A Crash Course to RP Nation


Four Thousand Club
Hello,I'm Commander Shepard (Riddle78),and this is my favourite store (RP site) on the Citadel (Internet).

Jokes aside,welcome to the crash course. Here you'll learn the basics of being a productive member of this site. I'll cover the following topics;

a) Basic rules to follow.

b) How to find the RP that's right for you.

c) How to create a character you and everyone else will enjoy.

d) How to properly create a post,and what to avoid.

So,let's get started,shall we?

Section A:The Basic,Universal Rules

These basic rules are what keep the site from spiraling into utter chaos. What follow are the basic rules,and what they mean;

-Rule One: No Godmodding. Godmodding is making your character more powerful than they should be. An example would be having a character who was recently blinded fight against,and win against,an unimpaired and trained opponent.

-Rule Two: No Bunnying. Bunnying is taking direct control of another user's character without their prior consent. It's hard for me to provide an example,due to it being so obvious when it happens.

-Rule Three: Keep things age appropriate. The site's founder and head administrator,Gg AcE,has stated the age range is 13 to 16. You're allowed to be pervy,but you're limited to dropping light or very obscure innuendo,no actual groping. No sex,PERIOD. You're allowed to be violent,but try not to be too descriptive about it. We do get little ones from time to time.

Section B:The Right RP for You

Finding the right RP for you is made simple on RP Nation. The site seperates the different RPs by their source material. The sections are...

-Anime: RP's inspired by anime and/or manga goes here,like Naruto or Fullmetal Alchemist.

-Video game: RP's with a definate video gamey feel or are inspired by video games go here,like a Halo RP.

-Movie: RP's inspired by movies go here,like a Shrek RP.

-Other/Uncategorized: If an RP doesn't fit any of the other categories,it goes here. These are generally original concepts,like the incredibly popular and fast paced WW.

-Book: Based on a book,like Artemis Fowl or DragonLance? It goes here.

-Inactive RP's: Nothing gets posted here. It gets moved by Gg AcE when it doesn't get enough postage in a 30 day period. You could get your RP put or removed from this section by asking AcE to move it.

These sections are further divided into subsections.

-RP Storylines and Info: This subsection is where you put your original pitch for the RP you want to make,and any backstory for any RPs you do.

-RP Signups and Character Sheets: This is where the Signup threads for RP's are posted. Wanna get into an RP? Post a good signup,and the person who made the RP will either accept or deny it. Denials are VERY rare around here;I only saw two.

Section C: Making a Decent Character

First,you want to think about how you think and act. It'd feel natural to make a character that's an avatar of you. Think about what you want your character to be. Do you want them to be a god,or a pathetic invalid? Intelligent,or a ditz? Factor in everything you can. The personality should remain vague,but constant. Is your character the Spock,or the Kirk? The snake,or the lion? Your choice,and remember! Story is conflict!

Section D: Postcraft

This is where things get muddy. What follows is how I make posts,and what I like to see in them. You're allowed to deviate from what I'm about to write,if you disagree.

-Be sure to make things as specific as they should be. This is especially important in a fight scene,because even the tiniest omitted detail could cause your character to lose,or even get killed. You can make your posts vague if you feel like others would do a better job with the details than you,if the scene is already well established,or if you want to deliberately keep things mysterious.

-Make sure character dialogue is easily seen in your post,and not to be confused with their actions and other things that may be present in the post. "I do this by putting my character's dialogue in bold,and surrounding it with quotation marks." "If I have multiple characters under my control in the RP,I colour code them,so there will be no chance of confusing the characters." "New colour,new character. But the colour coding only applies to their dialogue."

-Try not to make sudden changes in your character's personality,unless theres an event of such a magnitude that warrants it. If you're going to change your character's personality,do it over a long period of time,that way,people won't be as likely to notice the change on a concious level.

-If you're interacting with another user's character,keep things natural. For example,if you have a bodyguard,and the bodyguard's principal,and someone else's character goes too close to either of them,your next post will be expected to involve some sort of action on part of the bodyguard,anywhere from a warning to a smackdown.

-Try to keep your posts understandable,on a language level. No one wants to have to decode engrish.

And that's the crash course. Enjoy,and use what you've learned here to full effect.

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