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Fantasy ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

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#liiminal Spaces
#powered humans
#urban fantasy

Your lungs fill with air in pained breaths, as a searing intrusion bubbles in your chest before radiating outwards. You can feel your heart pounding furiously as if trying to pump blood beyond the point of blockage. Dark spots drape a black veil over your blurring vision. The pressure builds until your eyes bulge and your mouth gapes open. Panic quickly transforms into a tacit understanding, as your limbs become heavy and unresponsive. The world before you shrinks into a pinprick of light until it recedes into a quiet nothingness.

Abruptly, your eyes pry open, you are breathing, unharmed, yet you are sure you died. As you sit up, your head throbs while trying to remember the moments that came before. Where are you? Who are you? There was only pain, relentless and all-encompassing. There was nothing familiar to you, nothing to anchor you to this place. The fluorescent lights overhead only served to strain your dimmed senses. As your hearing returns to you, you make out the sound of a gramophone playing the nostalgic strings of a jazz tune. The sound is stabilizing, it feels domestic, yet alien.

The reception desk ahead of you is a massive oak structure with a long array of keys behind it. It is only when you come closer that you notice the sign propped up on top of the desk, “Regenesis Hotel and Casino,” it reads. As your eyes pass and linger on each letter, an indecipherable sound cuts through the haze still lingering within your skull. You are not sure when it arrived, but a small elf owl had perched itself atop the hotel’s bell. The owl fluffs its fur indignantly while black beady eyes peer into your own. It pauses before opening its beak, “I don’t enjoy repeating myself. Orientation has yet to start for new arrivals, so please, take a seat.” It points its feathered wing behind you, and your eyes follow to find a smattering of old floral couches. With aught else to do, you are compelled to listen.

Info Dump

Whether you've died screaming and alone, or blissfully drifted off into nothingness, you have died with regrets and have been given a second chance. Colloquially, you are referred to as an Agent: a dead mortal that has been brought back from death by the Seraphim. The Seraphim are a collection of otherworldly beings that appear as differing species of owls to mortals— their true forms would inspire fear in even the most indifferent. Your task is to hunt down the enemies of the Seraphim that exist in the mortal realm, referred to as aberrations. Each victory adds a few more grains of sand to the top of your hourglass.

Simply said, every win gives you more time on this plane of existence. An hourglass is given to each agent as a nifty way to track how much time is left on their clock. The catch? You have to cut off all ties with your old life, if you happen to come across someone you would’ve recognized, you’d simply appear as another face in the crowd. If you managed to convince them of your prior identity, the punishment would be steep. That is to say, you’d receive a deduction in the time you have left. An even greater crime would be the assault or murder of a human in the mortal realm, you are here to protect, and hurting someone is entirely antidotal to the mission given by the Seraphim.

Maintaining the Veil is part of your mission in ensuring the protection of humanity. Agents must operate without clueing humans in regarding what lies beyond. A quick tap on your hourglass will pause time for mortals, allowing Agents to operate in secrecy with relatively little effort.

When not hunting aberrations, agents are as plain as any other mortal. They sleep, eat, and can get injured. But as long as they have sand left in their hourglass, they cannot die. They will simply wake up again unharmed and at the Regenesis Hotel by the next morning. To enter the hotel, one must simply step through any door and wish for it. It serves as a hub for agents to sleep, eat, and enjoy some mild luxuries free of charge.

Aberrations come in many forms, some monstrous, some humanoid, though they have a few things in common. Aberrations are echoes of humanity, born following tragic or emotional events. Most are relatively harmless and can be dispatched effortlessly by your average Agent. Agents are gifted with supernatural abilities to aid them in combating these aberrations, supporting their allies, or dragging these evils out of their hiding spots. There is a great variety in gifts that agents might receive and it's not uncommon that their gift relates to how they died, or something they wanted in life.

While aberrations cannot be perceived by normal mortals, they can still do a great deal of harm. More powerful aberrations can influence the emotional state of those around them, and influence them to act unusually. Stronger still, are those that can possess a human, or even establish full control over an entire population. The most powerful of aberrations can damage the environment or even directly cause death.

OOC will be on discord, joining would be mandatory, but you don’t have to participate beyond the bare minimum.
Be respectful of other players, and keep criticism to yourself unless it is asked for.
Try to respond appropriately, but don’t be scared of short posts if the time calls for it or if you can’t find the muse. Short posts won’t be judged here, in many situations you won’t have a lot of options without really stretching it. There’s no hard word limit beyond no one-liners, but if someone is putting a ton of effort in and giving you a lot to work with; try and match their energy as best you can.

The general vibe is anime rather than realistic, we will be using FCs and they will be drawn but I am loose on the style.

Urban Fantasy / Animanga inspired
© reveriee

INTRO : Your lungs fill with air in pained breaths, as a searing intrusion bubbles in your chest before radiating outwards. You can feel your heart pounding furiously as if trying to pump blood beyond the point of blockage. Dark spots drape a black veil over your blurring vision. The pressure builds until your eyes bulge and your mouth gapes open. Panic quickly transforms into a tacit understanding, as your limbs become heavy and unresponsive. The world before you shrinks into a pinprick of light until it recedes into a quiet nothingness.

Abruptly, your eyes pry open, you are breathing, unharmed, yet you are sure you died. As you sit up, your head throbs while trying to remember the moments that came before. Where are you? Who are you? There was only pain, relentless and all-encompassing. There was nothing familiar to you, nothing to anchor you to this place. The fluorescent lights overhead only served to strain your dimmed senses. As your hearing returns to you, you make out the sound of a gramophone playing the nostalgic strings of a jazz tune. The sound is stabilizing, it feels domestic, yet alien.

The reception desk ahead of you is a massive oak structure with a long array of keys behind it. It is only when you come closer that you notice the sign propped up on top of the desk, “Regenesis Hotel and Casino,” it reads. As your eyes pass and linger on each letter, an indecipherable sound cuts through the haze still lingering within your skull. You are not sure when it arrived, but a small elf owl had perched itself atop the hotel’s bell. The owl fluffs its fur indignantly while black beady eyes peer into your own. It pauses before opening its beak, “I don’t enjoy repeating myself. Orientation has yet to start for new arrivals, so please, take a seat.” It points its feathered wing behind you, and your eyes follow to find a smattering of old floral couches. With aught else to do, you are compelled to listen.

INFO DUMP : Whether you've died screaming and alone, or blissfully drifted off into nothingness, you have died with regrets and have been given a second chance. Colloquially, you are referred to as an Agent: a dead mortal that has been brought back from death by the Seraphim. The Seraphim are a collection of otherworldly beings that appear as differing species of owls to mortals— their true forms would inspire fear in even the most indifferent. Your task is to hunt down the enemies of the Seraphim that exist in the mortal realm, referred to as aberrations. Each victory adds a few more grains of sand to the top of your hourglass.

Simply said, every win gives you more time on this plane of existence. An hourglass is given to each agent as a nifty way to track how much time is left on their clock. The catch? You have to cut off all ties with your old life, if you happen to come across someone you would’ve recognized, you’d simply appear as another face in the crowd. If you managed to convince them of your prior identity, the punishment would be steep. That is to say, you’d receive a deduction in the time you have left. An even greater crime would be the assault or murder of a human in the mortal realm, you are here to protect, and hurting someone is entirely antidotal to the mission given by the Seraphim.

Maintaining the Veil is part of your mission in ensuring the protection of humanity. Agents must operate without clueing humans in regarding what lies beyond. A quick tap on your hourglass will pause time for mortals, allowing Agents to operate in secrecy with relatively little effort.

When not hunting aberrations, agents are as plain as any other mortal. They sleep, eat, and can get injured. But as long as they have sand left in their hourglass, they cannot die. They will simply wake up again unharmed and at the Regenesis Hotel by the next morning. To enter the hotel, one must simply step through any door and wish for it. It serves as a hub for agents to sleep, eat, and enjoy some mild luxuries free of charge.

Aberrations come in many forms, some monstrous, some humanoid, though they have a few things in common. Aberrations are echoes of humanity, born following tragic or emotional events. Most are relatively harmless and can be dispatched effortlessly by your average Agent. Agents are gifted with supernatural abilities to aid them in combating these aberrations, supporting their allies, or dragging these evils out of their hiding spots. There is a great variety in gifts that agents might receive and it's not uncommon that their gift relates to how they died, or something they wanted in life.

While aberrations cannot be perceived by normal mortals, they can still do a great deal of harm. More powerful aberrations can influence the emotional state of those around them, and influence them to act unusually. Stronger still, are those that can possess a human, or even establish full control over an entire population. The most powerful of aberrations can damage the environment or even directly cause death.

1. OOC will be on discord, joining would be mandatory, but you don’t have to participate beyond the bare minimum.
2. Be respectful of other players, and keep criticism to yourself unless it is asked for.
3. Try to respond appropriately, but don’t be scared of short posts if the time calls for it or if you can’t find the muse. Short posts won’t be judged here, in many situations you won’t have a lot of options without really stretching it. There’s no hard word limit beyond no one-liners, but if someone is putting a ton of effort in and giving you a lot to work with; try and match their energy as best you can.
4. The general vibe is anime rather than realistic, we will be using FCs and they will be drawn but I am loose on the style.
i don’t normally do anime rps but I feel so compelled… this is witchcraft i fear
Definitely interested if you still have room!

Are "deaths" ever penalized by removing some sand from their hourglass before waking up at the hotel, or is it more of a thing agents generally avoid due to missing out on the potential reward and the obvious getting injured to that extent hurts?
Jesster Jesster :: fairy dust :: :: fairy dust :: Chameleon Chameleon Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Thank-you, that’s very kind of you all to say. I appreciate all of the interest!

Nano Nano Yes, it is still open. I will limit things to 10 characters max, with 1 per-player to start off the first arc. But, I won’t be closing anything off until sheets begin coming in. An agent does lose time for dying or failing to complete an objective. There are a couple of little things I may have missed in the info-dump. I’ll create an expanded lore section for all of those tiny details before we begin.

As an example, agents are restored to the last (healthy) body they had prior to their deaths every morning. So any major injuries… or limbs they may have lost while on the field are taken care of. Same rule applies when they ‘respawn.’ Any scars or disfigurations they had prior to dying will be maintained, but any new injuries will be taken care of. They might have a scar or memento stemming from their cause of death, but their bodies are basically maintained at the state they were in when they last felt ‘healthy.’
Do these peeps still age? Or can they stick around doing the job for as long as they can keep time on the clock?
IG42 IG42 They don't age, but there will be a limit as to how young/old characters can be. So, there won't be any century-old agents or perma-children.

Kovacs Kovacs Selece Selece IG42 IG42 Wyll Wyll Jesster Jesster :: fairy dust :: :: fairy dust :: Chameleon Chameleon Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Nano Nano phnx. phnx. Nellancholy Nellancholy
Thanks, everyone for your interest. I will have a CS + Temporary OOC up for any additional questions soon. Feel free to ask here or DM me in the meantime. We do have 11 people that have shown interest if I counted correctly. If it looks like everyone will submit a character, I might begin to be slower to accept CSs to give everyone a chance to apply. I do not think that will end up happening, as it is exceedingly rare that everyone who shows interest ends up submitting a character. But, if it looks like that will happen, I will have to be more selective. I do have a cap of ten players, just to reiterate for anyone who missed it.
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IG42 IG42 They don't age, but there will be a limit as to how young/old characters can be. So, there won't be any century-old agents or perma-children.

Kovacs Kovacs Selece Selece IG42 IG42 Wyll Wyll Jesster Jesster :: fairy dust :: :: fairy dust :: Chameleon Chameleon Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Nano Nano phnx. phnx. Nellancholy Nellancholy
Thanks, everyone for your interest. I will have a CS + Temporary OOC up for any additional questions soon. Feel free to ask here or DM me in the meantime. We do have 11 people that have shown interest if I counted correctly. If it looks like everyone will submit a character, I might begin to be slower to accept CSs to give everyone a chance to apply. I do not think that will end up happening, as it is exceedingly rare that everyone who shows interest ends up submitting a character. But, if it looks like that will happen, I will have to be more selective. I do have a cap of ten players, just to reiterate for anyone who missed it.
(raises hand)
(lowers hand)
I'll just wait for a spot to open up then.

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