books and coffee
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TL;DR: happy hufflepuff
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See, Amby had missed Archie a lot! Like, a lot! Letters simply are not enough to get rid of the loneliness of spending a summer apart from his absolutely amazing boyfriend. Archie is so amazing! Hey, Ambrose is a sap. A sappy Hufflepuff. And he’s a Hufflepuff who is absolutely in love! Yep. Just romantic things here for Ambrose and Archie. It’s nice to read letters from Archie but it’s just not the same as being there in person. Not at all. This is much better, you know?
The two of them had been dating for so long and they’re still so in love with each other. It’s cute.
Ambrose was happy to be hugging Archie again after so long. “I missed you so much, Archie. It’s been a lonely summer without you.” The Hufflepuff repeated himself. All the hugs and kisses for Archie. The Hufflepuff happily accepted the peck on the cheek and was happy to return it. Affection! Very cute, hehe. Ambrose is such a sap for affection.
The Hufflepuff was happily listening to Archie talk about his summer, in fact he could listen to Archie talk all day and not get bored. While Archie was talking about his summer and Ambrose was happily listening, he moved to give the Slytherin another peck on the forehead. “Yeah, it would’ve been nice to be able to spend the summer with you.” The Hufflepuff was quick to hum out.
Ambrose’s summer was pretty uneventful, “well mom and I went to Egypt.” Not because his mother is an Egyptian goddess or anything like that, “and we were there for a few weeks before coming back here. Pretty uneventful but very lonely without you.” Nothing much happened during Ambrose’s summer vacation. Just lonely and vacation things here.
Well, Ambrose does look his best. Always does! “Yeah, I do.” He laughed a little, “and you always look so amazing and stunning.” Ambrose moved to give his amazing boyfriend a peck on the cheek. Affection! Ambrose certainly missed Cicero! He loves cats after all! “Mhm.” He hummed out. Surely Andromeda has missed Cicero too! But, Amby is most certainly ready to get out of the rain! “Yeah, let’s get out of the rain now.” He was quick to nod his head.
The Hufflepuff is a gentleman and a great boyfriend after all! Always happy to help Archie out with his luggage; anything for his amazing boyfriend of course. “Yeah, I’m the sweetest aren’t I?’ he laughed a little before continuing, “I don’t mind carrying both of our luggage.” He didn’t mind it at all! In fact he’s certainly happy to do it.
Ambrose was balancing both luggage cases and Andy but he’s sure that he can do it. It’s not like he’s going to be holding the luggage cases for hours. It’s fine.
“I think we’ll see some of our friends on the train!”
Odd numbers are really scary! And what’s scary is the fact that Hogwarts only has seven years for students. Seven. Not eight. There should be eight years at Hogwarts! A nice even number. Right is a good number. Very even. Why are there only seven years though? Seven is a scary number. And Ambrose is in his 7th year of Hogwarts. Scary. Very scary. But Ambrose can get through his last year of Hogwarts even if he wished there was an 8th year.
But you know, it’s fine. Just one more year and Ambrose will be out of Hogwarts. Even numbers are much better.
The two boarded the train with Ambrose ready to settle down into a compartment and get some cuddles in with Archie. It’s cuddle time, you know? It’s been a very long and lonely summer vacation. Very lonely. But that’s no more right now.
Ambrose was looking at the train compartments, hoping that he could find an empty one for just him and Archie. Like, Ambrose doesn’t mind sitting with friends but it would be nice and not awkward if it was just him and Archie. Ambrose didn’t see any available compartments that were empty.
There… aren’t any empty compartments left. Well, that’s alright! Ambrose and Archie can just find some friends to sit with because surely friends won’t mind having the Slytherpuff lovebirds sit with them. Yeah! Like, Ambrose and Archie sure are sappy with each other but you cannot blame them for that because they love each so much. And surely their friends won’t mind! Plus Ambrose’s anxiety refuses to let him sit with people he does not know. Yeah. Anxiety is the worst, you know?
It’s fine. Nothing to worry about. Nope! They’ll find a compartment with friends.
Oh! There’s Antonio and Otto!
Ambrose and Archie are friends with Antonio and Otto! And Ambrose is the only Hufflepuff in the friendship but that’s okay. So surely the two Slytherins won’t mind Ambrose and Archie sharing the compartment with them. Ambrose slid the door open with his elbow since his arms were full. Just four friends sitting together. ‘Everywhere else was full.” Amby was quick to explain to Antonio and Otto. At least the two will be sitting with friends. The Hufflepuff set Andromeda down so he could put the luggage up onto the luggage rack.
son of bastet
code by valen t.