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~ Horochimaru ~


the only thing harder than getting in, is staying alive in.

  • h

tongue tied


DAY ONE: a warm welcome


"Stephanie, it's 15 minutes past the hour, you were supposed to start the announcements at 8am."

The sound of a deeply aggravated sigh, and a phone being tossed onto a hardwood table permeated the air. The said girl, Stephanie rolled her eyes at the dark haired individual peeking into the office nervously. "Okay? And? No one is ever on time anyways, especially on the first day of class." She countered, popping the gum between her lips.

The headmasters assistant sighed, why did he have to be tasked with baby sitting these arrogant student council members? 'leaders of the new generation' his arse. He absolutely despised most of the delegates, despite being inadvertently one himself by association. He found them to be much worse than the players and it's combined.

"That may be, but you know the headmaster will be ups-" The raise of a hand ended his complaint.

"Alright, alright don't get your undies in a twist kid, now can you please leave so I can start the morning announcement." A fake syrupy tone layered into her voice, which he could tell was a sign he should leave before she throws the mic at him. Shaking his head, the assistant shut the door with a 'click', leaving the lazy student council announcer alone to start.

Stephanie stared at the closed door for a few moments longer, thinking of how much she hated her position she was in. But of course being the first daughter of a famous newscaster also meant that she was expected to follow in her mothers footsteps of journalism.

Sighing once more, the red head straightened up in her chair, and the switched on the mic, sending a signal to the operating room that she was about to begin the day's announcements.

"Going live in 3...2...1..." The red light was on. She cleared her throat, and the smile materialized on her face instantly.

"Good morning spring class of 2023! Whether you are returning, or this is your first year attending our prestigious university, we here at Seira Academy welcome you with warm embrace as you begin your wonderous journey here with us.

All students should have received their necessary materials and pamphlets prior to their first day to ensure a smooth, and informative transition for your first week of classes. Included in those materials was a map to help navigate you around our expansive campus, as well as where specific landmarks were such as the cafรฉ, gymnasium, pool, dormitory halls and more. If for any reason you did not receive these materials, and need assistance with finding your classes and dorm, please head to the front office for further assistance.

In light of Seira's new start of the semester, we would also like bring attention a serious matter that occurred during the off semester in winter. Seira Academy unfortunately lost a bright, and intelligent student over winter break, and we plan to hold a vigil in honor of this student. Should you like to participate in the planning of this memorated event, please contact the student body council for more information. The event will be held Friday, April 21st at the fountain garden gazebo. We ask that everyone exercises respect, and empathy for one another during these emotional times. Counseling services are available from 8am-5pm located in West hall in room 804. As well as a 24/7 hotline will be available as well for those dealing with grief.

In other major news, and perhaps something that will perk us all up, is that uniforms are no longer mandatory at Seira Academy! Yes, you heard right. After a overwhelming amount of survey results on what students think would help them be more motivated during their time at school, a lot of you stated that being able to express your individuality more with the removal of uniforms was the number one idea. Well thanks to everyone submitting their surveys, and signing petitions, the board committee officially decided to remove the uniform mandate! Can we get a cheer for that!?

She took an impromptu pause for added effect, and surprisingly enough the sounds of what could be cheering came faintly from outside.

That all said, welcome to Seira everyone! We are super excited to begin the school year with fresh and familiar faces alike! As aforementioned in your First Day at Seira pamphlets that you all should have received, please begin to head to your respective dorms, unpack and familiarize yourself with your new dorm mate, if applicable! Please remember to remain respectful, and respect everyone's personal space. Don't forget, this is the person you will be sharing a space with for the remainder of the school year!

If you are unable to locate your dorm room assignment, please contact the front office.

Happy first day back! Your favorite student body council member, Stephanie signing off!"

A few seconds passed, and once the red light turned off, Stephanie slumped back into her high chair and blew air upwards, a couple silky red tresses falling over eyes as a result.

"Stupid idiots, no one even listens to this shit anyways-hah, and who the fuck cares about that bitch Holly Hanamura being dead, she was such a bitch anyways." Stephanie mumbled aloud, staring at the mosaic designed ceiling.

Just then the sound of heavy footsteps sounded outside the door, followed by a loud bang causing Stephanie to leap up in surprise. Her frightened eyes though, became annoyed ones once she saw it was just the same assistant from earlier that barged in. Though this time he looked much more concerned than before.

"S-stephanie!" He shouted sounding completely out of breath as if he ran a marathon. Stephanie rolled her eyes and stood up. Her job here was done. She wanted to go smoke, she was sure one of the outliers would be around to grab one from near the fields.

"What? I did the stupid announcement, leave me alone you nark."

"B-but the mic was still ON!" He exclaimed pointing over at the desk. In the midst of retrieving her purse, Stephanie paused at that, before her hazel eyes turned wide as saucers and whipped her head back to the mic equipment, seeing that the 'MIC on' switch was still flipped up.

Stephanie inhaled sharply, her face red as blood.


A new sound of footsteps entered the room, and the two students both turned frightened faces to see none other than the headmaster of Seira Academy looming at the door.

"Stephanie Polanski, my office, immediately,"

Hello! This is the first IC post for Decadence. This section here will be a tldr for those who need a quick gist of what is happening at the moment in the storyline.


It is the first day of school at Seira, all students should have received first day materials such as brochures, maps, dorm assignments and their class schedules in the mail prior to their first day. Those who did not should head to the front office. Otherwise, everyone should be either in their dorms by now and unpacking, meeting their dorm mate or at least on their way to their assigned hall/dorm room. Dorm assignments can be found in the discord under the dorm channel thread if you do not remember which room your character was assigned to. I will also list it here for everyone's(readers/lurkers included) convenience.

This part of the story will be short and simple as it is just a introductory phase for everyone to get to know their roommates! Should you like to traverse the campus instead(or even visit another persons dorm that you have no business being in...) feel free! This can essentially be considered a free roam episode.


Dorm rooms can be decorated however you like(as long as it remains within compliance of the academy of course~) as well as removal of furniture in place of your own is also allowed. And damage to the property of the dorm room is subject serious fines and penalties. The bathrooms and living room/kitchen are shared spaces.

If you have any questions, please be sure to ask them in the q&a section of the discord.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


  • mood

    ready to go on break again

If it went after Yuzรฉ, break could've continued just for a few more months.

Don't get him wrong. Yuzรฉ enjoyed being surrounded by talented people. Their endless passion for their craft fueled his own burning motivation. But, at the same time, that didn't mean he would willingly sign up for their eccentric personalities, which usually came as a set package. Some students didn't even have the drive to make up for their actions or were downright so unpleasant that nothing could redeem them.

A case in point was the overly sweet voice sounding through the speakers, welcoming new and returning people.

Stephanie was a repulsive person; evidenced by the few times Yuzรฉ had the displeasure to share air with her. If she didn't come late to meetings, smelling like she went through a forest fire, disinterest and boredom would constantly radiate off of her. It didn't take a genius to see that she was only in the student council for the kicks and the title. The unpleasant kind of people.

As she started to narrate about the upcoming vigil, Yuzรฉ transferred the last pieces of clothing from his now-empty suitcase over to the wardrobe. For a moment, he caught glimpses of a handful of black book covers lurking between the fabrics, but as he added the last cloth pile, Yuzรฉ made sure they were completely covered.

Most of them were emptyโ€”courtesy of removing the entries of graduates and generally the outdated onesโ€”but it didn't hurt to be careful. Especially with the possibility of having a noisy roommate sleeping right next to him.

Yuzรฉ didn't need to open the year with a scandal or nasty rumours. After all, there were already enough other students willing to do exactly that.

Turning away from the closet, his eyes now scanned the blank walls and the almost empty desk. Only his laptop, decorated with a handful of cat stickers, and a small cactus on the table lightened up the cold space. It was a pity Yuzรฉ couldn't bring most of his smaller houseplants from home, but he was certain that by the end of the week, the room would be filled with life anyway.

He pushed his suitcase below his bed as he tried to hear if Asypn had already arrived. Yuzรฉ didn't see her when he first unlocked the doors to their dorm. Though that wasn't really surprising. Yuzรฉ did try to arrive as quickly as possible before anyone else could. He wanted to salvage the last moments of relative peace before the next wave of headaches could start. But as the missing noises from outside indicated, she still seemed to not have entered the dorm.

Deciding to not let that distract him from finishing to put his belongings to their right place, Yuzรฉ grabbed his toiletry bag and a towel before making his way to the sink. Just as he hung both objects with the help of self-adhesive hooks up, Yuzรฉ vaguely heard the announcement finally coming to an end. "โ€ฆfavorite student body council member, Stephanie signing off!"

If that wasn't a time to roll one's eyes, he didn't know when else.

What Yuzรฉ didn't expect, though, was what followed afterwards. Thoughts that were obviously not meant to be heard, and while her words themselves weren't a shock, they were still undeniably cruel.

A sigh escaped his lips as Yuzรฉ continued to listen to the blunder play out before the speakers were finally turned off and silence reigned again.

Not even a day inโ€ฆ

Resisting the urge to slam his head against the wall, the delegate stared at himself through the mirror. Lips slightly pursed in annoyance.

It was safe to say that he wouldn't be seeing Stephanie around the council's room for a while anymoreโ€”if ever again. Unsurprisingly enough, Yuzรฉ couldn't bring himself to feel saddened by that realisation.

At least one person less to worry about.

Welcome to the Circus


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
mood :

location :
Front Office
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; Luna
Of all the places Luna assumed she would be today, the front office was certainly not one of them. The air in the front office was frigid and tinged with an air of panic as staff members frantically handled all the curveballs thrown their way. One of the curveballs being Luna Barbosa not having an assigned dorm on her first day.

"I am simply trying to understand why a tenured student has been looked over." Her voice was calm, but it was clear by the looks of the students around her that she was anything but. "Is there anywhere to set my belongings? I am in excruciating pain.." Her brows furrowed as she let out a wince, her left arm doing it's best to adjust her 'heavy' tote bag, her right holding onto the handle of her rolling luggage.

"I apologize Miss Barbosa, but I'm afraid you'll have to carry your belongings like the rest of us commonfolk. In the meantime, please take a seat while we organize your sleeping arrangements." The sarcastic tone from the secretary in front of her made Luna narrow her blue gaze,

"I find it interesting that you have time to make jokes, yet none at all to find me a suitable dorm." The line of students behind her grew longer, faces of indignation and irritated huffs could be heard behind the model. She paid them no mind as she continued, "I am not leaving this spot until I am accommodated." Her posture remained straight as she spoke, even with the collective groaning of protest that erupted behind her.

Luna didn't give a damn about the idiots behind her. She knew that if she gave in, she'd be stuck in the office waiting for potentially hours. The horror stories of those being thrown into a random dorm, possibly a third with hardly any space.. It was not an option. Absolutely not.
coded by reveriee.


The Regulars











By the pristine appearance of the dorm, it seemed that Evan was the first to arrive. He quickly went to his assigned room and took care of his belongings. He had more clothes this year than the previous one, all designer and probably costs more than what someone makes in a year. He didnโ€™t deem it necessary, but once Evan informed his parents of his new roommate, they didnโ€™t waste time to provide him with clothing and accessories. It was to give a โ€˜good impressionโ€™ or so his parents told him. Still, Evan shoved the clothes at the back of the closet. He understood why his parents were trying so hard. Luckilyโ€”or unluckily, depending on who youโ€™re askingโ€”Evanโ€™s new roommate was someone of high prestige.

It wasn't like Evan's previous roommate was a disaster. The boyโ€”Evan tried to remember his name, Rupert? Robert? something with an Rโ€”was always outside the dorm or inside his room. The communal area was rarely used and their interaction didn't go further than the occasional greeting and pleasantries. It didn't bother him much, heโ€™d even say that he preferred the arrangement. It gave Evan the space he needed after a tiring day. Maybe he would've put in more effort getting to know his roommate if Rupert came from a well-known family. While the Holmes were far from being a middle-class family, with them owning a couple of businesses from different industries, they were unfortunately only the standard in Seira Academy. Evan looked up Robert's family the moment he knew that the boy was going to be his roommate, and he had to scroll until the end of the page to see an article mention the boy's family. Overall, Robin was a nice guy that would live comfortably once he graduates, and unfortunately, not what Evan was looking for.

Every student in Seira Academy had some sort of reputation, but there were still those who are a cut above the rest, and the Andersons were one of them. To say that Evan was nervous was an understatement. He had the opportunity to mingle with socialites and such, thanks to his fatherโ€™s influence, but they were never invited to the parties and events that really mattered. His family, too greedy for their own good, would stop at nothing to get the level of influence they think they deserved, and they didnโ€™t have the opportunity to do so until now. With Coachel Anderson, rumored heir of his fatherโ€™s company, was assigned to be his roommate. From what Evan had gathered from the rumors circulating around Coachel, the boy could be described as a narcissist. Charming, with an overinflated ego and a dash of self-entitlement. Evan realized that it was similar to how he would describe his mother, though maybe not the charming part.

Evan thought of how heโ€™ll greet his roommate. Maybe heโ€™ll sit on the couch nearest to the door and say a quick โ€˜Helloโ€™ once Coachel enters, but that would imply that he has been waiting for the boy to arrive. He quickly scratched that idea. He then thought of staying in the bathroom and coincidentally coming out the moment Coachel walks in, but maybe meeting someone coming out of the bathroom wasnโ€™t a good first impression.

God, what am I doing?

Ultimately, Evan decided to just go back to his room and lounge about. He figured they had an entire year to get to know each other. No point in rushing in and forcing a friendship.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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