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Realistic or Modern ᴍᴀʏ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ ʏᴏᴜ



you’ve got me by the skin and bones

  • intro


    z berg


    he morning was quiet and the air was crisp. Fall was just beginning and the tree leaves had shifted to hues of oranges and reds that would wither and fall off in the coming weeks. The sun shone through the kitchen window and passed through an empty glass left on the kitchen table. The Unnatural Death Squad began each morning at this table, where each member would receive their assignments for the day.

    Though each morning had started just the same, something concerning had begun happening within the past three weeks. The Reapers would show up to their assignments only to find the soul they were meant to collect was nowhere in sight. There were no accidents and no fatalities. Instead, they'd just find things continuing as if nobody had been assigned to die, even though someone was fated to do so.

    Now, this didn't happen for every assignment. The first time, it was assumed to be a fluke. Maybe the Powers That Be got something wrong. But then it happened again. Twice was suspicious. Maybe one of the Reapers was slacking off or trying to be a hero, not collecting a soul when they were supposed to, and then lying about it. Juliet Kane, the leader of the group, wasn't convinced of that as she had some level of trust for each Reaper. As it continued, and even happened to herself, she started to become very concerned. This couldn't be an accident.

    Certainly, there would be consequences.

    Yesterday marked the fifth of what they started to call "No Shows". Today marked the first acknowledgment from the Powers That Be. Included with that day's list of soon-to-be deceased, was a note. Simply typed on a notecard was the following message:

    "An unknown force is subjects from expiring.
    Report any and all missed fatalities.
    Be on the lookout for any irregular behavior and communicate any suspicions.
    Any interference with death will be met with extreme consequences."

    If they were hoping for any explanation or assistance from The Powers That Be, it appears that they would not be receiving them any time soon. For now, they will have to work with what they have and figure out what has been going on themselves.



May Death

Stop You




October 2nd


Reaper Home, Seattle, WA



♡coded by uxie♡


Juliet Kane.

one way or another





whole reaper gang

Juliet had gotten home from work early in the morning and had only about three hours of sleep before she got up to ready herself for the next day. It was moments like these where she was grateful for the fact that she did not need to sleep. Even if she needed the sleep, it wouldn't have been restful. Juliet had never been one to volunteer to be in charge. In her life, she never was thought to be responsible enough for any position with authority. And she was glad for it. Unfortunately, she had no choice in the matter of being the leader of the Unnatural Death Squad. The Powers That Be had unfortunately bestowed that title upon her.

So, that meant that this "No Show" problem was her problem. A problem she didn't have the slightest idea how to handle.

She gave one last look in the mirror before leaving her room and heading downstairs. Instead of first stopping in the kitchen, Juliet stepped outside to open the mailbox. It was too early in the morning for the mail to have been delivered, but each morning, without fail, there was an envelope with her name on it left in the mailbox. It was left for her by The Powers That Be and contained the list of deaths they were responsible for each day. She nodded her head in greeting at a group of teenagers who were clearly walking to school before returning inside.

Sitting at the kitchen table she opened the envelope to go over the list for the day. To her surprise, she found another note included with the list. She sighed in mild frustration. Clearly, they had no answers and were expecting the team to do their dirty work. Juliet couldn't exactly say she was surprised, that seemed to be their general M.O.. As she read through the list, she wrote each assignment on a Post-It note, so that she could distribute them to each of the Reapers.

By the time the others started trickling in, she had all the assignments written out. Today would, hopefully, be a rather straightforward day. However, with this No Show problem, she wasn't entirely confident it would be.

"Looks like we've got a group reap today. All of our assignments are in the same place at more or less the same time, so I'm sure it'll be some sort of small-scale disaster."

Juliet distributed the Post-Its— there was one for each of them with one left over, so she took the extra. The reaping was in a little over two hours just outside of Pike Place Market. Part of her wondered what sort of mess they would find themselves in, but she knew better than to anticipate what was happening.

"It also seems like management is aware of the problem we've been experiencing, but have decided it is our problem to deal with,"
she stated as she slid the note to the center of the table for anyone else who wanted to read it.

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"Excuse me, my flight leaves in an hour. Could you possibly go a little faster?"

For goodness' sake. If Jason had a dollar for every time someone asked him this question he'd be a goddamn millionaire.

He almost wanted to laugh. Seriously. What was it with these people? Didn't they know how airports worked? Everyone knew you had to get there at least three hours early to catch your flight. Two was pushing it. But one? What was this bitch expecting, for him to zig zag through cars at ninety miles per hour on the highway and run every red light just so she could get there on time? Not that he'd be risking his life or anything. But it was the sheer lack of common sense that made him want to bang his head against a wall.

He'd been up driving all night by the time he picked this lady up. What little patience he had left was wearing thin, but he hid it well behind a slight, exasperated sigh and a tight pressed frown. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm already goin as fast as I can."

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to miss my flight."
She protested, raising her voice.

Then you should have fucking left earlier. Jason said to himself. "Sorry miss, but no can do." He replied shortly, with a shrug.

"This is absolutely ridiculous." The woman huffed. "I'm putting in a complaint to Uber."

Like I give a fuck.

"Go for it." He mumbled under his breath. But as he drove along the highway, an amusing thought crept into his brain. The corner of his lip twitched upward into a slight grin. You want me to go faster bitch? Fine then. I'll go faster.

At that, he stepped his foot to the floor, and watched as the needle of the speedometer climbed all the way up to one hundred.

An hour and a half later...

The door of the house swung open, signaling Jason's arrival. The floorboards of the old house creaked beneath his footsteps as he made his way to the kitchen, slapping down a speeding ticket on the entrance table on the way there. By the time he showed up, all the housemates were already going over that day's list of assigned reapings.

"Morning everybody!" Jason greeted the group with that typical, cheery smile of his, before reaching forward and taking his post-it from J.J.. He leaned against the frame of the kitchen's entrance as she divvied out the details.

Small scale disaster huh? What fun, especially if the same shit that had been going on the past few weeks was gonna happen again today. He had a feeling it would, but was unsure how this many missing souls would affect things. But — like always, it would be something to figure out as the situation unfolded.

The likelihood of it being a complete total shit show was high. But they had a history of dealing with those, he thought confidently. It wasn't gonna be anything they couldn't handle.


Jason stepped forward and read the note on the table. Then gave a slight chuckle. "'Course they did. You don't actually expect management to do any of the heavy lifting, do you?" It was complete sarcasm. And he said it with that usual smirk of his. He poured himself a cup of coffee from the pot, then rummaged in the fridge for some creamer.

"When are we tryna head out?"


where: at home // with: the squad // mood: tired af // fit check: uh....the gif lol

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faye swanson
It wasn't until a noise came from downstairs did Faye look at the clock, too engrossed in her own head to notice the sun peeking through her window.

"Shit," she had stayed up all night, again, working on a commission. It's amazing how easy it is to get absorbed in what you're doing with just some yarn and music, but she had told herself to not let this happen again after the tenth time. She liked sleeping, it helped her feel more real.

Event planning could only cover so much, so she began to utilize the skills and hobbies she'd dabbled in after she died, crocheting was a good way for extra cash, but more often than not Faye can get lost in it. It's almost therapeutic, she can shut her brain off for a moment and only use it to count stitches. She can listen to music or watch a movie and not think of what lies outside of her bedroom. Of course, then things like this happen, and all Faye could do was hope that she wasn't the last one downstairs. She was responsible, dammit. Giving Juliet another reason to dislike her was the last thing Faye needed.

Faye quickly changed into new clothes and silently cursed at the 25% battery left on her phone before rushing downstairs. Thankfully, she wasn't the last person to arrive, and Faye plastered on a smile as she sat down directly across from Juliet and took her post-it note. She didn't look at the name, and instead stuffed it in her phone case.

"Ooh, a group project." She laughed, pulling at the pockets of her pants in a nervous tick. Seeing multiple people die today was not on her personal radar, but the way things have been going lately, Faye might have nothing to worry about. She remained silent as Juliet finished her explanation, only shooting Jason a quick smile as he made a slight toward management. It seemed a bit ridiculous to Faye, how can you have the knowledge of who's going to die, but not know why people aren't dying? What are they supposed to do about it?

"Can't be that hard to figure it out if even management thinks we can do it." She said, attempting to be a light of positivity.
coded by natasha.


Zach Doyle.

my own worst enemy





the gang

Zach's alarm rang out five separate times before he finally rolled out of bed. While it wasn't necessary for him to sleep, he sure liked to. It was a habit he never kicked, it seemed. He knew from experience if he were late to their morning meeting again, Juliet would kick his ass. He could hear her making her way downstairs already so he needed to get moving.

Grabbing the first t-shirt and pants from his dresser, he quickly got dressed before he brushed his teeth and did his best to smooth out his mop of hair. Splashing water on his face for good measure, he hopped down the stairs, opting to jump and skip the last couple of steps. He could hear Juliet sigh at the sound of his feet slamming down to the ground, rattling the frames on the walls.

he greeted before rummaging through the cabinets to find his box of PopTarts. He never bothered to toast them, instead he ate them straight out of the wrapping. He brushed the crumbs from his shirt before tossing the wrapper in the trash.

He glanced over his Post-It before shoving it into his pocket, where it would sit all crumpled up until just before he needed to do his job. He turned to Faye with a grin at the mention of a group project.

"Man, I loved group projects in school because it meant that I could—"
he paused, realizing that it was not the best look to imply that he was going to slack off with a group reap as he did with group projects.

Surprisingly, Zach was a half-decent Reaper. Yes, he could be lazy and wasn't the best with time management (which can be critical for a reap), but he always managed to get the job done. It wasn't always perfect, but it was better than his track record in life. He even managed to resist the temptation of interacting with his living loved ones, as much as he missed them. He always found it hurt more to think about them, so he avoided them at all costs, which was a pretty impressive feat considering he never left Seattle. Though, on occasion, he did encounter old friends from the skating scene, they were fairly peripheral, so he assumed that didn't count (and he certainly was not going to ask if it did).

Zach didn't bother reading the note. Juliet's statement was all that he needed to hear, probably.

"I'm just saying that maybe we should just let it happen. It's less work for us and then maybe the bigwigs will actually do something about it. Plus, people can carry on with their happy little lives,"
he suggested with a shrug. A look from Juliet told him that this was not an option. He knew balance was important and blah blah blah— all the stuff she went on about when she thought he was lying about his soul not showing up to their death. He just wanted to put the option out there, but would do whatever he was told. Mostly.

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