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Multiple Settings 🎪 A Circusy Escapade 🎪 OFFICIAL GROUP ROLEPLAY


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((Sorry for the abundance of chats and forms, but the role play will start here from now on.

((Also I know someone started the role play, but that is okay.

((Alrighty, let’s begin!


Weeld ran into the forest. She ran and ran and ran until her feet were sore. Giving an exhausted sigh, she sat on the ground. Hugging her legs.

“Why take them away!! I don’t want anyone to get hurt..!!” She asked herself unanswerable questions, staring up, the tops of the trees swaying in the wind of the gray skies.

She tugged on her jester hat tails, in an effort to calm herself down. The yellow bells jingling could be heard within the forest.



filler! ignore

  • ═══════════════


    Mikazuki Kouya

    - Beginning -

code: @s e v e n

A sudden set of jingling caught his ears and Wither let out a low whistle. Amidst the forest trees he too strayed upon, sat a young- by the looks of it- dainty girl who followed up on a recognizable uniform. What were the odds- another circus worker! And by how she sobbed, it was no question why a clown was set astray from their tent. It meant their tent had vanished- one from thick purple smoke.

Mikazuki- Wither, correction, had seen it all. He too had ran from the catastrophe, but then again, he wasn't necessarily working in the circus. He had left that long ago, but seeing the pale girl just made him shiver with the memories it brought back. Why exactly was he still lounging around the tent you say? Well, over the years Wither didn't technically cut all connections from his past out of his brain-certainly not! Though however much he hated working in that wretched place, he made good moments that should be remembered. And as they always say in the circus of clownery; 'One shan't ignore the others need in life- even if it may be a joke!' And he of course was going to follow through with the 'rules'.

Wither, with a meaningful stride, jingled the bells from his wrists so it echoed the girl's bells- which she continuously rung too. He was supposed to catch her attention, in hopes she wouldn't be terrified of a random 'clown' in a dark forest. He brushed off a few leaves that nestled on his hat, then extended a hand out to her. He would be wincing if she screamed, but if she took his hand, he wouldn't have to see those ugly, disgusting tears. He let out a amused taunt.
"A fellow 'clown' crying about a lost tent?"

- Mentions: Wildcard888 Wildcard888
((Sorry for the abundance of chats and forms, but the role play will start here from now on.

((Also I know someone started the role play, but that is okay.

((Alrighty, let’s begin!


Weeld ran into the forest. She ran and ran and ran until her feet were sore. Giving an exhausted sigh, she sat on the ground. Hugging her legs.

“Why take them away!! I don’t want anyone to get hurt..!!” She asked herself unanswerable questions, staring up, the tops of the trees swaying in the wind of the gray skies.

She tugged on her jester hat tails, in an effort to calm herself down. The yellow bells jingling could be heard within the forest.
*Sonnet never particularly cared for the circus. The music was corny and the show was largely for kids. But, her latest escapade had seen her catch a pickpocket and return a stolen wallet to its owner, a fire eater at the circus in town. He was so grateful, he begged her to come see his act at the circus on the house, so she decided to go along with it. She sat near the fire eater's ring, planning to leave once she saw him. But she never got that chance.*

*During the show, a storm started to build up. Then it got worse. A LOT worse. Sonnet started to get worried about her bike and about the circus tent. Eventually, she got tired of waiting and ran outside, not a moment too soon. The ground started to crack under her feet and the storm boomed over her head. Before she could run back inside to warn people, a strange purple smog started to fill the circus. Out of caution, Sonnet ran, outpacing the smog by no more than several feet. When she reached her bike, she reached to start it, only to notice the smog had stopped. The entire circus had disappeared into it, from the main tent to the performers' tents to the vendors, but then it stopped. But even more bizarre was the silence. No panic, no fanfare, no cheering, no laughing, nothing. Like the circus had been replaced by the smog entirely. Hesitant to touch the stuff, Sonnet donned her helmet and began driving around the smog, trying to see where it came from. As she passed by the forest, she heard faint jingling in the trees. Her bike screeched to a stop. Slowly, Sonnet got off her bike and called out.* “Uh, hello? Is anyone back there?”
*Nate coughed as he looked around the forest weights he was running with lay forgotten on the trail he was using. The storm had seemed to come out of no where the wind rippling through the forest kicking up drit had caused him to stop and cover his face he blinked as he heard a faint jingle coming deeper with in he shrugged and started to make his way towards the sound. He stops abruptly as he hears Sonnet call out. He answers as he makes his way through the woods off the path.

"Hey everything ok...that was pretty nasty anyone hurt?"

Eventually hearing another set of bells jingling, the clown slowly looked around at the other. Slightly shocked at the appearance of another clown. He looked like he had definitely come from her circus. Maybe she knew him? She certainly didn’t remember him.. Though, maybe this meant others were unharmed as well.

“Yes...” Weeld said with a pout. “You aren’t hurt, are ya’?” She asked, Then, Weeld stood up from sitting, giving him a curtsy.

Rex_Masters Rex_Masters Gr1mm Gr1mm

Weeld whipped her head around, bells now jingling even more. Trying to find the source of the others talking. She turned to face Wither, a huge grin taking up her face. “Wowza! Mista’, Didja’ hear that?! It seems like there’s some others who’s alive!!” She announced with happiness.



filler! ignore

  • ═══════════════


    Mikazuki Kouya

    - Beginning -

code: @s e v e n

He frowned, dropping his hands to his side and pursed his lips. He honestly didn't care whether anyone was still wandering around and wondering what happened to the circus tent. This girl acted as if she knew him too! She also happened to curtsy, but then again, weird stunts were tradition. He guess an introduction would do some help before they spoke anymore.

"I unfortunately can hear the lousy voices from the visitors of the tent, thank you very much. But I am so ever curious of M'lady's name...?"

He gave a mocking bow to accommodate her welcomes. It wasn't long before the sound of footsteps and twigs breaking became louder. He averted his gaze, searching past the wilting branches. He could've sworn he heard a girl's and a boy's voice- the thing the other clown was talking about. Wither was deciding whether to take a few steps back and run away from this situation because he had nothing to do it with, but for some reason he stayed riveted to the spot.

Let's get a flashback...

The tight rope swayed as his foot made contact with it, but as practiced, he balanced evenly on it. The crowd cheered all around and he had the urge to speak-but he didn't because a egg on a stick was gripped by his teeth. Music thrummed in Mikazuki's ears as he glanced at the director who was the one behind all of his stunts. It was mandatory for most actors that go on stage to do a certain set of tasks the director asked for. He was one of the main 'players', but there were more. It would vary from common and dangerous to new and simple stunts.

Everything was going just fine when he had heard gasps echoing. He was confused until he heard the snap too. The stick fell out of his mouth, and Mikazuki panicked mid air with flailing arms. This wasn't according to the plan- something must of cut the ropes! But how, why, and by whom? But even the side workers who set the ropes up were stricken and everything that was happening was a complete mistake. This was an easy stunt, yet how did something so easy go so wrong?

His head met with stone. It was a lucky platform, better then fire at least. Now you know a partial reason why Mikazuki hates this circus.

End of Flashback...

Wither tilted his head to the side, leaning on a tree as two figures popped into view.

(Cutely ends it here...)

Mentions: Rex_Masters Rex_Masters , Gr1mm Gr1mm , and Wildcard888 Wildcard888
*Sonnet walked into the woods toward the voices and jingling bells. She picked up into a jog until she came across a Blonde boy following the same bells she was.*

Rex_Masters Rex_Masters Rex_Masters Rex_Masters
“Hello there! I take it you’re just coming from………..whatever just happened to the circus too?”
*Nate stops as he notices Sonnet a bead of sweat trailing down his face. He let's out a stream of air as he catches his breath he looks around the sound of the bells heard every now and then.*

Gr1mm Gr1mm
"Circus...no that's not my cup of tea not really a clown guy you know what I mean? But I was jogging when that nasty storm kicked up out of no where....what happened at the Circus it knock down the tent or something you know if anyone got hurt?"

*He flicks his eyes over Sonnet taking her looks in before he hears the bells again.*

"IS it just me or dose it sound like there's more of them?"

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