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Realistic or Modern 3 different ideas


faerie sightings
I've already got a few rps going but I'm thinking about making another one. I have three options. I'll probably eventually make all of these anyway, but here they are:

  • Mokita School of Magic - basically a college for witches and wizards. I already have a lot of this one ready to go.
  • Cadence City - superheroes and villains with no ties to any comic/cinematic characters. Nothing made for this except a basic idea for a character.
  • Rising Tides, Shifting Skies (reboot) - a reboot of my zombie apocalypse rp. Gonna revamp it and add in a little more meat for the plot.

Any help with any of these is welcomed with open arms.

Feel free to check out my current rps as well!

My dear all thees ideas i see are of interest to me but if i chose any would be Cadence city or mokita school,the idea of a classic evil vs good is interesting to me,and the school of wizards in teaching as well. Both are fitting yes and would enjoy any of both. I thus have a few questions.

1.In mokita can RP'ers become teachers? or thus all are students?

2.in cadence what is thus the main goal of both sides? what are they fighting for?

As for helping in such i don't have much to offer but if there is anything i can thus help i would be glad to lend a faithful hand to help expand anything.
Eunoia said:
1- just students, i have premade teachers already.

2- no idea lmao i have nothing planned thus far.
well for the 2. maybe there goal would be the control over the city,the heroes try to protect it but the villeins try all possible to take over to expand there illegal deeds and "Evil" plans around near nations and cause havoc. I am not sure just suggestion some help.

but yes i am interested indeed count me in for any of the two i have mentioned! count me in!
Okay yeah that sounds really good??? I love. I was also thinking maybe the government starts hunting them and the villains have to work with the heroes to end the threat, but it's all basic ideas rn.

I'll let you know for sure when I start whichever one I start :)
That is a interesting plot indeed....the government gets tired of this hero and villain problem and hunts them down making both unite and take care of the government but such action makes a world wide problem as people think NOW heroes are villeins and cause a chain of problems.....yes indeed...sounds good??

thank you i will be waiting indeed,can i PM you? i have a pre-made villein and would like to see if the hero RP takes of if its good to be used.

This is a pretty old thread, I never got around to doing Mokita (I will eventually, I'm sure) but if you want a school setting with powers/magic, I'm doing a school for kids with gifts (mutants basically)!

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