* A Certain Scientific City * - Neutral Characters

Mr Cthulhu

The Eldritch
General Factions


Anti-Skill is the term used to refer to Academy City's police and security forces. Unlike Judgment, members of Anti-Skill are ordinary adults who work in the city. One is essentially a volunteer when they join Anti-Skill, and as such is not paid to do Anti-Skill work; however, the city compensates for Anti-Skill members' help in the experiment by giving them various gifts and privileges.

It is often assigned to situations that members of Judgment are unable or not allowed to handle, such as engaging terrorists, handling hostage situations, or stabilizing dangerous areas. Judgment is often assigned to assist Anti-Skill in these cases by evacuating civilians or handling crowd control as well as dealing with rogue espers who abuse their powers. It is also shown to assist Judgment with meagre work such as directing traffic, helping lost people, and enforcing curfew, and can also be hired for events. Anti-Skill members are also tasked in training Judgment recruits.

To join their professional ranks, one need only be a teacher and then one must sign nine contracts, pass thirteen different types of aptitude tests, and complete four months of training, similar to Judgment



Judgment is a term used to refer to Academy City's student-based disciplinary committee. They are composed of students of varying grade levels and power, and along with Anti-Skill, they are tasked to maintain peace-and-order within the school system. Judgment members can be recognized by the armbands they wear over their right sleeves, which are green with white stripes and which have a shield symbol.

As most of the city population are students, it is the duty of Judgment to catch those delinquents misusing their powers along with other offenders and protect the students. They can arrest criminals, though only Anti-Skillscan formally take them into custody.

In the event of a situation that Judgment members cannot handle, their superiors and the city's security forces, the Anti-Skills will take over. Overall, the role of a Judgment officer is more like a part-time civilian patrol officer and are often used in community services, such as cleaning garbage from the streets (when cleaning bots are unavailable), helping locate lost objects, traffic duty, etc.

Their authority is normally limited to their school grounds and districts; a Judgment member of another branch can request the Judgment branch that has control of an area to temporarily extend their jurisdiction in that area; also, they can only use their authority outside when ordered to by their superiors or in cases of emergency.

Hound Dog

Hound Dog is an elite black operations unit that takes orders from Aleister Crowley himself. Unlike the Anti-Skill, Hound Dogs have shown that they can covertly perform operations that are considered against regular military conduct and even laws. Hound Dog's name may be attributed to their their ability to track down any target; using their Olfactory Sensor technology, which is said to be superior to that of a trained police dog, henceforth their name.

Unlike the Anti-Skill, the Hound Dogs are not bound any sort of protocol or laws, as they are a covert paramilitary unit, they do their mission regardless of any damages and consequences that they incur.

Because of their covert nature, the secrecy of their operations are highly guarded, and as such the Hound Dogs will eliminate any potential threats – such as witnesses or bystanders – that get in the way of their mission. A part of their covert nature is to cover their own existence, as such the Hound Dogs themselves have to remove their own presence in many situations, such as destroying evidence,retrieving bodies of comrades, and general clean up of anything that would indicate their presence.



Multi Active Rescue (MAR) is an emergency response organization based in Academy City. Their primary duty is to prevent or control the involvement of civilians in dangerous situations, or if possible to prevent dangerous events from occurring, rescue victims and to control the escalation of casualties in high-risk situations. They are also deployed to cleanup an area too dangerous or too difficult for other groups to do.

The security force of Academy City, Anti-Skill often work together with Multi Active Rescue, especially during large-scale emergencies.

The main organization is controlled by the captain, while the leader of it's research subsidiary and of the MAR Base Research Laboratory is the head of research.

During operations, under the control of the captain of MAR, units are mobilized into groups with a leader for each group; this allows MAR to perform different tasks at the same time, and to coordinate their operation.

During high-risk situations that are in a wide-enough scale such as the Poltergeist Incidents, MAR can opt to join forces with other peace-and-order keeping organizations, such as Judgment and Anti-Skill. In which case all the organizations are given tasks to follow, and assist each other if help is needed

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Player Factions


Current Members

Unknown Voice { Technical Leader }

Akihiro Etsu { De-facto leader }

Girl with Pink Hair { Soldier }

Various Underlings { NPC Soldiers }

Undershaft are a Black Operations organisation that work similar to Hound Dog , However unlike them Undershaft work under the Board of Directors & The Kihara Family. They mainly work in the dark side of the city and carry out a variety of morally questioning Jobs such as the assassination of a potential threat who could be a mere child or the protection of a very controversial figure E.G A Kihara family member.

Another difference between them and Hound dog are the way they approach these Missions , While Hound dog do it swiftly and leave little evidence as possible , Undershaft leave quite a bit of notable destruction however to remain covert they end up pinning the damages and events to other potential future threats to quickly eliminate them. The group employs a Myriad of different Level Espers and possibly military trained officials making them a diverse and deadly group who are much more unpredictable than Hound dog because of this , Their De-facto Leader being one of the Level 5's Aero-Biker.

Also Unlike Hound dog is that they take on a much more broader variety of missions, ranging from information extraction to full scale combat with other groups to eliminate threats that could shift the balance of power in the Dark side. As such they are a controversial and feared group who's name is whispered in secrecy.

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