A challenger approaches!


Corporate Cutie
Hi all. I'm the Windows95Toaster, my screen name is taken from a joke in an RP I'm a part of on another site. Old synth is old and has a personality downloaded into his mainframe from the 80's. Pretty gnarly if I do say so myself.

So that pretty much exposes that I love science fiction!

I, on average, write about 1k words per post, but when I get really involved I can do upwards of 4k just because I'm having such a great time.

I love video games, I adore Russian Literature, my day job is graphics/web/marketing.

You can call me Toasty, Windows, or any variation therein. I'm female but I put other because I don't really care and sometimes I'm more male than female. It's alright, it's all a spectrum anyways. :3

I love scifi, I'm into fandoms like X-Men and superhero stuff like Batman or Young Justice. I'm also particularly keen on some fantasy, but it needs to be tasteful and if it goes overboard I'm not down for that. I'll do anime if we have faceclaims but it'll pretty much be this blue boy on my avatar or one other. I don't generally play women but I may entertain that idea at some point if the game or partner is right. I also like horror and horror survival. School drama is cool but make it a little juicy!

I'm looking for any and all types of games. The only thing I won't do is slice of life unless it's got some great writers there or some cool story.

I noticed this is kindof a kid-friendly, or somewhat site, so I'll have to power down my explicit nature and my fundamental love for copious violent descriptions.

That's me! Let's play!
Welcome to RpN! *throws confetti* I'm sure you'll find just what you're looking for RP-wise, here. True enough, it is a fairly young-people-friendly site, but there are a bunch of us old, crotchety RPers from days of yore still hangin' around.

If you need anything at all, just hit me up!
ProficientlyAwkward said:
Welcome to RpN! *throws confetti* I'm sure you'll find just what you're looking for RP-wise, here. True enough, it is a fairly young-people-friendly site, but there are a bunch of us old, crotchety RPers from days of yore still hangin' around.
If you need anything at all, just hit me up!
( >:( )

Windows95Toaster said:
Hi all. I'm the Windows95Toaster, my screen name is taken from a joke in an RP I'm a part of on another site. Old synth is old and has a personality downloaded into his mainframe from the 80's. Pretty gnarly if I do say so myself.
So that pretty much exposes that I love science fiction!

I, on average, write about 1k words per post, but when I get really involved I can do upwards of 4k just because I'm having such a great time.

I love video games, I adore Russian Literature, my day job is graphics/web/marketing.

You can call me Toasty, Windows, or any variation therein. I'm female but I put other because I don't really care and sometimes I'm more male than female. It's alright, it's all a spectrum anyways. :3

I love scifi, I'm into fandoms like X-Men and superhero stuff like Batman or Young Justice. I'm also particularly keen on some fantasy, but it needs to be tasteful and if it goes overboard I'm not down for that. I'll do anime if we have faceclaims but it'll pretty much be this blue boy on my avatar or one other. I don't generally play women but I may entertain that idea at some point if the game or partner is right. I also like horror and horror survival. School drama is cool but make it a little juicy!

I'm looking for any and all types of games. The only thing I won't do is slice of life unless it's got some great writers there or some cool story.

I noticed this is kindof a kid-friendly, or somewhat site, so I'll have to power down my explicit nature and my fundamental love for copious violent descriptions.

That's me! Let's play!
Welcome to RpNation! *tosses confetti everywhere* Hope to see you around!
ProficientlyAwkward said:
Welcome to RpN! *throws confetti* I'm sure you'll find just what you're looking for RP-wise, here. True enough, it is a fairly young-people-friendly site, but there are a bunch of us old, crotchety RPers from days of yore still hangin' around.
If you need anything at all, just hit me up!
Yay! Thank you. -does a dance, eats the confetti, levels up-

King Ad Rock]Welcome to RP Nation homeskillet. I'll get brutal with ya'! [/QUOTE] Let's bust skulls and save the world. :) [QUOTE=Kestrel]( >:( ) Welcome to RpNation! *tosses confetti everywhere* Hope to see you around! [/QUOTE] ^___^ thanks bae. Ya'll are so nice. [QUOTE=ElizaW] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19542-proficientlyawkward/ said:
@ProficientlyAwkward[/URL] - (I think you took her confetti. :P )
@Windows95Toaster - 1-4k? Dang, that's a decent chunk... no surprise you like Russian lit. :D Welcome to the site!
Yup. I wrote some weird smut on sunday and it clocked in at 8k if I remember correctly. And by weird smut I mean it was supposed to be inappropriate but ended up with 1% inappropriateness and 99.9% existentialism. Yup. Russian lit is life.

Write hard or go home hah ha
ElizaW said:
@Windows95Toaster - Heh. Sadly, not my style. I'm more of a Hemmingway-brevity type myself. 8k of existentialism when trying to write smut is hilarious, though.
I'd link it but it's pretty graphic so I don't think thats possible.

I feel like there may be two main types of people; Hemmingways and Dostoyevskys. The key point is that if you fit into one of these categories, you can either end up super dry and banal or long-winded as a MF with no real point to your writing.

Not saying you are dry or banal, but being polarizing writers/readers can lend to a certain way of approaching the literary world. I know when I'm exhausted, or have drank some chamomile tea (right now) I get to some weird break-point of ramble and girth that leads to fountains of words that make no sense.

x3 wee

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