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7th Sea--Feeling things out. [Forum] [Dice]

Yeah there are all the national schools and then all of the secret society schools--there are indeed a bunch.
I'm working on something, could use a few pointers on how to work out a sheet, but I've got some good ideas for the actual fate witch in mind.
The thing I find interesting is the idea that you would spend 25 points for a sword school. Then spend about 50 points for stats. Which doesn't leave a lot of points for everything else. So you really are relying on your school to provide a lot of your starting ability.

Since I only have the core book, I don't see nearly as many options as everyone else. Perhaps if I played more, then I would find the cash to buy some more books. It does seem that some of the secret societies have cool stuff, and that the nations might be good even if I don't find them overly inspiring (except maybe the Vodacce and the Vendel). I lean more to the greedy merchant side of things I guess rather than the military side of things.
I have a weakness for Spain and Austria during this time period, so Castille and Hainzl of Eisen are my favorites.
Yeah each nation is just a refection of the popular historical periods of European nations, so they are often just generalized frameworks for the GM and PC's to play with. For those reason I think everyone has their most and least favorite nations, as a historian I love them all because I like making the connections to actual history, but I am crazy like that. It is like Europe but on where all the crazy conspiracy theories can be true.

Oh I forgot to mention that I do a bit more of a heroic game so 125 pt. build rather than 100.

If you want to know more about a secret society just ask--it is actually more fun if you don't have the books because I can give you the information they give to low level members and you can find out the reality in game. I can also find a school for you if you tell me what you are looking for in general in a style (speed, precision, sneak attacks--or whatever). You need to be from a nation to take a school from that nation--though it is unusual it is not unheard of.
A bullet to the Brain? A dagger thrown through your eye?

Actually, I know nothing about fate witches, and will probably have to look them up in the books just like you. Have you tried a google search on building a fate witch. I did that for my character and got some interesting advice, which helped me out some. We will see if it pays off, but is also plan to ask for someone to review the character before I start play, just to see if there are gaping holes that need to be sealed.

So, 125 points. That gives me more room to play with. Will that allow us to exceed the 'no score above 3' at start? Or will it just provide extra diversity so we don't railroad ourselves into the one-trick pony character?
Creationwise I'd probably do a bit better if I could actually see a sheet filled out, but I either suck at the googles in this regard or there just aren't any.

Also yay moar points.
I am not planning on being either swordsman or Mage, so just going to go with the Other as a template.

I did a quick search and found a template for a Vodacce Fate Witch, built on 105 points. That will give you a little more to build from there.

Here is another, but no point count.
Character Name: Celeste duRhone

Nation: Montaigne

Bonus Trait:

BP: 77

Traits:Brawn:●●○○○ Finesse:●●○○○ Wits:●●●○○ Resolve:●●○○○ Panache:●●●○○


Appearance (Stunning)

2k0 to all social rolls

Blessing (remove)

All damage dealt to character is reduced by 1 Flesh Wound. Applies once to each separate blow (or Hit from Brute Squads). Cannot take sorcery or shamanism.

Left-Handed (remove)

Attack rolls with left hand gain 1k0; right hand is considered Off-Hand.

Linguist (remove)

Languages cost 1 point less.

Pattern-Welded Steel Weapon (Knife) (remove)

Character owns a pattern-welded steel weapon. +3 to all rolls, +5 to TN to break.

Scoundrel (remove)

Streetwise Skill is free; Starting Reputation is -10.

Zodiac Sign (Cikar) (remove)

Character is born under sign of rat. +1 XP and -1 Reputation at end of Story.



Gambling:●○○○○ Shadowing:●○○○○ Stealth:●○○○○

Ambush:○○○○○ Cheating:○○○○○ Lockpicking:○○○○○ Pickpocket:○○○○○Prestidigitation:○○○○○ Quack:○○○○○ Scrounging:○○○○○

Fence (remove)

Appraising:●○○○○ Socializing:●●○○○

Haggling:○○○○○ Shopping:○○○○○ Underworld Lore:○○○○○

Forger (remove)

Calligrapher:●○○○○ Forgery:●○○○○ Paper Maker:●○○○○ Research:●○○○○

Conceal:○○○○○ Cryptography:○○○○○

Knife (remove)

Attack (Knife):●○○○○ Parry (Knife):●○○○○

Throw (Knife):○○○○○

Sailor (remove)

Balance:●○○○○ Climbing:●○○○○ Knotwork:●○○○○ Rigging:●○○○○

Cartography:○○○○○ Leaping:○○○○○ Navigation:○○○○○ Pilot:○○○○○ Sea:○○○○○Swimming:○○○○○ Weather:○○○○○

Streetwise (remove)

Socializing:●●○○○ Street Navigation:●○○○○

Scrounging:○○○○○ Shopping:○○○○○ Underworld Lore:○○○○○

Arcana:Love Struck

You are shot with Cupid's arrow... again.
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Well many of the secret societies are open but some of them hate certain types of sorcery (Fate Witch and Porte mages being the most hated). The Vodacce book has a new knack for Fate Witches (Black Strand) where you can see impending death but you have to be of the 2nd rank to acquire it. Like all nation books it has new swordsman schools. If a Fate Witch we ever to take a school Cappuntina, which is a knife (or hatpin) throwing school, would be the one. It also has two new Advantages of interest to Fate Witches: Twisted Blades which is more for other players but it gives the rules for a Fate Witch to imbue weapons with destiny dice that the wielder can use to aid in important attacks. With the knace players can start with one of these blades. Then there is the Trained Spider advantage which is 2 points or 1 point for a Fate Witch. It gives options for special abilities the spider can have and states they can be from the size of a thumb nail to the size of a dinner plate--many Fate Witches keep such pets. Lastly the book has a ton on new poisons--the Vodacce love their poisons.
I'm going to give this a shot.

Character Name:
Samuel the Fox (formerly Samuel Marisol de la Vega)

Samuel was the rising star of his family; intelligent, dextrous and talented, he took easily to the formal education of the Castillian nation and his future seemed as bright as the sun itself. But then, he fell into the web of a Vodacce temptress, who snared him with her wicked wiles and turned him into her plaything. His family, disgusted by the depths to which he had sunk, disowned him, leaving him naught but her boy toy.

But appearances can (and will!) be deceiving. Samuel knew full well what he was doing when he approached Baronessa Juliette, the madam of the Red Lantern bordello, and confided his fears that he would be bound to the stultifying role of a minor noble for the rest of his life. The Baronessa was no Sorte witch, but she knew well how even a slave girl born into a cathouse could change her fate and become a powerful information broker; and she saw the value of an intelligent young man to serve as a catspaw for her own purposes.

Together, they engineered his "fall"; to be severed from his family and to find a new destiny for himself as his own man, owing loyalty only to the Baronessa. Under her tutelage, he studied a plethora of... unusual skills, which well suited her uses for him as a bodyguard and a tool against her female rivals. She knows better than to bind Samuel too closely to her, and to give him a measure of slack on his leash. But she owns him, and neither of them have forgotten that.

Nation: Castillian (Soldano)

Bonus Trait:

Traits (64 pt)

●●○○○ Finesse:●●●●○ Wits:●●●○○ Resolve:●●○○○ Panache:●●●○○

Swordsman School (25 pt): Soldano

Basic Curriculum: Athlete, Fencing

Swordsman Knacks: Double Parry (Fencing/Fencing) ●○○○○ , Tagging (Fencing) ●○○○○ , Whirl (Fencing) ●○○○○ , Exploit Weakness (Soldano) ●○○○○

Technique - Apprentice: Apprentices in the Soldano school are trained to deal with large numbers of poorly trained opponents - and to do so with style. Your off-hand penalty is negated when using a Fencing Weapon in each hand. In addition, at the start of each Battle, you receive a number of Drama dice equal to your Mastery Level (Apprentice = 1, Journeyman = 2, Master = 3). These Drama dice, if unspent at the end of the Battle, go away.

Advantages (26 pt)

Able Drinker
(1 pt)

However much you drink, liquor never affects your rolls

Pattern-Welded Steel Weapon (Fencing Weapon) (5 pt)

Character owns a pattern-welded steel weapon. +3 to all rolls, +5 to TN to break.

Ambidextrous (5 pt)

May use either hand equally well. No off-hand penalties. Gets benefits of 'left handed' when using left hand as primary.

Dangerous Beauty (3 pt)

2k0 to seduction attempts.

Castillian Education (10 pt)

Starting Civil Advanced Knacks cost 1 HP per rank. Character speaks and reads Thean.

University (2 pt)

Starting Civil Skills cost 1 HP.

Connections (Ally) (gratis)

One ally, close friend.

Castillian Accent (Soldano) (gratis)

Character speaks Castillian with a Soldano accent; changes costs for purchasing Languages.

Language (Vodacce) (gratis)

Character speaks Vodacce.

Skills (6+3+3+2+2+3 pt)


Climbing:●○○○○ Footwork:●○○○○ Sprinting:●○○○○ Throwing:●○○○○

Break Fall:○○○○○ Leaping:○○○○○ Lifting:○○○○○ Long Distance Running:○○○○○ Rolling:○○○○○ Side-step:○○○○○ Swimming:○○○○○ Swinging:○○○○○

Bard (1 pt)

Etiquette:●●●○○ History:●○○○○ Oratory:●●●○○ Singing:●○○○○

Diplomacy:○○○○○ Herb Lore:○○○○○ Riddles:○○○○○ Sidhe Lore:○○○○○

Courtesan (1 pt)

Acting:●○○○○ Dancing:●●○○○ Etiquette:●●●○○ Fashion:●●○○○ Jenny:●○○○○ Masseur:●○○○○ Unobtrusive:●○○○○

Cold Read:●●●○○ Conceal:○○○○○ Gossip:○○○○○ Mooch:○○○○○ Poison:○○○○○ Politics:○○○○○ Seduction:●●●○○ Sincerity:●●●○○

Courtier (1 pt)

Dancing:●●○○○ Etiquette:●●●○○ Fashion:●●●○○ Oratory:●●●○○

Diplomacy:○○○○○ Gaming:○○○○○ Gossip:○○○○○ Lip Reading:○○○○○ Memorizing:○○○○○ Mooch:○○○○○ Politics:○○○○○ Scheming:○○○○○ Seduction:●●●○○ Sincerity:●●●○○

Criminal (1 pt)

Gambling:●○○○○ Shadowing:●●○○○ Stealth:●●○○○

Ambush:○○○○○ Cheating:○○○○○ Lockpicking:○○○○○ Pickpocket:○○○○○ Prestidigitation:○○○○○ Quack:○○○○○ Scrounging:○○○○○

Fencing (gratis)

Attack (Fencing):●●●○○ Parry (Fencing):●●●○○

Cavalry Attack:○○○○○

Priest (gratis)

Oratory:●●●○○ Philosophy:●○○○○ Religious Lore:●○○○○ Writing:●○○○○

Diplomacy:○○○○○ Mooch:○○○○○ Theology:○○○○○

Spy (1 pt)

Shadowing:●●○○○ Stealth:●●○○○

Bribery:○○○○○ Conceal:○○○○○ Cryptography:○○○○○ Disguise:○○○○○ Forgery:○○○○○ Hand Signs:○○○○○ Interrogation:○○○○○ Lip Reading:○○○○○ Memorizing:○○○○○ Poison:○○○○○ Sincerity:●●●○○

Streetwise (1 pt)

Socializing:●○○○○ Street Navigation:●○○○○

Scrounging:○○○○○ Shopping:○○○○○ Underworld Lore:○○○○○

Destiny Spread


Weakness: Lecherousness (Hubris) (+10 HP)

Past - Two of Cups: You grew up side-by-side with a good friend. You played together, got into trouble together, and matured together. Even now, he would do anything for you, and you would do the same for him. You gain an Ally Connection Advantage for free.

Present - Eight of Cups: You have been studying religion. You gain the Priest Skill for free.

Future - Three of Swords: Avoid entanglements with the children of vengeful nobles. (Hunted 2)

I rolled the Past, Present and Future components of the Destiny spread. The results were 488[/dice]']2, 8 and 13

Backgrounds (2 pt)

Hunted (gratis)

Obligation (2) - to the Baronessa
Nope, it doesn't. For swordsman schools I cribbed from the books themselves, and there should be two Crystal Keep handbooks abotu 7th sea sorcery traditions and swordsman schools.
Sorry I haven't posted anything for this, if there's still room I'm working on it. It's just been an incredibly rough couple of weeks and has had my brain frazzled on coming up with new characters.

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