Showcase 8 Show Original Character- Madison Choi {WIP}


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Full name: Madison Ara Choi

Name meaning:

Madison: “Son of Matthew “

Ara: “Be beautiful, be good”

Choi: “Best, most”

Gender:Cisgender female
Pronouns: She, her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sexual preference: Men
Birth date: September 30th
Birthstone: Sapphire
Dominate hand: Right
Zodiac: Libra
Age: 27

Ethnicity: 50% African American 50% Korean
Birth place: Oakland, California
Current residence: Busan, South Korea


Madison is a free spirited, friendly woman who is more than willing to lend a helping hand to her loved ones. She often tends to depend on herself and only herself and can be seen as more of a support for others. always puts up a smile in front of others, regardless of how she feels to prevent others from worrying about her. Some days she's successful in keeping her façade up, while on some days it's clear she's faking a smile.

Positive personality traits:
~ Generous
~ Trustworthy

Negative personality traits:
~ Distant
~ Moody
~ Naive

Personality type: The Mediator

  • Thoughtful – Mediators care about other people’s feelings. They adjust their actions if they think they might hurt anyone, even unintentionally. Kindheartedness flows from Mediator personalities, and everyone around them tends to benefit from it.​
  • Generous – Mediators rarely enjoy succeeding at others’ expense. In general, people with this personality type want to share the good things in their lives. They value equality, and they want to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard.​
  • Open-Minded – Mediators tend to give other people the benefit of the doubt. They aim to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs, lifestyles, and decisions. Generally speaking, Mediators support others’ right to live as they see fit – as long as no one is being hurt.​
  • Creative – Mediators can often see things from unconventional perspectives. With their ability to make surprising and unexpected connections, it’s no wonder that many Mediators are drawn to creative pursuits and the arts.​
  • Passionate – When an idea or movement captures Mediators’ imagination and speaks to their beliefs, they can give their whole heart to it. People with this personality type can be reserved or reticent, but that doesn’t diminish their strong feelings for a cause that matches their ideals.​
  • Loyal to Their Values – Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but Mediators’ far-reaching vision can help them stay the course. When they’re doing something meaningful, these personalities can have a sense of purpose or even courage that keeps them true to their values.​

  • Overly Idealistic – Mediators can take their idealism too far. People with this personality type might idolize their romantic partner or expect every aspect of their job to feel meaningful. This can set them up for disappointment when reality falls short of their dreams.​
  • Self-Critical – Mediators can expect so much from themselves that they inevitably fall short. When this happens, they may accuse themselves of being selfish or woefully inadequate. This self-criticism can erode their motivation to get things done and their willingness to prioritize necessary self-care.​
  • Impractical – When something captures Mediators’ imagination, they can become so consumed by it that they neglect practical matters. Some people with this personality type even neglect eating or sleeping as they pursue their passion. Other Mediators can become so enamored with an idea that they’re afraid to act on it because they might not do it perfectly.​
  • Emotionally Driven – Mediators can become so focused on their emotions that they lose track of what’s really going on. It can be a challenge for these personalities to slow down and make sure that their feelings aren’t preventing them from clearly seeing the facts of a situation.​
  • Conflict-Averse – Mediators generally prefer to avoid conflict. They can put a great deal of time and energy into trying to please everyone. This desire to please others can drown out their own inner wisdom and make them painfully sensitive to even constructive criticism.​
  • Difficult to Get to Know – Mediators are private, reserved, and sometimes self-conscious. This can make them somewhat difficult to really get to know. Their need for personal space can contribute to the guilt they feel for not giving more of themselves to those they care about.​

How their personality type views:

Romantic relationships-

Most Mediators don’t just want to find a partner – they want to connect with a soul mate. This idealism is among their most endearing traits. It’s what enables Mediators to look past superficial appearances and remember what really matters – in love and in life.

That said, Mediator personalities need to make sure that they see their partners as they are – not as they want them to be. After all, no partner is perfect, and even the most beautiful of relationships has its challenges. With time, many Mediators come to learn that true love doesn’t just magically happen – it takes compromise, understanding, and effort.

Mediators (INFPs) are among the most social of all Introverts, and they care about even their most casual acquaintances. That said, they’re still Introverts. This means that they tend to feel most fulfilled by spending time with a small, intimate circle of friends. Acquaintances may come and go, but this inner circle is likely to include Mediators’ friends for life.

Early in a friendship, Mediators may be somewhat reluctant to share their inner lives. They may try to draw out their new friend instead, learning more about that person’s passions and motivations. As the friendship progresses, however, Mediator personalities can find it very meaningful to share their secret dreams and ideas with someone they know they can trust.​

Physical Appearance

Face claim: Sydney Park

Height: 5’2”
Weight: 115lbs

Figure/Build: For most of her life, Madison has had a slim, petite build and a tiny bit of muscle mass, which she built by working out. She lost her mass and gained a few pounds after she took an extended break from her workout routine, but she was able to lose the weight.

Hair: Due to her mother taking care of her hair from a very young age and not putting chemicals on it,Madison has very healthy hair. Not only that, her hair is naturally black, wavy and very long- to be more specific, it falls a few inches past her thighs while in its curly state. When her hair's straight however, it reaches her knees. Due to the length, Madison will style her hair in a neat bun that sits at the back of her head, or she'll style her lengthy hair into two braided pigtails. Once in a blue moon, she’ll wear her hair completely down.

Eyes: Much like everyone else in her family, Madison has almond shaped, nut brown eyes. At first glance they appear black, but they're really the color of freshly brewed coffee or leaves during the fall, which is a rich, deep shade of brown.​


Sophia Choi {nee; Howard}- mother, alive
Choi Sang-Wook; father, alive

Cameron Choi- brother, 22, alive
Isaiah Choi- brother, 18, alive

Seo Ji-Hyeon; daughter, 3, alive
Unborn child- due in eight months

Former spouse:
Seo In-Su

Relationship status: Newly divorced

Love interest: 7th Floor​

Relationship with love interest {wip}

Additional Information

* Madison was born and raised in the United States but her family moved to South Korea when she was 17. By the time she was 18, she met her now ex husband and married In-Su shortly after her 22nd birthday. Though due to his violent nature, gambling habits and infidelity, she divorced him. However due to In-Su having a stable job and living situation, he currently has custody of their three year old daughter— which is something she’s trying to fight.

* Recently Madison has landed a job as a housekeeper for a wealthy family, where she earns 48,408 won per hour- which is the equivalent of 35 USD an hour.

* She’s a violinist and has been playing since she was eight years old. The violin is something Madison’s genuinely passionate abound; so much so, she caves and orders a violin so she can perform during the talent show.​
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