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Realistic or Modern A Cupid's Guide to Love! [In Character]

Jace Sterling
From one commotion to the next, the day seemed endless as Jace trailed behind Rue and Arashi, with Domi at his side. What awaited them was more bad news and the ever familiar flare of a headache that neared a migriane made itself known. Jace mentally ran through a list of things in his room that might be damaged by the faulty sprinkler system, but everything seemed manageable. What truly concerned him, however, was Domi’s side of things—and he would have to help clean that up too. "Do you have-- er, have anything in mind? On your mind? For the mission." Jace quickly surveyed the area, taking in the other residents of the apartment building. It was no surprise to see a sea of frustrated and anxious faces staring back at him, but one tenant stood out. A woman-Linally, wearing nothing but a bathrobe in the freezing cold. She had an oversized coat draped over her, but Jace doubted it was comfortable. With so many variables at play, it seemed unlikely they would get much done here. His gaze shifted back to Domi, still clinging to his arm, albeit a little tighter. Jace took note of the slight shiver of the girl's body that she tried to surpress. His own hands were beginning to feel numb too, a stark reminder that he hadn’t been prepared to be out this late. If he had known the mission would keep him out this long, he would have brought a warmer coat—one Domi could have used. "I think it'll be best if we went somewhere warmer for now," he said as the others started making their way towards the cafe, "the others are going to a-" "Hope to see you there, handsome." Jace froze, caught off guard. Before he could respond, Linally was already brushing past him. He watched her retreating figure for a moment, confusion settling in. What was that about? Her overly-friendly attitude had become something of a strange constant whenever they crossed paths, whether in the stairwell or outside taking out the trash. Complements and pleasantries dripped out of her lips everytime they meet and Jace couldn't recall doing anything to merit the closeness the woman seemed to imply between the both of them, but he couldn’t deny that it made him feel a little lost. Her attention, though never overtly invasive, always seemed a little too insistent. "Uh" Jace tried to continue, but the sudden encounter made him pause mid-sentence, "ah—yeah, the others are going to a... cat cafe? Let's stay there for a while, maybe observe." He finished the sentence, his mind already longing for the end of the day. But even when that came, he knew he wouldn’t get a good night’s rest—his bed was soaked, and a peaceful night seemed far out of reach.
Code by Nano
Ruanne Amathea
Rue blinked at the man in front of her before her lips curved into a soft giggle as her attention shifted to the cat winding affectionately to him. At first, she thought he might be upset when she saw his brow furrowed slightly as he crouched down to her level, surely no small feat for someone as tall as him. Not to mention that his sharp gaze made her nerves flutter. But the cat's clear adoration eased her. Rue believed cats were like little judges of character. If this man had won over a feline, he couldn’t be all bad. It wasn’t a foolproof system, of course, but it rarely let her down. Before she could introduce herself, an upbeat voice cut in. A girl with pink hair softer than hers offered her own introduction first. Rue tilted her head, studying the girl's uniquely charming beauty, and then smiled brightly at the new faces, “It’s nice to meet you both!” Straightening to her feet, Rue placed her hands on her hips and struck a confident pose, “I'm Ruanne, but call me Rue. Everyone does! I live on the fourth floor.” She rolled her shoulders, brushing off the lingering stiffness from crouching down, then blinked in mild concern as Lucia explained her less-than-pleasant evening. Rue winced sympathetically, “Oh no, damp hair is the absolute worst! I hate it too… I’d be miserable, but look at you… you still look gorgeous!” She gave the girl a wink before reaching for her bag in search of a handkerchief to offer, only to pause when Lucia mentioned about the cookie jar, “Oh, this?” Rue paused mid-search and held up the jar, “I wish it was from a secret admirer… that would be soooo romantic!” She sighed wistfully before shaking her head, “Sadly, it’s not for me. I made it for someone else.” As her words faded, a sudden realization struck her. Wait a second… Had she received any chocolate today? A quick flash of her most recent interactions scrolled through her mind… nope, nothing. The light in her expression dimmed slightly, her cheeks puffing as a childlike pout took over. For a split second, disappointment filled her eyes. She’d spent so much time pouring love on others’ cups, but who was filling her cup? What if one day, her love dried up entirely? What if there wasn’t any left to give? Not even to herself…? “Stop it,” Rue muttered under her breath, giving herself a little shake. This wasn’t the time for dramatic existential crises. Brightening almost instantly, she beamed like a sunflower greeting the dawn. She glanced at Theo and Lucia again, “You two look pretty close,” she teased, her eyes narrowing mischievously, “Are you guys… dating?” Her eyebrows danced in perfect sync, waggling up and down as she smirked.
Code by Nano
Arashi Oshiro
"Ah." That made sense. Arashi never inquired about Vincent's social life so perhaps the fault was his own. Knowing, or rather, coming to terms with the idea that his stalker was not only friends with his housemate, but also lived in the same apartment complex filled him with both relief and unease. Was it pure coincidence? Did she move in, on the same floor, for reasons other than being near him? As much as the stars aligned, that would be too psychotic even for her. Whoever addressed Rue was yet another unknown face, though Rue clearly knew her. Aside from Vincent, Lucia was the only other person Arashi befriended, though not by his own volition; his cat considered her a second owner and acted as such whenever Arashi failed to entertain her (and sometimes, even when he tried!). Multiple pass offs and bagged treats familiarized him to her, even if they rarely exchanged more than a few sentences. However, that raised the question of just where she ran off to. He trusted Vincent to ensure her safety, but unlike the frog and the Koi she was nowhere to be seen--not even among the cafe's employees. Nobody else mentioned his cat so that left only Idalia, the first person he met at the apartments; he hadn't spoken to her since the day he rescued that cat, but not for a lack of trying. Rather, they had opposing schedules and the few times he did see her, he was woefully tongue tied. Even now, as her assistant pulled out an outfit for Rue's housemate, Idalia transfixed him. He could have asked her about the sprinklers, water damage, or if she'd seen his cat, but he remained hesitant. He didn't want to intrude on them, yet he still longed to thank her for treating him so kindly. Does she even remember that day? He wondered. For Idalia, that could have been a passing moment--a breeze in the windy city. The only evidence of their interaction had been his calico, which he realized, was cradled in her arm. Shit, that was the perfect excuse wasn't it? Arashi set down the bowl housing both of his pets onto a nearby table, ducking away while Rue finally directed her attention to someone else. A more observant person might have noticed his posture stiffen and his hands ball into his pockets. Though his stride remained leisurely, there appeared to be a flash of trepidation in his eyes, as if he didn't quite know what to do with either his body or his face. "H-hey L-Lia...uh-" Thanks for finding her. Thank you for fixing me up that day. I wish we could have spoken sooner. These all would have been normal (if not slightly corny) things to say to her, but unlike the many words he had for Ruanne only two managed to leave his lips. "M-my-my cat..."
Code by Nano
Dominga Touzani
Dominga tried her hardest to dismiss the biting cold, instead opting to hold on to Jace and hope his pensive presence would warm her as always. She despised human bodies, how they always needed relief from all certain conditions. Cold, heat, overconsumption, underconsumption, everything had to be just right. In this human body of hers, she always ate constantly and maybe that was due to her plucky athleticism. She liked to believe so. Or maybe it was to fill her stomach to compensate for the hole Jace left. Maybe. Sometimes, his quiet love filled her like now. She could not help an adoring smile as her chin tilted up to stare at her bespectacled partner. How the stars framed his dark hair perfectly. How he was the brightest of the sky's canvas. He suggested to retire from the outside chill, and Dominga could not have agreed more. She opened her mouth to eagerly agree (she probably would have agreed to anything Jace suggested), but a voice brushed past them. Hope to see you there, handsome. Her eyes widened, and her neck almost snapped to stare at the back of the culprit. She recognized the voice, the hair. It was a girl in their apartment, and the gears slowly turned. Oh. Yes. Rue's good friend and Vincent's good friend, but Domi never said a word to her, mostly due to her avoidance of Vincent. Her lips parted, and her pink eyes rested on the bold girl's back. It sunk in. It killed her. No. Someone so beautiful and put-together... She grew pale and looked down at her winter boots. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Now I have to worry about Vincent and that girl. Laurie? Lonnie? Domi could have sworn Rue mentioned her many times, but her sweet new friend talked so fast at times, it was hard to keep up. Jace in his usual fashion suggested they head towards the cafe without acknowledging the interaction. It comforted Dominga a little but not enough for her to not spiral into insecurity and silent self-loathing. She is so pretty. Her hair is so long and gorgeous. Wait. Wait, but I'm taller. I'm taller! Domi thought, pressing the palms of her hands to her face and rubbing. Jace probably started walking at that point, and she trudged along with the stubborn hold of his arm. They would have to see one another at the cafe, and nerves overtook Dominga. Please don't let her take him from me, she silently prayed to her mother.
Code by Nano
Vincent Cha
Arashi’s shock, delayed as it was, was nothing unexpected given the offensively vibrant red thread tying both his and Ruanne’s pinkies together. When Vincent’s eyes flicked from his roommate’s face down to the thread of fate and back, his face was awash with a blatant look of pity for the younger man. The redhead had never bothered to check up on where his friend had been running off to as of late, but one look at her victim was all he needed to vaguely guess the horrors he’d faced. A hand gently found its place on the Arashi’s shoulder, followed by what should have been a few words of encouragement, though his sympathy would warp into a scowl the moment Rue’s chipper voice rang out once again. Like a tiny puppy always overeager to show its affection, Rue’s manner of addressing Vincent before sending him on his way to the kitchen was as predictably sickeningly saccharine as usual. Remembering whose company he was in, the redhead quickly fixed his expression into an awkward smile and released his hold on Arashi’s shoulder.
“Well, you two get comfy,”
he said in a cheerful tone, though he couldn’t help but make a face when Rue blew him a kiss. He almost didn’t want to give her the little gift he’d been planning on giving her earlier. While gently stirring the chocolate melting in a clear glass bowl, Vincent occasionally took brief glances at the small paper bag sitting innocently upon the countertop. Back when he’d first settled back down in his apartment after a long day at work, he’d thought it wasn’t a big deal that he’d forgotten the gifts for Rue and Linally at the cafe. Now that a majority of the things in his apartment were likely waterlogged, however, he was secretly glad that he’d left them behind. A little silver lining amidst the wave of bad luck. Carefully balancing two trays in his hands, Vincent made his way back to the tables with mugs of coffee and hot chocolate as well as a plate of madeleines. Underneath the mug placed in front of Rue was a simple, brown handkerchief hem-stitched with a mint green thread and decorated with a small ribbon of the same color in one corner. Even if the sprightly girl took note of his subtle return gift for all the little favors she’d gifted him every valentine’s day, the redhead didn’t acknowledge her reaction and made his way back toward Linally.
“I should’ve asked before heading off to prepare the drinks, but did you want to use the bath upstairs? Or at least dry your hair off.”
Vincent asked sheepishly. After a brief pause, he swallowed before attempting to sound as casual as possible.
“By the way, my sister’s friend came back from a business trip abroad and gave her too much chocolate, so she dumped some on me. There’s a few interesting or weird ones in there like maple bacon flavored chocolate and lemon rosemary. Would you like any?”
Code by Nano
Two weeks after the chaos on Valentine’s Day, everything seemed to settle down and return to normalcy. Most of the residents had been able to move back into their appropriate units without further ado, and the faulty sprinkler system had been triple checked to ensure such an error wouldn’t occur again. All was calm, except for one particular individual who’d had an extra pair of eyes following her as of late. Were Idalia to be particularly alert and sensitive to the strange presence following her around, she may have felt something staring at her through the 7th floor window or when she was crossing the street, but no one and nothing of note ever seemed to be there. Whether or not Idalia had taken note of the supposed stalker and confided in Tei, the man and a fellow member of their apartment unit, Ruanne, happened to spot glimpses of a suspicious individual sneaking around the apartment complex as of late. Their little investigation would lead them to a face that Ruanne was all too familiar with: Arashi. The poor man was embroiled in trouble as usual, this time having been caught by a young woman who looked suspiciously like the person they’d spotted hanging around Idalia for the past two weeks. Soft, black waves hung loose around her shoulders, held down by a black beret, and a fluffy white cardigan wrapped around her petite figure. The encounter had begun with Arashi suddenly being harshly yanked by the sleeve of his left arm, drawing his attention to the young woman who stood there in silence while chewing what was presumably bread based on the crumbs on one corner of her mouth. For at least ten seconds, she remained there saying nothing while keeping a surprisingly strong grip on his sleeve. When she finally swallowed, her expression suddenly turned cross and vicious, as if she were staring at someone who’d spat on her shoes. “YOU!” she bellowed loudly enough for the entire neighborhood to hear, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been up to! Must be nice to be loved by god and land a perfect angel as your match, but did you think people would just forgive you for that? Well, I sure as hell am not. I saw what you were trying back at the cafe. A cat cafe! Late at night! On Valentine’s Day of all days!” The strange woman’s voice pitched high into a shriek as she released her hold on Arashi, buried her face into her hands, and sobbed dramatically. “Whoever set you up with her needs a better pair of eyes. She’s just so…so perfect. Beautiful, aloof in a way that makes her all the more gorgeous, and rich too.” If Arashi attempted to make his escape then, his freedom would be short-lived as the woman suddenly wrapped herself around his entire arm this time. “But you? Oh my god…this is so embarrassing.” She gave him a few rough shakes, manhandling him with that near inhuman strength of hers. “This job should’ve gone to me! M-E! I would’ve handled this so much better than those losers. Oh, if only she’d been matched with that one girl with the cute pink and blonde hair. I love it when the cool untouchable queen gets her walls taken down by the energetic one who wears her heart on her sleeve. That plain-looking guy with glasses living on the 3rd floor would fit her vibes too...” By now, the noise had attracted the attention of not only Tei and Ruanne but also Idalia who’d come down to investigate the hooligan being a public disturbance in front of her apartment complex. Meanwhile Dominga, who’d been passing by when the strange woman had begun making a commotion outdoors, quickly realized at a glance that the person yelling at Arashi was a fellow cupid.
Once again, Elmo had snuck his way home with Theo, this time quietly stalking him back to his humble abode rather than shoving his limber body into his bag. A small meow came from the ground right by the tall man’s leg as the cat curled his little body around Theo’s ankle. Fortunately, the man had exchanged numbers with Vincent the first time the cat had snuck his way out of the cafe, and a few messages were all it took to make arrangements for when and where to return the cat to his rightful place. Theo along with Lucia had begun making their way to the cafe at the time the former had agreed to meet Vincent, only to meet the redhead part of the way. However, the redhead was currently preoccupied, seemingly cross with the man he was attempting to converse with. “Since when have envoys or whatever you’re called been so involved in the lives of the people you pair together?” Vincent said, an uncharacteristic frown marring his normally cheerful facial expression. However, before he or the others could say another word, a bright voice called out to the redhead. Clinging on to Linally by linking one elbow to the little actress’s arm, another woman with a clear resemblance to Vincent waved energetically to the small group. “Good morning! Lots of unfamiliar faces today. Never knew my brother was this social on his days off.” Completely ignoring the potentially poor atmosphere, the woman released her hold on Linally and excitedly ran toward Lucia. Without any words, she leaned one way and then another, silently observing the pink-haired woman, taking particular interest in studying her hair. Her gaze then immediately flipped to the others nearby, studying them one-by-one with a sparkle in her eye. Suddenly, she clapped. “If I’m not interrupting anything, how would you four like to be hair models? I’ve had a few ideas on a few styles and products I wanted to try out, and I’ll make sure to treat you to something nice after!”
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Theodore Yoon
A/N: if you see any grammar mistakes….no you don’t…pls.
Ever since the first…Incident, Theo made it a routine to check for any cute fuzzy stragglers in his bag before he left Vincent’s cafe. The first Incident (and the Incidents following) was an experience mortifying enough that even just his thermos falling inside his bag on its own had him checking his bag in paranoia.


…But unfortunately, it seems that despite the gentle giant’s best efforts, his furry little stalker has managed to find a way to follow him home regardless.

Much to the cat’s delight, Theo sighed in resignation but picked up the cat without complaints. He dutifully sent Vincent a text with an apology and made arrangements to return the cat to the cafe. Thankfully, it was his day off and had no urgent errands to run.

And as Theo gently ran a finger over the small cat’s forehead, he wondered if anyone would like to tag along to the cat cafe. Sending a text to invite Lucia to tag along was effortless and almost habitual. There was comfort in routine, though it was usually Lucia inviting Theo.

Opening up his group chat with Idalia and Tei, was also habitual. But unlike before, his thumb hesitated over the “send” button. Both friends seemed fairly busy lately. And they seemed happy enough without having to deal with Theo’s…burdens.

And while Theo was a little dense at times, he still understood the reason why Idalia consulted with him about her feelings about Tei. Whether she meant it that way or not, Theo sensed that the two probably needed more time to themselves (without an oblivious third-wheel) to have a higher chance of sorting out their feelings…

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded his head resolutely and deleted the message before closing the group chat.

Maybe today was not the day. But there was always tomorrow or the day after.


With a friend for company and Elmo jailed in a cat carrier, the trio was making their way to the cafe at the time that Theo agreed to meet with Vincent. But the group ended up meeting the redhead on the way to the cafe instead. Though…based on his expression, he seemed preoccupied and having an unpleasant conversation with…Jace?

Before he could interrupt them with a greeting, Vincent’s sister (allegedly) interrupted them instead.

Frankly, the intensity of the woman’s energy caused Theo to unconsciously start to inch away until he was “hidden” behind the rest of the group.

"I…We only came here to return Elmo to Vincent…"
Code By Nano
Arashi Oshiro
After Valentine's Day ended, Arashi adjusted to a new normal. Now that Rue knew where he lived, she became a regular fixture in his life. The constant visits, naps on their (meaning Arashi and Vincent) couch, and snacks wore down his misgivings until he finally conceded to waving from across the room if she greeted him. Still, that didn't stop him from leaving on his own as was his right as an occupant. Today, Arashi chose to meet with an old coworker. While he would have normally declined, the offer of free food was enough to stave off the inherent awkwardness of being around someone who considered him a friend while he did not. The trip took all of thirty-minutes, half of which was spent listening to his coworker whine about their failing marriage and the other half waiting for their food. The two finally parted ways when his sort-of-acquaintance received a call from their spouse demanding to they "talk" and Arashi gave him an Irish goodbye. As he walked towards the apartment complex, he felt a sharp yank on his hoodie followed by a slew of chewing noises. Had she grabbed onto him by mistake? He wrinkled his brow at the black-haired woman, noting a number of crumbs surrounding the edge of her mouth. He jerked back his arm, leaning away to prevent himself from elbowing her in the face. Unfortunately her grip was strong and her stance even stronger as she remained unmoved by his attempts to walk away. Maybe she'll go away once she's done eating. And if she didn't, at least he could finish his lunch. He unwrapped his meal, sinking his teeth into a sandwich that he swore was bestowed by the gods. The toasted baguette provided the perfect vehicle for the array of flavors contained within its pickled vegetables, grilled pork, peppers, and cilantro. It would be the best thing he ate in the past two months were it not for the sudden shriek that cut through the air. Birds flew, dogs barked, and a few heads turned in their direction as she berated him for seemingly nothing (something he was quite used to). Much like all the talk about red strings and cupids, she appeared to believe in an imaginary force fueling his love li--perceived love life. As kind as Ruanne was, no one in their right mind would call her an angel. She was too loud, too colorful, and too uncouth. If anyone deserved to be called an angel, it would be someone who was-- "--so perfect. Beautiful, aloof in a way that makes her all the more gorgeous, and rich too." Ignoring the one topic they might have agreed on, Arashi lunged for the stairs. Between her tears and buried face she surely wouldn't catch him--except for the part where she did. The furthest he managed to reach was the front of the building before she latched onto him once more. "S-s-stop. Stop talking." He bristled, his words steaming in the chilly air. Rather than the anger that he previously showed, his voice reeked of defeat and irritation. Valentine's Day should have been the end of all the nonsense. Hadn't those three gotten the message? No, they must have sent a new stalker. That was the only way to explain how she managed to find him and why she described Rue in such painstaking detail. Again he tried escaping her grip by vigorously shaking his arm but her strength seemed infinite--a vice so tight that he considered gnawing his arm off. In another world where fate and cupids existed and where his scars didn't he would have loved for them to be tied together; however, this was not that world. There was only insanity and a woman who didn't deserve to be involved in it. "I-I don't c-c-care. Y-y-ou need to l-l-eave this place--leave her alone."
Code by Nano
Dominga Touzani
Dominga naively thought for some reason that after Valentine's Day, the love between herself and Jace would bloom. She laid in her bed and idealized his small gesture -- pulling her closer as the fireworks that winter night burst in the sky. She dreamt of it every night, and Domi never felt a lightness like so when she looked Jace in his dark, diligent eyes. In the dream, she pushed herself towards him and on her tiptoes. Leaning in ever so slightly, her chin closer, closer, her lips puckered -- Hope to see you there, handsome. A beautiful monster emerged from the shadows with shiny chestnut hair and scrupulous eyes. Perfection. Dominga woke up from the same nightmare the seventh time that week. Things with Jace were rather ordinary, and it twisted the knife in deeper. She thought it might have been different after that day, but as her rivals for love roster cranked up, Dominga felt more hopeless. As a cupid in pure flesh, she was confident and vibrant, but she was imprisoned in a human life. She could not use her abilities to the fullest extent, and it made her wonder, was her ability also courage and fortitude? Motivation? It used to come so effortlessly, but as a human being, she found the reality daunting that these were skills that had to be finetuned. Worked for. Still in her soccer uniform, she returned that day from practice with a skip in her step and a 7-11 bag bopping behind her. Many snacks for her and a favorite snack of Jace's. She hoped he would be in their apartment. Suddenly, commotion echoed as she drew closer and closer, and she recognized a head of pastel purple hair. A small woman was accosting Arashi and yelling at him about... something about a job? A guy on the third floor? Wait a minute. Dominga squinted and grew pale. Lyra? She shuddered, hesitating. Jace specifically gave her instruction to not act without consulting him first, but he wasn't there. She took a deep breath. No. This is what you need. You are the Goddess of Love's child. You should-- you should be responsible, she gave herself a pep talk. Dominga swallowed thickly and approached. "Hey, uh, what do you think you're doing? This isn't your assignment, Lyra," she huffed and puffed up her chest, a triumphant smirk on her face. Mature so far. Dignified. Yes. "I've clearly got it under control," she teemed. Yeah. Yeah, that would show her. In the past, that stupid cupid would always meddle in Dominga's assignments along with everyone else. Lyra, even more so! She narrowed her eyes at the dark-haired cupid, the unpredictable cupid, and could not help but take an instinctive step back. She hadn't even noticed the landlord coming down to investigate. "So, yeah, get out of here before I tell my mom on you," she hissed and pointed accusingly.
Code by Nano
Vincent Cha
Only a year old but always causing so much trouble.
Thoughts soured by two lines of text innocently staring back at him from a lightly scratched phone screen accompanied the embarrassingly clear reminder that he’d failed to keep tabs on the café’s most troublesome resident not once but twice. God forbid he and the part-timer turned their backs for no more than a handful of seconds to tend to their other tasks. For one whose life was rife with misfortunes, however, the silver lining was that the object of the cat’s obsession was the same person each time. After the brunette behind the counter reassured Vincent that she was more than capable of holding down the fort alone given it was a slow day, he tossed her one last grateful look before heading off to meet Theo partway. In one hand was a box of four assorted cake slices, while the other kept a tight grip on his phone in case the two had trouble finding each other. Unfortunately, the first familiar face he had the pleasure of coming across was someone whom he wished to avoid yet simultaneously had a bone to pick with. Before Vincent could elaborate further on what he meant by asking Jace
“Since when have envoys or whatever you’re called been so involved in the lives of the people you pair together?”
, an irritating voice cut through the emptiness of the lazy street. “Soobin!” With that, the redhead immediately clamped his mouth shut with an audible click, and the glare initially trained on the bespectacled cupid whipped toward the source of the sound. If only God could smite him where he stood, that would be great.
“You… Why are you even here? Weren’t you complaining about how busy you were last week?”
Vincent sighed while pressing his thumb to his forehead in exasperation. However, the moment eyes colored a pale blue trailed slightly off to the side and spotted the shorter woman Vinyette was clinging on to, he immediately straightened back up. He, uh, hadn’t sounded too annoyed at seeing his sister, right?
“Oh, hey Linally. Fancy meeting you here.”
Vincent greeted stiffly before awkwardly stepping sideways to shuffle closer to Theo who’d begun inching away. Briskly but with gentle movements, the redhead retrieved the cat carrier from the tall man’s hands and coughed once to clear his throat.
“Like Theodore said, he’s only here as a favor. I wouldn’t want to bother them further if they’re busy…”
Vincent shot his sister a look, silently pleading for her to just leave instead of making the others uncomfortable. Based on the mischievous look on her face, however, his signaling only seemed to make her all the more eager to drag everyone off for whatever it is that she was planning.
Code by Nano


Lucia Mondadori

Theo, Vinyette, the rest (mention)

When it came to her and Theo, Lucia had always been a little more of the active one. It had to be her, of course, considering she'd made all the effort to initiate the friendship in the first place. In the almost two-years that friendship had blossomed, however, she hadn't really given up ownership of that role, or at least split the duties. They hung out often, for sure, but it was usually her inviting him out or forcefully inserting himself into his plans.

She didn't mind it this way, obviously! Theo rarely ever said no—she took special care to work around his schedule—and she honestly liked having control, period. Still, it was always a pleasant surprise to be asked first. Like... they remembered your company and wanted you there? A sweet sentiment, and one that she intentionally didn't ponder over too deeply.

And so, Lucia turned up punctual, cheerful, and overdressed—she'd take any excuse to show off a cute outfit—for a very casual journey to the cat cafe. It was just down the block, but leave it to some unnervingly potent luck for them to not even make it the whole way before coming across Vincent and... some guy. Vaguely familiar, somewhat unassuming, and sort of... frowny? She thought to ask Theo, but the question was batted away before it was halfway up her throat. Would her stony-faced friend even know, considering him? She felt like the man only ever worked, if not for her.

"Good morning!" Her eyes were drawn towards a pair of newcomers, a slightly-more familiar face and a woman with hair the same fiery red as the mop on Vincent's head. The former was clothed, this time, with her hair and make-up as prim and pretty as Lucia was used to seeing. Rue's roommate... Lolly~!, the blonde had pointed out, in that bright, high-pitched tone of hers.

Without warning, the redhead barrelled over to her, and Lucia flinched back in surprise, lips pressing into a small, thin frown. A moment of fluttering about her before the woman hopped to the next person, and Lucia reached for a lock of her hair, too, wondering if she'd missed a spot with her straightener that morning.

"If I’m not interrupting anything, how would you four like to be hair models?" Her brows furrowed.

To her side, she could feel Theo shrink back, his voice a fraction of his stature when it warbled out nervously. That a man like him could be reduced to this at the mere offer for his hair to be done—it was all she could to not let a laugh slip. Vincent, on the other hand, treated his sister with an air of irritation that only affirmed the closeness of their relationship in Lucia's eyes.

The way his posture straightened, however, on catching sight of the brunette was not missed. Hm.

"Yeah, we had plans after this,"
she interjected smoothly, bending down to give a tiny wave farewell to tiny Elmo as he was passed over before she rose again, gaze returning to the redheaded woman,

The invitation was tempting. Sue her. Modelling? While getting your hair done? What a dreamy sort of pampering on your day off. Surely, asking wasn't committing. Nevermind that she'd have said yes in a heartbeat if not for Theo being there—something like this felt a little too out of his league for a gentle sort of nudge, and it was beneath her to whine.

Her eyes flashed with curiosity.
"You're a hairstylist? What were you thinking of doing?"


oh, i hate feeling so

my feelings
for someone
lolly malang.
outside cat café
vinyette, vincent, jace, theo, lucia
masked up
click here
The days after the Valentine's Day fiasco had settled into something far more normal—which was to say, for Lolly, busy. If she wasn't attending rehearsals at the theater, she was snapping up every last little gig she could if it meant a little more wiggle room in her bank account. Things had been a little less dire financially since Rue had moved into the apartment with her, sure, but living as a gig performer meant never really feeling the reassuring heft of financial security. If the grueling hours of performing—always on, always smiling, always bright—were beginning to take a toll on her, she wouldn't let it show. Any dark circles wreathing her eyes were quickly smothered in makeup; any dullness in her gaze was quickly snuffed out with a few practiced smiles in the mirror.

Bustling as her schedule had been, it wasn't until the first free day she had had in what felt like ages that Lolly realized with a pang of regret that she hadn't called her brother lately.

"Hm? I'm fine. You worry too much," Jun-Jun said. Craning her ear, Lolly thought she could hear what sounded like something sizzling on the other end of the line. Was he cooking?

Don't make me laugh. It's my job to worry about you.
" She painted on a smile, even though he couldn't see it—force of habit. "
What are you doing for work these days?

"I've been janitoring."

Oh? Where?

"Local restaurant."

Lolly pressed her ear into her shoulder, locking her phone in place as she shifted her purse on her shoulder. She was on her way out. "
Tell me about that.

"Not much to tell. It's a small place. Irish pub kind of stuff." Jun-Jun paused. "Family owned and operated, though it's just one woman and her two sons."

Lolly's eyebrows rose. "
How old?

"I don't know," Jun-Jun said. "Twenty-two, twenty-three? They might be twins. Not sure."

She couldn't help herself. Lolly's lips twitched into a smile. "
Either of them cute?

Jun-Jun scoffed. "Very funny, ateng." Neither of their parents knew about Jun-Jun's disinterest in women. As rigid as they had always been in their Catholicism, Lolly couldn't imagine they would react favorably. "I guess, but I'm not really into gingers. One of them's kind of a dick, anyway."

Unbidden, the first thought that came to Lolly's mind was:
That wouldn't stop Rue.
With that dogged way she was pursuing Arashi, even after he rebuffed her at every turn...

"She's got a daughter, too," Jun-Jun murmured. "Barely in high school, but she still helps out around the restaurant. Sweet kid."

His wistful tone was not lost on Lolly, and she was immediately privy to where his thoughts had wandered. Buboy would be in high school, now.

She frowned.

"Listen, I've gotta go," Jun-Jun said, "but you take care of yourself, too, okay?"

Recovering quickly, Lolly rolled her eyes. "
I told you, worrying is my job. Don't you start, now.

"Whatever you say, big sis."

The silence that followed the click of her phone buzzed uncomfortably around her as she reached the bottom of the stairs and made her way through the lobby of the apartment complex. It was jarring to her whenever she heard other people end conversations with their family with a casual 'I love you.' She and her family had never traded in the phrase, but that didn't stop her from regretting not saying it every time she ended a call with the only brother she had left.

By the time she was on the street, she had recovered her feigned upbeat demeanor, the practiced bounce in her step. Sticking a hand into her purse, Lolly thumbed around to ensure the little box of chocolates was still there. Chaotic as Valentine's Day had been, she hadn't been able to gift her two closest friends the little treats she had gotten for them. Thankfully, she had been able to get Rue's to her shortly thereafter, but schedules hadn't aligned for her to run into Vincent again since then. She was due for a visit to the cat café.

What she wasn't expecting was to run into another Cha sibling on her way there. Lolly quickly assumed a cheerful smile as Vincent's sister accosted her. She found the energetic, busybody sort to be somewhat draining to interact with, but Lolly had never minded Vinyette much in particular. A pair of eldest daughters, there had always been a sort of unspoken understanding between them, a silent recognition of each other's efforts and sacrifices.

Even so, seeing Vinyette for the first time in ages was an aching reminder of another time, when Lolly and Vincent were closer, when their families were closer, when both of them had two siblings.

"You wouldn't be on your way to see my dumb loser brother, would you?" Vinyette asked with a glint in her eyes.

Lolly smiled placidly. "
How did you know?

"I'm never wrong when it comes to my brothers. Great, great! Mind if I tag along?"

Of course not.

Vinyette filled most of the rest of the walk with her chatter, and Lolly let her, smiling and nodding where appropriate. They hadn't yet reached the café when they ran into Vincent himself, ostensibly on his own way out, though he wasn't alone. Lolly tipped her head to the side. Jace, Lucia, Theo... it was a strange group. Lolly still hadn't had much of a chance to speak with Lucia directly, and she hadn't spoken to Theo since the night he had graciously offered her his giant coat, but she had noticed, at the very least, that the two seemed to be somewhat close. What Jace was doing there without his usual entourage in tow—an entourage that included Rue, she remembered somewhat unhappily—she couldn't be sure. From the look Vincent was giving him, they didn't appear to be particularly friendly.

Lolly assumed her usual polite smile as Vinyette greeted the group. When Vincent noticed her, it was with an abrupt stiffness that he greeted her, and Lolly giggled to bite back a little pang of bitterness. First Rue running off constantly with her new friends, and now Vincent's detachedness—for what were supposed to be her two best friends, neither Vincent nor Rue had seemed all that eager to see her lately.

Fancy meeting you here? Did you steal that from a book or something? It's good to see you, too, Vinny.
" The box of chocolates was burning a hole in her purse, but she wasn't all that keen to whip them out now, in front of all the others. At the very least, Vinyette would probably make a bigger deal out of it than Lolly wanted to deal with right now.

Speaking of which, Vincent's sister had eagerly propositioned the group for a bit of hair modeling, an offer that Lucia appeared to be thoroughly tempted by. Not all that surprising—she looked like someone who took her beauty routine seriously, a commitment Lolly could understand and respect. Theo and Jace, on the other hand...

Sounds like fun,
" Lolly said, smiling at Vinyette; and then she added, with a playful little glance at Jace, "
Besides, I'd love to see the boys all dolled up.

Jace Sterling
Their previous plan—if it could even be called that—had failed, possibly making things even worse instead of fixing them. But Jace prided himself on always staying two—no, three—steps ahead. With Domi occupied at soccer practice, he had the perfect chance to work alone, free from the girl’s… interruptions. Tracking the redhead wasn’t difficult; his vibrant hair stood out like a beacon even from a distance. Not that Jace really needed to keep him in sight—if he lost track, he could always guess the guy was heading to the café. Now, the cupid lingered outside, waiting for the right moment to approach Vincent. Their past encounters had been prickly at best—and outright hostile at worst. Jace couldn't fathom why the man was being stubborn in his decision. It was simple, really, and it wasn't like he wouldn't be benefiting from it as well. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a stranger watching him on the once empty street. Across where he was standing, someone leaned against a wall, chatting on their phone, but their gaze was locked onto him too. Fantastic. Jace had developed quite the reputation in this neighborhood—not exactly the kind anyone would want. Whispers followed him, hushed conversations pausing whenever he walked by. People had decided he was a stalker, a label born from misunderstanding, yet one he couldn’t seem to shake. And today was no different. Jace knew there was no point in trying to explain himself. Any attempt to clear the air would probably just make things worse. So, instead, he ducked into the café, hoping to avoid any more suspicion—though with his luck, that probably wasn’t happening anytime soon. Before the cupid could enter, Vincent already met him half-way and even before Jace could open his mouth, the red-head's voice already cut through the space between them. "Why are-" Jace barely had time to utter a response before—out of nowhere—a random woman materialized beside them. He hadn’t even managed to reorient himself when, suddenly, a group of all-too-familiar faces joined the growing circle. In the span of a single minute, his plan had been derailed, upended, set on fire, and reduced to nothing but ashes in the wind. He started to wonder if he was truly an envoy of love or misfortune. The sudden mention of a haircut made him instinctively take a step back, unconsciously mirroring the tallest member of the group. Unlike the towering man, however, Jace had no one to duck behind—just as the other was far too tall to truly vanish behind his companions. The obvious answer, much like the sentiments of the other men in the group, was to refuse outright. But— Jace’s gaze flickered to his side, landing on Vincent. —maybe this could be an opportunity to get closer. And just like that, his mind was made up. “My hair’s been getting a little too long,” he said, running his fingers through the unkempt strands as if he’d just realized it himself. “I haven’t had the time to visit a barber, so… a professional’s touch would definitely be appreciated.” Jace finished, officially joining Lucia and Linally's side. It wasn’t a lie, exactly. Just a very convenient truth. ...I'd love to see all the boys dolled up. Jace barely glanced up. “Yeah, but next to you, no one’s gonna be paying attention to me anyway.” he said to Linally, casually trying to smooth things over. He was a man of habit—his hair had stayed the same since childhood. Whatever Vincent’s sister had planned, he wasn’t sure, but at least with others involved, he wouldn’t be the sole focus if things went sideways.
[USER] @Nano [/USER]
[USER]@Defender of Stories [/USER]
[USER]@Uxie [/USER]
Code by Nano
Irritation petered out into a look of disinterest—a sideways glance at a man the wayward cupid clearly viewed as beneath her station. Her silence as she waited for the man to stutter out whatever it was he wished to say wasn’t one granted out of grace, but the expectation that he’d agree to her terms rather than whatever nonsense he’d dared to spout. She rolled her eyes, too prim and proper to spit on the floor but not above scoffing at the utterly inane response of the foolish little human before her. “Oh puh-lease. Me, leave her alone? I should be the one saying that to you. Lyra said with an icy bite emphasizing her disdain for Arashi. Her right hand loosened its grip upon his arm a fraction, only to resume its grip upon the edge of his sleeve, this time crumpling the fabric within her tightly clenched fist. “If it weren’t for-” Lyra’s free hand slowly began to rise, poised to harshly poke Arashi’s chest to really drive her point home, but the man would be spared any further words demeaning his worth by the grace of a newcomer. "Hey, uh, what do you think you're doing? This isn't your assignment, Lyra," came the confident voice of another woman Arashi likely wasn’t all too keen on encountering. Clearly set off by Dominga’s uppity tone, the black-haired cupid released her death grip on her poor victim at long last and turned with a huff. “Oooooh, I’m sooo scared,” Lyra’s voice pitched high into a mocking whine, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering for good measure. “The momma’s girl who got kicked out of her own house is going to beg her mommy for help.” She dropped her arms. Then, another eyeroll. “Wasn’t the whole point of being sent down here to learn to stop relying on her so much? If you want her to know how useless you are at your job, then by all means, be my guest.” “Be~ sides~” Lyra placed both hands on her hips and threw her head back with all the hauteur she could muster, “Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that Idalia and that creature are a poor match. I bet even that stone-faced Amaryllis without a single romantic bone in his body would agree.” By now, a few passersby had begun to shoot the noisy group a few looks. One pair, a child and her mother, slowed down for a brief moment. The moment the child raised her hand to point at the group, she only managed to say “Mom-” before her mother chastised her not to look at the strange people and continued to pull her daughter along. Another man—this time a fellow resident of the apartment complex—gave the group a wide berth as he moved homeward with clear discomfort expressed in his body language. The sole person, or rather people, who stood around to watch the feud was a trio of highschoolers whispering among themselves. Unfortunately for Arashi, they weren’t trying very hard to keep themselves from being heard. “Do you think this is a lover’s spat?” “It kind of sounds like the guy cheated on them.” “Oh my god. He’s the worst…”
Theo’s weak refusal and evident discomfort did little to dim the mischievous spark in Vinyette’s eyes. The pink-haired woman who stood next to him appeared to back up his claims, yet she didn’t miss her personal interest in the offer. Evidently, her ticket to hopefully cueing the tall man to agree was to play off of Lucia’s question. She couldn’t miss this opportunity. After all, it wasn’t every day she came across someone with such gorgeous, long hair. “One of my friends is getting married, and I was asked to do his fiancé’s hair. I really want to go above and beyond for their special day, so I was thinking of having my assistant and I try something new and adding to my sample catalogue at the same time,” Vinyette said, though she didn’t forget to throw out a few compliments as well. “I’m sure if my clients saw how pretty you look, they’d feel even more confident about booking an appointment.” “As for your…” Vinyette paused for the span it took for a single breath, taking the time to quickly observe both Theo and Lucia. “friend, we don’t often get male clients, but I’ve been itching to try my hand at going further with it.” The redhead then cupped her cheek with a dramatic sigh. “What’s the point in having two brothers if they keep asking for the same old boring haircut every time? And then they complain when I even suggest trying something different…” The redhead’s disgruntled look didn’t last for very long, and her interest was piqued the moment Lolly addressed Jace playfully with the bespectacled man responding in kind. Or maybe not? Vignette thought. It was hard to tell whether or not his flattery meant their interest was mutual, not with the way he spoke in such an apathetic manner. But why else would he agree? “So,” the redhead continued, ignoring the poorly disguised look of alarm on her younger brother’s face (as they say, you snooze, you lose~ (๑❛▿❛)), “Won’t you help? I’ll even throw in a discount if you four ever need your hair done in the future.” The transit to Vinyette’s salon wasn’t long, though still long enough for the redhead to better gauge that the group she’d strung along wasn’t nearly as cohesive as she’d initially believed. Still, a little tension and unfamiliarity never hurt anyone, and she was quick to excuse herself to take a few minutes to speak with her coworker and do the necessary prepwork.
Idalia 'Lia' Makris
The chill clung to Lia’s arms, a bite from the early spring air as she stepped closer to the window. Outside, the world was peaceful, but her mind was anything but - it replayed the night from weeks before in endless loops - failure, oversight, mismanagement. The words burned, threatening to unravel her, so she sank her teeth into the inside of her cheek, grounding herself in pain before they could spill over. Her father’s reaction had been as expected - sharp, unimpressed - laced with disappointment. He demanded perfection, a standard she had spent her life chasing, but now, she wondered if it was ever meant to be reached. Maybe he had expected too much. Or maybe she had simply fallen too short. Her teeth sank deeper, fangs bared against raw skin, a desperate attempt to keep the tears at bay. She should have checked again. She should have watched maintance closer, stood over their shoulders, monitored every detail. Because when something went wrong, the blame never landed on them - it was her name her father's venom sunk into. As she continued to look out, her gaze followed the swaying branches of a nearby tree being shaken by the wind. She wondered if the calico had a habit of climbing them, perching just high enough to feel safe but not too far from the ground. The thought tugged at the corner of her lips, a fleeting smile that never quite reached her eyes. Ah, right - the cat. Buried beneath the weight of disappointment, she had almost forgotten the warmth of that brief encounter, the way the small creature had curled against her. And its owner… The kind man with the colorful hair - a presence hard to forget. Their conversation had been brief, cut short when the cat abandoned her arms for his, but even so, there was something reassuring about him. Steady. Familiar. The sort of person animals trusted without hesitation. She wondered if he remembered her the way she did him. The thought was nice - cordial, even. She had thought he was kind, after all. Quiet and- Well, something wasn’t quiet. Lia nearly jumped at the sudden outburst of screaming and shouting. Her heart skipped before settling into an uneasy rhythm, her gaze snapping toward the direction of the commotion - somewhere near the entrance of the apartment complex. She inhaled deeply, trying to steady herself, attempting to prepare for whatever mess was unfolding this time. Was she really ready for another disaster, another incident she’d hear about later from her father? Probably not. But did it matter? Trouble had a way of finding her, no matter how much she tried to avoid it. She could never catch a break. She exhaled sharply, rubbing her temple before making her decision. Instead of sending someone else to handle the commotion, she decided to check things out herself. If a fight was about to break out, she at least wanted to convince them to take it somewhere else - preferably far away from the apartment complex. The last thing she needed was a lawsuit. That sounded like the last thing her father would want news on. Steeling herself, she made her way toward the entrance, the shouting growing louder with each step. To her surprise, Lia’s gaze landed on the very person she had just been thinking about - Arashi. Except he wasn’t standing there casually. He was being manhandled by a particularly short woman, her arms wrapped around his like a vice. Lia blinked, watching as another one of her residents, Domi - clearly upset - argued with the clingy stranger. Were the two girls… fighting over Arashi? It took her a few blinks to fully process the scene. Of all the things she had expected to walk into, a dramatic love triangle unfolding at her apartment’s entrance was not on the list. With a breathe, she started making her way toward the group. Maybe she could help? Though, realistically, what love advice could she even offer? Her own romantic life was a long term exercise in being friendzoned. Still, someone had to step in before this turned into a bigger mess - preferably before any hair pulling or legal complaints. With her arms raised, Lia waved off any passing pedestrians, offering them a soft, reassuring smile. "Please.. Keep walking… Nothing to see here." She said, light and pleasant, as if the scene unfolding behind her wasn’t something worth stopping for. She ushered them along, ignoring the curious glances and hesitant steps. Once the crowd had thinned, or at least stopped gawking quite so obviously, Lia turned back to the group, standing in front of them with an air of forced composure. Her brow furrowed slightly as she took in the awkward scene before her. "Is everything alright here? I heard shouting and came to check it out." She asked, her voice even but braided with mild concern. Her gaze naturally drifted toward the unfamiliar young woman - the one currently clinging to Arashi. There was something oddly endearing about her, despite the situation. Maybe it was the way she had bread crumbs clinging to the corner of her lips, completely oblivious. Cute, Lia thought absently. She kind of reminded her of a penguin.
Code by Nano

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