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Fandom 9 Doors 9 Hours 9 People (999) (nonerary game) RP


New Member
I'm looking for 9 players to play the nonerary game (The original)

Story: You 9 make it to your homes. you lay down after a long day of classes, work, Chores. ex. As you lay down you start thinking about a vacation. Like a genie snapping his fingers your wish is his command. white smoke appears as you are rapping up for the night and the next time you wake up. you're in a room a hotel room with a watch on listing the exact same number as the door. just then the T.V turns on explaining the rules...

How this game will work. Players will go through 3 segments of the game.
Puzzle: Players solve the puzzles throughout the room to try to find a new item to continue their exploration. During, or after the puzzle players are given a chance to possible die or survive

Exploration: The players explore using the map given to them to find new rooms. these rooms can have items, weapons, evidence, and more.

Door selection: This is where people can each take a vote to decide who goes through what door. if everyone going through a single door agrees then they scan the watches and move forward. You may also scan your watch individually if you wish

Each room will be set up so failure will result in at least one player's death and each room is set up like Zero time dilemma with a puzzle, then challenge, but the win condition from 999.

Player list
0: Raviole

If you would like to help me moderate or if you just want to spectate the google forms is also for that


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