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Fantasy A Dance with Danger (1x1)


Shinobi Cat
Ignore the title I couldn't think of something aside from something cryptic or whatever. Anyway straight to the point. I am seeking an rp partner to tell a story with, so lets get to the bullet points of understanding.

Intro: "How shall I refer to you old friend?"

Where to even begin, well one is I am not very good at introductions. Regardless, I am Scarlatina and I have been a member of this site since I lost count, but not as active due to other outlets. Even so, I have been rping for going 8 years, god I feel old, pretty much my first rp experience was in games. I don't care for forum rp as it gets way complicated and if you happen to skip a day you miss tons and have lot to read to even catch up sometimes.

Rules and guidelines: "Life is just a guideline to reality, your imagination is its truth."

1) As a busy college student who lives on the west coast I tend to have high response times and low response times, but I aim to at least have one response up and expect the same in return, if there is issues with life (which happens) then let me know.

2) Rp isn't a simple interaction between business partners, if that's what you want then move along. I tend to like making friends with those I rp with, I believe it builds a healthy story when people communicate.

3) Length isn't so much an issue, but one liners constantly don't really feel like contributing much and are often just reacting. With that being said I can understand one lines from time to time as long as plot moves forward. At the same time, I don't write essay long rps, I tend to stick from 2-4 paragraphs, with them at most being 5 sentences long, depending on how much inspiration is being fueled to me and the need required and I hope you can keep up with that.

4) I prefer you to be 18+

5) Rules may come up that aren't listed just because I can't remember everything, but the obvious is be a person with common sense and sense of decency.

Fandoms: "A good artists creates, a great artists steals."

Little side note, I don't rp original/cannon characters. I feel I could never do justice of the original writers for those characters so instead I tend to rp the concept of the world they live in with OCs. If I don't list something, please feel free to ask me, I might not have remember or might not have hear of it.

The Witcher
Fate/Stay Night

Plots: "The worse way to start a story has always been, it was a dark and stormy night."

ONE: A Storm of Death
Every so often there is a war of supernatural levels where the gods play with the lives of the innocent if but to test mortality. On one such night, over the mystery island city, a storm covers the night in the dark sky of rain and lightning. During this night, 7 lives are robbed and changed. Forced to fight one another for the chance to live on or lose all of what they knew. Along side champions of old, they fight for their lives.

TWO: The Right

A blood feud between houses boils over with the simplest exchange of words. What would each house do to succeed in the internal struggle for power as a new face rises to the seat of power and threatens many of their ways of lives. Will they defend their new leader or find a way to gain control of the power they so desire. Perhaps the true enemy lies within your own family, waiting for their new victim.

THREE: A Vendetta
Bodies dropping around town send red flags to even the most common person, but for detectives its more of a concern of public safety at this point. While many believe these are random acts of violence, few are noticing the trend in the victims. To when end is the killers goal, where will they strike next, and is it possible they are closer than you might suspect?

THREE/TWO: Lost Butterfly
Bodies of young females start appearing through out a small suburb and detectives have little to go on, except for the strange tattoo all the women share on them. Do all of them link back to one person, or is this a case of copy cat or cultist rituals. Detectives try their best to hunt down the predator, but is it already to late?

FOUR: Long Time No See
Its been too long since they've seen this town, have traveled away for many reasons. Now that they have returned, will they remember why it was they left to begin with. An old friend isn't afraid to show them around, but something isn't right, and they appear to be hiding things, but why? Will they ever find the truth, the reason?

FIVE: I Live to Serve
A simple servant tangled in the life of their master. Deception, captivation, hidden secrets, even an unseen death, all are mere common occurrences. Just how far will a server of a young master go to protect their image, their lively hood, and even their own soul. Be careful when talking to the master, for they might not even know just how far their favored staff member would go to keep even a sinister truth from the light of day.

Final Notes: "And this is where the curtain falls."

If any of these sound interesting or you noticed something here at all, don't be afraid to PM or drop a comment below, I don't bite I swear.

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