A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP!


Degenerate Animal Crossing™ Cheater

Age: (13-18)

Personality: (Five traits minimum)

Short Bio/History:


Car: (only for those over 16 cause god help us if 13 year olds drove cars freely. Optional as well)

Appearance: (no anime)

New Resident: (Say yes if moving in say no if not)



Name: John D. Washington

Age: 16


Laid back

Fun loving

Enjoys working on things


Sometimes antisocial if he gets into something he likes

Bio: Since his Mom works a lot in the Air Force Ryan is normally on his own in terms of living but makes the best of things. He's good with computers so he tends to spend his time working on them and seeing what new things he can do.


Car: None


New Resident: No

Other: N/A


((Okay @Muffin~Tyrant and @ForgottenBlood you can make your characters now!))
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Ellain Mavis (Nickname is Ella)

Age: 13

Personality:Ella is a very obedient child. She knows when something is wrong you shouldn't do it. Though the problem with Ella is that she is to serious and acts as if she is mature as an adult. Ella doesn't know how to have a good time, she would like to have fun and break rules but she feels it's wrong to and her parents give have many rules. Ella is very bossy which drives many of her friends away. Ella will talk back to other kids but she won't talk back to adults and is on her best behavior when monitored by adults. Even though Ella seems tough she is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily though she will never show it in front of a person.

Short Bio/History:Ella was raised in a home with two loving mothers and an older brother. As a child Ella didn't get along with many other kids and was often left out. Many boys picked on her and many girls befriended her then turned their backs on her. Because of the other kids shunning her Ella developed a defensive and smart-mouth attitude which led to people disliking her instantly and even bullying her. This is one of the reasons Ella and her family moved.



New Resident:

Other:[[ I shall make her older brother in the morning! I am tired x3 ]]

Name: Kendrick Spencer

Age: 16

Personality: Happy, outgoing, mischievous, loyal, adventurous, musically talented, sarcastic Short Bio/History: Kendrick had just moved in with his parents. His mother was let go from her teaching position in a neighboring rival school but was able to secure a high school teaching job at a new high school as their health teacher. Kendrick has a twin sister. Kendrick is musically gifted and also sarcastically gifted. He likes to joke around. Kendrick is studious but hides it most of the time. He likes to go on random adventures and is a night owl. He is easy going but hardly opens up to anyone. He was not looking forward to the move to the new school and neighborhood. He had friends where he used to live and now everyone would think of him as a traitor. He often got annoyed at the fact that his sister was so bubbly about the move.

House:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/simple-house-painting-inspirations.jpg.30575fd995766ab158f02dbc34537dde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/simple-house-painting-inspirations.jpg.30575fd995766ab158f02dbc34537dde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Car: None

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Boy-brown-hair-cute-hot-photo-Favim.com-254219_-_Copy.jpg.6c5d3d3e1ea483bd908302d3613908c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Boy-brown-hair-cute-hot-photo-Favim.com-254219_-_Copy.jpg.6c5d3d3e1ea483bd908302d3613908c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

New Resident: Yes

Other: Even though he and his sister argue frequently she is the most important person in his life. He values her opinion and cares for her safety and well being. 
Name: Emma Spencer

Age: 16

Personality: Outgoing, happy, joyous, energetic, easily likes everyone, creative, athletic

Short Bio/History: Sydney has been looking for this move since her mother told the family about it. She knows that Kendrick is not into it but she keeps trying to be happy about it so that he'll catch on. Emma at her old school was a cheerleader and she has lots of energy and talent. Emma likes to make friends quickly and talk to everyone! She was born two minutes after Kendrick and he likes to remind her about it whenever he can. She passed her drivers test, but Kendrick did not. She likes to rub that in his face whenever she can.

House: Same as Kendrick's

Car: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/2008_ford_focus_coupe_se_fq_oem_1_500.jpg.c796f9b8ebcc6483c9ac7e89a84ee305.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/2008_ford_focus_coupe_se_fq_oem_1_500.jpg.c796f9b8ebcc6483c9ac7e89a84ee305.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 2008 Ford Focus

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/1425512_761607777199546_392918440_n.jpg.31f800c868f655ddbee480a2307f4422.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/1425512_761607777199546_392918440_n.jpg.31f800c868f655ddbee480a2307f4422.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

New Resident: Yes

Other: She is single and ready to mingle. Haha, kidding. Emma is a jokester as well.



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Finn Wright




  • Quiet but,deadly

  • Compassionate

  • Adventurous

  • Considerate

  • Dependable

Short Bio/History:

Finn was born as a foster child without a voice to speak

with.He wasn't a trouble some child and only wanted other people

To be happy but,wasn't trying to gain his own happiness.

Growing up without being able to speak was hard because he really

Wanted to know what it felt like speaking and hearing other people

Speak as well.Because of this Finn grew into a depression and

Constantly had to take pills to stop himself from committing

Suicide upon himself.


At the age of sixteen Finn had finally gotten a hearing transplant

and he felt a little emotional when he finally got to hear his

Own voice and other things as well being that he never heard anything

Since birth.But,I didn't come without its bad affect.Although Finn can

Hear and talk and all,he still is prone to not speaking for long amounts

Of time and maybe even a whole week because,that's what he is use to.

He doesn't know as many sounds as a normal person does and there is a lot

Of things he hasn't heard of before like music,the sound of bells,instruments,

and other things that requires someone to listen.







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_lq1z4mMzGG1r0j88ko1_500.jpg.5b96fa05a2087b8c0b939cc450cfcade.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_lq1z4mMzGG1r0j88ko1_500.jpg.5b96fa05a2087b8c0b939cc450cfcade.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

New Resident:



(I'll finish tomorrow.)


Charisma Mavis.




  • .Insane "Touch your inner insanity young one"

  • .Chilled back

  • .Seductive

  • .Blunt

  • .Curious

Short Bio/History:

"Sister's will be sister's"

Charisma grew up with a mother,father,and little sister whom he had to

watch from time to time when their parents were out.Charisma was alright

in school although some people did try and bully him but,he didn't let

that happen and quickly ended it before it even started.Although he

didn't get bullied,his sister did and Charisma was constantly

there by her side through every night she cried herself to sleep,

he held her close and wiped the tears away,from when she got in trouble,

he would try and talk her way out of being in trouble.Charisma cared

about Ella more than anyone and maybe even herself.He defended her

when she was being picked on by people at her school and would offend

hang out with her at school if she wanted him to.When everyone around

her began to dislike her,Charisma didn't and never changed even though she

did and even when she did.he didn't judge her because of
that. Although

Charisma didn't want to move away from their own home,he decided that it

Was best for hem to move because of school issues belonging to his sister.






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/blue-eyes-boy-cute-long-hair-piercings-Favim.com-170827.jpg.e1fcdd280a8bd148907c7d2510103d04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/blue-eyes-boy-cute-long-hair-piercings-Favim.com-170827.jpg.e1fcdd280a8bd148907c7d2510103d04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

New Resident:





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Name: Drake Johnson

Age: 17

Personality: Most of the time, Drake comes off as cocky and arrogant. He is aggressive and can get mad easily, so not a lot of people want to cross his path. He doesn't mind though, since he likes to be by himself sometimes. However, Drake loves going to concerts and parties. He is always one of the first people in the mosh pit. Drake is brave and isn't afraid of much. He just loves to be the edgy and rebellious person around. Sometimes he can get very territorial, which causes a ton of problems.

Short Bio/History: Drake grew up in a rich and posh family, with him being more toward the punk-ish side. They always tried to get him to be more like the other kids, which made him want to be even more rebellious. Everyone in the vicinity has heard of him, since he and his family have been in the neighborhood for as long as he can remember. Recently he almost got arrested for starting a fight, so his parents put him under a strict-ish lockdown (he still breaks the rules but doesn't make it as obvious). Once he turns 18, he plans on leaving and living with his friends.

House: http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t421/musicqueen2016/DE0505B6-566F-4066-8212-AC799A55E6B0_zpslucfjkt1.jpg

Car: http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t421/musicqueen2016/B1DC4CDB-E0E0-4CE7-A5C8-7C79E43A0D7A_zpstmd5udo2.jpg

Appearance: http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t421/musicqueen2016/56555B4D-3909-4890-955B-710E2E321A07_zpstje7jdqz.jpg

New Resident: No

Other: nothing :)
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Name: Blythe Carter

Age: 17

Personality: Sporty, Sarcastic, Free spirited, Loyal and Brave

Short Bio/History: Blythe lives with her carefree mother since her father left the two of them when Blythe was 15 years old, leaving behind the daughter who adored him but at the moment Blythe isn't really thinking about him and more about who she'll be meeting around the new house her mom bought for the two of them. Because Blythe has the same type of personality as her mother, their like best friends but whenever they get into arguments its hard to tell which one of them will back down and apologize.




New Resident: Yes

Other: She has 2 pitbulls, sometimes she has panic attacks at night and when she can't go back to sleep she goes out for a run, she goes running whenever she feels sad or has to much energy; she loves pickles, cake, burgers, fries, fruit (including dried mango strips), collects unique earrings, dislikes being told what to do or being judged.

If you want me to change anything, I will:)


Name: Daniel Blake (Nickname; Danny)

Age: 17


- Introvert

- Quiet

- Nice when you get know him

- Observant

- Trustworthy

Short Bio/History:

Danny was raised by his mother alone for most of his life and he did fine without a father figure around though he guesses his mother couldn't handle being alone anymore which is why she is so dependent on any man that crosses paths with her. Two years ago Danny's mother started dating a man named Jeffrey and soon that man moved in. Jeffrey will often hit Danny in the back of the head when Danny is doing something wrong. Danny dislikes Jeffrey a lot but he loves his mother and he knows just having her son around isn't enough anymore. Danny doesn't like to mix his home life with his social life so he doesn't bring friends over often or talk about his family.



New Resident: NO


Danny takes medication for his mental illness; Manic Depression.

[[ Couldn't resist making another~ x3 ]]
Name: Julia Anderson.

Age: 15

Personality: Julia is an overall fifteen year old, she loves to hang around with friends, practice her ballet and try to pass school. She loves to help out her community. Yet under this sweet exterior Julia has a bit of a cunning wild side to her. Julia does not like change in her everyday life, she likes everything exactly the way it is.

Short Bio/History: Julia lives in this neighborhood with her father who is always busy on business trips. Going sometimes even to different countries. Julia tries not to mind she knows her dad needs to make money for them, but she also gets a feeling that her father is still hurt from the divorce that happened four years ago, Julia thinks he leaves so much because Julia looks too much like her mother.


Car: N/A.


New Resident: Nope.

Other: Julia loves to be outside in any type of weather.

Name: Nicoli Young

Age: 16

Personality: Goes with the flow, charming, persistent, talkative, a bit of a mooch, somewhat mysterious.

Short Bio/History: Nicoli seems to just be in the cul-de-sac or the park, he moved here about a month ago. He sort of switches topics or jets out fast when it comes to the topic of where he lives, he assures people that he is not homeless though. And he is not, but then what is the mystery all about?


Car: N/A

Sorry for the small blurrness and he has gray eyes.

New Resident: No.

Other: Nicoli is a little young looking for his age. He is usually always in the park, he likes to play guitar there and do some magic tricks for money.
Okay I haven't had a chance to make my character because I've been busy but everyone else is free to post away!
Name: Markell Vell

Age: 17

Personality: Gentlemanly, intelligent, mischievous, playful, lazy, productive when pressured.

Short Bio/History: Youngest of three under an eccentric mother and a stern step father. Being the youngest he often had less to do than his siblings as far as chores, this led to him being rather lazy. This combined with his tendency to do things right the first time led to jokes about him being a secret genius. Normally the smartest out of his friends they look to him as a leader of sorts even though he's typically the least active.

Even though he's always polite, he has a dislike for authority due to his controlling siblings, luckily they moved out. He's also really into science and nearly always has something on his mind.


Car: No


New Resident: Yes

Other: His favorite things are winter, the night sky, and his chessboard.


Christopher Reed



Personality: Chris is quiet, but fun to be around once you get to know him. Hes kind, simple and funny. He plays lacrosse and hockey, but isn't cocky or a jock. He is a pretty chill, calm guy and loves to just hang out and have fun.

Bio/History: Had a pretty normal upbringing. 2 parents and a sister. Not rich, but well off. A good student in school and always polite.



Bailey Reed



Personality: Bailey is the exact opposite of her brother. She portrays herself as loud, sassy and sometimes obnoxious. But its all a mask that covers her true personality. She loves to have a good time, partying mostly. She is super friendly but don't make her mad. She just feels a little misunderstood.

Bio/History: She lived a harder life then her brother, she always watched their parents fawn over Chris because they thought he was perfect. Nothing she could do was ever as good. Around 13 she started to rebel against her parents, but really she just wanted the same love and attention Chris got.




Name: Nick Smith

Age: 15

looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7b6f10f_cody1.png.3b2ba720f66c78e55f3cbad43318067f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7b6f10f_cody1.png.3b2ba720f66c78e55f3cbad43318067f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nick is a nice funny rich athletic kid. He is a pretty friendly kid to everyone unless you do something to piss him off then he will be your worst enemy. Nick is a ice hockey star and even only at 15 and being a sophomore in highschool he is already being recruited by colleges.

Bio/History: Nick comes from a very rich family his parents being the owners of a big fortune 500 company. Nick never brags about being rich even though he could. His parents are away for work a lot so most of the time he is in his big house by him self. He looks up to Christopher Reed as a big brother they both play hockey Chris taught Nick how to play when they were younger and Nick spends a lot of time at Chris and Baileys house when his parents are away.

House:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/house1.jpg.45e17057dce3ed612cf46fe4883b9409.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/house1.jpg.45e17057dce3ed612cf46fe4883b9409.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Car: no not yet

New Resident: no

other: Nick is a ice hockey star



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Ryan Nicole






Party animal

Protective over the one she loves


Short bio/ History

Lives with two brothers and her grandma, When she was younger her dad died

and her mom didnt take it to well and she started to drink, cut and be mean and abusive towards her and her brother.


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New resident




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@Roxel do you think it would be alright if Blythe treats Julia like a sister? Of course when they get to know each other later on:)
@Karma200 I am all for that idea! :D

Also anyone can pre-existing friends with my charries if they want, Julia is always out and about in the community and Nicoli is always in the park. I will post tomorrow so tired right now :3
@ForgottenBlood x3 Buddy! just to let you know~ Charisma & Ella's mother got divorced with their father. Now their mother is dating a woman who lives with them. Their father is permitted to visiting them once in a awhile. other than than your character is perfect~.

Also! Can Danny and Finn be best-friends or friends~? You may decline this suggestion. x3 Finn is such a cool character by the way! Love the hearing problem you made for him.

Noella Josic




Artistic, Friendly, Kind, Down to Earth, Giving, Quiet, People Pleasing, Forgetful, Self Doubting, Pacifist.

Short Bio/History:

Noella Josic was born a crack baby. Her mother used heavy drugs throughout her pregnancy and ended up going through withdrawal during labor. Noella was only 3 pounds when she was born and was very frail. That is when her parents were called in to take Noella into their home as their adopted daughter. Neither of her parents could have children of their own so they had taken the initiative to adopt a child from parents who probably wouldn't get their child back after it was born. They saw this as doing something good, for at least one child, and putting less strain on the orphanages that often had too many kids as it was. So, they took her in, raised her as their own, and when the time was right, they were very open about her adoption. Noella didn't protest, get angry, or get upset at the news, she merely thanked her parents and gave them a hug.

As she grew up, Noella's parents, one an opera singer and the other a photographer and painter, raised her around many types of Art and over the years, Noella tried to find something to do outside the realm of art, but always found herself being pulled back into it. Eventually, she stopped trying to be something else. Art was in her blood and she couldn't escape that. She went both feet in and began studying all she could, finding what her initial spark was, and when she found it, both of her parents were ecstatic. Noella's best skill was Dramatic Opera, mixing in both singing and art, her parents were both proud, though they'd have been proud of her whatever her skill set was. However, once both of her parents got their break, they were often called out overseas to perform or work for someone for a couple weeks at a time. Noella understood and graciously accepted it because she knew it would leave her time to grow and explore on her own. After a couple of scares, Noella's parents figured it would be best to move somewhere safer so that Noella wouldn't be in harms way when they were gone so they packed up, moved, and settled into a nice suburban area where they hoped would help Noella grow. Granted, there wasn't an art school around for Noella to attend, she did find the art program was nice, even if it only meant that she could help tutor the classes.







New Resident: Yes.


Both of her parents are usually away so Noella takes care of the house while they are away. The family car was left to Noella and they wire her money on a weekly basis.
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Name: Ellis Thompson

Age: 16 and 1/2

Personality: Rude, gentle, sweet, sarcastic, admirable, cute, sassy.

History: Ellis grew up in a small town called Sellen. She wasn't very thrilled about coming here, but did it anyway. She lives with her mother currently, but she is out most of the time working and drinking. She ended up trying to do drugs, but stopped after awhile before she got addicted.

House: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e459b5_download(2).jpg.7fed1dac73b37b2e9449f9375f619f91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e459b5_download(2).jpg.7fed1dac73b37b2e9449f9375f619f91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Car: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e48d7e_download(3).jpg.6b4e358ca62e2bc75630ab1ff15c288a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e48d7e_download(3).jpg.6b4e358ca62e2bc75630ab1ff15c288a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e4b4cf_download(4).jpg.48d009c05093f4a2745503fb44155cfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7e4b4cf_download(4).jpg.48d009c05093f4a2745503fb44155cfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

New Resident: Yes

Other: None



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Name:James Manning

Age: 18


Laid back


grease monkey

not stubborn


Short Bio/History: "Everyone ask's me about my father.They always want to know about Henry manning. They always want to know if he plans on adding something to his the game. Ever sense he created that damn game that is all he would talk about." He shook his head. "But you want to know about me.... Well my father is henry manning, the creator of the J.O.C, or Jobs Of Champions." He shook his head. "We moved around a lot, from town to town because the paparazzi would follow, along with the stupid nerds that played that damn game of his." He scratched his half beard. "But I never really cared, he always was coding, I would always work on my car. That was my heaven."

"After I guess we moved here, It is not a bad town, just I had a lot of friends even on the football team... we won a championship." He thought "Man that was a good game." He flashed back to reality. "I only have a few things to go and do, maybe we could talk later."




New Resident: yes

Other: @Jon_14
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Name: Noah Kazuhiko

Age: 15


  • Musical. Noah has had several years in learning music (Cello and Piano) and loves classical music.
  • Level-Headed. Noah tends to stay calm in most situations and not get excited. This often gives him the demeanor of a lazy, laid-back and boring person.
  • Intuitive. Noah often can tell when people around him are bothered or angry. Can also tell if you are lying.
  • Quiet. Noah likes to talk only when needed and tends to make short responses. (This might make the dialogue in posts small.)
  • Creature of Habit. Noah likes to do things according to a task and has many habits. Some ranging from how things should be oriented or to how he eats things on his plate. If you study his habits long enough, you can predict his actions.

Short Bio/History: Noah's mother is doctor and works long hours so tends to leave Noah alone in the house for a majority of the day. She tends to bond with him more on weekends. Noah's father passed away from a car accident. His father used to be a skilled musician, and before his death taught Noah. Noah and his family are middle-class and his mother found a better paying job in the area. With the moderate amount of money they had, Noah and his mother choose a house in the cul-de-sac area to live. Both Noah and his mom dearly miss their lost family member, and the best way to get under Noah's skin is to insult his parents.



Car: None.


New Resident: Yes

Other: If you haven't guessed yet, he is Asian. Japanese to be precise. Mother is also your stereotypical Asian Mother. Pushes Noah to do hard in school and is rather strict.

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