*8*Chronicles of a Waterbender*8*Roleplay


Sass Queen
Karisa walked silently towards the ceremony building. She entered and stood with the other girls and women. She bit her bottom lip. This was the ceremony where the Avatar would be named. She looked forward at the table that was covered in instruments, large and small they all were made of different things. She silently wondered what the test would be. §∞§ Kendra's dark hair flew as she spun around to face her oponent, a younger girl named Erabella. She flashed fire from her palms but the smaller girl was quick and ducked. Kendra smirked and moved closer until she had her up against the wall. Fire flew from her fingertips as she grabbed the girl's dark braid. Her hand was fully enveloped in fire as the braid dropped to the floor. Tears fled the small girl's eyes and she raced out the door.
Iliana walked through the forest calmly. She knew that the water nation was holding the ceremonies today to discover who the Avatar would be. She was only fourteen and an Earth bender, and since the avatar was usually 16 or older and definitely a water bender this time around, she already knew it wasn't going to be her. So she left the city to get away from all the people who were celebrating the discovery of a new avatar. She much preferred being in the woods over being in the city, anyway. She climbed a tall hill and was able to see many miles in every direction. She sat on the top of the hill in the cool air, facing the city which she could see in the distance. She wondered who the Avatar would be, and if she would meet them.

Raven walked through the small Fire Nation town, looking for someone she could steal food from. She didn't have any money and had to resort to theft just to survive. She looked for a food stand that was either unattended or attended by someone who wouldn't even notice her stealing the food. She finally found a fruit stand with a half blind old man watching over it, whom she had stolen from a large number of times. She stood outside of his peripheral vision, since she knew that he wouldn't even be able to see her standing there. He seemed to be sleeping anyway, which of course made this so much easier. She started nonchalantly throwing the fruit into her bag, able to do so in a way that no one around even noticed her doing it. Then she calmly left the stand, going back to the outskirts of the town in the run-down and abandoned building she called her home. She sat, eating a fruit and looking out the window. Somewhere an Avatar was going to be named. She knew it wasn't her, and she really didn't care at this point who it was. She would never know them, most likely. Plus she was almost positive that this time around it was supposed to be a water bender.

((I'm going to write Iliana posts in brown and Raven's in red, for their element [iliana= Earth/brown and Raven= Fire/red] and also so I don't always have to state which one I'm posting as))

Arrio stood at the edge of the earth nation looking at the small town. She knew that today was the day that they were going to summon a new Avatar, but she didn't bother going. She'd tried a while back but failed, so she knew she wouldn't make it this time. Besides, It's suppost to be a water bender anyway. She held her staff in her hand and held it at arms lengh. She spun around a few times, creating a ball of air. She sat on it and flew in the air. This was the best place for her to think, she couldn't think anywhere else.
(( Okay, and I was waiting on [MENTION=573]Cide[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1834]iLozer[/MENTION] to post something before I post again, since one was the Avatar and the other is from the Earth Kingdom. Otherwise my characters wouldn't be doing much of anything else until someone posts to where they can interact ))
Yeah. Me and iLozer are "sisters" in real life. We see each other everyday and that's why we had previously decided her character would be Avatar. I wanted to give someone else the chance to be Avatar but I finally gave into letting her be Avatar. But that issue will be solved later on....Like I said, I have plans for this roleplay...
Shoryu wandered around the city he was in. It was the city in which the Avatar was going to be named. Shoryu cared little for this, but maybe he could teach the Avatar a thing or two about Earth bending. He wasn't a master, but he could at least show the Avatar the basics. If not, well, he would at least find an inn to stay for the night until he would decide where to wander next. Maybe somewhere in the Fire nation? Feh. Too stuck up. Air nation? Maybe. Shoryu inwardly shrugged and brushed past the people, looking toward the stage. Suddenly, he felt his bag being snatched. He looked at the perpetrator: A small boy, barely 16, if that. The kid began running away, which Shoryu quickly used his Earth bending to cause a large column to rise in front of the kid and fly toward him. It knocked the kid out, wherein Shoryu walked over to him, picked up his bag, and walked away, shaking his head. He heard people whispering around him about him being an Earth bender, yet he cared little. Let them talk.
Iliana sighed, finally standing up. She'd been sitting out here long enough, she should probably go back to the city, find out the news about the Avatar. She walked quietly through the woods back into town. She looked around for someone who could tell her who had been made Avatar. She didn't want to go home to her overprotective parents. They would be mad that she had left in the first place...

(I won't post with Raven right now bc there is not much to say)
((Argghh....No. It's not going to die yet. I just need to prod iLozer into getting on (that little jerk...) If she doesn't post tomorrow I'll assign a new Avatar.
oTsk tsk...it seems we must assign a new Avatar. I've already promised someone the part of Avatar. I will make sure that they still want the part and that will be that.
((Okay, hopefully someone will do it, since this isn't really going to pick up unless someone else posts at some point /: ))
Alright. Our new Avatar is [MENTION=822]MagicPocket[/MENTION]. :) Once they let me know which of their characters is Avatar we can start back up.
Anat sat quietly upon her Polar Dog, Maris. It was once again the time to summon the Avatar and her focus was on the event. This year it was said that the Avatar was to be a water bender. She knew neither her or Arlen was an option which didn't bother her a bit, if anything it added excitement to the moment. A great unknown that the Avatar would most likely be some they had never laid eyes on before.

Sadly her Uncle had taken extreme and extravagant measures to get her attention fro suitors. Almost everyone of which Rosa had dismissed, on a few occasions Arlen had beat her to the punch.
The deafening sounds of the crowd echoes through the city. This has been the largest mass of people gathered in the Norther Water Tribe for...well, it was a first. People had flocked from all over to witness the corronation of the next Avatar. Roughly one hundred years ago it had been an airbender, so logically, the next in the cycle would be a waterbender. Most people had made the journey from the Southern Water Tribe, bringing their children in hopes that they may be named the next Avatar. It was really quite spectacular, so many people all from the four nations--one hundred years ago it would have been more segregated, but since then, tensions had lowered.

Narra stood dutifully at her father and mother's sides, her mother's arm in hers. Narra didn't understand at all. Her mother was smiling and happy and anxious out of her mind with curiosity to see the next Avatar. Narra rather be at home than getting all dressed up like everyone else and getting crowded on these packed streets watching some kid be named the Avatar, and that was saying something considering that she hated being stuck at home. Narra looked at her father, one of the lower members of the King's advisory board, as stiff as he was, he couldn't seriously be enjoying this could he? A chilly breeze sweep through the streets like the buildings where channeling air, and Narra separated out the natives and the visitors by watching the crowd shiver and pull their cloaks tighter around themselves. Narra put a gloved hand to her mouth and laughed at this, this was actually a beautiful day for the North Pole, it was considered warm weather here. Her father looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Unacceptable to laugh now too? She thought to herself and cocked an eyebrow back. Her father frowned and turned back to whatever businuess was going on at the high pallace were the King, his family, the waterbending masters, and the chief Water Temple monks were gathered, preparing...whatever they were doing, it really didn't fascinate Narra. But it looked as though it were about to start as music began to play and the master waterbenders moved into a most complicated performance, a show of their skill and ability as well as their art.
Karisa's dark hair whipped around her as a gust of wind hit. She waited until it stopped to walk over to Narra. She smiled at the girl, who had been a good friend for most of her life. She shivered lightly and bowed to Narra's father. "Are you ready?" It was time for the trials to begin. They tested them alphabeticly by first name. That meant Narra and Karisa would go around the middle.

Karisa waited paitienly as the many went up, picked an instrument, were told thuat it was incorrect and were sent back to their families, diapointment clear in their faces. Karisa's name was called and she walked forward. She took the spot in the senter of the ice stage where almost two hundred instruments sat. She gazed at each one, taking her time. Only one caught her eye. A beautifully scuplted ice flute. She picked it up and glanced at the Priestess who resided over the ceremony. The older woman shook her head and Karisa's disappointment washed over her. She set the flute back and walked back to Narra's family. She shook her head and closed her eyes. She let the tears of disappointment and shame run down her cheeks. She cried silently for a few minutes before wiping her eyes and straightening up.
Oh right, testing. She remembered, for some reason she had thought they just pulled a name out of a hat or something. Narra gave her friend an encouraging smile and nudge towards the high palace steps when it came time for her name. She watched Karisa go up and pick around the objects and things. Her younger brother, Keeba, was bouncing around excitedly in anticipation for his turn to go up for the test after overhearing their conversation and knowing their name was soon. Her father set a firm hand on her shoulder and for a moment, she felt a pang of envy for her friend. According to her uptight father, women of their rank did not belong as warriors of any sort, Spirits forbid an Avatar. It had taken a very long time in the Northern Water Tribe for them to get over their silly rules and believe about a woman's duty, but some of the higher heads had never taken to this idea of self dependency--they thought it was preposterous, Narra had heard her father's ridiculous view on this many many times to know. Though the idea didn't interest, she wanted to go up there, up that staircase, just to prove that she was able to. Like she argued with her father, there had been many female Avatars before, why did she have to be stuck in a house with the most uneventful life because other woman did that.

Narra sighed, looking cross. Her mother glanced at her expression and patted her arm with a look of sympathy. Narra looked away. She snatched her arm out of her father's grip, giving him a parting glare as she stepped away from her family to comfort her distraught friend. Her arms closed around her, "It's alright. You're an awesome waterbender," Narra smiled at her, already amounting a plan to get out of her father's sight and up to that platform. Narra let go of Karina and glanced over her shoulder to see her mother giving Keeba a good luck kiss on the forehead before pushing him off to the testing. Both of her parents seemed so proud of him as they watched him weave his way through the crowd and stand with the kids lined up the flight of stairs that wasn't too far away--because of her father's position, I suppose he got to be closer. While her parents were distracted, Narra slowly pulled Karisa with her, further into the confusion of the mass of people, until she could no longer see them. She had to stay out of their eye for just a minute longer, until after Keeba went--since they had the same last name, he would go before her since his name was higher on the alphabet.
Karisa nodded at the compliment "You are too." She gasped as she was led away. They stood between an older woman and a young boy who appeared five or six. She swallowed as Keeba pawed through the musical instruments and finally picked one. The Priestess shook her head and Keeba left the stage. Karisa swallowed as several others were called and failed. Narra's name was called and Karisa gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.

((Sorry for the crappy post. Writer's Block and sickness don't combine well...))

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