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Fantasy ... .... . / .. ... / -.-. --- -- .. -. --. / -... .- -.-. -.-


The Ferryman
Inside the painting.

Link Disclaimer below.

I am advertising a reboot of an RP that won RP of the month in January 2023 that focused heavily on puzzles, clues, and deciphering codes in order to uncover mysteries about the setting and the plot. What I attached are MP3 audio files you do not even need to download onto your computer to listen to. This is done for the sake of immersion.
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Xli tviwyttswmxmsr xlex xli Sxliv mw, fc zmvxyi sj mxw reqi, yrrexyvep, mw jepwi. Xli Sxliv mw uymxi rexyvep mr xli texxivrw, wletiw, erh jsvqw mx xeoiw. Alex mw yrrexyvep evi mxw mrlefmxerxw. Rsziqfiv 9xl wxmpp leyrxw qi xs xlmw hec. Alex jsppsaih, M gsyph riziv lezi mqekmrih. Xlswi lsvvmfpi qyvhivw... M riih xs orsa qsvi. Mx qec cix lipt yw amr xli Kviex Aev.
The presupposition that the Other is, by virtue of its name, unnatural, is false. The Other is quite natural in the patterns, shapes, and forms it takes. What is unnatural are its inhabitants. November 9th still haunts me to this day. What followed, I could never have imagined. Those horrible murders... I need to know more. It may yet help us win the Great War.
Nothing to contribute here. Just commenting so I can keep an eye on updates!

Notes so far:
  • 9 November, ????: Likely the year before.
  • 13 August, 1915 10:53 PM: First transmission.
  • 28 July, ????: "It begins anew". Assuming this takes place after the first transmission.
Mechanic: Early warning

When a writer’s character approaches an anomalous object or otherworldly entity, or enters a room in which one of the two are present, they may receive a message like so:

There is something wrong here
Was that painting always there?

If there is a chance harm may come to the character, they will instead receive:

You get the sense there is something watching you
You catch something move out of sight at the corner of your eye

If the character finds themselves in imminent danger with an active threat of harm or death, they will instead receive:

The hair on the back of your neck stands on end.
You hear breathing. It is close.

Mechanic: Madness

Close encounters with the Other may result in increasing fragility of a character’s sanity. Points of Madness will not be revealed to the general public, instead to the writers in private and they are free to share such information as they like. Levels of Madness are as follows:

Level 1: Disturbed
The character has had their first encounter with the Other or one of its entities.

Level 2: Paranoid
The character has endured long periods of exposure to the Other and its entities.

Level 3: Delirious
The mental faculties of the character are severely strained due to excess exposure to the Other and its entities.

Level 4: Broken
mhb yerxywkogk xys myykv. rvyi sgsmxvmlrdsga wyoes fiwgn tvovl xf hal affek. ayom dserkvyj gxjvvhl as jvtyi rh moi tcfprx cy alv sgk.
A_e y__ an _rphan? Or a Ca_etake_? _Atch an_ l__te_… s_ek what _ay not a_pear to _ece_ving senses.

Only then can you find the Other side.
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I believe the missing letters are rouorrwdisnempri
Not sure where to go from there. Apparently it's an anagram for i drip worrisome urn? 💧 😓
A_e y__ an _rphan? Or a Ca_etake_? _Atch an_ l__te_… s_ek what _ay not a_pear to _ec_eving senses.

Only then can you find the Other side.
so I think the first half is “Are you an orphan? Or a Caretaker?”

“Watch and listen…seek what may not appear to deceiving senses.”
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Best I can do for now lol, anagrams are not my strong suit

Anyone else have other ideas?

I found a site that lets you switch the letters around more easily:



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