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Realistic or Modern A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


I have terminal weirdness. It's fatal.
Status: We are OPEN!

You can be either a single, a family, or roomies. Families and roomies need to include everyone that lives in the house. For family: Be sure to specify who is the head/owner of the household. People under the age of 18 cannot own a house. They can rent, but they still need someone to own the house they are living in.

Make sure the house you want is not owned by anyone else first! (List of owned houses is down below.)









Reference: (Picture or Description)


List of Owned Houses/Who Lives Where:

Barkley Street

133: The Shelley Family: Mary Ann Shelley(Owner), Lisa Shelley







Dutz Road:








123: Albert Seiner

124: The Ying Family: Jun Ying(Head), Kai Ying, Chun Ying
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The Ying Family

Name: Jun Ying

Age: 60

Gender: Male

Address: 124 Dutz Road

Occupation: Army Veteran-Retired

Bio: After serving in the Chinese Army for over 40 years, Jun decided that he had enough of his home country and decided to move somewhere away from everything he had known. He took his retirement funds, filled out the immigration papers, and left as fast as he could. Now a US citizen, he lives his life in peace, with two of his sons, Chun and Kai.

Personality: Life in the military has left him hard and cold. Moving to another country that didn't speak his language didn't really help his personality, but he's trying to manage, and even going out of his way to greet new neighbors. If they don't understand him, though, he quickly gives up. He doesn't understand computers, televisions, or any kind of technology. He's old, what do you expect?

Reference: 6'2", pale skin, a large nose, green eyes, and long black hair that always tied in a ponytail. He wears a black tank, camo cargo pants, brown boots, and sometimes wears a green trench coat with dirtied, white fur trim. Despite being 60, he is extremely muscle bound and athletic, frequently going on jogs around the neighborhood.

Name: Chun Ying

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Address: 124 Dutz Road

Occupation: Programmer, "Hacker," and Anime Fan.

Bio: When his father left the country, Chun decided to go with him. Mostly because he couldn't afford to pay rent by himself. His father tried to encourage/force him to join the military, but Chun refused, instead going with him to America. He soon realized what a mistake this was, moving out to the sticks with nary a manga shop in walking distance. He is finding it difficult to get accustomed to living here. As such, he is most often shut up in his room, programming on this computer.

Personality: An avid anime fan, he is obsessed with all the latest manga and anime trends and is quite up to date with the international anime community. However, he can be an elitist snob, looking down on anyone that isn't as big of an anime fan as he is. He is also a "ladies" man, and frequently and unsuccessfully tries to flirt with the nearest hot woman. He hopes to find like-minded people soon.

Reference: 5'10", pale skin, brownish-yellow eyes, and dark blue hair that's parted over the side. He wears a green hoodie and brown khakis with brown sneakers. He has a thin build, and is generally very weak.

Name: Kai Ying

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Address: 124 Dutz Road

Occupation: High School Student

Bio: His mother died of birth complications when he was born, leaving him to be raised by his brothers and sisters when his father was working in the military. He never really got along with other children, and was quite a bully. When his older siblings eventually left home, he was left to his own devices and soon became very chaotic and independent. Never the less, when his father moved to America he was forced to go with him, or else go to a terrible foster home or enter the military.

Personality: Disruptive, chaotic, childish, and generally a bully, he is frequently breaking curfew and being a nuisance. Despite being a bully, he does like the people he would consider his friends, and would defend them to hell and back if they ever got in trouble. He considers himself a "mercenary" and will beat people up for you if you give him money.

Reference: 5'8", tanned skin, brown eyes, and spiky, orange hair. He wears a red sweater and camo cargo shorts, and bright red shoes. He has an above average build, having some muscle to him, but not a whole lot. He can still kick you ass, though. Provided you're not his dad.
Name: Albert Seiner

Age: 80

Gender: Male

Address: 123 Dutz Road

Occupation: Former scientist at a research facility a few states away and NASA. Is now the science teacher at Barkley High.

Bio: Al lived a long and pretty successful life learning about science, traveling to different countries and learning different languages. When he was 18 he started his career in science which lead him to be an employee of NASA and even witnessed the moon landing when he was 47. He worked at NASA for about 30 years until he retired and decided to travel. He traveled to countries like Mexico, China, Russia, and even learned a bit about the language. His retirement was short lived because he hated it and decided to begin working again, but this time as a teacher to teach the younger generations and got a job at Barkley High.

Personality: Al is trustworthy to a certain level, if tell him something and he thinks it's best to tell someone about it he will. Al is the polite, kind, and fatherly type of guy who is easy to make friends with who is hard to anger.

Reference: Al is 6ft tall, has grey hair, green eyes and a gray beard. He wears a grey business shirt and a pair of brown pants and black business


@DreamiMel What do you think? Is it ok or do should I make some edits.
Alushey said:
Name: Albert Seiner
Age: 80

Gender: Male

Address: 123 Dutz Road

Occupation: Former scientist at a research facility a few states away and NASA. Is now the science teacher at Barkley High.

Bio: Al lived a long and pretty successful life learning about science, traveling to different countries and learning different languages. When he was 18 he started his career in science which lead him to be an employee of NASA and even witnessed the moon landing when he was 47. He worked at NASA for about 30 years until he retired and decided to travel. He traveled to countries like Mexico, China, Russia, and even learned a bit about the language. His retirement was short lived because he hated it and decided to begin working again, but this time as a teacher to teach the younger generations and got a job at Barkley High.

Personality: Al is trustworthy to a certain level, if tell him something and he thinks it's best to tell someone about it he will. Al is the polite, kind, and fatherly type of guy who is easy to make friends with who is hard to anger.

Reference: Al is 6ft tall, has grey hair, green eyes and a gray beard. He wears a grey business shirt and a pair of brown pants and black business


@DreamiMel What do you think? Is it ok or do should I make some edits.
Accepted! Welcome to the neighborhood!
The Shelley Family

Name: Mary Ann Shelley

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Address: 133 Barkley Street

Occupation: Finished college and is now working as an engineer

Bio: Used to live with abusive parents. When she got out of college and started making money of her own, she moved out and took her little sister with her as well, despite the financial difficulties.

Personality: motherly (because she takes care of her little sister), mature, hard-working, lonely

Reference: 5'8", dark medium length hair with bangs, brown eyes, skinny but not so weak as she played in sports most of her teenagehood, wears glasses, dresses casually: T-shirts, tank tops, ruffled shirts, jeans, skirts, basically everything

Name: Lisa Shelley

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: 133 Barkley Street

Occupation: High School student at Barkley High

Bio: Faced difficulties as a kid because of her abusive parents, however her older sister Mary was always there for her. She hopes to be successful, make money and be able to repay her sister for everything she did for her. She tries to sell her paintings and work as an illustrator in her free time to make extra money.

Personality: Friendly, naive, innocent, good-willed, dreamy

Reference: 5'4",long light brown hair, hazel eyes, thin and weak, usually wears girly clothes:skirts, dresses, lots of accessories and likes to braid her hair.
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Maitreyi said:
The Shelley Family
Name: Mary Ann Shelley

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Address: 133 Barkley Street

Occupation: Finished college and is now working as an engineer

Bio: Used to live with abusive parents. When she got out of college and started making money of her own, she moved out and took her little sister with her as well, despite the financial difficulties.

Personality: motherly (because she takes care of her little sister), mature, hard-working, lonely

Reference: 5'8", dark medium length hair with bangs, brown eyes, skinny but not so weak as she played in sports most of her teenagehood, wears glasses, dresses casually: T-shirts, tank tops, ruffled shirts, jeans, skirts, basically everything

Name: Lisa Shelley

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Address: 133 Barkley Street

Occupation: High School student at Barkley High

Bio: Faced difficulties as a kid because of her abusive parents, however her older sister Mary was always there for her. She hopes to be successful, make money and be able to repay her sister for everything she did for her. She tries to sell her paintings and work as an illustrator in her free time to make extra money.

Personality: Friendly, naive, innocent, good-willed, dreamy

Reference: 5'4",long light brown hair, hazel eyes, thin and weak, usually wears girly clothes:skirts, dresses, lots of accessories and likes to braid her hair.
Less detailed than I would have liked, but what the hey. Accepted! Welcome to the neighborhood!
Name: Trinity Rossi


Gender: Female

Address: 135 Barkley Street

Occupation: Freelance Translator, Language Teacher at Barkley High

Bio: Since the beginning of High School, Trinity had an extensive interest in foreign languages. This led her to learn Japanese, Spanish, Russian and French during her tenure as a student. As soon as Trinity graduated, she knew that she wanted to become a foreign language teacher. She began the requirements as soon as she could and picked up a job as a freelance translator to get herself through college though this resulted in Trinity having barely any social interaction through her college life. Her hard work payed off as she finished the requirements at the age of 23. Now that she was finally qualified, Trinity searched for a job opening and eventually found her way to Barkley Street so she could work at Barkley High. Seeing the various people who would become her neighbors, Trinity realized that the neglect of her social skills would make fitting into the neighborhood a bit more difficult.

Personality: Hard working to a fault, lack of self confidence, humble, enjoys cartoons and anime somewhat, shy, tries to be as helpful as she can to students, terrible at physical activities, awkward.

Reference: 5'5''

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