is the only child in his family, as well as close friends to the Griffin twins ever since they were children. And had even fallen in love with one of them as time passed. Through the years, Alistair was known to be a very hardworking person to the point of overwork. Tiring himself was something he did a lot. Growing up, he wanted to be part of the Royal Guard. And one of the reasons for that was the tragedy that fell to his friends, the Twin Griffins. He had already wished to be part of it before, and that only made him want to be part of it for whatever reason. It was around that time he fell in love with Lolani Tusk.

And through the years, Alistair had kept working himself to the bone and became part of the Royal Guard. Once he'd become part of it, he only continued to work hard and rise through the ranks. In the present, he is now the second in command. And is still very much hopelessly in love with his now general.

Weapons/Breaths/Magic: Blue Fire Manipulation, and a one handed long sword as a weapon.

Likes: Lolani Tusk, spicy food, meat, reading, music and coffee.

Dislikes: cocky people, uncleanliness and any kind of disturbances.

Flaws: Due to his hardworking personality, he is much more inclined to be overworked and tired than most.


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