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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"I like whatever! Do you want to stay a pokemon? Or turn back?"
"Um...stay for now. I like the feeling of it!" Shelby digs into...somewhere and pulls out money, then leaves it on the counter. "Ready to go?"
The two Pokemon step onto the street and look around.

"Daycare is over there...home is the other direction. Lead the way! Who knows -- we might find some romance!" Shelby winks playfully.
Danielle blushed, she had never thought about romance... And Shelby was a human...... She shook her head awkwardly, strange pictures entering her mind. "You're so weird." She said smiling. "I guess I've never tried the daycare either."
"Sure!" She said, nearly skipping. "Though I bet that their food went be nearly as good as yours.
"I guess we'll find out," replies the Pokemon.

Once they get inside, she hands a tag to the owner.

"Oh, I see. Trained. Well then, ladies, let's get you inside. Your trainer's coming later, so we'll get you comfortably settled."

She attaches a collar to both Pokemon and leads the way into a large room where plenty of Pokemon are playing, eating, napping, or talking, to say a few things.

"Have fun. Don't cause trouble," says the owner, who leaves afterwards.
"So, what do you want to do? We could just go to bed out we could meet some new people." She said, going very much to do the later.
"I vote for meeting other Pokemon. What about that shy looking fellow over there?" She gestures with a ribbon to a Pokemon in the corner.
"Alright! Let's break him out of his shy shell eh?" She said walking to the pokemon.
Shelby nods and grins, following Danielle's lead. The target is a nervous shiny Gardevoir.

"Um, hello," he says in an almost whisper.
"Hello! I'm Danielle, and this is Shelby, whats your name?"
"Um...I don't know. I was never given a name," he says. "I get asked a lot, but I've never found out the answer."
"well, what do you want your name to be?" She asked in a perky tone.
"I suppose I don't really have an opinion," he replies, arms behind his back.

"How long have you been here?" asks Shelby.

"Since I evolved."
"Well it's nice to meet you, I gotta say, you're really pretty!" Danielle said.
"They all say that," he says, "But thanks."


"All the other Pokemon I've been...bred with."

Shelby looks very sorry she asked.
"Oh, im sorry I didn't mean to say something out of line." Danielle says, looking rather ashamed of herself.
"It's okay. It doesn't bother me. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

Shelby seems to be thinking hard. Gardevoir stays quiet.
"So they keep you here for breeding? that doesn't seem right.." She said , starting to get flustered.
"After I became a Gardevoir the company that raised me sold me to this daycare. It's not all bad. They take care of me. I just...I wanted to be a fighter, not..."

He shakes his head.
Danielle looked down, the poor thing obviously didn't like his life. But we could change him.... only if he really wanted though. "Not this... im so sorry." She said nuzzling the poor thing.
The sudden touch makes him recoil.

"Oh! Were you the next one? I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to complain um...we should get some privacy though."

He blushes a deep red.

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