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Multiple Settings 🎪 A circusy escapade 🎪 Character Sheets


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Hello! Welcome to the character sheets page!

Here are the rules:
• No overpowered characters
• If your character doesn’t get accepted, no hard feelings
• You can role play as OCs, canon characters, video game characters, heck even yourself!

Here is the template:

Name: Weeld Ceerd
Age: Ageless
Gender: Female
Likes: Her friends, making people happy, animals, performing, playing board, cotton candy, board games, roller coasters, cookies, and reading
Dislikes: Lairs, arguments, sports, Lima beans, and being alone
Personality: A kind clown who just wants to bring joy to others. She can be funny, and smart. But she can also be a klutz. Though, Weeld can get very angry and upset when others or herself end up getting hurt. Due to her forgiving and carefree nature. She can be very naive and uncertain a lot of times
Appearance: Artwork provided
Extra: Her favorite food is Mac and cheese

Art: by Zootus


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Name: Mikazuki Kouya
Alias: Wither
Age: 22
Dislikes: Harmony, music, working together, working in general, pain, life, loneliness, despair, crying, losing
Likes: Death, blood, quietness, bells, blue, humor
Personality: Wither is sadistic and loves to speak in great theatrics. One of his main traits is his tendency to pose questions (oftentimes rhetorical threats) as "quizzes". He hints that his eccentric persona may or may not be real. The side of him feeling no remorse in murdering others is just as real as the side that feels guilt, well aware of how wrong and cruel his actions are. He claims to want to soar as freely as birds do. Nonetheless, both sides appear evident. He will do anything to protect those he cares about, and when someone tries to harm them, his ruthless, fiery side comes out. Wither has traits such as mysteriousness, self-destructiveness, intensity, manipulative, and an enigmatic nature, which are all reflected in his personality. Tends to flesh out most of his life as just some big joke- humorous indeed.
Appearance: With beady red, glowing eyes and a blue night cap with yellow print stars which has a white cuff, Wither specializes in clown clothes as well which will be explained in "Extra". He comes in a white long sleeved shirt and red overalls, blue gloves with a small bell attached to each wrist and a red ribbon. A backside shirt that holds black ruffles at his neck is also past his arms. Pants are baggy and blue colored, also with yellow star print. Wither's hair is mainly black/very dark navy blue, and very pale skinned. Two of his teeth are abnormally sharp.
Extra/Backstory: As a previous worker in a certain circus, Mikazuki has always been a bit emotionless. He hated his job, and after one upcoming night, he fled the circus. It was too much forhim- he even because slightly psycho. He had changed his name to Wither so nobody would recognize him- and that went perfectly. But even after all that, he found himself always getting dragged back to the place he used to call 'home.' And after seeing the circus disappear into fog, he bumped into another 'clown', and decided to...begrudgingly help her.
Wither has no knowledge of his parents, nor anyone related to him. But he does know he hates that damn circus- but for some reason is willing to help a runaway clown with her work.​
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Name: Sonnet Smith
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Likes: Music, her earphones, her motorcycle, songwriting, freedom, and open roads
Dislikes: Bedbugs, rust, hipsters, lack of control, manipulation, and generally being stranded anywhere

Personality: Contrary to her rough and tumble appearance, Sonnet is actually very mellow and quiet for a biker. What most people mistake for a steely-eyed look is usually just her resting face when she's listening to her favorite music. Sonnet believes in freedom of lifestyle above all else, even to one's detriment, since she believes that making mistakes is part of learning how to live. That said, she despises any form of abuse or manipulation, which she sees as intentionally robbing someone of their freedom in life. Sonnet is also usually very open to helping people where she goes provided they learn something from the experience and she has the gas money to keep riding. She's been known to be very charismatic in the short-term, but struggles to closely bond with people since she's always moving from place to place. She has a soft spot for turtles, going to extreme measures to avoid them on the road. Despite trying many different musical instruments, Sonnet has next to no talent with any of them, a fact she is secretly extremely embarrassed of.

Appearance: Sonnet typically wears a brown wind breaker jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. The band label on her t-shirt is constantly changing, but no one knows where she's keeping all her different shirts. She wears long, red, flexible pants when it's cold and jean shorts when it's hot. She typically wears either hiking boots, red/white sneakers, or sandals on her feet. Her helmet is black with music sheet bars and notes across it and her gloves are a camo-style mix of brown and green with metal-studded knuckles.

Extra: Having been on the road for a while, Sonnet is deceptively very good at street fighting. She especially excels with improvisation, being able to use almost any object as a deadly weapon, especially musical instruments. She once cleared out a small gang of rowdy men in a strip club with just a saxophone. Her motorcycling skills are second to none, to the point that some people have wondered if she's a pro. Sonnet spends most of her free time listening to her various playlists and writing songs, but she struggles to make them sound as good as they look. She constantly looks for inspiration and will act uncharacteristically chipper and nerdy when she hears a song she loves, meets a band she loves, or gets particularly motivated to write.

Sonnet Smith's biological parents were two halves of an indie band, hence her first name. They were constantly traveling from town to town looking for gigs. Neither of her parents were very successful in their careers, but they eventually scraped together enough money to settle down in a rural town and send Sonnet off to school, where she was bullied for a very short time due to her hitting the local athlete in the head with cymbals. Despite her parents' constant warnings that music was an unsure route to her future, Sonnet simply liked it too much. After graduating highschool, Sonnet left home and went on the road, wanting to find inspiration out in the open world. She hopes that if she can finally write her jackpot song, she'll make enough money to come back to her parents proudly, but so far she's had much more success as a biker than as an artist.


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Name: Nathan B

Age. 25


Likes: Boxing,reading country music,video games,working out,anime,video games and most fair/circus foods but one.

Dislikes: Clowns (Is terrified of them) Rap,cotten candy.

Personality: Nate is a good guy used to people avoiding him because of his career as a boxer. But in reality he is very friendly and will stand up for what he feels is right. He is never quick to judge and trys to act tough when the situation calls for it.

Appearance: Nate is normally walking around in bluejeans and some form fitting shirt that makes it easier to move if he needs to fight. He has short dirty blonde hair with a shark tooth earing.

Extra: He carries a pair of stutted biker gloves incase he ever needs to protect his hands. He is currently a heavyweight boxer in the running at a champion title.
Name: Nathan B

Age. 25


Likes: Boxing,reading country music,video games,working out,anime,video games and most fair/circus foods but one.

Dislikes: Clowns (Is terrified of them) Rap,cotten candy.

Personality: Nate is a good guy used to people avoiding him because of his career as a boxer. But in reality he is very friendly and will stand up for what he feels is right. He is never quick to judge and trys to act tough when the situation calls for it.

Appearance: Nate is normally walking around in bluejeans and some form fitting shirt that makes it easier to move if he needs to fight. He has short dirty blonde hair with a shark tooth earing.

Extra: He carries a pair of stutted biker gloves incase he ever needs to protect his hands. He is currently a heavyweight boxer in the running at a champion title.
Approved! I really like your character! 👍
Name: Poppy Springfield

Age: Appears to be in her early 20s ( Lost count after 800+)

Gender: Woman (she/her)

Likes: Dancing, makeup, 1920s fashion, performing on a stage, burlesque, fame, Broadway

Dislikes: Rugged men, not being recognized, taking responsibility, lemon (puckered lips are NOT a good look for her)

Personality: After a tragic accident involving a motor vehicle, Poppy had never felt more alive. In the 20s, she was a huge burlesque star. adored by every man and woman who could. She continued after the accident, years passing and burlesque being slowly replaced by casinos and opera. Burlesque was almost dead, but Poppy could never move on. Decades turned into centuries, and now Poppy spends her days lounging in motels, preforming in small speakeasies for an sixteenth of what she used to be able to rake in.

Bitter from her lack of notoriety, Poppy is snappy and obsessed. She tries everything she can to remain relevant, but all her methods are outdated. Flyers, newspaper ads, posters, everything that used to work like a charm, all dismissed, found drenched in puddles and on the side of curbs. Still she tries to this day, delusional thinking she is the star she used to be.

Appearance: Poppy is on the shorter side. her height being replaced by width. Her curves are always exaggerated by the light red corset with long frills that she's worn every day since the incident, never aging since. Her platinum blonde hair is bobbed and curled, always styled with gel to fit to her face. and around her head is a thin, sparkly, silver headband with a feather for decoration. Her complexion used to be flush and glowing. Now, her skin is pale, almost white, the only details giving her any life are her cluttered freckles, red lips, and tear streaks made of ran mascara painting her cheeks.

Extra: Poppy is aware of her situation, she just assumed an ever lasting life would call for never ending fame and fortune.
Name: Poppy Springfield

Age: Appears to be in her early 20s ( Lost count after 800+)

Gender: Woman (she/her)

Likes: Dancing, makeup, 1920s fashion, performing on a stage, burlesque, fame, Broadway

Dislikes: Rugged men, not being recognized, taking responsibility, lemon (puckered lips are NOT a good look for her)

Personality: After a tragic accident involving a motor vehicle, Poppy had never felt more alive. In the 20s, she was a huge burlesque star. adored by every man and woman who could. She continued after the accident, years passing and burlesque being slowly replaced by casinos and opera. Burlesque was almost dead, but Poppy could never move on. Decades turned into centuries, and now Poppy spends her days lounging in motels, preforming in small speakeasies for an sixteenth of what she used to be able to rake in.

Bitter from her lack of notoriety, Poppy is snappy and obsessed. She tries everything she can to remain relevant, but all her methods are outdated. Flyers, newspaper ads, posters, everything that used to work like a charm, all dismissed, found drenched in puddles and on the side of curbs. Still she tries to this day, delusional thinking she is the star she used to be.

Appearance: Poppy is on the shorter side. her height being replaced by width. Her curves are always exaggerated by the light red corset with long frills that she's worn every day since the incident, never aging since. Her platinum blonde hair is bobbed and curled, always styled with gel to fit to her face. and around her head is a thin, sparkly, silver headband with a feather for decoration. Her complexion used to be flush and glowing. Now, her skin is pale, almost white, the only details giving her any life are her cluttered freckles, red lips, and tear streaks made of ran mascara painting her cheeks.

Extra: Poppy is aware of her situation, she just assumed an ever lasting life would call for never ending fame and fortune.
Approved! Interesting character, I likey :3
Wildcard888 Wildcard888


Name: Pesh Lelly
Such age: Twenty-six
Such gender: Lady
Such height: 5'10"

Such occupation: Played the harp at the circus until such destruction.

Of her, her likes: The color pink, coffee, cleanliness, antiques of metals, beautiful golden instruments, and jewelery.

Of her, her dislikes: The color orange, people being mean of others, her aspirations unfinished, socializing, bright lights, and confrontation or arguing.

Such personality: Pesh is very quiet, reserved, polite, of many aspirations, and is stubborn and picky. She is fond of quiet atmospheres, and likes classical music, playing the gold harp and gold tambourine. She often holds her elbows of both of her hands of twinkling eyes, movement of goal of seclusion away of socializing. Polite of her many aspirations she is, her aspirations of caring of many doves, improvement of harp playing, and learning the quality of engraving ornate designs of metal items. Festive is of her stubbornness as it is important of her opinion and its assurance, such importance reference similar of special holidays.

Such extra: Pesh has been always of lovely pink, white, and red roses of her younger years. <3

thank you of your reading, this is my peshie. ^^;
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Wildcard888 Wildcard888

View attachment 1190561

Name: Pesh Lelly
Such age: Twenty-six
Such gender: Lady
Such height: 5'10"

Such occupation: Played the harp at the circus until such destruction.

Of her, her likes: The color pink, coffee, cleanliness, antiques of metals, beautiful golden instruments, and jewelery.

Of her, her dislikes: The color orange, people being mean of others, her aspirations unfinished, socializing, bright lights, and confrontation or arguing.

Such personality: Pesh is very quiet, reserved, polite, of many aspirations, and is stubborn and picky. She is fond of quiet atmospheres, and likes classical music, playing the gold harp and gold tambourine. She often holds her elbows of both of her hands of twinkling eyes, movement of goal of seclusion away of socializing. Polite of her many aspirations she is, her aspirations of caring of many doves, improvement of harp playing, and learning the quality of engraving ornate designs of metal items. Festive is of her stubbornness as it is important of her opinion and its assurance, such importance reference similar of special holidays.

Such extra: Pesh has been always of lovely pink, white, and red roses of her younger years. <3

thank you of your reading, this is my peshie. ^^;
Approved! This is great

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