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Fandom A Bizzare Day!

Haru got up out of bed and bowed to the woman "Yes ma'am I am Harumaki, although I prefer Haru for ease of words" She stood back up straight "I've been an officer for a few a years valedictorian of my class decided to move to do some good for this town" she said calmly "If your from the speedwagon foundation, I apologise for my inaction earlier, I had wished to be part of the security detail today but I was denied as that would have put me over my hours, but on my word as an officer of the law I will help in whatever way I can to bring them to Justice" she said sitting back down

As assessment wise, the wound is strangely healing better than it should be, I've seen fellow officers with less dangerous wounds take longer to heal...so if I may before you start with my questioning let me ask one first" her face went dark and her tone straightened up rather than it's usual jovialness "What were those arrows?"

Squad141 Squad141
Michael 'Mori' Moriarty
_interactions: Squad141 Squad141

Finally. It was his turn.

"Aye aye, captain," Mori said back. He eyed Evins as he approached the room and took note of how exhausted he looked. "...You should get some rest, Evins," he commented, "I just got shot an hour ago and you look worse than I do. You're leading the investigation, right? We'll be needing you at maximum capacity, chief. I tolerate you more than I do other people so... get a coffee or something." Mori patted Evins on the shoulder before reaching for the door handle. "And just call me Mori, please. Only my family ever calls me Michael," he said to Evins before entering the interrogation room. Mori will always sound much better and cooler to him than Michael.

Upon entering the room, he sipped his cup of hot- now cold -chocolate as he observed the room. There was not much to look at other than the table and chairs, the person with the hat sitting in one of the chairs and the mirror. So with that, he took a seat as ordered and placed his cup on the table. "So... I take it you're from the Speedwagon Foundation? Nice hat. Shame what those bastards did. Tried my best as security, shot their leader in the thigh. Anyways, feel free to ask away. I'll do my best to answer your questions."

"During the attack on the museum did you see anything unusual? I may have just been seeing things in the heat of the moment but I could have sworn I saw some kind of creature chucking chairs and shooting nails at those robbers" He questioned in a tone that made it seem like he himself was confused by what he was asking. He waited patiently for the young man's as his mind once again began to wonder. He wished that he was back in the comfort of his dorm room preferably fast asleep as he grew increasingly disinterested at the prospect of interrogated such an odd manner.

What a crappy Saturday this turned out to be, he thought as folded his arm and returned to leaning against the wall, a slight chuckle escaped his lips as the sheer absurdity of today's events. Jax didn't know why but he always found himself on the brink of laughter at the most inappropriate or insensitive of times, and now wasn't any different. He suddenly remembered that he was in the process of waiting for another response after asking them if he saw some kind of supernatural creature assaulting the robbers with chairs and nails and then burst out into unprecedented laughter and realized that he now probably came off as more of a lunatic than he initially thought he would.

"I'm not insane or anything if you're wondering" he spoke up as nonchalantly as he could.
Ezra considered the question. It was clear this young man had either seen Carpenters during the fight or had it described to him. And based on what had happened Ezra didn't feel comfortable having his identity as a Stand user out there. But he didn't want to leave him without answers since there was a good chance he was just an innocent bystander. So he'd have to think of an answer where he could have plausible deniability if it did get out.

"I don't think you're insane, but people can imagine things under stress. What do you remember happening? Have you noticed any changes?"

Ezra called out Carpenters out of sight of anyone else but where the younger man would be able to see it while purposefully acting like he didn't notice it. If he was a Stand user he'd be able to see Carpenters and that'd be one question answered. After that Ezra would need to determine if he could be trusted. If he could then Ezra would help him as best he could. If not he'd need to figure out how to deal with him before things got out of hand.

He knew the attackers had had at least one Stand user with them and there had to be some purpose to their attack at the museum. He wasn't capable of figuring this out on his own so if he could get an ally that'd be good. But he didn't know who he could trust and if there was one thing Ezra did not want in his life right now it was an enemy Stand.

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