A Breath Of Life (Chiba Masato X Autumn

Madi had always loved classical music. It was calming for her. She remembered when she was in school how she would come home from dance class and flop on her bed before turning on her music to do homework. Most of the time she ended up dancing around her room rather than doing work. Madi's mother would always walk in and tell her she needed to focus, but they'd end up sitting on her bed and talking for hours. The thought made Madi tear up but she quickly wiped her eyes and took a steadying breath. Madi was worried for Chiba. She didn't know how serious it all was, but she knew she didn't want him to be stuck here like she was. It all confused her, really. Andy was always concerned about his own health once he saw Madi stuck in the hospital. He didn't always take the best care of himself, but he tried, even if it was only to make his sister happy.

Andy listened silently to the music, thinking of how beautiful it was. It was amazing that she had such ability, truthfully. Andy looked at Emi, wondering if she'd ever be able to leave the hospital and live a normal life. Would she start remembering things? Was there anything he could do? Sighing and running a hand through his messy hair, he suddenly stood and walked to the window, staring out. He rather enjoyed Emi's company. He thought she was pretty, too, though he was wary. He didn't want to get too close to her. She would be gone the next day, replaced by the girl he had met this morning. It saddened him to think they might never get close because of her memory problems.

Pushing the thought from his mind, he tore his eyes from the window when the music had stopped. "You have quite a talent, there. It was beautiful," he complimented, smiling brightly at Emi. Madi nodded in agreement, sitting cross-legged on her bed.
She blushes looking down at her notebook to hide it but she wasn't good at doing anything secretive. " You really think so?" She pulls a pencil from the drawer and a new note book and begins scribbling in it furiously. After a minute or so she stops and puts the note book back and looks at them. " I haven't really let anyone else listen to the music i compose but i guess it's ok if you hear it." She seemed to fidget a little bit not really used to being praised for her talent. She really hated being praised as she was a modest person. She looks at maid's face and with one look she knows what she was thinking about. " It's alright he won't go down without a fight, he just won't quit that easily. So don't worry about him too much he'll get better but he won't heal until he wakes up from the 'sleep' he is in, and that is where you would come in. But that's for latter not now. And Andy you don't need to worry about me that much if i write it down then i'll read it and be able to read them." She smiled widely happy that the two siblings were like open books to her. She giggles slightly. " Don't worry about it I'll try not to do it again but i couldn't help it with the faces you two were pulling." She stands and puts the mp3 player up and the speaker as well and elbows Andy in his liver and sits back down beside Madii and hugs her tightly. and she tickles her a bit. " Will you break those ugly mugs and smile? It takes more energy to frown then it does to smile." 
((hope that that is good enough for you))
Madi couldn't help but let her jaw drop when Emi read her expression. Then, as she sat by her and tickled her, she giggled and squirmed, a smile appearing on her face. "Sorry, I just worry," she admitted, deciding there was no reason to deny that she was worried. Madi didn't know if she could really help Chiba. She desperately wanted to, but she didn't understand how she would be any help. What could she do? Pushing the nagging thoughts from her mind, she looked at Emi. "You really are great, though," Madi said, leaning against her new friend.

Andy rolled his eyes at Emi, but smiled all the same. He was surprised that she knew he was worried about her not remembering him. Was he really that easy to read? Shrugging it off, Andy smiled, finally, and glanced outside. "Any idea when he'll wake up?" he asked, looking back at Emi.
they told me a little while after supper or so." She smiled giggling with madii " Thanks for the compliment, and being honest with yourself and expressing yourself is the easier then keeping it all to yourself and tearing yourself apart about it." She smiled at Andy and shook her head. "Everyone can be read it just takes practice, some a re harder then others, my brother for example is a closed book to me except for when he caught madii when she was about to fall. That look on his face was... beautiful compared to the mask he has made himself ware.
Madi bit her lip, uncomfortable with the idea that she might be held accountable for Chiba's recovery. Was she up to that? She certainly wanted him to feel better, but what is she couldn't do it? What if Chiba got worse? Madi rubbed her temples before looking at her brother. They had always had some ability to read each other and have a silent conversation. With one look, Andy understood.

Madi always wanted to help others and Andy knew that she took helping Chiba very seriously. The two of them were interesting. Madi wasn't ever that involved in people's lives, but it was obvious that she wanted to help Chiba. Andy nodded in agreement with Emi. He had seen the difference in Chiba's expression. "Well, I sure hope that Madi can do something. I want Chiba to get better," he sighed, standing and beginning to pace. The sun was quickly falling and the shadows in the room grew longer. Andy knew that he needed to go soon, but he wanted to check up on Chiba, so he decided to wait.

Madi nervously picked at her nails, counting down the time until she'd get to go see Chiba.
A doctor walked in after a short while smiling happily at the three. " Well then i'm sure you've been a bit anxious to hear what been going on with Chiba. Well let me be frank, he has cancer in his stomach. We already did surgery to remove the tumor and we have put him on kemo to kill off any left over cancer cells that may have already broken off. But things look really nice right now and he's in the room next door just starting to come arround again. He's really lucky that we got it early on." The doctor excuses him self and walks back out of the room and the tension in the room seems to fade ever so slightly.

She sighs in relief that they had caught it early on and that he was coming around again. " Well that's good and bad news at the same time... He's better but now he has cancer, it can come back at any given time... What wonderful news." She laughs at the thought and looks at madii. " So want to go next door and see how he's looking?"
Madi, as fast as was possible in her condition, leapt from bed and hurried into the room next door. Taking a seat next to his bed, she assessed him quickly. Madi didn't understand why she cared so much for him already. It was unlike her to get so attached. She was always afraid of people leaving in one way or another, so she never got close enough to be hurt. Really, Andy was her only close companion at this point. The thought made Madi sigh sadly. All she had was her brother. Now, it seemed like she had Chiba and Emi and she certainly didn't want to lose them so quickly.

"Chiba? How're you feeling?" Madi asked softly, noticing that he was stirring ever so slightly.

It almost made Andy laugh to watch his sister jump from bed and rush out of the room. She obviously cared about Chiba and Emi. Andy was honestly glad that Madi would have other people in her life now. Smiling at Emi, he grabbed her hand and led her into the other room. Andy stood in the doorway, watching Madi and Chiba and staying silent. He let go of Emi's hand so she could go see her brother.
*smiles to self* i'm in a real good mood right now)) He groaned and looked blankly around the room and looked at the ceiling and his nostrils flared and he looked blankly at her and in a serious tone " Pancakes? is that pancakes?... no no... BACON!" it sounded garbled at first but at the last part he sat up and hugged Maddi and fell asleep on her shoulder again still under the effects of anesthesia and he smiled to himself as he was comforted by her smell what the scent was he couldn't put his finger on but he breathed deeply and sighed somehow or another happily shifting his head slightly. It seemed sort of odd how the first thing he said was pancakes but it was explained by the smell of syrup wafting down the hall way into his room. As for why he shouted bacon it was because he smelt the beef from Maddi from where she had the food. It was almost comical how he had acted and how much even though he had not realized yet had already come to depend on madii for. Somewhere deep in his mind he had already created a central support beam around just the thought of her.

Emi smiled at Andy and shook her head. " No i think it's better if we just let them be, i can always go and see him later on." she smiled lightly and looked out the window. " It'll be close to winter when we get out so how about we make a promise that we go out and go shopping that day?" She looks over at Andrew and grins slightly. ((interrupted by a turtle in the yard.)) " Why are you still standing over there come back over here and sit down and we can talk for a while until Maddi comes back how does that sound?"
Madi was taken aback for a moment at Chiba's outburst. She smiled serenely, happy that he was awake and seemed to feel better. Madi carefully set Chiba's head on his pillow and wandered out of the room, locating her brother. "Andy, can you go get pancakes and bacon for Chiba? He seemed rather excited about them," she said with a small smile and giggle. After he nodded and agreed, Madi shuffled to Chiba's room once more, taking the seat she had just vacated and watching Chiba. She hoped with all that she had that everything would be okay. Madi was slow to get close to most people, but there were a select few that she found herself connecting with right away.

"I hope you're alright, Chiba," she muttered under her breath.

Andy smiled at Emi. "I would love to take you shopping," he said with a grin. Andy had just taken his seat when Madi popped her head in and asked him to get the pancakes and bacon for Chiba. Taking Emi's hand, Andy pulled her along to try and locate Chiba some food. "How do you keep yourself entertained around here?" he questioned as they walked the halls.
He breathed easily as he was laid back down and smiled in his sleep absentmindedly at her. He had clung lightly to her hair and he brushed her hair out as she laid him back.

Emi looked over at Maddi, "it's probably the first things he smelt the first things he smelt and really didn't want them but i guess that we can go and get some." She grinned back at andy and blushed lightly as he boldly took her hand. " Well since they are mostly testing throughout the day somedays when i am brought back to the room i'm usually to tuckered out to do anything but sleep, and on other days i spend writing or trying to teach myself how to draw, and of course creating music as you so well know. And i will look forward to going out shopping with you." She giggled slightly. " It's a date ok?" She laughed openly now and clung onto his hand and drew closer to him smiling peacefully.
"They're getting you pancakes and bacon, Chiba," Madi said softly, a smile playing at her lips. It was nice to feel like she was taking care of someone for once. Her brother was always doing this for her and she hated it; she hated feeling like she was helpless. She sighed and bit her lip, staring at the wall across from her, listening to Chiba's steady breathing. She honestly just wished that there was more she could do for him. Madi supposed all she could do at this point was hope for the best.

After searching for a few moments, Andy managed to track down some pancakes and bacon for Chiba. "It's a date," Andy responded, nodding. He smiled serenely, comfortable with Emi. He balanced the plate on one hand while still holding Emi's with the other. "So, you aren't going to remember me tomorrow?" he asked, glancing at Emi. Today had been one of the best he'd had in a while, despite spending it in a hospital, and it was hard for him to accept the fact that she wouldn't remember any of it: it would just be a story in an journal.
He groaned and came around again yawning widely, he blinked and looked around and breathed in deeply. "Why do i smell lavender? It smells like lavender in here... perfume...?" He opened his eyes and looked around and slowly sat up and looked at Madi. " What are ou doing here? and why on earth am i hooked up to all of these machines?" He was genuinely confused and he looked like a dog put into a corner, so desperately trying to figure up from down. Suddenly his stomach growled and he looked away his face crimson.

She blushed and looked down and held his hand tighter. "Good you better remember that." She looked up as he asked the question and her expression saddened, ' I really wish i could but i won't unless i write it down, which is why i want to hurry up and get back to the room so i can write it down before i do forget. I truly wish that i could remember like everyone else but for me it's impossible... Have you heard of the condition called face blindness? Well it in short explained is similar to what i have, if you have face blindness you can't remember people's faces and you can't tell if you know the person or not, it's slightly similar to what i have."

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