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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~


~ King of Pink ~


Large Steel gates stood tall , Isolating the school from the mass Of students flocking outside. A few Loudspeakers installed atop a Lamp post.


The Voice echo'ed around the entrance as anxious murmurs filled the air, Full of excitement and worry.

The School Itself was more like a University campus , Beautiful Cherry Blossom's littering the area as small shops stood at the opposite end of the steel fence, selling an assortment of queer objects.

The air was clean , wondrous aroma's swirled about filling it with the smell of Mint and roses.


It truly was a beauty to behold , as if it was untouched by Pollution and the errors of Mankind.

The ground was glistening as if it were made of marble , while the lights emanated a pure glow as if an angel had descended.


Wisps of curiosity soon took the place of anxiety , The students dispersed so that they could take in the wondrous sites as quickly as possible.


You may Now Rp!


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Landon stood looking around. Looking for a face he might recognize, but quickly gives up. He simply decides to approach a random stranger. He decides to spook one of the others He picks a short girl about 14-15 years old, with black hair and black clothes (Quintel Grewred). He puts the sound he produces into stasis, produce the exact amount of sound he would standing still he walks up behind her. "Boo." He says with a smile.
-==- Fer Drastinlien -==-

With no change in expression Fer set his hands in his pockets and slowly began walking along the wall to get a better view of the school through the fence grates. It was all relatively the same, with the occasional student or two idling. He looked back at the mass of people, still dispersing from the collective place of waiting. Many alone like him, some had already latched onto another person or two. He let out a idle sigh at his disappointment with this place. It was grand but it held no signs of what he had heard about this place. "Looks never tell the truth..." He muttered under his breath. He stopped walking by a pillar and leaned up against it. Closing his eyes, it took some difficulty trying to remember why he had been enrolled here. A state devoid of political issues, focused entirely upon advancement of humans. A particularly unusual purpose as a nation. His smile had faded in his thoughts and returned when he looked back at the crowd. It returned not out of happiness, but due to the fact that it seemed to make him less of a suspect in a investigation if he seemed like a good person. Fer looked slowly to his left and chuckled to himself at the sight of a boy using his power to sneak up on a girl. His body remain in one position for quite some time then it shifted to another location entirely. As he put his hands in his pockets, Fer's gaze shifted down to his feet and closed his eyes once more. This time, however, he was listening.
Tatsu sighed as she looked up at the gates, they were tall, very tall near in her eyes acting as a device of intimidation about the school as most schools looking for espers did this one was no exception. A smile filled Tatsu face once she heard the first announcements. She had finally made it after all her training she was finally at the city of tomorrow but more specifically this one academy R.O.S.E Academy . Looking past the gates Tatsu could see the school grounds it was heavenly like, a paradise on earth heck it even smelled like heaven if heaven smelled like mint and roses anyhow. A slight sigh escaped Tatsu lips at the mention of the power curriculum program she couldn't stand it the fact that people got categorized because of how strong or weak their powers level was, it bothers Tatsu more so because she was originally a level two and a weak one at that meaning levels 3 and upwards often picked on her so no doubt it would happen to others. Tatsu moved to a grassy path nearby the gates and simply laid down she was just going to wait for the gates to open here.
Landon ignores the girl again and looks around noting two figures of interest one of them a red head in the shadows on his own and another a ginger laying in the grass. He relaxed his ability and approached the read head. Cautious not to spook him. Pausing a few feet away, "Hi I'm Landon." he says introducing himself with a nervous smile.
Daniel's amber eyes slowly examined every little person in the crowd , most of them were completely new faces. Course the majority of them would be Level 2's or 1's who had simply came to this place for the prospect of somehow achieving Level 5 and earning some form of fame. A Small smirk gathered on his face, wondering who might be a Level 5 his eyes continuing to shift from person to person. Daniel was the number three out of the nine one of the more Scientifically important ones course it made him wonder how he wasn't the number one...his smirk faded slightly into a frown as he grumbled , deciding to simply wait outside of the school itself instead of explore...

His ears twitched slightly as a static sound erupted from the Loud speakers.
"We are proud to reveal the rankings of the number Five's!" A large Holographic board suddenly manifested in front of the gates revealing each individual ranking and a small "Profile" of what each one was capable of , though it didn't exactly state what the numbers were for in anyway making it seem like it was going in power strength order to most. This however was the schools way of showing off its very best students , subtlety hinting at how they prioritized people depending on their level...

He examined the board with curiosity reading each name and what they were all capable of though his eyes focused on the top two "Clockwork & TK Force." expressing interest at their powers , most of the others were simply stronger versions of abilities that were commonly seen here but their powers were quite new along with his.
"Hm...Interesting.." he'd mutter inaudibly....the thought of what the number 5's themselves would be doing for the curriculum suddenly floating through his mind..
Fiodor walked towards the entrace , for he it was very normal but at the same strange , he wanted to be in his old school with his normal life but he knows that what he desires is impossible now that he is a esper , to much technology , he thought when he arrived to the city , even if he was with a smile almost everytime he could only think in his home and old life , although he had hear of the level 0 which can be considered as a normal human maybe he could find some friends there , but he knew that he being a level 4 could not do that since some of the level 5 discriminate them and it was better for him to not be discriminated too.He stand up next to a couple girls and boys waiting for the gates
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

"I have these magical things called ears. I think lots of people have them." Fer said to the boy. He opened his eyes and looked up. His smile had not faded whatsoever this time. "My name is Fer." He finished. The boy seemed intriguing. Judging by what he had heard about this place it was impossible to gauge who was a level five. He could just look at the standings but he was confident he was a level four. This boy however had a powerful aura radiating off of him. "I presume you are level five?" He asked casually as if it was something people took lightly.
Landon makes a surprised expression. "What gave it away?" Casually casting glances around, or at least attempting. "You know there are a few people trying to hide it." His posture becomes more rigid as he notices the monitor listing his name and ability. "Although it isn't very easy." Landon looks down at his faded jacket, pulls out a small blue box maybe 3x3x1 inches and opens it procuring a phone from the box and re-pocketing it. "So why do you suppose this city really exists? I mean they are creating super humans most of us in the impressionable age group."
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

"My original suspicions were to generate money for an elite but this place functions as more of a collective than any city I have ever visited." Fer answered with a slight wave of his hand. This boy was rather easy to read. He cut things straight which was a trait Fer enjoyed in people. He let out a breath and relaxed more. "I could tell you were a level five based, one upon the execution of your power, which you applied qualities similar to teleportation to. You also put off a powerful aura. I do not know what it is or why I can feel it, but you have it." He explained. He would enjoy understandings the inner workings of this boy. At least he had enough integrity to treat those not at his level with some respect. "I do appreciate you having respect for those below your level." Fer looked closely at the boy. He had a phone in his hands and a relatively laid back manner. Fer only felt the aura this boy put off from people like his father who were constantly tense. "On the topic of training us at an impressionable age, it is most likely to provide us whith the alternate reality many people here so desperately need due to their abilities." Returning to one topic was typically a good idea anyways.
Anzu Mishina stood closer towards the faculty, instead of sitting with her peers. The Monitor stoically watched the screen in anticipation, eyeballing each and every entry on the electronic monolith. A Shadow Thief? Commendable ability, but she most certainly will not be stealing any objects on Anzu's watch! Other entries were simple and fine. A Chemist, an Architect, the Wise, the Earthborn. All quite interesting to her. Even she herself was listed on the monitor. Anzu Mishina, ClockWork! A feeling of pride began to swell in her chest.

"Hard working at its finest, Students! Push to yourselves to your true potential! Listen to yourselves as well! Ask not the Sparrow how the Eagle soars. Instead, imitate the Eagle into its victorious state!" Anzu called out loud, mostly to herself. An inspiring speech, maybe. ...But a little embarrassing.
Jansen would proceed to walk up to the main gate, glancing around at all the unfamiliar surroundings. Everything was interesting to him, especially the other students. He took note of all the new faces, all though making sure not to get to close to anybody, simply disliking getting into conversations. Eventually coming to a stop, he'd briefly look through the hologram stating the rankings of the level five's, taking note of the first two people below, and above his rank. Afterwards, simply dispersing toward the general collection of people, though refraining from getting to close.
Landon scrunched his face. "Damn. I didn't think anyone would notice that." Landon realized he din't want to mess with this boy, fer, even though he knew Fer wasn't a level 5 he know the boy was hiding an ability and Landon wasn't sure if his stasis could help him against it. An Idea struck him. "My ability is Stasis, the preservation of vectors. I can't alter them sadly I've only done it a couple times. Anyways whats your ability if I may ask?" Wincing at the sound of a girl screaming near the gate before. Landon looked up at Fer expectation spread across his face. It was a long shot and he absolutely hated asking about peoples abilities considering he preferred to hide his own.
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Tatsu sat up after hearing that the level five ranking have been released however because she was relatively small and they were still a large group of people in front of her the listing were hard to see. Tatsu decided to get a better view so she began squeezing past people one advantage of her height well it should have been if she didn't fall over her own feet, luckily she managed to catch herself before she fell. A large smile appeared on her face as she finally could see the list TK force Tatsu title was second on the list and she couldn't have been more happy.

Nearby Tatsu could hear someone mentioning something about "hard work at its finest" and just with them few words Tatsu wanted to find out who it was. Judging where the voice came from and the fact that the person's who voice it was, was shouting encouragement to everyone. Walking over to her. "I couldn't agree more with you." Tatsu said with a wide smile on her face.

@Moody Blues
Daniel Vorsch

His eyes shifted from the board to the Number 1 also known as Anzu Mishina as she made her speech , her pride rather evident to him. For now he'd simply stay in the foreground , examining his future rivals or maybe friends if need be..That is until his eyes fell upon a very very peculiar looking woman who had suddenly entered the crowd.


Eyes watched like eagles as the short woman made her way through the crowd , obviously not being one of the students. What was more perplexing however was their was a faint humming sound emanating from her being and she seemed to be wearing..well what looked like Clothes a nurse would wear but the very upper back of it seemed to lack any coverage , revealing her back with bits and pieces of it colored pink to match her equally odd eyes. Her face was as blank as paper as she approached the gate , her eyes examining the school behind the gates with that face devoid of expression. How odd it seemed she was locked out for once...Taking a step back and obliviously pushing someone over much to their chagrin she simply stood there like a statue seeming to just wait for the gates to open. A Few hushed mumbles came from a group of people she had pushed over, obviously annoyed seeing as she just went through them as if they didn't exist.
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Finishing her small outburst of ambitious words, Anzu turned to an approaching student. She stood still, watching the student advance. Unexpectedly, the stranger commended her on her speech, causing Anzu to quickly bow and respond. "It is a relief to see one who agrees with truth." Anzu commented, standing back straight from her bow. The Girl in Anzu's presence was quite small, at least half her size. Ms. Mishina couldn't help but look down upon her.

"Ah! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Anzu Mishina, former student council president of my old school, otherwise known as the Clockwork! And you are?"
Whoever yelled that , maked Fiodor a bit uncomfortable as he was not exactly the type of person which supports hard work ,he see the rank , he could be a level 5 very easily if he tried harder , but that could make him less human ,a thing he didnt want to .Then he notice the short woman it was strange to see a non student here , so he limited to watch her .
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

"Stasis... That seems interesting to say the least." Fer commented. This Landon boy was cunning as far as most other people went. "By older logic, the projection of vectors would mean the impression of a direction in which one object moves. Your control over them and the ability to make yourself appear in one position or state as you called it is more of a bending of time rather than space. Directional motion is not dependent on time ever but you utilize time as we know it to preserve something, correct?" Fer asked. Avoid the question was a way of signaling hostilities but his smile would be more than enough. This boy wore his thoughts on his shoulder more than his cloths, which would be an asset Fer could easily use if need be. Some things close do not need to be an asset however... "I suspect you are in essence warping your perception of time and leaving behind a shell of sorts to reach an end point so to speak. In the situation of you scaring that girl, your base state was standing still and the end point was in front of her. You left no blur of distortion in space behind you which dictates your control of vectors is not affection others perception of time, only yours." Fer explained. Overdetailing was something that would make anybody loose sight of the original goal. He looked directly at the boy and Fer knew his machinations had been set into motion.
Anna stood nervously in the back of the group, her eyes searching the faces. She was mostly listening and watching, but she occasionally moved to avoid being walked right into. Her garments, which, in the smallest size produced, were too big, were blowing slightly in the small breeze going through the area. She hesitantly walked among the group of chattering, enthusiastic people that seemed to be friends already towards the front, so she could see the rankings of the five. She was reading the fourth name when a girl yelled out that you should 'imitate the eagle' to be just as good. Anna laughed softly, shaking her head to herself. No. She would not imitate a level 5 to become one herself. She would watch and observe, sure, but she wanted to surpass them if she did decide to put herself out there enough to become one, which wasn't likely. She started to feel claustrophobic with all the people surrounding her, touching her and breathing heavily close by. She tried to push her way out the same way she had gotten in, but her small stature made it difficult to get through. She cleared her throat, politely asking to be let through, but her small, airy voice was either not heard or just ignored. More people were trying to get to the front now to read the names as well, making Anna have even less personal space. She started to get nervous and tried harder to get out, but still couldn't. She turned in a half circle to see if there was another clear path to leave by, and was promptly knocked to the ground. Anna covered her head, scared, and pulled the water from the air to surround her in a protective square. Multiple girls cried out something about their hair being ruined now, because the water had hit them on its way to Anna, but she didn't care. No one would touch her right now.
Daniel Vorsch

His glowing amber eyes examined the nurse looking woman with growing curiosity and caution, she looked incredibly out of place...especially since they usually utilized Medical drones instead of people now a days in a place like this...his thoughts trailed off slightly wondering why someone like her was doing in a place like this...his thoughts where quickly cut off though as he heard a slight "swishing" sound akin to water and the cry of a few people turning his head to see what seemed to be a girl covering herself in a box of water guessing she was afraid of the massive crowd...

Sighing he stood up , the crowd seemed to be mostly oblivious to everything just chitter chattering about the school and the island itself. He'd just approach the girl slowly taking a lucky guess that she didn't like being in such a crowded place which was rather understandable...Breathing softly a white glow illuminated his being as six large Angelic wings suddenly manifested onhis back , forcefully pushing the crowd back to form a large open space. Sighing he'd crouch down near the girl, the wings just providing a fresh but strong breeze as the idle wings swayed. "You doing okay there?.." His Black amber like eyes examined her ability..It seemed to be a form of water manipulation...

Haru nodded as his sister rambled over the phone how much he'll love the school. "Yeah yeah sis I get it I get it thank you again yeah love you to." He hang up and let out a deep sigh. "Even over the phone I can't help but get nervous talking to her." He looked at the school it was indeed impressive the huge building was quite the sight he took a few careful steps toward the school looking around scaning the area for any girls he moved as quick as possible. "The longer I can keep my secret the better." He wasn't about to become a pack mule again but no way he'd be able to stand up to any of the girls here so all he could do was hope for the best. But it dawned on Haru....he had no idea where to go and was lost. "Crap!" He said rubbing the back of his head.
"I define vector as any perceivable variable." Landon quickly realizes what the boy is doing. Landon hands the boy the phone. It is a cheep prepaid phone with 60 minutes, 60 service days, and only a single phone number. "Call me if you want to talk more. Perhaps we could discuss this in depth." Landon simply strides off at that. Ignoring any objections to him doing so. Calling over his shoulder. "There's more interesting things going on." pointing over to the obvious angel wings. Landon hurried over, to the angel wings curiously examining the situation. He quickly asks the angel winged boy. "Anything I can do to help?"
Anna slowly looked up and pushed the water back into the surrounding air, the box of water slowly disappearing. She nodded slowly at the person in front of her, her cheeks flaming as her clothes blew in the breeze he was creating. "Yes, thank you..." Anna whispered, her airy voice barely making it to his ears. "I don't do well in large crowds..." she could feel the rest of her body heating up from her blush, which seemed to grow deeper. She was embarrassed at having to be rescued from the crowd.
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

Fer pocketed the phone and looked in the direction the boy had walked. Something like this was bound to happen in a gathering of people like this. Fer had just recently learned that he was called an Esper by the outside world which served no meaning up until now. Now being when hundreds were gathered together in a new environment. He looked curiously at the situation unfolding. A girl had encased herself in water when some sort of medical robot had pushed herself over and a boy had pushed away a crowd by creating an optical distortion of light. "Quite interesting abilities from both people." He muttered to himself. He preferred not to involve himself in these situations where people all help the victims. He was always the one who created the so called victims anyways. The Landon boy would was apparently not as straightforward a however. With a slight chuckle, Fer's smile grew a fraction of a milimeter, but he felt the satisfaction that he had learned about somebody. That somebody would prove most useful in many situations.
Daniel Vorsch

He'd smile slightly at that, the Angel wings dispersing in what seemed to be a white dust like substance that lit up the air like fireflies with a shimmering white glow. "I noticed.." He'd maintain a cool and calm tone , deciding against acting like his usual teasing self as of right now anyway. He'd turn his head as he heard a voice , recognizing the face immediately , it belonging to the number five Landon Pierce also known as Statis according to the Level 5 Billboard that had erected itself in front of the towering gates. "Hmph..ah no It's fine now I think...It just got a little bit too crowded for her liking." He'd shrug, motioning to Anna. "I'm assuming you're Statis..."


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