31 Trials of Hallows Eve


Canadian Princess
@Ellientis, please fill the character chart fully.

Full Name(First,Middle,Last)~




Personality(In depth to make characters seem imperfect and flawed. Do not just have good qualities, add in flaws so they are not robots...)~

Biography(Again, make it in depth to make the characters seem as if they are real. Unless you want to reveal details during roleplay, leave those details out.)~




Childhood Fear(Don't leave it so normal. If it is spiders, explain why your character is afraid of them. Try to include specific details, appearance, habits of the fear, etc.)~


Other(Want to know what goes here, read the rules in Overview)~

(Write any specific details here)~

Picture(Preferably no anime. )~

My Character

(May still work on it until the roleplay starts. mostly an example.)

Full Name~ Rosalie Lithium Stone

Nickname~ Usually Rose, sometimes people call her by her middle name.

Age(18-26)~ 19

Gender~ Female

Personality~ Rosalie is a very introverted, observant and emotional person. When it comes to crowds, she would stand in the outside so limited attention is brought upon her by others. Around others, she rarely speaks, but when she does, people are drawn to an awe feeling. Alone, she can freely be herself. Rather than being confident with her artistic ability, she has a low self-esteem. For people who know much about her, feel she leans towards an independent yet a follower to others. She loves looking for beauty and goodness in everyone, making her a very naive person.

Biography~ Born from an alcoholic father and bi-polar mother, Rosalie has been unable to have parents as a child. She grew up fast so she could survived the repeated abuse by her parents. Whenever she would be proud of something she had done, her parents either ignore her or call their only child a worthless excuse for their flesh and blood. Artistic abilities were never an interest to them, and never did anything to encourage her, only to discourage Rosalie. When she finally left high school and entered college, she finally felt free of the abuse, but that was not true.One teacher in particular, began as a friendly character. Until she fully trusted him, the teacher tried to have a sexual relationship, which ended in a conflict between her and her parents saying that she should have just went with it. The teacher was never fired, and Rosalie decided to leave the school and come to MVU (Mountain Valley University) of Mountain Valley.

Likes~ 70s' and 80s' rock; and elegant styles.

Dislikes~ Conflict, arguing and violence. Horror genres creep her out.

Hobbies/Passions/Academics~ She is an artists who constantly is inspired by the people around her, from mythical creature to a science-fiction character, she is able to create an elaborate profile and story. Sports are not her strong suit, so when it comes to any physical activity, she is usually in the back of the line drawing the unique poses of the people a head of her. Until the activity ends, she would find a way to keep herself from doing anything. When it comes to academics, math is her top class.

Childhood Fear~ Other then the usual fear of creepy crawlies, Rosalie is afraid of a specific monster that appears in her nightmares. A skinny, pale creature with stringy, long black hair. The left eye is a silver, fog color while the right is a bloody murky red. His skin is a pasty cream tone with different parts of his body revealing nerves and muscles. His mouth drips a dark blues liquid as if he removes the oxygen from blood. Floating a couple inches above the ground, the only way to know he is around is the absence of life and laughter and the presence of death and despair. He carries a cage that he spits his blue liquid into, dissolving the insects inside and eats them, sometimes even picks up a large insect and eats it raw.

Ring~She fiddles with her ring when nervous. Her ring is a small, silver with the swirl of red and silver, like her childhood fear's eyes.

Other~ Red and Silver

Appearance~ On the right side of her abdomen, there is a medium sized scar from repeated beatings. It is shaped as claw marks since she was abused by being cut with various sized knives and different angles. She has hazel eyes that are so bright, they look yellow. Her height is average, about 5 1/2 feet tall.



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Full Name: Charles Dimitri Scribbleridge

Nickname: Hardly anyone these days call him anything else than Dimitri. Allthough, his relatives as well as some old class-mates call him Scribbly because of some comic from the 50's.

Age: 23

Gender~ Male

Personality: For a starter, Dimitri is a very caring person. He loves to see other people happy and does whatever he can to be of help. Even though he doesn't have so good advices, you can talk to him if you need to. Pretty mutch just a cheerful guy who love cuddles. Often uses any excuse to hug someone and it doesn't have to be someone special, but since he doesn't speak of feelings it becomes his way of showing love to people. But despite his good sides, he has his flaws. For example he can't, with no exceptions, talk about how he's feeling. The words seem out of place when he tries do describe what is on his mind. This might make him very difficult to get to know deeep down. Even if you find him easy to talk to, he's a person who requires time in the part of getting to know eachother. When he is frightened, he is impossible to talk to, or atleast have a conversation with. He won't answer you even if you shout in his ear. He can't find the way to control his fears and would easily let them take over.

Biography: Dimitri was born in a small town and grew up with his parents. For a long time he was loved and adored by the two, being treated like he was the only one who mattred. But as he grew older, his parents began to expect more from him. Better grades, taking care of himself as well as the house. There was nothing he could say against them so he just followed the simple rules. By the age of 15 his family traveled up north for a ski-trip which they all enjoyed, but it was all to turn on their way back home. The road was slippery and the darkness had just began to fall when his father who drove the car lost his concentration and drove off the road. The car was thrown out in the woods where they were left for a couple of hours before the help came. The ammount of time he spent locked inside a car with no way of getting out gave him a strong fear of cars. Especially since he was the only one that were concious back then. He and his father survived, but not his mother.

The years passed and he was accepted to a college in England where he studied abroad for a couple of years only to move back to his father just as he graduated. The moments come when he remembers his mother and the night she passed away and it is in those moments that he is most vulnerable.

Likes: Books, Novels and such. The moment when he's as focused as he can be. Oddly enough, school as well. Cuddly people.

Dislikes: Boredom, Spiritual people simply because he doesn't believe in such things. Also dislikes spicy food and cats.

Hobbies/Passions/Academics: To be honest, he doesn't have that many hobbies. But he dedicates his life to his studies. Once there is an upcoming test, you won't see him in a while. The subjects he favors is math, physics as well as biology. About a year ago he graduated from Oxford University in the UK where he studied medicine and left the school with almost all A's. But as he graduated, he quickly moved back home to help his father with simple shores and such.

During breaks and weekends, basically if there's no need to study, he will probably read some book or listen to music. His music taste include quite old music such as The Beatles, Oasis and Bob Dylan etc. Another thing he often does is take random strolls downtown or in the woods. Prefers to take his walks alone but if someone were to ask about tagging along, he wouldn't say no.

Childhood Fear: A strong fear of cars. By the age of 15 he and his parents accidently drove off the road on their way home from a ski trip. It was an awful sight, but somehow they managed to get out alive. At least Dimitri and his father. Nowadays he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder, meaning that he's extremely afraid of anything that has to do with cars. Once close to a car, he'll begin to coldsweat, hyperventilate, shiver and sometimes even cry. Some nights, he wakes up from terrible nightmares about the accident. Mostly about him being concious and locked inside a car, unable to get out. His way of calming down is to either study, go for a walk or pinch himself in his neck. Strangely enough it usually calms him down.

He also has a slight fear of needles, but not even close to his car phobia.

Ring: A simple black ring with a tiny line of green crystals.

Other: Jade green

Appearance: Despite his looks, he's actually quite mature, he just happens to have such genes. Wich is positive in some ways. Just below his jawline and reaching down his neck, multiple scars can be located, scars from the car crash when he was younger. If you look close enough you can find a scar on his bottom lip as well.

Dimitri is not unusually tall, he's about average height and is also average built. He's not as muscular as a bodybuilder, but his arms do have some texture to them. His eyes have a deep green shade and his hair is light brown. Always seen wearing the black hat that can be seen on the picture below.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/tumblr_ll7sv1SiOX1qhakupo1_500.jpg.b3b11d8dd2769e734fbe4e656646e155.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/tumblr_ll7sv1SiOX1qhakupo1_500.jpg.b3b11d8dd2769e734fbe4e656646e155.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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