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Fandom A Different Kind of Madoka Magica RP



  • Name: [Rosefield is a city in a generic coastal town with students and exchanges of every ethnicity. Names should follow Madoka Magica's convention of using a female first name for both the first and last name.]

    What would she wish for?

    Age: [12-17]

    Looks: [include a description of face/hair, body, and outfit]

    Personality: [3-6 sentences]


  • Name: [Rosefield is a city in a generic coastal town with students and exchanges of every ethnicity. Names should follow Madoka Magica's convention of using a female first name for both the first and last name.]
    What would she wish for?
    Age: [12-17]
    Looks: [include a description of face/hair, body, and outfit]
    Personality: [3-6 sentences]

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  • Name: Clover Damiana

    What would she wish for? For a girlfriend who loves and accepts her

    Age: 16

    Looks: Clover has light brown skin, dark eyes, a toned body, and curly pastel pink hair with dark roots in shoulder-length ringlets. Her outfit includes pastel pink creepers, a billowy black skirt, and a black indecipherable band shirt with a cotton candy graphic. She's also partial to her old cheerleading uniform, although her captain has forbidden to wear it.

    Personality: Clover is a whirlwind of a girl with a playful streak and anger issues. If she had her way with life, she would spend it doing her friends' hair, jumping around at concerts, and of course, cheerleading. She does whatever feels right in the moment, which can lead to either very exciting escapades or very bad decisions - her poor impulse control is often the cause of an angry outburst. The same girl will take a new friend out for a soda and kick the cola machine.

    Background/history/family: Clover used to be a successful cheerleader, until her temper got the best of her. With a family that would rather shower her older sister with attention than look her way, she turned to her friends on the squad for closeness. This worked out well for her until a crush got between her and the squad - a crush on a girl. The people she'd called her friends started to ostracize her, her parents shook their heads when they found out, and the crush rejected and ignored her. Finally, Clover reacted to a snide remark whispered in the halls with a punch to the face, which led to a fight which she emerged from with more than her ego bruised, and the end of her cheerleading career.

    Without the support of her parents, friends, or anyone really, Clover ran up the stairs to the tallest building she could find. Kyuubey found her on the edge of the roof, and offered her a wish that could set everything right again. With that, she was able to find enough reason to suppress her anger through school and home - and an outlet for her rage at pretty much everyone - in slaying Nightmares.



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  • Name:

    Naomi Jennifer

    What would she wish for?:

    "I want my sister to get better, I want her to be healed as if the accident never happened. "

    Naomi wished for her disabled sister to walk again, who is currently hospitalized.




    Naomi is a slim young woman standing at 5'2½" and weighs about 105 lbs. She has caramel skin and has pear body shape. Her hips are larger then her bust 36C (80 C in Japan) and a nicely defined waist and flat stomach. Naomi has elegant neck with proportionately slim arms and shoulders, with thick short legs, not stubby but short. Her torso is longer than her legs. Naomi has a small, soft, heart-shaped face with a pointed jaw, framed by coarse, thick, dark brown that fall to her above her ears. A few reluctant locks of hair fall into her face and some stop at her bust. She has large round orange eyes framed by thick dark lashes. Naomi eyes give her a more childish appearance. She has a snub nose, is button like with a slightly widening at the base. Its a small nose with little definition and has pink round lips.


    Naomi's everyday outfit is her school uniform. It's loose white button up shirt that fits loosely on her frame. She rolls the shirt sleeves up past her elbow put sometimes she has to push them back up because, the shirt is too big. (It has on pocket on the left breast). Naomi also, has orange tie around her neck. The shirt is hazardously shoved into a navy blue pleated skirt that comes mid-thigh and matching ankle socks with white slip on shoes with fringes.

    Lastly, she wears red dangling earrings and three golden hair clips on the left side of her hair.


    Naomi is insecure but, she masks it behind a flirtatious (no matter the gender) grin She's always ready to go on a good adventure. She sees everyday as an expedition. Naomi is a bit of a pessimistic. Usually, thinking of something morbid that will soon to come. She's always ready to help family and friends. She also, a comedian; She a bit of a joker. She loves to laugh and make people laugh. This stems from the belief that laughter is the best medicine.

    "If I can make one person laugh, then I accomplished my mission." She graciously showers people with love and affection. She is extremely energetic and can spread her vibes to other people. She doesn't get easily disheartened by disappointments and setbacks. She just her walking to beat of her own drum. She's quite charming. The way she talks and the matters she talks make people comfortable in her company. And with a captivating smile its really hard not be wooed. Even though, energetic she can be surprisingly laid-back as well. And it is not so much physical laziness as it is a desire to avoid tension and emotional challenges. Choosing one option out of two or more choices is probably the toughest task for the Naomi.


    Naomi is the youngest of family of for and she

    of four. She lives a sheltered life and made to things that she doesn't want to do. She isn't a leader she is a follower. She plans being a medical major because her parents said it would be best. Yet. I digress. She met Kyubey after she was in an accident.

    Her older brother, Eric, (The eldest) was driving and they were T-boned by drunk driver. The car skidded and in the end, her sister was the was the one with the most injuries. She had had fracture and tore her shoulder, but that was quickly fixed with surgery. Eric by some miracle had a few head injuries.

    She was crying when Kyubey came, he offered her a deal. He'd grant any wish when she became a magical girl and her wish was: "I want my sister to get better, I want her to be healed as if the accident never happened. "



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  • Name

    Lucy Allison

    What would she wish for?

    To find her biological family




    Lucy is a short girl with a petite and childish body. She lacks any curves and has pale freckled skin. She has big greyblue eyes that are rather far apart, giving her an odd look. Her face is round and she has a small upnose. Her hair is waistlength and greyish blonde in color. Lucy has small eyebrows. She usually wears discret clothing that doesn't draw much attention to her.


    Lucy is very intelligent. She can do complicated calculations in her head and her memory is excellent. However, she's very submissive and obedient, to the point of being and a doormat, and she can't stand up for herself. She's sweet and kind, but she can be a little shy around strangers. Lucy is always rather polite. She's very curious and is always yearning to learn more. She takes the concept of 'duty' very seriously and is very hardworking.


    Lucy is the only child of two rather old parents. She grew up happily, feeling very connected to her family. They often went out stargazing and hiking, and cared for their daughter very well. However, one thing always bothered her. She didn't look at all like her parents or any of her family at all, and that made her feel weird and out of place. She started to doubt if she belonged, and came to conclusion that she was adiópted (although without any real proof) this impacted her greatly, as beingconnected to your roots was very important for her. She started to search for her 'real' family, but she couldn't find anything. It was when she felt the most as if she didn't have a placeor purpose in this world that Kyubey contacted her.



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  • Name: Kyari Ni

    Wish: She wished to protect the ones close to her heart.

    Age: 15

    Looks: Her normal appearance is a black t-shirt, blue shorts, white ankle socks and white sneakers. Her hair is brown and goes to her shoulders. Her eyes are blue with a hint of black.

    Personality: She is rather considerate and flexible in nature. She tends to shy away from others so she doesn't have any friends. Like, none at all. Her only friends are her family members, so she is really close to them. She is not competitive, allowing those who steal the dream seed she earned to keep it. Though she will kindly ask for it back first.

    Background/history/family: For most of her life, Kyar? has been surrounded by family. They gave her the best advice and they tried their best to keep her safe. Kyar? grew attached to her family, forming a strong bond. When it came to school, she was the introvert. Shying away and not getting into discussion. She liked it that way, doing her own thing. She doesn't like competition, too, so she didn't participate in sports. She became more of a "keep calm and carry on" type of person. She wouldn't freak out so she could move on. Even though she doesn't say a thing, she still has feelings. Even when it comes to the strong bond she has with her family. She wants to make sure they're alright, sometimes even having anxious breakdowns about a feared future.



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  • Name: Katja Glinka

    What would she wish for?: To protect Yui

    Age: 17

    Looks: about 5' 7" tall, with a thin build, blue eyes, and shoulder length silver hair. her souls gem is on her color bone where the sea shell is on the pic( see pic for more details)

    Personality: Katja is calm and collected to the point many have a hard time seeing her emotions or hearing them. She tends to think what she is thinking in obvious to others often leaving those who don't know her confused. She values her cousin above all others and tends to be over protective of her seemingly wanting her to sit anything remotely dangerous out. Side note her favorite food is Pizza.

    Background/history/family: Katja's parents Her mother Russian, her father Japanese were rather successful business COO's of large businesses, they actually met at a corporate mixer. Katja actually spent most of her young days in Russia, though at 5 she was moved to america. Her life however was not all rainbows and sunshine as when Katja was 8 during a trip to Africa( she can't remember why they went) she and her mother got sick with a rare illness ( an off shot of a rare sleeping sickness). Her mother died to the illness and Katja was never quiet the same.

    When katja was 12 her father started getting ill and while he could till work he had to often take time off and it only got worse. Still he was healthy enough two years latter to take in Katja's cousin Yui. This didn't last as a year latter his health got so bad he had to stay in a hospital where he has remained for four years. It was a good thing that after her mother died Katja's father heavily invested in insurance and savings so Katja won't have to worry should he die.

    She became a magical when she stumbled up Yui and kyubey making a deal and she joined in to watch over her.


  • Name: yui sakura

    What would she wish for? To recover her lost memories as a child

    Age: 16

    Looks: she has silver hair like her cousin and blue eyes. Her hair is shorter not ever going below the neck. 5'4" tall about 132lbs ( see pic for more detail)

    Personality: often doesnt think before she acts or says something. She can be quite pessimistic on things that dont invole her cousin. She loves her cousin and thinks of her as a sister. Sometimes being the only one to understand her cousin's thoughts.

    Background/history/family: her mother and father are both japanese but lived in America . Yui was the oldest of two child. Her brother was 5 years old.

    One day her family was on a trip. Her father driving up the coast. When a drunk driver crash into them. Their car was knock into the ocean. Some how only yui survive. She had hit her head during the accident. So her early child memories are not all there.

    She soon move into her cousin's house on her mother's side. She help take care of her cousin and uncle until her uncle was put into the hospital. She tries to be there for her cousin. Knowing it hard to lose her parents.

    Yui often suffers from nightmares and flashbacks at night from the accident. Often blaming herself for the accident. Almost a type of survival guilt.
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  • Name: Rachel O'Grady

    What would she wish for? People to let her make her own choices

    Age: 14

    Looks: Rachel is 5’3 and has pale skin, she usually wears a bright red hoodie and always wears the hood, she rarely takes it off no matter what the weather along with her school uniform. She has dark brown hair that is left down, light honey brown eyes and very few freckles on her face.

    Personality: Rachel is a strong, ambitious girl who rarely backs down at any situation. Though she can act stupid at some times, she’s also pretty sarcastic too. She is brave and loves to travel a lot but she likes to be alone, more than others. She has dreams of travelling to different places and has a great imagination. She likes to get people are controlled by others to stand up for their own freedom, earning lots of friends even though she doesn't want any.

    Background/history/family: Rachel lived with her mother because her father and her mother got divorced, so it was just the two of them. She lived in a neighborhood with lots of kids, she met a girl one day and they became best friends, until she starting to use Rachel and forced her to do things that she didn’t want to for the other so that way she wouldn’t get in trouble. And Rachel had no say in it, she finally realized how much she ruined Rachel’s life and crushed her dreams. Rachel ditched her, and found another best friend, but the same thing happened. It went on for 5 years, her so called ‘best friends’ were using her, but on her 13th birthday, Kyuubei suddenly appeared in her room and offered her the contract. Knowing she could have any wish she wanted granted, she became a magical girl.

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  • Name: Yori Nakamoto

    What would she wish for? Bored by her droll high school lifestyle, Yori wished for something interesting to happen in her life. She got it.

    Age: 14

    Looks: Yori is a chubby girl of Japanese descent, and speaks with a Nippon accent despite moderately-fluent English. She has a short physique, standing at only 5'2". That's not to say that she isn't sturdy, however, as her weight-to-muscle ratio is something she prides herself on. With dark hair and almond-shaped eyes typical of a Japanese girl, Yori is otherwise unremarkable.

    Personality: Yori is a bit of a shy girl, but that's not to say she doesn't like people. She'll just as happily chat your head off for hours as she will waste time on the Internet. She is friendly enough but keeps to herself, being out of her comfort zone when away from her friends and family.

    Yori is very headstrong and confident when around trusted friends, contrasting with her introverted lifestyle. She can be irresponsible and thick-headed, but usually thinks things through before making decisions. Well, sometimes. She's stubborn to the point of stupidity, but despite this, she is smart enough to know when she is in deep trouble and knows the exact point a situation goes from bad to worse.

    Background/history/family: The daughter of a single father, Yori moved to Rosefield when she was six. Her dad aspired to study English abroad, and took his daughter with him. Yori has adjusted well to her life in Rosefield, but enjoys the infrequent visits to Japan to return to her loved ones. She's only a mediocre student in school, scoring primarily C's and the occasional B. Day in and day out, it was the same routine. Wake up, go to school, come home, sleep. Everything was so uninteresting and unpredictable. How boring!

    But along came an Incubator, with an offer not easily refused. A way to spice up her monotony? Sign her up! Of course, like many before her, Yori neglected to read the fine print.

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