A Brain In Chains


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Character Name: Quinn Knott

Age: 16


Sexuality: He doesn't know-- he doesn't pay much attention to either sex. (Gay)

Mental Illness: Bibliomania

History: His father, a headstrong military man, scorned Quinn's favorite hobby of reading. Quinn did a lot of reading-- being a military family, they moved around a lot. Quinn never had time to make friends, because they were always on to the next city before he could. He turned to books, and as a result, he became obsessed. Last year, Quinn refused to leave the house at all, living in his room instead with his stacks of books. When his father started taking his books away, he started screaming and wouldn't stop until his father put them back in their place. His family sent him here in the hopes he could learn how to make real friends.

Personality: Quinn is reclusive and intelligent. You cannot, under any circumstances, touch his books without permission, because he turns vicious. If you worked hard and became his friend, he's quite sweet and witty.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): Books. Nothing else.
Character Name: Emily Ava Hacord



Sexuality: bi

Mental Illness: addiction and anxiety.

History:Emily grew up in a nurturing and fairly normal environment but at age 7 she started to get severe panic attacks. they didnt last very long at first and they were easy to hide, so she did. no body knew. and she suffered is silence. when she was around 11 years old they got worse and she had one when she was at her friends house and she discovered her secret. the next year her panic attacks were imposible to conceal and lasted for hours, so she hid in her room. when she was 13 she discovered that drugs helped get rid of the symptoms. anything she could get her hands on really, weed, alcohol, molly, whatever. she got addicted. when she was 14 she started hearing a static noise in her panic attack that sounded like 100 voices in her head so she took more and more of whatever she was on at the moment. before she was sent to sunny falls she got in a fight with her parents when they found a stash of bottles in her room, she had a panic attack and, being drunk out of her mind, she ran out of the house. she was missing 20 hours before they found her and decided she needed help.

Personality: when she isn't having an attack, she is very sociable and outgoing. she is funny and sometimes harshly honest. but the honesty adds to her charm. when she is having an attack, she goes into a sort of frenzy, she has to get up and move and she often gets very emotional (ie: one second she will be screaming at you and the next she will be weeping.)

Favorites (likes/dislikes):likes candy (she has a major sweet tooth which is helping her fight her addictions), writing, talking (she can talk for hours with anyone about anything), and dubstep. dislikes MDs of any kind, patronizing people, overly exited people, and empty spaces.

Character Name|


Griffin A.

Age| 17

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Mental Illness|



This sights, the sounds, Grin could never decipher what was real from what was not real. As a kid, his parents convinced themselves that their son just had an extremely vivid imagination, but then the hallucinations got worse...


To Be Revealed > :)

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"I like peanut butter. Women. Music. I hate... I hate being called crazy..."



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Character Name: Noah Evans

Age: 17



Sexuality: Bisexual

Mental Illness: Avoidant Personality Disorder

History: Noah grew up with a rather macho father and a supportive mother. He was always rather quiet than the other kids and didn’t care much for sports, which disappointed his dad. Some of the activities he preferred where more feminine, such as cooking and gardening. Due to this he was ridiculed by his male peers at a young age and started to draw into himself. His antisocial behavior only intensified as the years progressed until finally, at the age of thirteen, his mother decided to take him to a clinic where they diagnosed him as having Avoidant Personality Disorder. Despite his condition his mom was determined to help him in any way she could and was one of the very few people who Noah allowed himself to willingly be around. Unfortunately, she died in a car accident two years later, and he swiftly drew back into his shell. His father, much less understanding than his mother, tried to deal with him for a couple of years but quickly got tired of Noah’s withdrawn and less than masculine traits. This led him to shipping Noah off to Sunny Falls.

Personality: Noah is a very timid and shy person. He tries to avoid social situations as much as possible, constantly afraid of what others think of him. Being extremely sensitive to criticism and rejection, he is paranoid of his own appearance and actions at all times. However he is also lonely and secretly desires affection that he believes that he can never have.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): He likes cooking, gardening, and interacting with most animals. He finds that animals are much easier to be with than other humans. Noah is terrified of crowds or being put on the spot. If anyone were to actually criticize him then he would more than likely break down, unable to handle that his worst fears are being realized.

Kayla MacIntire // 17




Mental Illness:

Anorexia, Insomnia, prone to panic attacks & has various phobia.


She was shuffled around from foster home to foster home, never really being able to plant roots anywhere. It was when she was 12 that her "condition" as her foster parents called it, started to show up. She began to have night terrors and wouldn't sleep for days afraid that if she fell asleep she would never wake up. When she got to high school was when things started to get really bad. Depression and anorexia set in. By then her foster family had enough with her and they shipped her off in hopes that she would learn to be "normal."


She is sarcastic most of the time and has a ton of attitude, probably due to the lack of sleep. She has a tendency to distance herself from social setting in fear that she might have a panic attack.


Music, art and spending time alone reading.


Crowds, getting her medication, and now possibly this place.


Alex Frit // 18




Mental Illness:

Agoraphobia (Fear of wide open spaces and crowded rooms), anxiety


He grew up in a good home with loving parents; a seemingly normal life. But all that changed when his symptoms started show up. He became reluctant to go to school and to even leave the house. His parents did all they could do to help him. After 5 years of this with no improvement they turned to other methods of help, sending him from therapist, to therapist and one doctor to the next. Nothing help, they actually seemed to make it worse. Now his parents have run out of options and are faced with their last option. Sunny Falls.


He is very introverted and not to keen to making friends or coming out of his comfort zone. He doesn't talk much, you can usually find him in his room gazing out the window imagining what his life would be like without his fear and anxiety.


Being alone, nature, animals, and small spaces.


Crowds, people in general, and talking.

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Character Name: Kai Anthony

Age: 17


Sexuality: Straight

Mental Illness: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

History: Kai grew up in a rough area of Manchester. His primary education was not extraordinary, he was a quiet lad who kept to himself and no one really bothered. However in secondary education it all went FUBAR. At first he would make a few friends, Stanley to name one. He would usually end up however due to Stanley in gang situations, fighting on the streets a lot. For that time he trained ju-jitsu 4-5 days a week after school and would afterwards be in the gang, attempting to fit in. It all changed at 15. He met a bouncy, out going girl (named Alyssa) who was a complete opposite of his personality, quiet and cynical. While initially repulsed by her constant attempts to warm up to him, it eventually get to him. After 6 months, many dates and some film watching later, they got into a relationship. This worked for 6 months, they often chatted and hug in school, meet him after his ju-jitsu and then go home to his and be together. It even reached to a sexual level at one point.

Stanley however grew exceedingly jealous, as Kai now both neglected Stanley and the gang for his girlfriend. One night after ju-jitsu on a Wednesday, he was walking home with Alyssa, Kai and they were ambushed by the gang where they were attacked with knives and makeshift bottles. While Kai would survive the incident, somehow managing to fight off enough to avoid being too critically injured, his girlfriend did not. He would find her in hospital with a cut carotid artery, which meant certain death. This event scarred him for life, physically through the knife and bottle wounds covering his upper and lower body; as well as mentally, blaming himself to be responsible for the incident. Kai has since had events of reliving the events, where his happiness with his late girlfriend would be cruelly snatched from him. He has these anxiety attacks mostly when alone either in school or alone in bed. he has self harmed for his self-blame, adding further scars to his body. He is also known to have had fits of rage, again blaming himself or attacking people who say he killed Alyssa. Having near killed students in the past for these, his parents saw fit for him to be sent away.

Personality: Kai is a person that hides his true feelings behind an emotionless mask. With his mask on, Kai is cold and uncaring. He is straight to the point and very cynical. He almost never smiles and in those very few times when he actually smiles, his smiles are like a twitch of the lips than an actual smile. His eyes are lifeless, which discourages people to talk to him. He puts little effort in lessons, but will study away when he has time to himself, though it is usually from an absence of anything else to take up his time. He occasionally makes cynical remarks about his life or surroundings to himself.

Kai only let go of his mask when he's near the persons he can absolutely trust (which is currently no one). With his mask's off, Kai is actually a very passionate person. He's loyal to his friends and will do everything to help his friends. The reason why Kai has to keep his mask on is because he has become very distrusting due to his past and wishes to not to be hurt the same way he was before.

The only thing he at the moment can release his tensions from are from physical exercise, involving general strength training or hitting punching bags. This and his fighting past (street brawling and ju-jitsu) has led him with levels of physical strength and stamina. He feels more secure when he does so, telling himself he is not weak and can protect people.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): He enjoys exercise and hitting punching bags, but feels no satisfaction for fighting other people, only guilt. He listens to Hardcore electronic music, usually along with exercise. Otherwise he is preferentially alone, staring into the sky. He doesn't like being surrounded by strangers or being patronised. He has a real hate towards people who are unfaithful to their partners and anything with raisins.

Character Name:


Short for Violet







Mental Illness:

Somewhat paranoid and has Bipolar Disorder


She grew up in New York City, New York. She loved everything about it. Especially New Years Eve. She lived a happy life. She got good grades and her parents were caring. She was an only child so she was spoiled a little. Her disorder was genetic so she had it all her life. It didn't really appear visible until an outburst at recess when she was in 4th grade. Since then, she was deemed 'Different' and spent the rest of her life in the back of the class room and upstairs in her room at home. She was bullied for being different of course but she tried the best she could to stay positive. Her parents noticed changes in her behavior and realized she needed attention and help they of course, couldn't give. So, she was applied to Sunny Falls.


Optimistic, nice, friendly, a little shy at first, sweet, keeps to herself a lot.

Favorites (likes/dislikes):

She loves pop music and going to the park (Central Park)

She doesn't like broccoli and Jazz music.


Character Name: Caroline Forbes

Age: Sixteen

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alison_DiLaurentis.jpg.a6bc1edba280aee7e377053baa6a63f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Alison_DiLaurentis.jpg.a6bc1edba280aee7e377053baa6a63f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mmwogcGka61s3zkl4o3_500.gif.bbe4408231e8a12b2e52673a3037b3db.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mmwogcGka61s3zkl4o3_500.gif.bbe4408231e8a12b2e52673a3037b3db.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sexuality: Heterosexual

Mental Illness: Anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder

History: Even if her family is considerably wealthy, Candice never had that truly perfect life all rich girls dream of. Her mother and father love her and her sister, Katy to death, and they knew the absolute best thing for Caroline was to send her to get help. What's different about Caroline is that she isn't always problematic. Most days she can appear a totally innocent, sweet, normal teenage girl. But some occasional days she's a brat, and will flip out on the nearest person or object when she doesn't get her way.

Personality: Naive, curious, neat, easily intimidated, anxious, sweet, charming, clever

Favorites (likes/dislikes): Ice cream, sunshine, lip gloss, reading, the beach, vacations, traveling, family.

Dislikes: Rain, cold, dark, people who threaten her, intimidating men



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Character Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Age: 16


Sexuality: Bi

Mental Illness: Schizophrenia

History: Xavier was born and grew up in Las Vegas, learning just about every card game there is and every trick to go with it(he doesn't tell anyone this until he's won a few hands though). He was the stereotypical happy kid for a while; had lots of friends, good in school, loving parents. Then, when he was seven, his father died in an accident and his mother had a schizophrenic break. She was institusonalized a month later when neighbors noticed her having an episode, and Xavier was sent to his grandparents. A few years later his grandpa died and Xavier started to show signs of schizophrenia. His grandma took care of him as best as she could, but his "disease" as she calls it just got worse as he got older. Finally she sent him off to Sunny Falls after he had his first major episode.

Personality: He's quiet and untrusting towards others, but when someone gains his trust he is really kind and protective of them. Acts childish and is very joking/sarcastic, but will feel bad if he hurts someone's feelings.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): He likes reading and drawing, being outside, and listening to music. Doesn't like the dark, dogs, or hospitals.
Character Name : Coraline Hale

Age: 16

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/51baa5155aae179634.jpg.e9d9a773833648b5ca5d545bde720b55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/51baa5155aae179634.jpg.e9d9a773833648b5ca5d545bde720b55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Bisexual

Mental Illness: Schizophrenia, Hypochondria

History: Coraline was the next intended to be the a cook on her family. For 12 years of her life she was thought how to cook, how to love, how to be part of the family, and she didn't have problems with it. She was loving it. But then, her mother died because her dad poisoned her. She didn't want to believe it, so she convinced herself that her mom died from a desease. There were voices in her head fighting against each other... she got afraid of everyone and everything that could possibly make her sick.She got isolated, and the only thing that could cut those toughts was music. She was living with her uncle, homescholed at that time. His uncle caught her taking pills with no reason. ''I just don't want to get sick, let me be !'' she said, as she hold the pills in her shaly hand. Her uncle then realised what was going on. It was official- she she suffered from hypochondria and schizophrenia and was then sent to Sunny Falls.

Personality: She doesn't talk much. Most of the time she prefers to sit in the corner listening to music. When people try to talk to her, she acts cold, but then regrets it, when it's to late. Because she knows she can be a nice and intersting person.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): Likes music, dance and silence. Doesn't like the cold, smells and to be bored



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Age: 16

Name: Aimée Sonnet (her parents call her Aim's, but you're risking your life if you call her that.)

Mental Disorders: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Depression, Bulimia & Anorexia, Body Dysmorphia, occasional panic attacks

Sexuality: Questioning (It changes, but for the most part she’s bisexual)

History: She grew up in Manhattan, in wealthy and fortunate environment. She was the perfect child growing up, beautiful, seemingly happy, and talented. Extremely talented. The potential that she possessed was amazing, she excelled at everything from poetry to hockey. That was until the voices came along. At the age of 10 her parents dismissed her “imaginary friends” as a part of her creativity. Then came the screaming, and kicking, and violence. It was then that her family realized that she was afraid, it was then that they realized it wasn’t just vivid imaginations. The voices were controlling her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Personality: Cunning, fierce, isolate, quiet, and open-minded. She knows what she wants and if it’s worth fighting for, then she’ll fight. Bluntness is one of her best qualities, if you annoy her, she’ll let you know. If she doesn’t want to talk to you, she’ll most definitely let you know. Although she may seem like a major b*tch, she can be kind and considerate one you crack her shell.

Favorites (likes, dislikes): Likes; reading, music, dance, tea. Dislikes; dark rooms, bright rooms, people, constantly talking, eating in front of people, loud noises, food, insects, mirrors, and many more phobias.



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Character Name: Skylar

Age: 16


Sexuality: bi

Mental Illness: depression ,anxiety ,bipolar ,hypochondriasis, ADHD, pyromaniac

History: has been in and out of mental hospitals and jail

Personality: bad ass, trouble maker ,con artist

Favorites (likes/dislikes): (likes)anything illegal, animals ,music (dislikes) girly girls Skirts Dresses
Character Name: Angel Quinn

Age: 17


Sexuality: Bisexual

Mental Illness: Bipolar, insomnia, fugue

History: Angel used to love her life. She had a loving family, boyfriend and best friend. Until, one day she started having serious mood swings, some loss of identity and has been having sleeping problems for weeks. Her parents got worried so they sent her to the hospital and they said they couldn't help Angel. Then the hospital on Angel's last visit notice some symptoms of bipolar, insomnia and fugue. They didn't know what else to do but send her to a mental illness hospital.

Personality: Bipolar explains a lot

Favorites (likes/dislikes): likes- Screemo music, horror movies, knives. dislikes- Pop music, pink and blue, uggs (boots), preps, jocks, when people don't treat her the way she wants to be treated.
Character Name: Benjamin "Ben" Todd

Age: 18



Sexuality: straight

Mental Illness: Hypnophobia(fear of sleep)

History: As a young child he had a very active imagination, causing him to have terrible reocurring nightmares which eventually progressed into horrific Night Terrors. Because of this he has developed a strong fear of being asleep and as a result has become a heavy insomniac, often forcing himself to stay away for long periods of time, which is just another detriment to his health. An only child for most of his life his parents did the best they could to cope and help him with his problems, but now his mother is pregnate and preparing for a new child and they are worried that his Night Terrors will cause problems for the new baby. So they have decided to send him to Sunny Falls in hopes that he can be helped by someone when they could do nothing themselves.

Personality: Typically shy and introverted, he is smart for his age though his grades in school have always been terrible. Because of his usually lack of sleep, he is often dazed and confused, and at times can get very anxious. He typically feels like a burden on his family and came to ease that burden.

Favorites (likes/dislikes): He likes drawing and has a sketch book and pen with him at all times. Drawing is how he keeps himself awake most of the time, and he usually draws the horrifying things, such creatures, monsters and gorey scenes that he is witness to in his nightmares. He also enjoys music, which is another thing he uses to keep him awake, and at times he likes to write poetry. He doesn't have many dislikes, if it's not something he is fond of he will be rather indifferent to it. He is however worried about developing further mental issues.
Character Name: Joshua Stevens

Age: 17


Sexuality: Bi

Mental Illness: Schizophrenia, Paranoia, OCD

History: He was raised by a single mom, who did drugs, and wasn't very good at parenting. So he was in and out of foster homes, most of the time his foster parents said that 'something wasn't right with him'. He then later killed three people at an orphanage, claiming that they were going to suck his soul out, and that they weren't human, and has shown no other signs of violence at all after the incident. Pleading insane in court, he is now here, after being handed off to a few other psych homes

Personality: Polite, Clever, Nice, Morbid sometimes, Spacey

Likes: books, daydreaming, people that are nice to him

Dislikes: needles, drawing (he can never make it look right), bullies

"I know why the hummingbird cracked..."

Tanner Nickson

17 years old

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3db10d0_boy6.jpg.db71c5f07819f711adba4078cf54d742.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3db10d0_boy6.jpg.db71c5f07819f711adba4078cf54d742.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mental Illness:

Substance Exposure (MDMA)

Severe Agoraphobia and Haphephobia

Avoidant Personality Disorder


Who am I?

Why wont the needle go through?!."

Tanner has some issues. He's a shy, sweet person at heart. Don't ask him about the past, it haunts him. He knows there are good people in the world, but for some reason he just can't see himself as one of them.

Don't touch Tanner without asking. Just...don't.

Tanner has a knack for creating beautiful things...though he can get lost in his own little worlds he creates. His pencil and paper always were the best way of getting away from all his problems...and his memories.

My Story?

You never know how much you love someone until your looking at their casket."

With no father or siblings, Tanner only had his Mom to depend on. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. Everything changed when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. The comfortable life he had always known was shattered, and with his innocence gone he stepped up to take care of the woman who had taken care of him since he was a born. She went into remission and everything seemed to be fine.

So, when she passed away due to an aneurysm, he took it hard.

He was resigned to live with Uncle Marty; a sleazy man with foul intentions for the relationship. The man who seemed to be good and whole-hearted was actually cruel and sociopathic. Tanner didn't know much about sex, until Uncle Marty taught him. Tanner was 14 when he lost his virginity to the man, and after is wad all said and done he was burned for the first time for bleeding on Marty's nice pants. It wouldn't be the last time either event occurred. Tanner didn't know about drugs and how they could leave you defenseless. He would inject Tanner with smack sometimes--if the boy wasn't being raped afterwards, he was being beaten. Uncle Marty didn't hesitate to teach him that he was scum. He wasn't allowed to go to school, or anywhere for that matter, causing him to be afraid of the worst from anything outside his red front door. The poor boy didn't know how to fight back. Uncle Marty thought he never would.

He was right.

By the time anyone noticed, or even cared to hear the screams that had been going on for so long it was too late. The man was locked away, but the boy would always know the pain. Protective Services placed Tanner in Sunny Falls, hoping he could begin to heal.

By the way...

Can be seen drawing hummingbirds and white oleanders

Likes popsicles, his sketchbook, Doritos

dislikes being watched, heat, the dark

Relative(s): Lisa Nickson (deceased)


"Good Enough" by Evanescence



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