A casual Pokémon profile threadWelcome to the profile thread! If you have any questions about what to do for your character or how to submit them, hit me up or ask around in the OOC thread.
Character Creation Rules
Profile Skeleton (Blank)
Profile Skeleton (Code)
Character Creation Rules
- Original characters only (Canon Pokemon characters may be refereced or appear in backstories as NPCs)
- Your character should fit the tone of the roleplay - criminals are fine and welcome, but maybe don't go with the serial killer who tortures and eats people.
- Each player can start the roleplay with up to three characters
- A trainer's Pokemon are not considered individual characters
- (Also your character doesn't have to be a trainer)
- However, you can play a Pokemon as a character (think Meowth or Slowking) if you're really that invested in the idea.
- A Pokemon's level and moves will be listed on the trainer's profile sheet.
- The combined level of a trainer's Pokemon must not exceed 60.
- The four moves listed for each Pokemon are assumed to be the most recently learned or most often used moves. Any Pokemon can use any move that it has ever learned (within plausibility).
- Anime faceclaims only. We are weaboos, and we are proud.
- Feel free to use the OOC thread or the Discord server as a workshop while you work on character profiles.
- When you've completed the character profile, send it to me, D. Rex and Necessity4Fun in a group PM titled "Pokémon Profile: [your character's name here]".
- If you run into any problems with the bbcode, don't sweat it. As long as all the info in there, I can do the code for you. Gotta look out for my mobile users!
- If you really like bbcode, you're welcome to doll up your profiles so long as all the information is there and in the same spot.
- When I've approved your character in the PM, then you can post their profile here - but not before!
Profile Skeleton (Blank)
Character Name
- Name:
Goal: - Describe their personality here.
- Describe their backstory here.
- Overview
Nickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4 OverviewNickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4 OverviewNickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4 OverviewNickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4 OverviewNickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4 OverviewNickname Species Gender Ability MovesMove1 Move2 Move3 Move 4
Profile Skeleton (Code)
[div=max-width:800px;margin:auto;][row][h]Character Name[/h][/row][Row][Column=span2][IMG]https://i.postimg.cc/KcpVtXyV/blank-profile-picture-973460-960-720.png[/IMG][/Column][Column=span6][Tabs][Tab=Vitals][B]Name[/B]:
[Tab=Personality]Describe their personality here.[/Tab]
[Tab=Biography]Describe their backstory here.[/Tab]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[Tab=Personality]Describe their personality here.[/Tab]
[Tab=Biography]Describe their backstory here.[/Tab]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Move3[/td][td]Move 4[/td][/tr]
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